The Sixth Position (2.11)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the second season

Moderator: Styles Bitchley

How Would You Rate This Episode?

10 (Perfect!)
9.5 (One of the Best)
9.0 (Excellent)
8.5 (Very Good)
8.0 (Pretty Good)
7.5 (Decent)
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6.0 (Pretty Bad)
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Re: The Sixth Position (2.11)

#61 Post by ENSHealy »

Hawaiian shirts: 1
Island Hopper shirts: 1
Magnum Body Count: 1
Magnum gunshot wounds:
Little Voice: 1
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
Higgins musings:
4th wall breaks:
Famous guest stars:
Magnumometer: 4

Potential magnumania usernames: Miss Selmeyer

First post since June! it was a very busy summer.

There were two scenes that were really close to 4th walls, but in the end I decided they didn't quite make the mark. In the first, he's clearly supposed to be watching Kendall walk away, even though to do so he has to look right into the camera.

In the second one, in Miss Selmeyer's house after he calls Langley, it's very quick and I just feel it's missing the "knowing look" context that usually accompanies a 4th wall break.

But you could very easily give a half point to each and call it 1 4th wall break. I couldn't argue much with that.
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Re: The Sixth Position (2.11)

#62 Post by Gorilla Mask »

I gave an overall good mark for this opus.

The plot is more intricated than expected at first glance: The CIA want to make the KGB discover by itself a 'phony' information carried by an US agent that finally had a pathetic and fatal accident in Moscow.

Langley knows that if threatened/discovered, this spy is ordered to give this (false or hoaxed) information to the first US citizen he met before dying. And that is the star of Ballet Kendall Chase...

However, i would say that this perticular US agent would not have appreciate to die, or to be in danger of death, because of a false information, so the CIA had certainely not told him the truth...

And then the KGB is tracking the poor prima ballerina to force her to reveal that information which genuineness is proven by the innocence of the poor girl...

Well, at least that is the aim of the CIA...and (for once) US spies ease by all means the misdeed of the soviet agents...

... And then arrived Magnum with his mustache, curly hair, DT cap and (above all) his colt. 45. ACP... :D ... And all these in less than 45 minutes !!

The originality of the episode was to throw Magnum and T.C. in the very closed and elite world of International-class classic dancing (There is no dealer, reaper, murder, blackmailer, kidnapper, and so...)

Just "spy vs spy" tricks.

Not a lot of action in this one, but some quite good playing (Andrea Marcovicci is quite convincing in her very physical role, so do E. Roger Mosley performing a very good Ballet's fan ! ) romance between TM and Kendall Chase (mix of repulse and attirance) go off the beaten tracks.

Well i enjoyed it much more than the first time i watched it, years ago.
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#63 Post by charybdis1966 »

charybdis1966 wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:29 pm Hello all, I have a feeling this episode was written after a network exec said “Hey, how about having a story about a ballerina needing a bodyguard?” Then the poor writers were supposed to come up with something in about …….in the UK at the moment.
I’ll comment on one of the majority of the episodes that are good next time.
I’m about to watch this episode again nearly 12 years after my first comment on this forum. I must be a glutton for punishment as it’s clearly one of the worst episodes. Is it so bad it’s good ? I’ll report back later 😬

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Re: Re:

#64 Post by Pahonu »

charybdis1966 wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:18 pm
charybdis1966 wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:29 pm Hello all, I have a feeling this episode was written after a network exec said “Hey, how about having a story about a ballerina needing a bodyguard?” Then the poor writers were supposed to come up with something in about …….in the UK at the moment.
I’ll comment on one of the majority of the episodes that are good next time.
I’m about to watch this episode again nearly 12 years after my first comment on this forum. I must be a glutton for punishment as it’s clearly one of the worst episodes. Is it so bad it’s good ? I’ll report back later 😬
There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here: ... &start=480

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Re: Re:

#65 Post by charybdis1966 »

There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here: ... &start=480
Thanks Pahuno, an anniversary watch is a good idea. I wonder if the people on the thread are watching after a 10 year gap in their fix of MPI episodes like I am.
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes.
Oh, to be young again (sigh).

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Re: Re:

#66 Post by Mark de Croix »

charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here:
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes. Oh, to be young again (sigh).

