The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#76 Post by Higgins (aka Bondtoys) »

Thanks again, Doc Ibold,

a great opportunity to browse thru the episode in my mind reading them.

I really enjoy it!

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#77 Post by Doc Ibold »

Italian Ice:

I was running a late to the estate, after a night out with Kiki's family. Kiki's grandfather Maku and I got into a beer drinking contest. Needless to say, I lost and was a little fuzzy when I arrived. As I pulled up, I noticed Magnum's girlfriend Margo was at the gate.

Higgins seems to like her, as she is much more refined than most of the women he brings to the estate. They're also acquainted from having worked together in planning last year's production Romeo and Juliet before Higgins resigned in protest after Lydia Shaftsbury proposed doing it as a Samoan motif. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed because I was cast as Mercutio but left when Higgins resigned. But, like Magnum, one has to count their blessings and know what side their bread is buttered on.

I let her in the gate and we exchanged greetings and small talk. She seemed a little bit perturbed and we parted ways as I left for the potting shed and she went to the guesthouse. I wasn't sure she would find Magnum there, as he was called away by Mr. Masters on an urgent task a few days ago.

As I went about my duties on the estate, I ended up learning that Magnum was indeed back and he had brought a guest of sorts. I ran into her as she was walking towards the guest house in a bikini with a large breakfast platter. I had little time to wonder what Margo's thoughts were on the guest, when I saw her hurriedly leave the guesthouse with tears in her eyes.

The bikini-clad visitor's name was Katrina Tremaine and apparently her family was very close with Mr. Masters. Higgins seems to be acquainted with her as well. From my perspective, she seems friendly enough with Higgins, but sometimes treats him like a second class citizen. I didn't appreciate it, as while Higgins is a servant of sorts, he is far more cultured and courteous than most of the people of means who visit her. She doesn't even acknowledge my existence, save for a curt nod.

Regardless of her feelings towards me, she strikes me as being a little unhinged. I was putting down some mulch around the guesthouse and saw her sleeping on Magnum's steps. When I went to wake her up she snarled at me and told me to leave her and Thomas alone! I apologized and left, but as I turned around, I saw her staring daggers at me.

Magnum came out soon after that and must have tripped over her as he sprawled onto the lawn. She followed him all the way to the Ferrari. Magnum was polite but seemed a little dismissive of her fawning. He soon left, with her staring at him even after he left the front gate and pulled onto the road. Not much later, Katrina left in the Audi with Robins camera case. I asked he where she was going and she told me that good servants are seen and not heard.

Magnum returned in the Audi with Margo, looking like things had been patched up. He got out of the car and started examining the front fender. It looked from afar that he had somehow damaged it. A shame, after the body work had been redone after his amnesia incident a few months ago.

Higgins, as expected, didn't take the news well. I could hear his bellows across the estate. I did have some relief in that he used the three step release system I taught him.. Manifested in a hearty "Oh My God!" When I went to look at the car, there was a huge gouge in it! Higgins had a point of being irritated. It looked like someone had taken a knife and slashed it, as opposed to a traffic accident.

Margo was sunning herself on the estate, and TC even came by for a visit in the chopper. I waved and he tilted his rotors at me. Or most likely Magnum and Margo. Katrina had returned to the estate by that point and was spying in the two of them. The look she gave Margo turned my blood cold. I decided I should extend my duties at the estate until she left, just to be safe. Especially since Margo was spending the night.

The next morning came and I found a shredded photo in the compost pile in the potting shed. It took me some time to piece it together and I could tell that it was a photo of Margo. And the picture itself didn't look torn so much as ripped and cut. The tears were jagged and uneven, with some pieces hanging by a thread or curled up. There was only one person with access to the estate who would have done that.

Higgins was away at a cricket match, but I resolved to meet with him as soon as he returned. I avoided Katrina like the plague and was relieved when she went into the main house. I figured I could do some chores around the guesthouse to make sure she didn't try to break in. From the guest house, I hear a car door slam and it was the Audi. I decided to make one quick trip to the potting shed, and it was a decision I soon regretted. I heard a single shot come from the main house, and then ran towards it. I saw Katrina emerge with a gun. I went to stop her and she shot me in the leg! She muttered that no one would stop her and Thomas from being together, least of all a Gardner. She left in the Audi. I tried to crawl to the main house but ended up passing out in the driveway from the pain.

