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#16 Post by Seaver41 »

final 8 episodes. technically, the final season is broken into 2 parts.

Freaking awesome show

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#17 Post by The Birdman »

Any of ya'll watch'n the last season? FREAK'N AWSOME!

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#18 Post by 308GUY »

Walt really put the "screws" to ole' Hank! It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

I don't see any "middle ground" for Walt...seems like he'll either have to buy the farm, spend the rest of his life in prison, or come out scott free and smellin' like a rose! Right now it doesn't look too good for him, even with having implicated Hank like he has, his cancer is supposedly back, so it's a kind of "what have I got to loose" situation for Walt.

Would be interested to hear other's speculations on how things will come out in the "end".
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#19 Post by The Birdman »

The 2 flash forwards from the opening last season and opening this season, show us that Walt must survive the big "C" and that he is still free in the future. I wunder if the flash forward is after he gets out of prison? Or he is a fugitive? Or?
I liked how the neighbour sees him and he turns to her and says "hello Carol" and she drops her groceries and looks like she has seen a ghost!

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#20 Post by 308GUY »

Yep, that was pretty funny!

Right now it looks like Jessie is on a mission to put Walt out of comission....for good. Looked kinda like he had an "epiphany" while waiting to be picked up for his "relocation" journey.

This whole series kinda makes me wonder what ole Vince did before he started writing screenplays! :D
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#21 Post by The Birdman »

Watched last nights episode. WOW! :!: "Who is this? Tribal police?"
The shoot out was very fake in that when the guy starts shooting the AA12 (full auto 12ga. shotgun) and Hank and his partner are not even hit. WTF? And the way Todd was holding his gun... even my mom said Todd looked like a total dork.
But still, best episode yet!

Jesse' words from the last 'sode must be haunting Hank 'bout now! "What ever you think is going to happen, the EXACT opposite will happen". "Mr. White... he is the DEVIL!"

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#22 Post by Seaver41 »

The Birdman wrote:Watched last nights episode. WOW! :!: "Who is this? Tribal police?"
The shoot out was very fake in that when the guy starts shooting the AA12 (full auto 12ga. shotgun) and Hank and his partner are not even hit. WTF? And the way Todd was holding his gun... even my mom said Todd looked like a total dork.
But still, best episode yet!

Jesse' words from the last 'sode must be haunting Hank 'bout now! "What ever you think is going to happen, the EXACT opposite will happen". "Mr. White... he is the DEVIL!" with 9 lives

I think my favorite scene from show might have been the unveiling of his money mountain to Skylar......that was awesome.

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#23 Post by KENJI »

I agree with the shoot out comment! Hank and Steve should've been hit or dead in the first few seconds with the fire power pointed at them, but that's tv and they left us hanging in the air for the next episode which is great tv. I was surprised Walt fell for the burning money trick and it would've been clever if he went to another destination and Hank met him there only to find Walt had out smarted him, but they are trying to wrap up the show so I get it. Walt should've at least asked Jesse for a picture of the surrounding area to verify he was really there and Walt should've known he could be tracked by phone and why did Jesse need him on the line if he was already there unless he was being tracked....hindsight is wonderful and when someone tells you that I'm about to burn your life savings you listen without thinking. I'm guessing at the end of the show that money will be no longer in Walt's hands...... either stolen, confiscated or it will remain entombed forever after Walt dies of cancer or a bullet illustrating that at the end of the day crime doesn't was all for nothing. I also think Walt is going to kill Jack and his posse, who are getting out of hand with the gun he picked up at the diner and possibly the ricin he got at the house or the ricin is his way out if things go bad for him. I think this show had at least another season left in it, but for whatever reason they are closing up shop. It will be great if they can get the Saul Goodman spin off series off the ground because he is funny! I can't wait for the next episode!

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#24 Post by Seaver41 »

holy Heisenberg Batman....that was fugazy. That is one brilliantly devious character. Thing is about that episode, once the unspeakable deed was done, I had this deflating feeling afterwards. Walty had now crossed the line of lines......there was no going back to the cat/mouse game he played. This truly is winding down. Writing has been tremendous...leaving open so many possibilities for the show's climax.

biggest question I have.......will we see Walt actually die or will that be an assumed eventuality? Or maybe a glimpse of his gravestone in the future?

One thing is for certain, he's not in Kansas any more.

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#25 Post by KENJI »

That was a good one!
I think Walt will definitely going after Jack and his posse now!! I'm thinking Jack will go to Marie's house looking for the info that Jesse coughed up and end up killing her...maybe the rest of the family too.It will be on the news and Walt (under his new identity) will see it sending him over the edge and bringing him back home once again to take care of business. I also see Walt saving Jesse one more time from Todd and Jesse returning the favour by turning the gun on Walt and killing him for letting his first girlfriend die without trying to help her. I can come up with a few more scenarios.......loads of possibilities!

