American Gods


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American Gods

#1 Post by BWheelz54 »

Just wanted to plug the new FX series, "American Gods", based on the Neil Gaiman book. I'm a big fan of Gaiman's fantasy, and American Gods is my favorite of his stories, a novel filled with old gods struggling to find faith and relevance in the American new world. The premiere episode was just nuts, in a good, exciting way. Though be advised, I was surprised by some of the violence (which I just didn't really imagine from reading the book). I thought I might make a little post mentioning this show as it stars our friend, Ian McShane, whom we know from Season One's "Skin Deep" and Season Three's "Black on White." And of course likely a lot of us know him from "Deadwood."

So, go and check out "American Gods." As a fan of this kind of fantasy, I urge everyone to just fall in love with the show so that tv producers will be encouraged to make more of these kinds of shows. So I'm happy. And that's what matters. :wink:

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Re: American Gods

#2 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

BWheelz54 wrote:Just wanted to plug the new FX series, "American Gods", based on the Neil Gaiman book. I'm a big fan of Gaiman's fantasy, and American Gods is my favorite of his stories, a novel filled with old gods struggling to find faith and relevance in the American new world. The premiere episode was just nuts, in a good, exciting way. Though be advised, I was surprised by some of the violence (which I just didn't really imagine from reading the book). I thought I might make a little post mentioning this show as it stars our friend, Ian McShane, whom we know from Season One's "Skin Deep" and Season Three's "Black on White." And of course likely a lot of us know him from "Deadwood."
So, go and check out "American Gods." As a fan of this kind of fantasy, I urge everyone to just fall in love with the show so that tv producers will be encouraged to make more of these kinds of shows. So I'm happy. And that's what matters. :wink:
Hi BWheel,
This genre was never my thing but based on your review and the fact Ian McShane is in it I will give it a look see.
McShane was in such 1960's fare as Battle of Britain and If It's Tuesday It Must be Belgium but made his bones in the Lovejoy series from the 1980's. He played a semi honest antiques dealer named Lovejoy(based on the books) and the series was packed with many British character actors and beaut scenery.
It also revealed many of the tricks of the trade, such as the shady origins of the Antique Roadshow on PBS.
A bunch of dealers each with their own specialty would band together and go on the road, arriving in some small town, inviting the public to come in for free appraisals.
What could go wrong? First off, they were getting the public of their own volition and expense bring them potential jackpots without expending resources searching high and wide for valuable antiques. 97% of the stuff would be run of the mill, the dealers giving legit appraisals, but once in awhile some citizen would bring in a very valuable object. Say it was a silver set worth 50 grand, the expert silver dealer would say it was worth 4 grand, then a shill acting like just another onlooker, standing next to the mark with the silver set, would say "my late grandmom had a set just like that, I must have it" and offer 5 grand cash for it right now, under the table and tax free.
The mark is happy that he is getting rid of the old silver set he had in the attic and that he is both denying the government it's cut and getting a extra grand.
On a good day the traveling roadshow could make several such shady deals, making a fortune and splitting afterwards among themselves.
Lovejoy is run periodically on PBS stations.

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Re: American Gods

#3 Post by Steve »

I am watching if for no other reason than Ian McShane is in it and, it is on FX which in my opinion has an great track record on original shows.The show is certainly taking me on a wild journey so far, I guess I need to read the book. By the way, Ian McShane as Al Swearengen in Deadwood is the best performance in a TV series in history (my opinion of course).

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Re: American Gods

#4 Post by BWheelz54 »

Hey Dobie,

Thank you for filling me in about Lovejoy. I listened to an interview with Mr. McShane on a podcast a bit ago, and he talked about how fond he was of his character in Lovejoy. I am so glad you mentioned that to me because I forgot that I wanted to check that show out, and you description of it has me hooked. I'm hoping I might be able to find it on YouTube.

And I must say that American Gods has been very wild as well Steve. It really doesn't resemble the book much at all at this point, or maybe I just forgot what I read in the book. But I'm still enjoying it, and Mr. McShane steals the show in that series as well.

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Re: American Gods

#5 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

BWheelz54 wrote:Hey Dobie,
Thank you for filling me in about Lovejoy. I listened to an interview with Mr. McShane on a podcast a bit ago, and he talked about how fond he was of his character in Lovejoy. I am so glad you mentioned that to me because I forgot that I wanted to check that show out, and your description of it has me hooked. I'm hoping I might be able to find it on YouTube.
And I must say that American Gods has been very wild as well Steve. It really doesn't resemble the book much at all at this point, or maybe I just forgot what I read in the book. But I'm still enjoying it, and Mr. McShane steals the show in that series as well.
This forum continues to be my favorite place to go to find some good typing talk!
Hi BWheels,
You are welcome.
If you guys don't mind, a few short comments on Lovejoy, then I will limit myself here to posting about American Generals after I have seen a few episodes.
Set in East Anglia, Lovejoy took advantage of it's pubs, countryside and history, from the Celts and Romans thru the many American WW 2 bomber bases. Also trips to other iconic British sites, London etc., plus a 2 parter in North Carolina, which it turns out isn't a British colony anymore.
If you have ever been mystified by the lack of price tags in a antiques store, which instead have little stickers with a letter(s) on the objects, Lovejoy explains it all for you.
The stickers tell the dealer it's legit value, since he can't possibly be an expert in all fields and might forget what the book value he looked up says it's worth.
If you ask what 3 different objects marked "D" cost(but not all at once lest you alert the seller) and are told $400, then told one marked "A" costs $100, then you know the first letter in the alphabet represents $100, and the 4th letter is 4 times 100 or $400. Two "D's" and a "A" would be $900.
So if the dealer tells you an object with two "D's" and a "A" is selling for $1500, he figures your a dope and is over charging you by $600. Might take more than one visit to break the code but they are usually pretty easy as the store owner wants something user friendly, and it's almost always the one I just described. At least according to Lovejoy.

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Re: American Gods

#6 Post by Steve »

Is this coming back? It just seemed to end with episode 8. I have to tell you, between American Gods, this seasons Fargo and especially the new Twin Peaks on Showtime my head is about ready to explode!

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