When I awoke, I was in the hospital next to Higgins. He had been shot as well. Magnum and Margo had come to visit us, as did Rick and TC. Apparently Katrina had waylaid Margo during one of her classes, and if not for Magnum, she would have died. Katrina had been sent to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. I privately hoped they would throw away the key.

During our stay, Higgins told me many many many stories of his adventures but also privately related to me that the gouge must have been caused by Katrina and he should probably give the Ferrari back to Magnum.

A week passed, and I went back to the estate to supervise the temporary groundskeeper who Higgins had graciously hired to maintain the grounds as I recovered (with full pay to me during that time!).

Magnum and Margo had emerged from the guest house, and Magnum related how he had won a bet with Higgins and had use of the Ferrari back. He looked so pleased with himself (as did Margo) that I didn't have the heart to tell him that Higgins was going to give it back anyway.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#78 Post by 308GUY »


Good show Doc....can't think of any that have been better!

Still reading...still enjoying your work.
"C'mon TC...nothing can go wrong!"

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#79 Post by Doc Ibold »

One More Summer:

Hawaii in and of itself doesn't have seasons like the mainland does, but it does have one season that gets me going. Not a rainy season, or a dry season.. But football season!

I like college football, and I always make sure to save enough to get season tickets to the Warriors. I'll take my nephew to a few games, and occasionally even Magnum, Rick or TC. I took Higgins once, but he spent most of the time lecturing me on the fundamental roots of football lying in Rugby. He seemed unaware of the ire he was raising in my section, so needless to say I haven't invited him back.

But, like Magnum, I too have an passion for big cats that hail from Detroit. He loves the Tigers, I love the Lions. How can a Hawaiian not root for a team that has its colors as Honolulu Blue and Silver? Plus growing up, I always enjoyed the glory days of Doak Walker, Bobby Layne and Joe Schmidt.. Even going through the leaner years, we always had Lem Barney, Alex Karras, Dutch Clark, "Night Train" Lane, Dick LeBeau and Charlie Sanders! I'm really excited about the running back they just drafted out of Oklahoma, Billy Sims. I just love the High Stepping and it brings me back to the old days. It's rough work being a Lions fan and you're the butt of a lot of jokes, but this year I think they'll make it to the Super Bowl! If I were the Lions front office, I'd make sure they only draft running backs out of the state of Oklahoma. Who knows, maybe they'll find one better than Billy when he hangs it up?

So, it was really exciting for me to find out that Magnum and TC both played football in college (as quarterback and Tight End, respectively). I always thought that was a little odd, as Magnum has the build of a receiver and TC looks like the prototypical linebacker. We get together and watch football when we can and Magnum will "sometimes" share some of his Old Dusseldorf instead of Coops. I say "sometimes", as he tends to hoard it as apparently "it's very hard to come by on this part of the island". I guess so, because I've never heard of it. But then again, no one outside of Hawaii (actually this estate or the KKC) has ever heard of Coops either, so I guess I shouldn't be so critical of beer availability.

But, I digress. The main reason I was so excited was that my brothers old friend Jack Metro was hosting the New Jersey Blazers at his estate! He knows what a huge football fan I am and invited me to the pre-training camp party. I brought Kiki, and it was nice to see everyone, even though I'm not really a huge fan. I met Dorsey Bramlett, the quarterback who was recovering from shoulder surgery (and was a complete lush and shamelessly flirting with Jacks wife).

We also met Clarence, the assistant coach who looked like Dick Butkus. When I mentioned this to him, he looked around and whispered "Shhh, don't tell anybody!" and walked off. I also learned, he DOES NOT like to be called Dumbo. We decided to leave after Dorsey tried to hit on Kiki. I wasn't having any if that, so we left before I got into a fight with him. It also didn't help that Delbert, the backup QB and his wife approached KiKi and I and asked if we were living in sin. Later that night, Jack called to thank me for coming. He also told me that someone had shot at Dorsey!

