I Witness (4.21)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the fourth season

Moderator: Styles Bitchley

How Would You Rate This Episode?

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#31 Post by AJL »

Haha i loved it when Joy had the Judas Priest tab book, being a fan I was going to comment on it, but somebody was way faster than there :)
Pretty good episode, a little too many plot holes and unsolved stuff for me, but I still liked it. Rosine is so hot :P
Anyway season 4 has been great. Next up, to watch Echoes of the Mind again, as I remenber it, my favourite episode(s) of the entire show!
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Same summer that I kissed her on her daddy's boat
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#32 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

I can’t believe I’m at the end of the fourth season already!


One night, the King Kamehameha Club is robbed by armed thieves dressed in animal masks. Rick, T.C. and Higgins all have different accounts of what happened, and Magnum must piece together the truth to deduct who the inside man was. Nice end to the season...


This review contains spoilers.

‘I Witness’ is a nice, novel ending to what has generally been a very good season. Borrowing the idea from the 1950 film ‘Rashomon’, it is fun to see Rick, T.C. and Higgins each give a different account of the robbery at the Club – with each of them trying to make themselves out as the hero.

Other than the opening scene, in which Magnum wakes up in the middle of the night to watch a baseball game on TV, the entire story takes place at the King Kamehameha Club. Other than two brief scenes outside of the Club, there is no location work, with the bulk of the story being set in the Club’s ‘Rainbow Room’, making it’s first of a number of appearances, and which is built on a sound stage rather than being shot on location.
The producers seemingly liked to make a location-light story at the end of the season (in that sense it is very similar to the third season’s penultimate episode ‘The Big Blow’), presumably to save costs after an expensive season.

Although he does appear in the linking pieces, the episode is another of the season’s ‘Magnum-lite’ stories (see ‘Smaller Than Life’, ‘A Sense of Debt’ and the excellent ‘Holmes Is Where the Heart Is’).

Anyway, the story itself is very fun, with each character’s varying recollection of what happened, and the varying details of each one. It’s amazing how the series could go from high drama in one episode, to daft comedy like this in another, in such a smooth transition.

The revelation of who the inside man is – none other than Keoki (Patrick Bishop), a recurring barman since the start of the second season – is quite a surprise, and very unexpected. Saying that, re-watching the episode, they do make a point of pointing him out to the viewer a number of times prior in the story, in case anyone has forgotten who he is.

The ending is also quite strange, as they find that ‘Rusty’ – who everyone thinks has passed out from too much alcohol – has actually been murdered. Another similarity to the end of the third season, when (in ‘Faith and Begorrah’), Rick and T.C. witness an unexpected murder.

When I first saw this episode, I really liked it, and would have probably given it a solid 10 out of 10. Coming to re-watch it to review, I still really like it, but I found that, with knowing what to expect, I enjoyed it very slightly less. But I still give it a very reasonable 9.5.


Other notes, bloopers and misc.:

* Nothing else to report on this episode, other than Higgins’ stunt double can be seen a couple of times.


Fourth season overview.

The fourth season can in many ways be considered ‘third season: part two’, as it mostly has the same high quality of story, and a very polished feel. Maybe it is no surprise that many fans consider the third and fourth season to be the series’ ‘golden era’.
The season got off to an amazing start with the classic ‘Home From The Sea’, which is my all-time favourite episode. Other highlights include ‘Letter to a Duchess’, Christmas-set ‘Operation: Silent Night’, ‘Let the Punishment Fit the Crime’ (which some don’t like but is a favourite of mine), and the Higgins-centric ‘Holmes Is Where the Heart Is’.
After they were played by different actors in the third season, D.A. Carol Baldwin (now played by Kathleen Lloyd), and Rick’s underworld contact Ice Pick (Elisha Cook) became settled in the series as recurring characters.
We also met old-school P.I. from St. Louis, Luther Gillis (Eugene Roche), who was introduced in ‘Luther Gillis: File #521’, and reappeared in ‘The Return of Luther Gillis’. Liked by some, loathed by others, Luther would go on to appear once or twice in every following season.
Also with the season, there are several ‘Magnum-lite’ stories – ‘Smaller Than Life’, ‘A Sense of Debt’, the aforementioned ‘Holmes Is Where the Heart Is’, and to some extent, ‘I Witness’. While it was great for the other three stars to get some screen-time, some efforts came off better than others (some people detest ‘Smaller Than Life’).
Although there is generally a high quality of episodes in this season, there is also a noticeable dip. ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy’, ‘Rembrandt’s Girl’ and ‘Paradise Blues’ may each have their fans, but personally, I found them to be quite weak, and made the season sag a little. (I’d name the dull ‘Paradise Blues’ as one of my least favourite episodes of the show’s run).
Maybe the season wasn’t as 100% solid as I remembered it, but it is still a very good year overall, and some might say, the last truly classic ‘Magnum’ season.

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#33 Post by J.J. Walters »

Jay-Firestorm wrote:It’s amazing how the series could go from high drama in one episode, to daft comedy like this in another, in such a smooth transition.
Indeed, Jay! :)

Thanks for another great "season" of MPI episode reviews. Absolutely brilliant. Keep up the good work. Four down, four to go!
Jay-Firestorm wrote:I’d name the dull ‘Paradise Blues’ as one of my least favourite episodes of the show’s run
Didn't care for jazz musicians who only communicate through their instrument? Or long discussions on Alberta Hunter? Or cars exploding in mid-air after they go over a cliff (but before they crash)? ;)
Higgins: It's not a scratch! It's a bloody gouge!

