L.A. (2) (7.2)

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Re: L.A. (2) (7.2)

#61 Post by frao51 »

Yes, that is the logical conclusion, on the other hand there's so much information on the site, I think it's just an oversight ;)

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Re: L.A. (2) (7.2)

#62 Post by charybdis1966 »

I broke open my season 7 today and as
I don’t remember this episode at all from the initial broadcast so this was completely new to me.

Starting with the plus points:
My DVD has the hot tub scene so I’m already favourably inclined and the Cynthia character was NOT one of the many annoying female guest stars(I’m looking at you Carol Baldwin), that is they lied/hoodwinked TM, acted like princesses or were goofy in various other ways. She was quite sweet in a refreshing way and clearly pleasant on the eye.
On the question of chemistry I think there was enough of it - for an example of none look at Texas Lightning (ugh).
The references to the first episode (eg “work the lock, work the lock, don’t look at the dogs…….you looked at the dogs”) were fun.

HOWEVER: I felt the story was a bit aimless for parts and the soundtrack was trying to copy Miami Vice and the painfully dated saxophone playing whenever TM and Cynthia got friendly made me cringe.
At the risk of sounding like unreconstructed cro-Magnon man I found the story was too emotion/“relationship” heavy and this is not what I generally want to watch.

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Re: L.A. (2) (7.2)

#63 Post by Treadwell »

6.5 (Not So Good)
(both parts)

Dana Delaney is charming and delightful. But the show's a mess. Agreed on the many points in that regard already made.

I watched it on Amazon as a two-parter. No hot tub scene.

Another weird edit: early in part 2, when they're putting up posters, TC calls to someone and starts running across the street, then there's a dissolve to a different scene of him putting up a poster. It was jarring. Possibly another syndication edit, but it would've been better to omit the first portion entirely than have just a piece of it remain.

The writers were apparently aware of how workprints are marked for cutting in the film realm. But the TAPED documentary raw footage they were watching having video-generated edit point marks on the picture? Video editing doesn't work that way.

The man selling them a map of movie stars homes was completely pointless. I guess someone thought they needed another thing to place them in LA, but believe us, writers, we are well aware of that already.

Their argument when they reach the studio backlot was out of the blue. We eventually realize it's a sort of PTSD thing on her part, but it was strange cutting right from a daring escape to bickering.

The reveal that it's Burt Reynolds' trailer could've been directed better. There was no need for Dana's character to point it out... in fact, the line kills the joke. They should've just let the audience discover it when the name on the door is revealed to camera. And then, when they get inside, she says it again! Show don't tell.

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Re: L.A. (2) (7.2)

#64 Post by CanadianP1 »

I don't quite understand the point of this episode. It seemed like the script was half-finished or not fully thought out. There were so many loose ends and jumps in logic. Additionally, it didn't feel like a Magnum episode (as has been mentioned the sub-plot back in Hawaii seemed forced. Higgins handing out flyers? Don't absurd man!).

That said, there were many appealing elements and fun nods to the the history of Magnum that brought a smile (E.g. "28 and never been 18", "Work the lock, don't look at the dogs", the criticism of her lifestyle in the guest house).

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