The Trailer

For discussions about the new CBS Magnum P.I. reboot

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Re: The Trailer

#16 Post by Steve »

Core 4 wrote:I just want to say that I love Higgins. I know that fans of the original do not approve of Higgins being a woman. But what I saw in the trailer, Higgins may be my favorite character. TC and Rick look like they're cool characters. Magnum is not as great as Steve in the new Hawaii Five-0, but much better than the new MacGyver. There is potential. I like that the important thing in the reboot will be the bond between Magnum and the other characters. Many things from the original remain unchanged. Like theme song, Ferrari 308, quarrels between Magnum and Higgins, Dobermans, Detroit Tigers hat, Old Dussedorf beer, the ring, T.C. chopper, etc. It seems that I was right and Sung Kang will play Tanaka. I hoped that Noelani will appear in the trailer, but the mention of Five-0 is enough for me. The action in the pilot, especially in this type of series are usually like in blockbuster, and as the pilot was directed by Justin Lin, and the creator of the series is Peter Lenkov, so it's nothing surprising. There will not be so many action scenes in the next episodes, they will focus more on characters I think. I do not like the first scene from the trailer, I know it's just a fantasy from Robin's book, but when people start the trailer, they may have mixed feelings. But fortunately there are more positive than negative about trailer from this I read. The most common thing is that it's a Magnum P.I. looks fun. And that's how it should be.
I guess Core 4 and I are in the minority. I love Ms. Weeks as Juliet Higgins and think her and Zachary will emerge as the best characters. We will always have the original as it will always be somewhere in reruns plus there is the DVD's, heck you can even pull any episode up on On-Demand. From the interview clip that was posted and the trailer there seems to be chemistry, now if the writers just come through. I look at this like the new Hawaii Five-O, it's not the original it's a different show that may just stand on it's own........I do, however think that the reboot should be called Magnum Sans Comma.......

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Re: The Trailer

#17 Post by erock308 »

OMG the action! I'm on edge just watching the trailer... i'm sure it will simmer down a bit one they get things rolling and everyone finds there groove... i hope.

I for one will give it a chance, only because... Hawaii & Ferrari's!
Then again, I do like shiny things & strong cheese!

The trailer kinda has the feel of a bunch of kids playing magnum... but i can relate to that :magnum:

Plus, it's being produced by a fellow Canadian that counts for something, if he can make it there there is hope for the rest of us :wink:
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Re: The Trailer

#18 Post by 308GUY »

I know I'm in the minority on this, have to consider WHO it is being made to satisfy/capture.

It's NOT of the original...which keep in mind...PLenkov is one of.

The audience it's designed for are the kids that grew up playing bang, bang you're dead, blood & guts, watching bodies being blown apart, flying cars, space travel video games, and have never known life without a computer. It HAS to be at least on the edge, if not "over the top" to even be considered "entertaining" to them.

Not trying to be divisive here, just stating how I see things, and why I'm willing to give it a go ahead, (not that it matters one way or the other!), before shooting it down just because it's NOT the original.

What it will do, IMHO, is give a greater interest and appreciation TO the original, at least amongst the age group between me and the teens it's designed to play to. At the same time, it will create a new fan base for the new incarnation.

Would I have rather seen something closer to what we came to love and follow...absolutely! But the powers that be had more than ample opportunity to "make it so"....and they DIDN'T! So now we get this iteration, and I for one, think we should "let it be".....but I'm old, I guess.

How many times have the classic plays been presented to audiences all over the world? How long was the "original" cast able to put on the play? Not very damn long! But it takes nothing away from them for a new generation to enjoy the same play....with the same characters...but different players. Isn't the big screen AND the "small" screen (pun intended!) just another way of presenting those plays?.....more a much larger/varied audience? Bellisario & Larson wrote the play. Selleck and the gang brought it to the "stage" and made it what it turned a new cast is carrying on.

I think the original cast shaped the show, but now, the show will shape the cast. They had to grab your attention with the pilot, otherwise, who would watch the second episode? It's COMMERCIAL to the "sheeple"...(that's US!) I'm not going to hate it because it's not what I think it should be. Like I've said, WE are NOT the target audience.

I didn't care for the new 5-0 when it was released, but as I watched it, (mostly for the scenery !), I started to see some redeeming qualities. It will never BE the original, but in it's own IS original in it's presentation.

