Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#16 Post by eagle »

I thought this was a terrible episode, and two points in particular greatly bothered me.

First, Icepick's name is "Ice Pick," not "Ice," which is what Rick used many times to refer to him. I cringed every time I heard that.

Second, everyone who knows anything about guns knows you don't fire a rifle or a pistol into the air, because of the possibility of hitting someone with the bullet. As an MI6 agent, Juliet would have known this.

Other things bothered me too, like Icepick referring several times to needing one more high (I forget the word he used). I just can't see Elisha Cook, Jr's character doing this. "This isn't your father's Magnum, p.i." -- yeah yeah, don't I know it. I really do think the remake is awful. I still have no idea why I continue to watch.

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#17 Post by KENJI »

Steve wrote:Coops...Established in 1917...Who knew? Think of the marketing possibilities having a new beer for returning WW1 vets facing the Spanish Flu epidemic...

"Got the poops, drink Coops"
Good one Steve! :lol:

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#18 Post by Laohu »


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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#19 Post by KENJI »

Here is a clip of the last scene from this episode where Higgins tells Thomas that she can stay AND she now owns Robin's Nest etc............

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#20 Post by Laohu »

Thanks Kenji ,
I think that is a great clip . Have to say I liked everything about it . From Magnum on the surf ski to the hart felt moment of Higgins saying good bye to the Lads . Even the banter between Higgins and Magnum was well done . You can just see the wheels starting to turn in Higgins mind as it starts to dawn on her what has just happened and the implications of it .
A short clip that says a lot and does a good job of setting up a change in the dynamic in Magnum’s and Higgins relationship for next season .
I still think in the end Robin will end up owning Robin’s nest again .

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#21 Post by KENJI »

Laohu wrote:Thanks Kenji ,
I think that is a great clip . Have to say I liked everything about it . From Magnum on the surf ski to the hart felt moment of Higgins saying good bye to the Lads . Even the banter between Higgins and Magnum was well done . You can just see the wheels starting to turn in Higgins mind as it starts to dawn on her what has just happened and the implications of it .
A short clip that says a lot and does a good job of setting up a change in the dynamic in Magnum’s and Higgins relationship for next season .
I still think in the end Robin will end up owning Robin’s nest again .
My pleasure Laohu.
Yes, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out next season.
I agree that Robin will get the nest back.
I wonder if next season they will have this windfall strain/change the dynamics of Higgins and Magnum's relationship and she decides at some point her friendships/relationships are more important. I could see Magnum trashing the Ferrari and Higgins truly getting angry since she now owns it.....that sort of thing. Maybe it doesn't strain the relationship and they continue on getting gut is saying we might see a wee bit of strain/conflict....I feel the relationship is progressing too smoothly......a few speed bumps are needed to slow things down just a bit.......time will tell. :wink: It will be interesting to see if this new found wealth puts a target on Higgins from either a kidnapper or even a gold digging Romeo trying to weasel his way into the mix and her fortune. I could see Magnum pointing out to Higgins that her new love is only after the wealth and Higgins taking offense to that remark. At the end of the day Thomas is right and saves Higgins, bringing them closer again......again, time will tell what route they decide to go.

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#22 Post by Higgins (aka Bondtoys) »

Haven‘t seen the episode yet but this all sounds like there are some writers who are not entirely incompetent like it‘s often pointed out by some.

On the clip, I unfortunately see some continuity errors, Magnum pulling the surfski ashore, walks quickly towards Higgins and in the next shot stands sideways to her.

Higgins saying farewell to the Lads, her skirt moves up and down her knee and I don‘t like the cuddly spirit in that scene. Hillerman would have done this much better, probably with a glass of Whisky in his hand.
Last edited by Higgins (aka Bondtoys) on Mon May 18, 2020 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#23 Post by Laohu »

Hillerman would have done it different but could he have done it as well in a dress ? :D The difference in Jonathan Higgins and Juliet Higgins is a lot more then just a gender swap . I would still like to see them put a Picture of Hillerman on the set somewhere maybe on Juliet’s desk or on the shelves behind the desk .

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#24 Post by LZeitgeist »

I just realized that the shirt Jay is wearing when he is trying to control the lads is the Paradise Found Mini Anthurium in red!

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#25 Post by Laohu »

LZeitgeist wrote:I just realized that the shirt Jay is wearing when he is trying to control the lads is the Paradise Found Mini Anthurium in red!
Good catch , they have used a lot of Paradise found shirts this season.

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#26 Post by sandbiscuits »

KENJI wrote:It's still over the top, but I'll give it a one eye roll because of the transmission damage. :wink: :lol: Yes, not much of a race between the two when both are facing the right way, but a rig can get moving when up to speed and I would actually bet on the rig if the Ferrari was in reverse and the rig had a head start. Driving in reverse at 50mph+ with traffic all around would not be an easy task at all. I know the writers wanted to spice it up, but I would've preferred Higgins doing some crazy driving in forward gears catching up to the rig that had a head start, but that's just my opinion.
I kept wondering why the truck didn't stop sooner! Okay, maybe you don't hear the barnburner on top of the trailer, but you also don't hear gunshots or notice a bright red Ferrari zigzagging around in your side mirror? But the idea of having Higgins drive in reverse was kind of fun.
KENJI wrote:What did you think of the ending (great, okay, flat....etc.)?
The ending is where I had my eye roll. It was too much of a deus ex machina to have Higgins get to stay like that. If anything the writers should have actually had her leaving so that they could take time to write in a better way to have her stay in HI for season 3. They could have even started season 3 with her in London for an episode or two. As it is now there isn't much of a cliffhanger... none, really. Some potential story lines open up, but a cliffhanger is a fun way to end a season.

A secondary eye roll for the obvious CGI with the lads (I noticed that, too) and of the estate at the end.

Rick and TC were really good this second season. Actually the other secondary characters (Gordon, Kumu, Jin) and some other recurring characters (Shammy, Icepick, maybe Murph moving forward) were generally good. The Magnum/Higgins dynamic is growing, and the action has been largely toned down.

Do some of the Hawaii geography specialists around here know where the surf ski scenes were filmed in this episode?

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#27 Post by Laohu »

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Could this be the new license plate for the Ferrari . Nah this is fan made looks like people are having fun waiting for the new season to start .

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Re: Season 2 Episode 20: A Leopard on the Prowl (2.20)

#28 Post by KENJI »

I caught this flub the other night.
In the Ala Wai Canal scene you can see Magnum and Higgins driving in the Ferrari with a view of the canal over Higgins shoulder which is correct, but as they drive a short distance the scenery suddenly changes to the ocean which is wrong, then it quickly goes back to the canal with the final few frames panning out to the Ferrari driving down the canal. I'm guessing they kept doing laps around Waikiki until they completed the scene to their liking and blended it together.

Here is the scene......

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