I can't say that I blame them. Unfortunately, it had happened while Dorsey was in Jack's car, so he asked if I knew anyplace that would repair bullet holes. I almost referred him to Higgins or TC for advice, but thought better of it.

The next day, I took my nephew Luke to the training camp portion that was open to the public, and I saw Magnum of all people walking out with Dorsey! Dorsey had sobered up enough that he was signing things for fans, and Luke got an autograph! There was a creepy looking guy there who stared off at Dorsey in a way that made me think of Katrina Tremaine. I rubbed my leg, then left.

When I came to work the next day, Higgins had told me that Magnum had left the estate to try out for the Blazers! One would think that would make him ecstatic, but he seems to be walking around in somewhat of a daze like he doesn't know what to do with himself.

On a sad note, I saw in the paper that Jacks wife, April had been shot! That's two things related to Jack Metro and guns. I know it couldn't have been him, as he left shortly after the party for a business trip.

A few days later, Higgins finally gave in and decided he was going to visit Magnum "to bring him his mail." Simple truth, I think he misses having Magnum around. I know I do.

Magnum soon returned to the estate. It turns out he had been cut. It also turned out that he was working undercover to figure out who was trying to kill Dorsey. That had to be a Herculean task, as the guy certainly didn't play well with others. TC had also tried out, and it looked like he was going to make the team.. Or at least play in a preseason game vs. the PAC-10 All Stars. Rick stopped by to drop off some tickets that TC had given me to take Luke to the game. It's always fun to see someone you know play, so for one night only, I was going to be a Blazers fan.

The game was actually very disappointing. TC didn't play, nor did Clyde Stromsky. Dorsey came out and was in a few series, but then he blew out his shoulder after throwing a touchdown pass.

It was only after talking with Magnum and TC that I learned what happened before the game. I guess even the locker room is a dangerous place! The owners wife was eventually tried and convicted of attempted murder, and also had an investigation by her insurance company. Sometimes it's best just to watch from the sidelines.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#80 Post by Doc Ibold »

Texas Lightning

I had been neglecting my duties at the KKC and decided to ask Higgins if I could focus my efforts there for a few days. Being as it was for the club, Higgins enthusiastically agreed and put together a to-do list.

When I arrived, Rick and TC were in the office talking with a woman named Jeannie Lowry who was looking to hire Magnum. She was a high stakes poker player from Texas, and needed a bodyguard for a game she was going to. Rick and TC seemed skeptical, and invited me to play a hand with her to test her story. Her story checked out, and after a few hands of the fastest dealing I have ever seen, I excused myself to start my work.

I saw Magnum running on the beach, and I stopped to wish him a happy birthday and tell him that Rick and TC were in the office. I had to go back to the estate to pick up some tools, so I took Magnum with me as he seemed to be in a hurry to get back.

When we got there, he made a beeline to the potting shed to talk to Higgins (Which was odd to say the least). They had a brief conversation and then Magnum went with him to the main house. I stopped by the guest house later that night to drop off his present. He was wearing a tuxedo that he told me Robin Masters gave him! I felt a little ashamed as all I had gotten him was a 12 pack of Old Dusseldorf. It WAS very hard to come by. He thanked me very graciously and told me to leave it in the main house for now and to stop by one night and watch a game.

The next morning came, and Rick and TC came by looking for Magnum.. Or I suspect details of his winnings so they could collect past bar tabs and gas money. Magnum hadn't come back yet, so decided to wait. And wait they did. Much to Higgins annoyance, they stayed at the estate all day and elation soon turned to worry, and worry turned to concern.

The concern was justified when Higgins received a call from Mr. Thompson whose boat Magnum and Jeannie had been on. It turned out that they had left on a launch extremely intoxicated and the boat had blown up with no survivors.

The next few hours are a little hazy, but I'll try to remember as best as I can. Higgins, Magnum and TC had gone to the study to reminisce about Magnum. I joined them with the 12 pack of Old Dusseldorf and we shared laughs and tears between Rick and I finishing off the Old Dusseldorf. I ended up sitting at Higgins desk (which he let pass this one time) resting my head and eyes to keep the room from spinning. Rick had moved to whiskey and Higgins was sipping a Brandy. Rick was getting emotional and downing toast after toast to Magnum, when Higgins proposed that he didn't think Magnum was dead.

