Tom Selleck Movies

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#16 Post by sophia »

Sorry I missed it
I thouht someone might have some information on the name

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#17 Post by Kahunagirl »

This past weekend, I was moseying around the local consignment store, waiting for them to take in my stuff, and found myself in the book/dvd section. Not a lot of dvds, but one caught my eye -- "Concrete Cowboys" -- starring Jerry Reed and TS. Since it was only $5, I splurged. With hubby and son away for the weekend, I set out to watch it as the warm-up for watching "Mr. Baseball" ($6 at the local supermarket a couple of months ago -- got "Quigley, Down Under" in the $5.50 bin at Walmart). Good thing I hadn't planned on it being the main feature. It was pretty bad. Apparently, it was a 1979 tv movie/pilot. TS played a modern cowboy, complete with Southern drawl, playing detective. Kinda "The Sacketts" meet "Magnum." Need I say more? At least TS was easy on the eyes!

Luckily, "Mr Baseball" was even better than I had remembered. And I do love "Quigley" ("Lady, you're half a bubble off plumb."), as well as "Crossfire Trail."


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#18 Post by sophia »


I've got "Concrete Cowboys" also.
These early works of TS are quite amusing.
He sure liked reading those encyclopedias.
Who can resist that smile.
:D sophia

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#19 Post by Kahunagirl »

Has anyone seen last year's animated "Meet the Robinsons" movie? Apparently, TS provided the voice for a character named Cornelius. The trailers seemed so odd (the dinosaur with the big head and little arms), that I was never interested in seeing it, but I happened to catch a YouTube clip that included a reference to Cornelius. One character asked the other what Cornelius looked like and the answer was "Tom Selleck" and then they showed one of those classic TS photos in a "frame." Gotta say it piqued my interest :wink:

Between that and the "Family Guy" Magnum scene, how much more iconic can you get?!


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#20 Post by grapeshot »

He's made some legal/political thriller movies for television that I've liked: Broken Trust, Running Mates, and Reversible Errors.

Then there's the romantic comedy, Love Letters.

Also, I highly recommend all the Jesse Stone movies (also made for TV). Unlike some made-for-TV movies, these have very high production values. For example, they're beautifully photographed. Not to mention that each one tells an interesting story.

I've seen some of those failed pilots that he was in, and he's perfectly fine in them. They're just badly written.

His only turkey, IMHO, is Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, where he plays King Ferdinand of Spain. I have a lot of admiration for Tom Selleck's talent, but he's obviously miscast in this movie. PLUS it's very badly written, and really awkwardly staged on the screen. There's a lot of high powered talent in the movie (Marlon Brando, for example), and nobody looks good in it.

I recently happened to see High Road To China, and from it you get a flavor for how Tom Selleck might have played Indiana Jones. It's not a hugely interesting movie but the character Selleck plays is interesting, and it's because of what the actor brings to the role. I found it tantalizing because it seemed to me that Selleck's Indiana would've been more Clark Gable-ish, which is an intriguing take on the Indiana Jones character. I have nothing against Harrison Ford in that role, but I can certainly see why Selleck was Spielberg's first choice. (And this observation will only make sense to someone who's seen some of Gable's better movies.)

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#21 Post by eeyore »

Re Chris Columbus, I read in an interview that TS is kind of bitter about this movie. The role was misrepresented to him and he thought it was a much larger role and he would appear in scenes with Brando. By the time he realized what a crock it all was, it was too late for him to back out so he honored his contract and chalked it up to experience.

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#22 Post by sophia »

"Meet the Robinsons" is a great animated movie.
Yes it has a picture of TS in it and you hear TS's voice too.
I have the movie, if you collect TS you've got to have this one.
I have to agree the Jesse Stone character is one of TS's best.
I could'nt sit through Christopher Columbus, not enough TS and
terrible movie.

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#23 Post by Kahunagirl »

According to IMDB ...

During the brief run of the late night "The Chevy Chase Show" (1993) on Fox, Selleck guest-starred and, as a gag, asked to be presented his 1993 Worst Supporting Actor 'Razzie' award for his performance as King Ferdinand of Spain in Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992). When the Razzie was actually presented to him on the air, Selleck took it in stride and asked the entire studio audience to "blow me a raspberry." Selleck thus became the third person in Razzie history to voluntarily accept one of the Worst Achievements in Film statuettes.


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#24 Post by sophia »

TS on a talk show said that the only good thing about doing Christopher Columbus was spending time with Marlin Brando. He said he was glad he did it because he had some great letters from Mr. Brando that he would keep forever. TS was only on air about 3 minutes in the film and he said
Brando only had about 5 minutes.
I cannot remember where or what show I saw him on when he said this,
but what he said about Brando made me remember it.

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#25 Post by eeyore »

I'm glad Brando was kind to him. :)

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#26 Post by Shermy »

He's often said that he knew the film was going to be a dud, but couldn't pass up the chance to work with Brando. He may have adopted this philosophy after the intitial disappointment, though.

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#27 Post by IKnowWhatYoureThinking »

I finally saw the Chinese Typewriter a few weeks ago. Not anything great, but you can see a little Magnum in it.

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#28 Post by maggiepoole »


Watch Ruby Jean and Joe last night. I love this movie! If Magnum was a rodeo cowboy, he would be Joe. Very sweet movie. It sucks that it is only available on VHS. I had to re-hook up my VCR. :shock: lol Guess there isn't much chance of it coming out on DVD?

I have been catching up on my Tom Selleck movies since my recent Magnum revival. Have to say I wish I would have skipped The Christopher Columbus movie. Maybe I should have read this thread first. :roll:

I really liked The Love Letter, In and Out, Running Mates, and of course Jesse Stone. Can't wait for the new one in May!
Trying to reach my full snail potential.

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#29 Post by SelleckLover »

My 2 favorite movie of TS's are Quigley Down Under, and An Innocent Man. I believe he does some of his best acting in both those movies! Although I think his acting is superb in all the Jesse Stone movies. But then again, I WOULD pay to watch him read the phone I guess I'm just a teensy bit biased!! :D :D :D

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#30 Post by Miss Q »


Let me know when the reading is and I will keep you company watching :P

Miss Q
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