Anyway.....just a few thoughts that rambled through my pea brain on their way to the trash. Agree...disagree...doesn't really matter does it? :magnum:
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Re: The Trailer

#19 Post by f14peter »

Steve wrote:
Core 4 wrote:I just want to say that I love Higgins. I know that fans of the original do not approve of Higgins being a woman. But what I saw in the trailer, Higgins may be my favorite character. TC and Rick look like they're cool characters. Magnum is not as great as Steve in the new Hawaii Five-0, but much better than the new MacGyver. There is potential. I like that the important thing in the reboot will be the bond between Magnum and the other characters. Many things from the original remain unchanged. Like theme song, Ferrari 308, quarrels between Magnum and Higgins, Dobermans, Detroit Tigers hat, Old Dussedorf beer, the ring, T.C. chopper, etc. It seems that I was right and Sung Kang will play Tanaka. I hoped that Noelani will appear in the trailer, but the mention of Five-0 is enough for me. The action in the pilot, especially in this type of series are usually like in blockbuster, and as the pilot was directed by Justin Lin, and the creator of the series is Peter Lenkov, so it's nothing surprising. There will not be so many action scenes in the next episodes, they will focus more on characters I think. I do not like the first scene from the trailer, I know it's just a fantasy from Robin's book, but when people start the trailer, they may have mixed feelings. But fortunately there are more positive than negative about trailer from this I read. The most common thing is that it's a Magnum P.I. looks fun. And that's how it should be.
I guess Core 4 and I are in the minority. I love Ms. Weeks as Juliet Higgins and think her and Zachary will emerge as the best characters. We will always have the original as it will always be somewhere in reruns plus there is the DVD's, heck you can even pull any episode up on On-Demand. From the interview clip that was posted and the trailer there seems to be chemistry, now if the writers just come through. I look at this like the new Hawaii Five-O, it's not the original it's a different show that may just stand on it's own........I do, however think that the reboot should be called Magnum Sans Comma.......
First of all, it is a trailer so it's folly to extrapolate the entire arc and feel of a TV series from a few minutes that are intended to generate some excitement. And to be honest, no matter how it pans out, it does not take one thing away from the original. I, like many others here I imagine, have been through this before as I loved the original Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica ... liked some and didn't like other reboots and sequels, but not for an instant did that diminish my fondness for the original.

I find myself liking it, and here's where I'll respectfully disagree with Core, but I like the space-jump fantasy and here's why: I was liking things up until the superhuman Dwayne Johnson/Rampage leap at the end, because I don't really like those super-suspension of belief movies where people are jumping and leaping and doing all sorts of things that are physically impossible. Not to mention that a weekly TV show of that nature would be difficult and expensive to maintain. But, it occurred to me (and here's my bold prediction) that the final scene with the 308 getting crushed and Magnum leaping off the truck tumbling over the cliff onto the helo skids is also some sort of fantasy non-real (in the context of the show) scene, like the space-jump.

And remember than it's not uncommon for a TV show to be altered between the pilot and when it gets up to speed with season production.

Time will tell, if I like it I'll watch, if I don't I won't. And I will still go on loving the original either way.
Last edited by f14peter on Thu May 17, 2018 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Trailer

#20 Post by karolis »

eagle wrote:
Core 4 wrote:Someone knows the actress at 3:10?. Because she's probably Hannah.
She looked like Gabrielle Anwar, but IMDB doesn't show it as being her.
I don't know who the actress is, but it's definitely not Gabrielle Anwar, i watched Burn Notice and i know how Gabrielle Anwar looks. But i'd like to know who she is too ;)

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Re: The Trailer

#21 Post by eagle »

karolis wrote:
eagle wrote:
Core 4 wrote:Someone knows the actress at 3:10?. Because she's probably Hannah.
She looked like Gabrielle Anwar, but IMDB doesn't show it as being her.
I don't know who the actress is, but it's definitely not Gabrielle Anwar, i watched Burn Notice and i know how Gabrielle Anwar looks. But i'd like to know who she is too ;)
I watched Burn Notice too, and I'm sure I'm thinking of Anwar from her days in "For Love Or Money" and other 90s movies.

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Re: The Trailer

#22 Post by eagle »

Another thought occurs to me this morning.

I love the 2003 movie "The Italian Job." When I learned of a 1960s movie of the same title, I found it and watched it. The movies have only a few similarities: Minis, a team of thieves, Italy as a setting. Completely different movies, same title. This Magnum reboot is the same thing. Completely different show, same title. Same setting (Hawaii), and similar themes (team ring, Ferraris, Robin Masters, same character names).