He also proposed that they set up a search party to look for him in the morning.

I woke up the next morning with Higgins shaking me and a cup of coffee. My head felt like an atom bomb went off in my head. I'm not much if a drinker, so I was feeling the effects. Rick was snoring away on the couch and Higgins moved to rouse him. After we were all ready, Higgins had me man the estate in case Magnum came back, or news from Mr. Thompson or the Coast Guard called.

Rick and Higgins left for Island Hoppers, where TC was presumably waiting.

What happened next was both one of the happiest moments I had on the estate and one of the most bizarre stories I had ever heard (And thats including a lifetime of Higgins stories). Magnum was alive and well, which was more than I could say for his Tuxedo. It turns out Jeannie Lowry was a KGB agent in deep cover who had steered them to a deserted island for a Russian Sub to pick them up. It turns out Thompson had secret defense plans she was to steal and turn over to her superiors.

Higgins and Magnum debated on what to do with her (as she was in the hospital) after the battle with Thompson (who was going to sell the plans to another country) and was killed in a Helicopter crash. Magnum eventually left for the hospital to convince Jeannie to turn herself in, but she had already left. Luckily, Magnum found the microfilm and turned it over to the US Government.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#81 Post by J.J. Walters »

OMG! This is so awesome!

You rock, Doc! :)
Higgins: It's not a scratch! It's a bloody gouge!

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#82 Post by 308GUY »

J.J.Walters wrote:OMG! This is so awesome!

You rock, Doc! :)

"C'mon TC...nothing can go wrong!"

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#83 Post by Doc Ibold »

Double Jeopardy:

There are times on this estate where I feel like I'm living in the middle of a movie. There is often high drama, slapstick comedy, beautiful women, fast cars, exciting stories, fights, romance and revenge. Little did I know that our beloved estate would soon become the set for one.

I'm not sure why no one had ever thought of using it before. It's glamorous, has a great amount of property and its location is paramount. The only drawback is that if I ever get down to pitching "Kenji, PI" it'll seem like I took the idea from Tahiti Kill. But, it IS Robin Masters estate and he did write the book, so I guess he gets first call.

(Side note: I know Magnum hates the term "P.I", but it sounds so much better as "Kenji, P.I." than "Kenji, Private Investigator".)

But, back to the beginning: Robin Masters had determined that the final scenes of the film based on his latest book, "Tahiti Kill" were to be filled at the estate. Higgins wasn't pleased with the idea, nor was I. I mean, it would be great to see firsthand how a movie was made, but I had enough trouble bringing the estate back from our invasion of the ballerinas a few months ago (Not to mention a lump on the head). A full on movie shoot was going to keep me busy for at least a month after the wrap.

But, I asked Higgins if I could sneak Kiki and my sister, brother-in-law and nephew in for a few days and Higgins allowed it. Magnum was gone on a case, and we got a few days in before the final scenes were to be shot. That's when the fun started.

Higgins and the production team were in discussion regarding a stunt double for the films star, Jack Martin. Higgins with a certain gleam in his eye thought it would be a splendid idea. My guess if the estate was to be abused, so should its security chief. At times I think Higgins is in charge of keeping the estate safe and other times, Magnum is. Either way, it seems to change by the week. I just keep my ear to the ground and tell both of them when I discover something. That then, invariably turns into an argument about who should handle the issue. When I can, I fix some of them myself just to save myself the aggravation.

I didn't envy Magnum, as he'll have to take some wicked bumps from the Sushi brothers...two martial artists who seem to have nothing else but fighting on their mind. Plus it didn't help that the previous stunt double took a header off the roof and was now in traction. But back to the eponymous Sushi Brothers. I have never heard either one speak. They just sort of grunt offscreen and yell onscreen. I made the mistake of tapping one of them on the shoulder and received a sunset flip onto the grass for my trouble. When I dusted myself off, I asked them if they thought it was a little stereotypical calling themselves the Sushi Brothers. Without a word, they grabbed a fish and a knife from craft services, diced off some excellent sashimi in the span of 20 seconds and went back to sparring. So, I guess that was that!

