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Screen Caps - Season One (3)

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9. Missing in Action (1.9)

Episode Title Magnum (Tom Selleck) Laura Frasier (Rebecca Holden) Magnum (Tom Selleck) & Lt. MacReynolds (Jeff MacKay)
Episode Title Magnum Laura Frasier
(Rebecca Holden)
Magnum &
Lt. MacReynolds
(Jeff MacKay)
Waikiki (1981) Higgins (John Hillerman) Laura's Vision Eric Tobin's MIA File
Higgins Laura's Vision Eric Tobin's
MIA File
Eric Tobin (Francisco Lagueruela) Moki (Remi Abellira) Higgins (John Hillerman) - Smiling Delta Block
Eric Tobin
(Remi Abellira)
Delta Block
The Ferrari (1978 308 GTS) Zeus & Apollo Magnum (Tom Selleck) John W. Newton (Lance LeGault)
The Ferrari
(1978 308 GTS)
Zeus & Apollo Magnum John W. Newton
(Lance LeGault)
Lt. MacReynolds (Jeff MacKay) & Magnum (Tom Selleck) Magnum (Tom Selleck) & Laura Frasier (Rebecca Holden) Magnum (Tom Selleck) & Laura Frasier (Rebecca Holden) T.C. (Roger E. Mosley)
Lt. MacReynolds
(Jeff MacKay)
& Magnum
& Laura Frasier
(Rebecca Holden)
Magnum &
Laura Frasier
(Rebecca Holden)
Laura Frasier (Rebecca Holden) & Magnum (Tom Selleck) John W. Newton (Lance LeGault) Diamond Head Lighthouse Laura Frasier (Rebecca Holden) & Magnum (Tom Selleck)
Laura Frasier
(Rebecca Holden)
& Magnum
John W. Newton
(Lance LeGault)
Diamond Head
Laura Frasier
(Rebecca Holden)
& Magnum
10. Lest We Forget (1.10)

Ens. Robert Wickes (Miguel Ferrer) Diane Westmore (Anne Lockhart) Episode Title Magnum (Tom Selleck)
Ens. Robert Wickes
(Miguel Ferrer)
Diane Westmore
(Anne Lockhart)
Episode Title Magnum
Judge Robert Caine (Jose Ferrer) Moki (Remi Abellira) Diane Pauley (June Lockhart) & Magnum (Tom Selleck) Tickler (Scatman Crothers)
Robert Caine
(Jose Ferrer)
(Remi Abellira)
Diane Pauley
(June Lockhart)
& Magnum
(Scatman Crothers)
Jessie (Patricia Herman) Robert Caine (Jose Ferrer) & Magnum (Tom Selleck) Diane Westmore (Anne Lockhart) Diane Pauley (June Lockhart)
(Patricia Herman)
Robert Caine
(Jose Ferrer)
& Magnum
Diane Westmore
(Anne Lockhart)
Diane Pauley
(June Lockhart)
Zeus & Magnum (Tom Selleck) Ens. Robert Wickes (Miguel Ferrer) & Diane Westmore (Anne Lockhart) Magnum (Tom Selleck) & Kiki (Elizabeth Lindsey) Maku (Sonny Ching)
Zeus & Magnum Ens. Robert Wickes
(Miguel Ferrer)
& Diane Westmore
(Anne Lockhart)
Magnum & Kiki
(Elizabeth Lindsey)
(Sonny Ching)
Pearl Harbor Attack Kiki (Elizabeth Lindsey) Robert Caine (Jose Ferrer) & Diane Pauley (June Lockhart) Diane Pauley (June Lockhart)
Pearl Harbor
(Elizabeth Lindsey)
Robert Caine
(Jose Ferrer)
& Diane Pauley
(June Lockhart)
Diane Pauley
(June Lockhart)
11. The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

Rick (Larry Manetti) Moki (Remi Abellira) Surf Ski Race Magnum (Tom Selleck) & T.C. (Roger E. Mosley)
(Remi Abellira)
Surf Ski Race
Magnum & T.C.
Breaking the
Fourth Wall
Rick (Larry Manetti) Charlie (Manu Tupou) Christine Richards (Gretchen Corbett) T.C. (Roger E. Mosley)
Rick Charlie
(Manu Tupou)
Christine Richards
(Gretchen Corbett)
Higgins (John Hillerman) Christine Richards (Gretchen Corbett) Thomas Magnum (Tom Selleck) Sidney Dollinger (Lew Ayres)
Higgins Christine Richards
(Gretchen Corbett)
Thomas Magnum
(Tom Selleck)
Sidney Dollinger
(Lew Ayres)
The Historic Walker Estate Makua (Sol Bright) Magnum (Tom Selleck) on T.V. Higgins (John Hillerman), Rick (Larry Manetti) & Magnum (Tom Selleck)
Walker Estate Makua
(Sol Bright)
Magnum Higgins, Rick
& Magnum
Christine Richards (Gretchen Corbett) Magnum (Tom Selleck) Rick (Larry Manetti) Charlie (Manu Tupou)
Christine Richards
(Gretchen Corbett)
Magnum Rick Charlie
(Manu Tupou)
12. Thicker than Blood (1.12)

Episode Title Renard (Andre Philippe) Magnum (Tom Selleck) The Guest House
Episode Title Renard
(Andre Philippe)
Magnum The
Guest House
Magnum (Tom Selleck) & Lt. MacReynolds (Jeff MacKay) Joey (Vincent Caristi) & T.C. (Roger E. Mosley) Magnum (Tom Selleck) Joey (Vincent Caristi)
Magnum &
Lt. MacReynolds
(Jeff MacKay)
(Vincent Caristi)
& T.C.
Magnum Joey
(Vincent Caristi)
T.C. (Roger E. Mosley) Pickup Truck Driver (Howard Kaohi) Waikiki Rick (Larry Manetti)
T.C. Pickup Truck Driver
(Howard Kaohi)
Waikiki Rick
Joey (Vincent Caristi) Magnum (Tom Selleck) T.C. (Roger E. Mosley) T.C. (Roger E. Mosley) & Magnum (Tom Selleck) - Fist Fight!
(Vincent Caristi)
Magnum T.C. T.C. & Magnum
Fist Fight!
Coast Guard Chopper & T.C.'s Chopper Coast Guard Lieutenant (Charles Lucia) Magnum (Tom Selleck) T.C. (Roger E. Mosley), Rick (Larry Manetti) & Magnum (Tom Selleck)
Chopper Chase! Coast Guard Lieutenant
(Charles Lucia)
Magnum T.C., Rick & Magnum
in the Ferrari
Federal Marshal (Michael Spilotro) Higgins (John Hillerman) Magnum (Tom Selleck) - Gorilla Mask Magnum (Tom Selleck) - Groucho Mask
Federal Marshal
(Michael Spilotro)
Higgins Magnum
Gorilla Mask
Groucho Mask

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