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#34 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

James J. Walters wrote:Didn't care for jazz musicians who only communicate through their instrument? Or long discussions on Alberta Hunter? Or cars exploding in mid-air after they go over a cliff (but before they crash)? ;)
I don't know... maybe I was just in a bad mood when I watched this one. But it just did nothing for me! :lol:
But as I've said before, in a way it's another good thing about the series - there is such a range of stories that there is really something for everyone; something for all tastes. If you don't like one, sit tight, there'll be an episode that you love coming right along!! :lol:

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#35 Post by Frodoleader »

I only rated this episode as "Decent". I guess I am not a fan of the Rashomon-style story - only because it seems to have been done to death over the years.
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#36 Post by Rutledal »

I finally managed to make it all the way trough my season 4 having only had it since freaking December. Gotta love this episode, probably the funniest Magnum episode of the entire show, always laugh my ass of when watching it. Jolly good.

Season 4 summary:


No less then two Luther Gillis episodes
Kika makes his first appearance
Finally getting to see the ending of "Let the Punishment Fit the Crime"

Smaller Than Life
The Look
Smaller Than Life
The high number of times when the commercial cut from the original airing was not abridged
Smaller Than Life
No double episodes
Smaller Than Life

Favorite Episode:

Holmes Is Where the Heart Is

Least Favorite Episode:

Smaller Than Life

Favorite Guest Appearance:

Geoffrey Lewis, neck by neck with Carol Channing and John Saxon

Most Underrated Character:
Jimmy from Paradise Blues, I thought he brought a great mood with him.

Favorite Moment:
"Pickled egg please." Need I say more?

Additional Notes:
Over the season every major character except Magnum looses someone special to them: Higgins - David Worth, TC - Alexis Carter, Rick - Wendy.
Only season that Glenn Cannon does not appear in.
Buck Greene doesn't appear either, one of two season in which he doesn't, but Maggie Pool makes an appearance.
Carol and Ice Pick are for the first time played by the regular actors, both appeared in season three with different actors portraying them.
We are introduced to Luther Gillis for the first (and second) time
Only season where Jeff MacKay does not appear in.
Agatha's most frequent season, she makes a total of 8 appearances, including her only opening credits credit in Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
So I made a Topic Page about Magnum, P.I. Check it out here.

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#37 Post by MaximRecoil »

This is one of my favorite MPI episodes, and one of the most memorable as well. I saw most of the MPI episodes when I was a kid, in first-run from '84 to '88 (never missed a week) and then most, if not all, of the rest of them in syndication. Given that I started watching the show in '84, this was one of the first episodes I remember seeing, and definitely the first one that made a big impression on me.

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#38 Post by timm525 »

I liked this one.

Higgins jumping kicks almost made me shoot beer out my nose! That was just too funny to see.

The different versions, each one being "the hero".

The mystery of their clothes.

All and all, very good and goofy! :D

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#39 Post by zebra3 »

I found a FLUB!
If you tune your DVD to the time of 19:38, you will find the singer Joy performing in the background while T.C. and his lady friend. You can see clearly that the high note she is hitting would require for her to open her mouth wider than she is, which is barely at that. It is obviously a recording.

FLUBBed! What do you think J.J.?
Good late night episode.

Oh and an obvious stunt double for Higgins when he performs the kicks.
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#40 Post by miltontheripper »

One of the funniest episodes ever. Very good!

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#41 Post by nha trang »

Just watched this episode, the end of season 4 after arriving home after jury duty. It was very enjoyable, but I didn't laugh as much as I should have? It did seem to have its comic appeal - definitely Higgins doing karate kicks should have done it, I guess I wasn't in the mood. I did smirk when rick (according to one of the guy's stories anyway) falls against the closet to get that broken nose!

I'll tell you one thing, I'd have never fired that piano lady with cleavage like that (and if you caught the quick shot with her in lingerie), I think I'd rather invite her in to be my personal caregiver/naked housecleaner! I love it when they put a babe in the episode!

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#42 Post by miltontheripper »

nha trang wrote:Just watched this episode, the end of season 4 after arriving home after jury duty. It was very enjoyable, but I didn't laugh as much as I should have? It did seem to have its comic appeal - definitely Higgins doing karate kicks should have done it, I guess I wasn't in the mood. I did smirk when rick (according to one of the guy's stories anyway) falls against the closet to get that broken nose!

I'll tell you one thing, I'd have never fired that piano lady with cleavage like that (and if you caught the quick shot with her in lingerie), I think I'd rather invite her in to be my personal caregiver/naked housecleaner! I love it when they put a babe in the episode!
Yes agreed about the piano lady! I think this is a great episode, very funny! One of the best of the "lighter" episodes. I thought of the three versions (Ricks, Higgins, and Tc's) of what happened Ricks was the best! When he acts like a tough guy he is hilarious. Although seeing Higgins karate action is damn good as well. I just came home from a terrible day when I watched this one and it definitely brightened my mood!

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#43 Post by steveadl »

Anyone else spot the big flub throughout the episode?

Watching it again now I noticed it at the 5-6min mark when TM first get there and Higgins is talking. It's 2-3am in the morning, yet through the trellising behind Higgins it's broad daylight and what looks like the beach and the sea behind it. :D

(only went through the first 2 pages of this thread, sorry if it's already been mentioned)

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#44 Post by Bes »

Slightly overrated episode I think, though it grew on me on 2nd viewing. I thought they could've made more out of the multiple perspectives angle. Still quite good though.

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#45 Post by OnionBit »


To me the biggest laugh actually comes from Joy Kelly, who plays the singer, also called Joy. I especially love how she sings the song at the last round, when Higgins is telling his side of the story. The way she goes 'feeeelings, owowowowowow feeeelings!' makes me fall of the couch laughing every single time.

This ep is definitely one of my favorites! :!:

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