Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?


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Hawaii Five-O: Any Fans?

#1 Post by Little Garwood »

As someone who was born in 1971, I should have had some kind of contact watching Hawaii Five-O, which seemed to be on in primetime and syndication forever. But I never saw the show as a kid. I knew there was such a show, and I knew the theme song and the catchphrase "Book 'em, Danno!" was also known by me. But I never saw an episode until around 1989, when my grandmother was watching it every afternoon on our local affiliate station. I started tuning in and enjoyed the 1960s-70s atmosphere of the show, the interesting musical scores heard in many episodes and the emphasis on international intrigue-type stories. As a MPI fan, this was know as the "other" show that took place in Hawaii. I've since grown to love the show and have the first three seasons on DVD. I've become obsessed with the era since I gave it little or no thought as a child and I'm fascinated by the fact that Five-O took us through the entire decade of the 1970s and even into 1980, having ended its twelve-year run in April, 1980. If you watch the last couple of seasons, you'll see a MPI-ness creeping in. At least i do. The Estate was featured from almost the beginning, as were many actors and stock players who would later appear on MPI. The show's twelfth season is tantalizingly close to MPI, and one can almost envision the ferrai driving by as McGarrett and team take on the "Syndicate" or Wo Fat.

So, let this be a thread to discuss any and all things related to Hawaii Five-O!

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#2 Post by golfmobile »

I think this is a great idea, Little Garwood. I was not a H50 fan when it was on primetime (mainly because, and I'm REALLY giving away MY age here, I liked Jack Lord in "Stoney Burke" and H50 was very far from the character he played in SB [SelleckLover, do you remember this one?]). However, NOW I am REALLY enjoying getting the H50 DVDs from netflix and watching them, mostly to find scenery that was later used in MPI, plus since I have now fallen in love so much with anything Hawaii-scenery-related, I'll watch virtually ANYTHING about Hawaii (did anyone else watch that cop show that aired right after the Olympics [was it 2004?] -- I think it was just called "Hawaii" and I thought it was really good and was very disappointed when it just disappeared. It had a good "cop buddy" thing going with the leads, plus the real Hawaii actors and scenery, etc., etc.) -- anyway, on the love-anything-Hawaiian philosophy, I was CRUSHED when I bought ALL the old Warner Bros. "Hawaiian Eye" series and found out NONE of it was filmed on location (though I still enjoy the old 1960s WB detective series, of which H.E. was one]).

This post is ENTIRELY too convoluted to be the least bit comprehensible. But I'll vote for a minor H50 thread here, if James will spare us the space.

I think I should just quote Roseanne Roseanna Danna and say, "Never mind. . . . . "

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#3 Post by SelleckLover »

Yes, golf...I loved Stony Burke too! I love most anything in the Western genre! The Virginian, and Bonanza, Maverick, and was/is a huge Gunsmoke fan! Remember Sugarfoot? The High Chaparral? Paladin/Have Gun Will Travel? Loved them all!

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#4 Post by Little Garwood »

I'm "only" 36 and I LOVE all of those vintage Western shows! The Virginian is among my favorites, as is Bonanza, The Big Valley, Bat Masterson, et al. The Virginian had a great theme by Percy faith, too.

Stoney Burke has a hard-core following, BTW.

The WB shows with the exception of Maverick were pretty disappointing, though Bronco had a very catchy theme!

As for Five-O, I'll get around to posting favorite eps, as well.

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#5 Post by J.J. Walters »

Well said Garwood!

Oh yeah, I love me some HFO! Although, I've only seen a dozen or so episodes sporadically over the years. You gotta love the 70s Hawaiian setting, and Jack Lord is just great. What an iconic figure.

I recently an episode for the first time in years on CBS' web site. It was the second episode "Full Fathom Five" (1968). Kevin McCarthy is running around conning and killing rich widows on his boat (and quoting Shakespeare). There is this great "time capsule" scene on a beach involving McGarrett, a 60s conservative-type lawyer, and a group of hippies. Classic.
golfmobile wrote:..plus since I have now fallen in love so much with anything Hawaii-scenery-related, I'll watch virtually ANYTHING about Hawaii
Heh, me too! :)
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#6 Post by Little Garwood »

My First Season Top Ten--Always subject to change...

10) The Box
9) Six Kilos
8) …And they Painted Daisies on His Coffin
7) Deathwatch
6) Samurai
5) No Blue Skies
4) The Ways of Love
3) Up Tight
2) Cocoon (Pilot)
1) Once Upon a Time (two parter)

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#7 Post by Sam »

I too am a fan for the reasons mentioned.
James J. Walters wrote:There is this great "time capsule" scene on a beach involving McGarrett, a 60s conservative-type lawyer, and a group of hippies. Classic.