Magnum made his return in impressive fashion by scaling the gate and tackling one of the actors interrupting the scene. It was like watching a scene with Magnum and Higgins. Magnum annoyed, but trying to explain and getting berated all the while because of it. His annoyance seemed to grow once they sized him up for his stunt role. He was led into the house before I could warn him of Higgins scheme.

Rick was hanging around the estate with TC, who was taking in some helicopter work flying Olivia Ross and Jack Martin about. Rick seems to have an idea about getting into the movie. He keeps asking me to run lines with him, but I seem to always be coming back from fertilizing the lawn with manure. Funny how that works out. He spent most of his time in the guest house rehearsing. I can hear him, and he should stick to his day job.

To my surprise, Magnum took the stunt role! I do think the fact that he has a crush on Olivia Ross helped sway his decision. For the first time in my life, save for maybe when he was with Michelle that one night, Magnum was, to use a phrase.. "Googly Eyed"

Filming was uneventful for a short while. Takes began then ended for the most minuscule of reasons. TC echoed my thoughts when he muttered that it was boring. Later, it was became anything but boring. Jack Martin ended up getting shot by Olivia Ross with live ammunition! She was shocked and horrified once she realized it wasn't an act.

Mr. Masters was furious, yet concerned. He enlisted Magnum to investigate. The director and producer seem completely callous about the entire situation, while the films crew was very broken up, including the prop master. Lt. Tanaka came to investigate as well. I have a feeling between he and Magnum, this will resolve itself sooner rather than later. Even I wasn't immune from examination. I did think it was strange about all of the interruptions before the final take, but I kept that to myself. I had heard and witnessed that actors were a strange bunch. So something odd to me could be completely normal and egocentric for them.

Mr. Masters, in a move I totally disagreed with allowed the movie to continue. It's was where Magnum was filing his stunt work (or, getting beat up and reshooting the scene in an infinite loop, as it were). While I know Higgins likes Magnum and his friends more than he'll admit, he REALLY REALLY enjoyed watching Magnum get his behind whipped by the sushi brothers and the lads. He settled in next to the cameraman and pointed out the most minute flaws in the scene wardrobe or lighting. He even invoked some of his war stories to point out areas where the fighting could be more authentic. At one point, he left for the main house to grad a snifter of brandy and a cigar. And for all that time, he sat there with a little grin watching as every bottle of wine stolen, missed service check, scrape, abrasion or misuse of the Ferrari and club indiscretion was pounded out of Magnum bit by painful bit.

As I was doing some preemptive cleaning, I noticed Miss Ross head to the guesthouse where Magnum was lying in bags of ice, I imagine. I couldn't help but wonder if the crush was somewhat reciprocated from Miss Ross' part. As Kiki has told me, Magnum is a handsome man (with a little growl for effect), so it's not out of the ordinary that she would be interested in him. But Olivia Ross seems more like the "lifetime love of Higgins, lost in the war" or something like that.

Lt. Tanaka soon rang at the gate and I let him in. We had a few words, but he excused himself to attend to official business.. Which I would soon find out about. A few minutes later, he led Olivia Ross away in handcuffs. Magnum followed like a little puppy. Either she is an innocent woman as a victim of circumstance or is as great an actress as purported to fool Magnum, who despite his exterior is as sharp as they come.

I was leaving for the night when Magnum returned. He seemed almost desperate when I saw him. I decided to tell him of my suspicions of the events leading up to the shooting. He looked at me strangely, turned and went to the guest house. He would probably interrupt another rehearsal of Rick Wright, legendary thespian.

Olivia Ross was released the next day. She stopped by the estate to speak with Magnum and then left. Higgins then told me that Jack Martin seemed to be coming out of his coma as they were going to the main house to watch the dailies. Magnum then sped off in the Ferrari.