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#26 Post by The Birdman »

KENJI wrote:That was a good one!
I think Walt will definitely going after Jack and his posse now!! I'm thinking Jack will go to Marie's house looking for the info that Jesse coughed up and end up killing her...maybe the rest of the family too.It will be on the news and Walt (under his new identity) will see it sending him over the edge and bringing him back home once again to take care of business. I also see Walt saving Jesse one more time from Todd and Jesse returning the favour by turning the gun on Walt and killing him for letting his first girlfriend die without trying to help her. I can come up with a few more scenarios.......loads of possibilities!
I think the whole knife fight scene may hae been faked by Walt and his old lady, then the phone conversation that the cops heard, same thing, it completely un-implicates the wife. I think they are home free. Marie, she'll probably get wacked, I never liked her anyways.
Jesse killing Walt? I think not. I imagine Walt walking off into the sunset at the end of the final episode. In fact I'll be seriously pissed if walt dies or gets caught. I have no idea if he will rescue Jesse or jesse dies or whatever.
We already know walt survives the cancer from the flash forward scenes, so I am thinking in like 10 years they will introduce either a movie or a new series "Breaking Bad: 10 years Later!" Walt can't die!
I don't even know why they are ending the series now? It is like the most popular thing on TV today!

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#27 Post by KENJI »

You might be onto something Birdman......maybe they are closing shop to go for the big bucks on the big screen...who knows, but it's too bad they are calling it a day. The phone conversation was definitely Walt's way of getting his wife off the hook....he knew the cops were there. Marie is going to die that is a given in my books. Okay....I came up with another scenario.....Walt hears that his blue meth which is his pride and joy is back on the streets and the purity is really high and then he realizes that the only one other than himself who can cook that good is Jesse which means that Jack didn't kill him after all and is going back on his word/ handshake. Jesse destroyed Walt's exit plan and his family so Walt will be taking care of business and cleaning house Jack, Todd, and hopefully Jesse. I don't Walt to die either, but if he the ending have Saul knocking on Skylar's door (where ever they are living as their house looked condemned in the season opener) and telling her the her long lost Aunt Hilda has passed away in Germany and left her some money :wink: :wink: ....Sky will click in that it is Walt's way of looking after the family and getting her the money and she did promise Walt that if he died that she would use the money to look after the family.

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#28 Post by KENJI »

I would say after the last episode that Jesse will be knocking off Todd for killing Andrea and Walt will get the privilege of killing Jack for executing Hank. I'm wondering now if Walt will turn himself in after cleaning up his mess, allowing his family to move on...before going in he will take the risin so he will die in a day or two.He can tell the DEA who really killed Hank, where is Hank's body, etc., etc......maybe Jesse joins him who knows. I'm hoping Lydia does hard time! I think the vacuum repair guy (wink, wink) will end up getting Walt's money to the family. I hope the final episode is 2 hours!!

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#29 Post by 308GUY »

Wow nailed most of the ending!

I didn't watch the entire marathon, but did catch bits and pieces throughout the airing.

It occurred to me during Sunday's broadcast sometime during the day, that Jesse was going to be the one left standing when all the smoke cleared.

What kind of hinted at it, was he was always kind of the "unsung hero" or "brains" of the outfit, even though Walt liked to think of himself that way, and just about everbody else wanted to believe they were more important than anyone else, but Jesse just kind of "floated" along and only wanted to be happy and feel good about himself. When they were trying to figure out how to get Gus's laptop out of the evidence room, it was Jesse who came up with "How about a magnet?" :) And when they were trying to figure out how to get hold of the methlamine (sp?) from the train, it was Jesse who came up with "What if they didn't know it was gone?" :) He was the one who seemed to feel the worst about the 12 yr. old boy being offed, and just seemed to have more of a sense of fair play than Walt or anybody else, at least that's what I got. From the start, Jesse was the one most involved with the operation, at first, he just wanted to get high, then it must've been about making money, and that's what it always was for him. He didn't get into the power trip like Walt did, and most of the other folks encountered along the way.

All in all pretty good job of wrapping up most of the loose ends. Seemed like Walt did have kind of a change of heart at the end there, after all, he did shield Jesse from the onlslaught of Walt's machine gun machine! :magnum:

Ok, I'm done rambling for now.

Sounds like the boxed set with 55 hours of bonus material will be a good seller!
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#30 Post by KENJI »

Well it's over.....or is it.....we see Walt on the ground of a warehouse with a bullet wound and his eyes still open at the end. It reminds me of another show.....Magnum PI when Thomas is shot and presumed to be dead.....hmmm....wishful thinking as Walt's cancer was finally closing his door on life. The writers did a good job of tying up loose ends. Great to see Walt and Jesse getting revenge for Hank and Andrea. Sky, Holly and Walt Jr. will be okay in a few years with lotto ticket bargaining chip and 'generous donation' :wink: from Walt's billionaire friends. I was hoping Lydia would do hard time, but death by risin is a close second....well done Walt....taking care of family and business!!

On a side note.....I saw a quick clip of an interview with Bryan Cranston and the topic was how tv has changed and grown an edge and his comment was you couldn't write a show like Magnum PI (1970 writing standards) for today's viewing audience....(his words aren't verbatim, but you get the picture). I wish the clip was longer, but thinking about it.....back in the 70's there is no way you could write the scripts that are being done today, way too risky and over the edge, but today we demand it. It would be very interesting to see what Magnum PI storylines would look like in 2013 if the show was just beginning now.....I found it interesting that Bryan referenced Magnum PI and also help produce the final episode of Breaking Bad.....hmmmm....maybe there is a connection and Walt isn't dead.......if he wakes up and asks for some stout we will know for sure. Joking aside Walt did make a great comment to Sky.....he said it is over and he needed a proper goodbye which sounds like the end to me!

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