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#1 Post by MagnumILWU »

There's a new PI on TV, and his name is Castle!
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Re: Castle

#2 Post by BWheelz54 »

Oh, I should so give Castle a try, only I don't want to put my brown coat away, and so I cannot put Captain Mal to rest and just let Serenity float all quiet like into the expanse of memory. Man, I just miss that Firefly tv show too much. Firefly is not up there with Magnum, but Firefly's one, short season makes my top ten favorite tv shows of all time.

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Re: Castle

#3 Post by MagnumILWU »

BWheelz54 wrote:Oh, I should so give Castle a try, only I don't want to put my brown coat away, and so I cannot put Captain Mal to rest and just let Serenity float all quiet like into the expanse of memory. Man, I just miss that Firefly tv show too much. Firefly is not up there with Magnum, but Firefly's one, short season makes my top ten favorite tv shows of all time.
In one Castle episode, he does dress up for Halloween as..., well you can watch the episode, and others! Check it out, it's a great show!
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Re: Castle

#4 Post by KingKC »

I just read an article that Castle will not come back for a ninth season now that Stana Katic (Beckett) and Tamala Jones (Laney-Medical Examiner) have been cut from the show for budget reasons. I, for one, was hoping the show would continue with Castle, his daughter, Alexis, the new girl, Haley and his mother, as a private detective firm frequently working with Javier and Kevin (the two detectives) on various cases. I would have watched it. I was tiring of the chasing of "LokSat" and the old, tired theme of who killed Beckett's mother. I really didn't care much for the two main characters marrying but that is just me since I like episodic shows more than serial shows. Maybe they would have had to "kill off" Beckett in the series finale (who knows?? they just might!!) to make my idea work. Thoughts anyone??


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Re: Castle

#5 Post by MikeS »

I agree with the general assesment of Castle, the relationship ruined the show (for me too), along with getting sidetracked with the themes of Beckett's mother, corrupt politicians, too many lies for a loving couple... So much had changed for the writers to salvage what would have been a great idea, that of Castle's new job as a PI or however labeled, in regular communication with Javy and Ryan.

I loved the show early on, it was fun, mostly light-hearted and escapest, my kind of tv. I have summed up my favorite Castle moments, when Beckett reminds Castle she has a gun, to stay in the car, or when she would pull him by his nose... and her short hair. I know Stana is nice looking but I was annoyed when they sex'd her up or put her in a high heeled shoe while at work - CoMon!!

Tonight, Mon. May 16 @ 10 PM is the Series finale - "Crossfire". I haven't tuned in for quite a while but I will tune in to see how they say goodbye..?

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Re: Castle

#6 Post by MagnumsLeftShoulder »

I've never watched Castle (I probably will eventually on Netflix), but I've been keeping up with the drama surrounding it. It sounds like the exact same thing that happened to JAG. David James Elliott was not going to return for an eleventh season and Bellisario was going to keep it going as a sort of spin-off with Catherine Bell's character. Some reports were that Elliott was fired for cost cutting reasons and other reports were that he did not want to do another season. Ultimately, CBS did not pick up the spin-off, so the finale of JAG had to be re-written and maybe re-filmed at the last second which resulted in a horrible grand finale.

Did the finale of Castle feel rushed and anti-climatic?

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Re: Castle

#7 Post by eagle »

MikeS, I agree with you. I loved Castle early on, but recent seasons have not been near as good. I have yet to watch the finale, but I'll catch it this week; after that, I'm down to one current-run show: Blue Bloods.

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Re: Castle

#8 Post by KingKC »

MagnumsLeftShoulder wrote:I've never watched Castle (I probably will eventually on Netflix), but I've been keeping up with the drama surrounding it. It sounds like the exact same thing that happened to JAG. David James Elliott was not going to return for an eleventh season and Bellisario was going to keep it going as a sort of spin-off with Catherine Bell's character. Some reports were that Elliott was fired for cost cutting reasons and other reports were that he did not want to do another season. Ultimately, CBS did not pick up the spin-off, so the finale of JAG had to be re-written and maybe re-filmed at the last second which resulted in a horrible grand finale.

Did the finale of Castle feel rushed and anti-climatic?
I did not know the issues with David James Elliott because I did not watch the original run of the show since I worked at nights back then. I got into JAG with the recent syndicated reruns which are now in their second run on INSP. I thought the ending of JAG was a little "milquetoast" on one hand but pretty logical and natural on the other hand. The coin toss was unique.