When he returned, he looked like a man defeated. He went to the hospital and caught Olivia Ross trying to kill Jack Martin. It turned out that perception and reality were one and the same and Olivia DID shoot Martin. He had called Lt. Tanaka once he figured everything out from the dailies in order to hear the confession and she was booked once again on attempted murder.
Last edited by Doc Ibold on Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#84 Post by Doc Ibold »

The Last Page:

A man named Taylor Hurst came to the estate today while Higgins was out. He said he had business with Magnum and asked if he could see him to inquire about his investigation into his missing girlfriend. Magnum wasn't in at the time, but he persisted and said he was a friend of TCs. I called Island Hoppers and got TC, and he confirmed the story.

TCs recounting of the story mirrored what Hurst had told me, so I let him in and led him to the guest house. Magnum arrived soon after. Taylor soon left and Magnum left to find Higgins. Higgins, unfortunately was testing his cannon for the upcoming regatta. The case must have been really important to Magnum, as he was soon volunteering his services at the club as Higgins assistant... Gratis!

Higgins agreed, and Magnum spent most of the next two days collating Higgins' files. When he finally left, he returned somewhat stiff and bent out of shape. He stopped me and told me he had Rick following a lead, but he asked me if I knew someone named Cam Chung. I generally find that whenever one of Magnums cases involves anything remotely Asian, he asks me if I knew anything about the person, place or thing like I am the Yellow Pages/World Almanac of the East. But, I humored him and said that I didn't know anything about him, save for the fact that it was rumored he was involved in drugs and was a very dangerous person, as word had it. He thanked me and mentioned that he was up for membership in the KKc. He left for the guesthouse when Rick limped in.

I decided to go and talk to Higgins. The KKC is an exclusive club, but it shouldn't harbor people who are so strongly rumored to be connected with illicit dealings. He said he would take it under advisement as part of the interview process on Cam Chungs island.

The day of the interview came, and as Higgins was leaving, I strongly asked him to consider my position on the interview. I also said I would get a few other people to corroborate my statements. He thanked me and then left.

When Higgins and Magnum returned, they were both singed and cut up. It turns out Taylor had followed them to the island and set a trap to blow up Cam Chung in revenge for killing his best friend during Vietnam. Magnum coaxed Higgins away, but not before Taylor blew up the gazebo with himself and Cam Chung.

It was a sad ending to a sad tale, as by being so blinded by revenge and hate, Taylor inadvertently made a widow of Mary Kanfer twice over, as was my understanding from Magnum

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#85 Post by Doc Ibold »

The Elmo Ziller Story.

In all my years of knowing Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, I have come to two conclusions. 1) He is a proud, if not stubborn man with many redeeming qualities and 2) He is an intensely private man who only divulges what he wishes you to know.

Imagine my surprise when he invited me to a dinner at one of Hawaii's most exclusive clubs and introduced me to his niece, an American named Lexie Ziller. It turns out that Lexies father, Elmo was Higgins half brother. He surprisingly didn't go into detail at this bombshell, as all I had know was that he had a sister back in England.

He informed me that Elmo was ambushed back in Texas, and was missing, presumed dead. Lexie protested vehemently, but from the look in her eyes the thought of her father being deceased wasn't far from her mind. He also informed me that Lexie sought him out in order to protect the Ziller family business, "Bronco Elmo's Authentic Texas Rodeo and Old West Roundup" while it was on a stop in Hawaii. He was going to be going undercover, posing as Elmo in order to prevent Elmo's ex-wife Marcella from laying claim to the rodeo and selling it.

He needed my assistance in order to fool Magnum (and everyone else) that he was, in fact, Elmo. While I wasn't comfortable putting a ruse on Magnum (and doubtful that Higgins could pull off acting like a Texas cowboy), I agreed. As Lexie thanked me profusely, I couldn't help but being struck at her almost identical resemblance to the young stewardess who was killed during the stay of Higgins Brigadier Ffolkes last year.

I wondered if somehow I wasn't the one with the wool being pulled over their eyes.

Needless to say, I worked with Higgins to pull it off. When Magnum was out on a jog, Higgins, dressed as Elmo stationed himself in the guesthouse. As I was watching for Magnum, I told Higgins that his accent sounded 100% authentic and I was struck by how he sounded like a real Texan. Before he went inside, he turned to me, winked and said "Who's to say I'm not, pardner?"