Y'know this is my first and only Fan Club experience and I have found various fascinations. Much of them MPI, for I decided it is probably my fav show ever. Another is about the fans themselves. Don't you think Rubber Chicken's elaborate graphic of the Portluck House is mind blowing for its elaborate detail and beauty? That has to register on the fan fanatic meter wouldn't you say? Don't get me wrong for I think it's wonderful for people to practice their fandom so productively while sharing it with others. This is all to say, charybdis1966, that you and others who say this episode is a "clunker" truly fascinates me :geek: . Note that 70% of a sizable survey rate this episode "decent" or above. That means it is far from the worst episode in the series as someone else said. So reading such comments inspired me to try to understand how can people have very opposite opinions about something. I know, this is an age-old query but it fascinates me. :) I'm feeling kinda geeky at the moment being filled with so many fascinations. :lol:

This was not my reason for posting. I came originally to report an interesting aspect about the creation of MPI, how they really try to be authentic. How so? Well after watching this episode, I happened to read a description saying that the ballerina had a threatening experience in NYC before coming to Hawaii. But there was no mention that the ballet scene before her travel to Hawaii was in NYC. The only clue is the brief shot of the front of the Kennedy Center in NYC. Whether NYC, LA or Chicago it really doesn't matter does it? Moreover, they could have used a photo of any building for that matter anywhere in the world. It's not crucial to the story. I could be wrong but I don't think that the Kennedy Center building is an icon such as the Empire State Bldg. or the Golden State Bridge, as immediately recognizable.

And BTW back to my geeky moment. How is it that people enjoy watching these shows over and over again (or any show, etc,.)? I've done this few times for I was raised with the idea that you only watch new shows. So I look forward to see how I progress along these lines. You probably will become envious though when I tell you I have almost the entire MPI series waiting for me to view the first time ever. :twisted:

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Re: Re:

#67 Post by charybdis1966 »

Mark de Croix wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:32 pm
charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here:
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes. Oh, to be young again (sigh).

Y'know this is my first and only Fan Club experience and I ..... recognizable.

And BTW back to my geeky moment. How is it that people enjoy watching these shows over and over again (or any show, etc,.)? I've done this few times for I was raised with the idea that you only watch new shows. So I look forward to see how I progress along these lines. You probably will become envious though when I tell you I have almost the entire MPI series waiting for me to view the first time ever. :twisted:
Speaking for myself the joy I'm getting out of rewatches right now is to firstly compare how I felt about the particular episode in original it's run in the 1980's and then when I joined this forum back in 2010. Generally I've been consistent in how I feel (yes I still cringe at this episode and still can't stand Kathleen Lloyd's appearances) although I've found a greater appreciation of the many verbal jousts between Higgins and TM.

I've only got the first 4 seasons on DVD and I don't remember many episodes in the later seasons (Deja Vu does stick out for it being set in England, where I live) so I'm having a good time re watching those.

Of course I'm in it for the nostalgia - a bit like listening to songs from the 1980's almost transports you back there, a much simpler happier time even though we may not have realised it at the time.

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Re: Re:

#68 Post by Mark de Croix »

charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:04 pm
Mark de Croix wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:32 pm
charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here:
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes. Oh, to be young again (sigh).

Y'know this is my first and only Fan Club experience and I ..... recognizable.

And BTW back to my geeky moment. How is it that people enjoy watching these shows over and over again (or any show, etc,.)? I've done this few times for I was raised with the idea that you only watch new shows. So I look forward to see how I progress along these lines. You probably will become envious though when I tell you I have almost the entire MPI series waiting for me to view the first time ever. :twisted:
Speaking for myself the joy I'm getting out of rewatches right now is to firstly compare how I felt about the particular episode in original it's run in the 1980's and then when I joined this forum back in 2010. Generally I've been consistent in how I feel (yes I still cringe at this episode and still can't stand Kathleen Lloyd's appearances) although I've found a greater appreciation of the many verbal jousts between Higgins and TM.

I've only got the first 4 seasons on DVD and I don't remember many episodes in the later seasons (Deja Vu does stick out for it being set in England, where I live) so I'm having a good time re watching those.

Of course I'm in it for the nostalgia - a bit like listening to songs from the 1980's almost transports you back there, a much simpler happier time even though we may not have realised it at the time.
charybdis1966, well said. I appreciate that particularly because I had an interesting realization yesterday. I happened to look through the list of season 1 episode titles with a picture for each. I recently finished watching for the first time most of them but didn't remember much about them. :lol: I watch for entertainment--a good feel--but that's about it. So it bodes well for my future enjoyment. I suppose after watching all the episodes I can go back again almost as if for the first time. :wink: Thanks again.

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Re: Re:

#69 Post by ☨magnum.t »

Mark de Croix wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:32 pm
charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here:
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes. Oh, to be young again (sigh).