One of the things that I did not like about JAG was the same thing that wore on me with Castle (and to some extent NCIS and its sister shows). I like some escapism and adventure but the whole idea of international terrorism, political corruption, CIA etc. etc., just became a little too much for me in both shows and kind of ruined the "investigative" "solving the crime/mystery" aspects of the shows.


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Re: Castle

#9 Post by eagle »

KingKC wrote:I like some escapism and adventure but the whole idea of international terrorism, political corruption, CIA etc. etc., just became a little too much for me in both shows and kind of ruined the "investigative" "solving the crime/mystery" aspects of the shows.
Totally agree. I prefer episodic shows to serial ones, and it seems that ever since the success of Lost, ABC is turning every drama into a serial drama.

Sure, there are always running plots and character development, including repeat characters in Magnum, PI, but the each episode is self-contained and can be enjoyed separately from the others.

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Re: Castle

#10 Post by MagnumsLeftShoulder »

I did not know the issues with David James Elliott because I did not watch the original run of the show since I worked at nights back then. I got into JAG with the recent syndicated reruns which are now in their second run on INSP. I thought the ending of JAG was a little "milquetoast" on one hand but pretty logical and natural on the other hand. The coin toss was unique.

One of the things that I did not like about JAG was the same thing that wore on me with Castle (and to some extent NCIS and its sister shows). I like some escapism and adventure but the whole idea of international terrorism, political corruption, CIA etc. etc., just became a little too much for me in both shows and kind of ruined the "investigative" "solving the crime/mystery" aspects of the shows.

The thing that bugged me about JAG was all the "shipper" stuff and by the end, I thought they had turned Mac into such a witch that I couldn't stand her. Plus, the whole adoptive daughter thing felt like something from Little House on the Prairie :roll: . And it actually was a plot from Little House, the Ingalls adopted a boy played by Patrick Labyorteaux's brother Matthew.

As for serial vs. episodic, the best shows have good mix of both I think.

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Re: Castle

#11 Post by MikeS »

MagnumsLeftShoulder wrote:I've never watched Castle (I probably will eventually on Netflix), but I've been keeping up with the drama surrounding it. It sounds like the exact same thing that happened to JAG. David James Elliott was not going to return for an eleventh season and Bellisario was going to keep it going as a sort of spin-off with Catherine Bell's character. Some reports were that Elliott was fired for cost cutting reasons and other reports were that he did not want to do another season. Ultimately, CBS did not pick up the spin-off, so the finale of JAG had to be re-written and maybe re-filmed at the last second which resulted in a horrible grand finale.

Did the finale of Castle feel rushed and anti-climatic?
The JAG finale was fun IMO, escapist, unrealistic, but fun. The coin toss was great I thought. I'd wanted Chegwidden to make a final(e) appearance but JJ must have not been offered or turned it down.

The Castle finale, hmm, well, what can be said of a show that started out about a quirky writer but morphed into a full-blown cop show. I understand this of course, there are too few cop shows on TV today, those who solve crimes are under represented on the boob-toob. Actually, the finale was action-packed, but it was the very last few scenes that thru me, from out of the blue. I'll admit I was tired that night and might have been zoning out!!! I'd hoped (by now) other MMs would have chimed in about the finale... am I the only one who saw the finale, the only one who felt the very last bit came out of the blue, seemed a "last minute addon"..?

IMO the Castle finale needed 2 hours to make more sense, more time to wrap things up. IDK, if I see it again I might think differently but I was left mostly disappointed.
eagle wrote:MikeS, I agree with you. I loved Castle early on, but recent seasons have not been near as good. I have yet to watch the finale, but I'll catch it this week; after that, I'm down to one current-run show: Blue Bloods.
I would love to get your opinion of the Castle finale, I hope it replays soon... I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

I'd forgotten about Castle busting Beckett in the bathroom reading his book, her expression was priceless.

Blue Bloods, well written and acted but I really don't watch it much.

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Re: Castle

#12 Post by eagle »

MikeS wrote:I would love to get your opinion of the Castle finale, I hope it replays soon... I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
I thought it was okay. They did close out the series, and there were certainly some surprises in the episode. I thought the better episodes were in earlier seasons.

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