You know James,you don't hear the hippie word much anymore.


"I just got the word from HPD that a girl matching Sonny Mandel's description was seen by a cop at some kind of hippie joint in Manoa.


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#8 Post by IKnowWhatYoureThinking »

I remember seeing it a few times when I was a kid, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere in syndication. If I could find it I would Tivo a few to see if they peaked my interest.

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#9 Post by Sam »

You can watch some episodes on CBS.


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#10 Post by Little Garwood »

Don't know if this varies from store to store, but Target had S1 of Five-O for $19.99 this week. Made me want to buy it again!

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#11 Post by Carol the Dabbler »

SelleckLover wrote:I love most anything in the Western genre! The Virginian, and Bonanza, Maverick, and was/is a huge Gunsmoke fan! Remember Sugarfoot? The High Chaparral? Paladin/Have Gun Will Travel?
Sugarfoot and Maverick (two of my fifties favorites) were somewhat similar to Magnum -- they were action/adventure series with a lot of humor (almost "dramodies," though the word hadn't been invented yet). I loved Have Gun, Will Travel, too -- it was *so* serious!

I rarely watched Hawaii 5-0, but (like the pre-revelation Garwood) I knew it was there. The fellow I was dating in 1971 was from Hawaii, and wrote me a letter (this was back when people still did such things) while he was over there visiting his family. He told me about some excitement he had seen in the distance, some cars screeching around a school-yard at night, with a helicopter shining a searchlight on them, and joked, "There really is a Hawaii 5-0!"

A few months later, he and I happened to be watching a 5-0 episode, and there it was! What he had taken for a real-life police chase was actually the filming of a scene for Hawaii 5-0.

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#12 Post by golfmobile »

Western fans:

I also loved those old Warner Bros. westerns! I can still sing the theme songs to Maverick, Sugarfoot, Bronco (Layne), and Cheyenne (Bodey).

CTD (in any other forum, that usually means "Crash to Desktop" -- in essence, "the blue screen of death"),

What a cool story about the "viewing" of the filming of the H50 scene! I'm sorry to say, my only experience with Hawaii during my school years was "Hawaiian Eye," which wasn't even filmed in Hawaii. I had a roommate in the late 1970s who had just moved back from Lahaina (why would anyone come BACK?), but even then we didn't discuss it much. I didn't really get "hooked" on Hawaii till MPI. But I think I've made up for lost time with my current addiction . . . . .

I'm slowly accumulating the season DVDs for H50 but I haven't had time to watch them yet. If I can take a couple of extra laptop batteries, I figure I can watch them while flying over there!! I confess I find the acting rather dated and melodramatic, but I do love seeing the scenery! They sure used Robin's Nest (before it was Robin's Nest) a lot. I just can't wait to see it in person.

Oh, by the way, I contacted that vacation rental beach house that's just a few houses east of the Eve Anderson Estate -- the one that rents for $3,599 a week -- they're booked for the time we're going. Drat!! But I'm bound and determined that we're going to stay somewhere walking distance to Waimanalo Beach. I'm still researching and sending emails.

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#13 Post by Carol the Dabbler »

golfmobile wrote:CTD (in any other forum, that usually means "Crash to Desktop" -- in essence, "the blue screen of death")


In that case, maybe you'd better just call me Carol!

I've also been called CtheD in other forums (possibly to avoid the blue-screen curse!).

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#14 Post by golfmobile »


I certainly didn't mean anything offensive by it -- was just teasing as I see the actual CTD far too often with the way I keep futzing with my computer.

So Carol it is.

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#15 Post by Carol the Dabbler »

Hey, Golf -- it never occurred to me to be offended. I just don't recall ever hearing that meaning of "CTD" before -- it's sort of like finding out that your nickname means "dog's intestines" in Portuguese ....

But back to the fun stuff -- We never watched Maverick at home, because it was on opposite Ed Sullivan, which my father liked. (This is another bit for the "How Old" thread -- the days of one tv set per family.) So the only time I ever got to see Maverick was when I spent the weekend with a friend.

Back around 1980, a local station started showing Maverick right after Saturday Night Live, so I decided to make a real occasion of it, and called up to have a pizza delivered. When the show came on, I was totally astonished to find that I knew all of the lyrics to the theme song! They had apparently been hibernating in my brain for twenty years.

And like you, I can also sing the theme songs for Sugarfoot, Cheyenne, and Bronco (I did watch those regularly). Well, "sing" may be an overstatement ....

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