Y'know this is my first and only Fan Club experience and I have found various fascinations. Much of them MPI, for I decided it is probably my fav show ever. Another is about the fans themselves. Don't you think Rubber Chicken's elaborate graphic of the Portluck House is mind blowing for its elaborate detail and beauty? That has to register on the fan fanatic meter wouldn't you say? Don't get me wrong for I think it's wonderful for people to practice their fandom so productively while sharing it with others. This is all to say, charybdis1966, that you and others who say this episode is a "clunker" truly fascinates me :geek: . Note that 70% of a sizable survey rate this episode "decent" or above. That means it is far from the worst episode in the series as someone else said. So reading such comments inspired me to try to understand how can people have very opposite opinions about something. I know, this is an age-old query but it fascinates me. :) I'm feeling kinda geeky at the moment being filled with so many fascinations. :lol:

This was not my reason for posting. I came originally to report an interesting aspect about the creation of MPI, how they really try to be authentic. How so? Well after watching this episode, I happened to read a description saying that the ballerina had a threatening experience in NYC before coming to Hawaii. But there was no mention that the ballet scene before her travel to Hawaii was in NYC. The only clue is the brief shot of the front of the Kennedy Center in NYC. Whether NYC, LA or Chicago it really doesn't matter does it? Moreover, they could have used a photo of any building for that matter anywhere in the world. It's not crucial to the story. I could be wrong but I don't think that the Kennedy Center building is an icon such as the Empire State Bldg. or the Golden State Bridge, as immediately recognizable.

And BTW back to my geeky moment. How is it that people enjoy watching these shows over and over again (or any show, etc,.)? I've done this few times for I was raised with the idea that you only watch new shows. So I look forward to see how I progress along these lines. You probably will become envious though when I tell you I have almost the entire MPI series waiting for me to view the first time ever. :twisted:

It's kind of like how your favorite band can even have some songs you dislike, I love The Eagles but as soon as "Hotel California" comes on I change it, same with Journey and "Don't Stop Believing" I think its very normal to love the show and still strongly dislike certain episodes.
That reminds me of the time....

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Re: Re:

#70 Post by charybdis1966 »

☨magnum.t wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:06 pm It's kind of like how your favorite band can even have some songs you dislike, I love The Eagles but as soon as "Hotel California" comes on I change it, same with Journey and "Don't Stop Believing" I think its very normal to love the show and still strongly dislike certain episodes.
It's EXACTLY that; my favourite band is Judas Priest and hate virtually all of one of their albums (Turbo, 1986) and have had enough of "Breaking the law" but all the rest of their stuff (and the new album by their ex guitarist, KK Downing "Sermons of the Sinner") is pure gold.

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Re: Re:

#71 Post by Mark de Croix »

☨magnum.t wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:06 pm
Mark de Croix wrote: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:32 pm
charybdis1966 wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am There’s a more recent conversation on the episode starting near the bottom of the page here:
Most there seem to agree it was a season 2 clunker although watching now I’m noticing how good the Higgins scenes are - back on my first watch of MPI I was mainly looking out for the Ferrari and the bikini babes. Oh, to be young again (sigh).

Y'know this is my first and only Fan Club experience and I have found various fascinations. Much of them MPI, for I decided it is probably my fav show ever. Another is about the fans themselves. Don't you think Rubber Chicken's elaborate graphic of the Portluck House is mind blowing for its elaborate detail and beauty? That has to register on the fan fanatic meter wouldn't you say? Don't get me wrong for I think it's wonderful for people to practice their fandom so productively while sharing it with others. This is all to say, charybdis1966, that you and others who say this episode is a "clunker" truly fascinates me :geek: . Note that 70% of a sizable survey rate this episode "decent" or above. That means it is far from the worst episode in the series as someone else said. So reading such comments inspired me to try to understand how can people have very opposite opinions about something. I know, this is an age-old query but it fascinates me. :) I'm feeling kinda geeky at the moment being filled with so many fascinations. :lol:

This was not my reason for posting. I came originally to report an interesting aspect about the creation of MPI, how they really try to be authentic. How so? Well after watching this episode, I happened to read a description saying that the ballerina had a threatening experience in NYC before coming to Hawaii. But there was no mention that the ballet scene before her travel to Hawaii was in NYC. The only clue is the brief shot of the front of the Kennedy Center in NYC. Whether NYC, LA or Chicago it really doesn't matter does it? Moreover, they could have used a photo of any building for that matter anywhere in the world. It's not crucial to the story. I could be wrong but I don't think that the Kennedy Center building is an icon such as the Empire State Bldg. or the Golden State Bridge, as immediately recognizable.

And BTW back to my geeky moment. How is it that people enjoy watching these shows over and over again (or any show, etc,.)? I've done this few times for I was raised with the idea that you only watch new shows. So I look forward to see how I progress along these lines. You probably will become envious though when I tell you I have almost the entire MPI series waiting for me to view the first time ever. :twisted:

It's kind of like how your favorite band can even have some songs you dislike, I love The Eagles but as soon as "Hotel California" comes on I change it, same with Journey and "Don't Stop Believing" I think its very normal to love the show and still strongly dislike certain episodes.
☨magnum.t, thanks for your post. It gave me a good laugh about Hotel California. You probably well know its fabulously popular and all that. Nevertheless yours is a good reminder about people's uniqueness and how there are always two sides to things. The Eagles are one of my favorite bands but I just became aware of their song, The Last Resort. The lyrics are so interesting and cause for laughter too. It's a fun song though probably not meant to be. :lol:

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