For a moment, I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

Magnum eventually made his appearance and I could hear his disbelief from outside the guesthouse. I'm not sure however about the story of Elmo finding Magnums guitar which had never been seen before then... And never since.

As Magnum left, I snuck Higgins out the window and he stripped off his Elmo attire to the dress shirt and pants below. I had a ladder propped up against a back window on the side of the house so he could slip in upstairs while Magnum was making the trek to the guesthouse. How we pulled it off, I don't know because while Higgins is a proud, private man.. He is not a runner.

The charade was followed up by Higgins leaving for a purported vacation in which I would inform him of Magnums movements in his absence. As he left the house and explained the presence and existence of Elmo.

Rick and TC soon came over to have a party and the three of them had a great laugh. Magnum was positive it was some sort of joke at his expense, but couldn't seem to figure out why.

Lexie made her appearance at the gate and I let her in as planned to start phase two. Higgins and Lexie thought that her story must be as close to the truth as possible in order to convince Magnum and the guys.

Magnum left for the rodeo, and it was up to Higgins and Lexie to carry in the illusion. Magnum was still in disbelief, as he tried to tug Higgins' fake mustache. It was finally carried out when Higgins rode a bronco. He assured me he was no worse for wear, save for heartburn from the chili, sourdough and hot sauce he ate for breakfast.

I was standing by in the Jimmy to take Higgins to the Belvedere Club, where we arranged to station Higgins friend Agatha at the front desk (My brother in law knew someone in management there who allowed it to happen). Marcella made her appearance, and she seemed to believe that Higgins was Elmo. I had to say, Higgins was doing a great job of pretending to be two people in front of two people who knew both identities extremely well!

Magnum returned to the estate, and was relaxing in the study enjoying some of the finer things. The lads didn't seem to mind, as they were dining like kings. Higgins returned to further the act of hiring Magnum to help Elmo and Lexie.

Lexie got Rick and TC jobs as Rodeo clowns, much to their dismay. But it was important to see Elmo and Higgins being at the same place at the same time. But, all good plans come to an end. That night, as Higgins/Elmo was sleeping Marcella's henchmen blew out the stove burners in his trailer. In his delirious state, Higgins let his act slip.

At the estate, Magnum and Higgins were at each others throats and Lexie was despondent from what I could hear.

The whole caper ended when Rick was distracted by a woman and Higgins was kidnapped. Magnum took chase on a horse after the men and finally caught up with them after Higgins took the wheel and crashed the truck.

As they say, alls well that ends well. Marcella didn't get the Rodeo, And Lexie rode off into the sunset to look for her lost father. I will say, Higgins is a devoted uncle and brother for someone he barely knew. I gained a measure of who he was and looked at him with a whole new level of respect.

Although, he still couldn't help himself by not giving Magnum his due as an investigator. So maybe things aren't so different after all?

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#86 Post by 308GUY »

Mission accomplished....good show Doc!LOL :lol:

Seriously, it just keeps getting better and better. I still say there's a book in there somewhere!

Makes it seem like Kenji should have had a more active role during the series, at least to me.

Fine work Doc. :magnum:
Last edited by 308GUY on Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#87 Post by Doc Ibold »

308GUY wrote:"Jack Martin ended up getting shit by Olivia Ross with live ammunition!"

Hey Doc!....are ya just trying to see if we're paying attention? :lol:

Not picking on ya, just pointing out the need for proof readers at the publishing houses! :)

Seriously, it just keeps getting better and better. I still say there's a book in there somewhere!

Makes it seem like Kenji should have had a more active role during the series, at least to me.

Fine work Doc. :magnum:
Whoops! I have wide fingers!!!! They ARE right next to each other. And to some extent, he WAS.



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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#88 Post by ConchRepublican »

We should forward these along to Larry .....
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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#89 Post by Doc Ibold »

I'd prefer if you didn't (at least for a short while). I may do some re-edits (Nothing major, just some touching up)

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#90 Post by ConchRepublican »

Doc Ibold wrote:I'd prefer if you didn't (at least for a short while). I may do some re-edits (Nothing major, just some touching up)
OK . . . it's your creation. I think it would be cool to get it in front of one of them though!
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