Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the fifth season

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#46 Post by thechickinthemiddle »

Is it just me or do the opening credits to this episode have louder drums? I watched the opening to the previous episode for comparison. I know sometimes the opening theme would be altered slightly for only an episode, but this instance isn't mentioned on the episode page. :?:

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#47 Post by marlboro »

Yeah, the drums are pretty loud in the mix. At least compared to the dvd menu music and the opening credits of "All for One" part 1. "Compulsion" also seems to have louder drums.

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#48 Post by Rembrandt's Girl »

Dave Anderson wrote:
Rembrandt's Girl wrote:I just watched this one again last night on Encore and have to admit I haven’t seen this one in a while. There are a few episodes I typically skip and this is one of them. Anyway, I just read through everyone’s comments for this episode and I didn’t see this mentioned so maybe I’m nuts, but I got the feeling that Lacy was in love with George.

If you’re still with me, I think the writers establish this in the first scene with the adoring way Lacy looks at George when performing in ’54 (although the screen cap below doesn’t quite capture it like watching it does.) Then there are the emotions/actions/comments they have Lacy exhibit for George that to me seem beyond a friendship from 30+ years ago. Finally, and perhaps the most telling for me, the original title for this episode was “Secret Rainbows.” I can’t think of what else that title could have meant…or am I missing something and I’m completely embarrassing myself here?!

Anyone else think that? Next time you watch this episode, keep that idea in mind. Curious if anyone else sees the possibility.
I'm sure he was "in love" with George but not in a sexual sense.

The idea that men can and do have admiration and even affection for other men, as friends, without any homosexual or sexual aspect is sadly being obscured nowadays due to the fact we hear so much about homosexuality. Its perfectly normal for men to have admiration and affection, brotherhood maybe is a better term, for their best friend or other male buddy.

As for the rainbow aspect, this was in the mid-80s, rainbows had NO association with homosexuality or gay politics. This did not start until at least the 90s (and probably the late 90s). Rainbows were of course associated with Hawaii. They had nothing to do with sex or sexual politics during the 80s.
Oops, I'm only just now reading the reply above from 2104...

Of course men have admiration and affection for one another without it being sexual, as do women. My point was that I saw something different in the writers' story. I'm not "obscuring" anything... this is my point of view.

I also need to point out that the rainbow flag has been around since 1978 and indeed had a major association with homosexuality and the social movement when this episode was written... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#49 Post by K Hale »

My hope is that someday, western society can just accept that men have normal human emotions without there being a sexual element to everything. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) I almost feel like the term brotherhood was co-opted to describe this exact thing because we as a society aren't comfortable with it.

Wouldn't you say Magnum and Higgins, for example, love one another? It seems quite obvious to me, even though there is no romantic aspect to it.
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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#50 Post by brianw »

Pretty boring to me, sorry. Not much here to hold my interest.

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#51 Post by Nifty911 »

This goes down as one of the few episodes I couldn't follow. I watched it a few months ago and even after seeing it maybe a half dozen times I still couldn't follow it.

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#52 Post by nha trang »

I rewatched this one today and thought it was a stinker, unlike on my first viewing. The best thing about the episode is the banyan tree...I guess my taste has changed over the years!

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#53 Post by ENSHealy »

EPISODE: 5.18 Let Me Hear The Music

Famous guest stars: 1 Dennis Weaver
Image Image
Hawaiian shirts: 2
Tigers Cap: 1
Island Hopper shirts: 1
Shirtless Magnum:
Higgins Organizations: .5 Oahu String Quartet – only a half point since it lacks the usual “Anglo Hawaiian” moniker
Higgins musings:
Body Count:
Bullet wounds:
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
4th wall breaks:
Magnumometer: 5.5
Magnumometer Moments: https://vimeo.com/568234073

That is a truly horrific color combination Higgins is sporting. Surely the budget could have allowed for matching tops and bottoms?
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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#54 Post by charybdis1966 »

I saw this today and can only echo those who said Dennis Weaver plays a very likeable character.
I am so done with hillbilly stereotypes that Hollywood bombard us with nowadays “Oooh, look at the unsophisticated, rustic bumpkins ! What a bunch of rubes” and it was a pleasant change not to have to put up with this offensive portrayal of mid west and southern people.
I have no knowledge of country and western music (I like either heavy metal or 19th century symphonies) and should in theory have no interest in this kind of story but something about the humanity of Weaver’s portrayal spoke to me and kept me interested.

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#55 Post by Canman »

Watching this episode right now. Dennis Weaver is a great guest star in this episode. For some reason, the song Let Me Hear The Music at the end gets to me 🎶😢

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Re: Let Me Hear the Music (5.18)

#56 Post by Treadwell »

I gave it a 8.5, but if there were a 8.25 I'd have selected that.
The fight someone said was unconvincing, I found rather realistic for a couple of middle-aged guys whose prime sh*t-kicking days were behind them. And given how they reconciled so easily, they didn't really want to fight.
Granted, it was not on a grand scale one might expect for a 80s action series.

My only problem was Thomas using a pretense to have TC come with him to the bar. Not cool.

People sure didn't have a problem just showing up unannounced at the estate without having been let through the gate.

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