A few years ago, a friend said he didn't like the show "Quantico" because it was "too pretty." I think the same is true of this Magnum remake -- but I think most shows today are "too pretty." This show is a product of its time -- and that's why I won't like it: I generally don't like contemporary TV shows. The only current run show I watch today is Blue Bloods, and over the last decade or so the only current-run shows I have watched have been Castle, Psych, Monk, Blue Bloods, Downton Abbey, Burn Notice, and The Good Wife. I have watched a few episodes of Quantico and Taken, but have not taken to either of those. I also went through the entire series of ER a couple years back (I had never seen it before).

Instead of contemporary shows, I have found myself watching old shows on Hulu and Netflix. *I* am not the target market of this reboot, and it is likely that this is true of nearly all of us here on MM.

I'll probably watch an episode or 2 of it, but that'll probably be it for me, unless the show truly surprises me.

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Re: The Trailer

#23 Post by RustyPerroP.I. »

Its a pile of steaming crap. Too much CGI. Maybe they will tone it down as the season progresses. Looks like H50 on steroids.
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Re: The Trailer

#24 Post by BWheelz54 »

I would like to feel excited after watching the trailer, but I can't help but feel crestfallen. I just cannot overcome the decision to turn Higgins into a hottie. These new Magnum creators seem to have pitched all the old camaraderie between Magnum and Higgins for cheap thrills and splash, which is really what the trailer is all about. I know it's just a trailer, and that it's not supposed to really show much depth, and character development, or even plot, at this point. I know trailers need to be "explosive" to catch attention. But that whole "Higgins is now a gorgeous, young woman" bit is just too, too much for me. I love Magnum PI because I love the original Higgins, and so I just cannot feel excited.

I would like to caution some of the folks making the comments saying "kids these days just like flash," as I don't think that's fair. Sorry. The way I see it, the problem isn't with "kids these days." The problem is with the current crop of executives at the major studios who seem, to me, so adverse to taking any kind of risk with their shows, and so continue to just roll out formula and reboots to "maximize earnings" while limiting "potential loss." Before moaning about "kids these days," look at the quality of some of the shows recently made on platforms other than the big guys like CBS - Westworld, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Americans, Stranger Things, and Fargo are some of the shows that come to my mind that I found pretty dang sophisticated that "kids these days" are enjoying. They might not be your cup of tea, but they're dang good shows.I see the problem with this Magnum reboot being that the big CBS monster is producing it. So, we're going to get formula - like NCIS: Springfield, IL; NCIS: Columbus, Ohio; NCIS: Louisville, KY (no offense meant for any of those places, just trying to make a point).

Yeah, I don't like the trailer, either. But I'm going to wince at some of the comments using the trailer to growl and moan about "young people." I just think such comments throw frustration at the wrong parties. This reboot isn't flashy because young people are too immature and dumb for anything but flashy stuff. This trailer is so flashy because easy flash is what gets the big studio executives excited.

I think the people at CBS need to come to their senses and put me in charge of this reboot. I would immediately write a story that moves the gorgeous Higgins out of the estate (I don't have to kill her) and replaces her with her cantankerous uncle, and so return a truer Magnum/Higgins play to the show. That wouldn't make the new one as good as the original, but at least it wouldn't seem so much like an impostor to me.

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Re: The Trailer

#25 Post by karolis »

eagle wrote:This show is a product of its time -- and that's why I won't like it: I generally don't like contemporary TV shows. The only current run show I watch today is Blue Bloods, and over the last decade or so the only current-run shows I have watched have been Castle, Psych, Monk, Blue Bloods, Downton Abbey, Burn Notice, and The Good Wife. I have watched a few episodes of Quantico and Taken, but have not taken to either of those. I also went through the entire series of ER.

Instead of contemporary shows, I have found myself watching old shows on Hulu and Netflix. *I* am not the target market, and it is likely that this is true of nearly all of us here on MM.

I'll probably watch an episode or 2 of it, but that'll probably be it for me, unless the show truly surprises me.
I would say i like both - the old 80s shows and current ones. This may be because i'm not even 30 years old, i wasn't even born in the 80s, shows from this time of period in my country aired in late 90s, when i was 7-10 years old.

The first 80s TV show that aired in my country that i remember i liked was The A-Team, when it stopped airing, i was sad, but it was replaced by Knight Rider, which became my childhood obsession, i knew every button and light of the interior of the K.I.T.T.. While i was waiting for Knight Rider airings, i watched Married with Children, i didn't really understood it, but it was on the same channel.

At the time of Knight Rider airing there was Airwolf, i liked the chopper but other than that it seemed very depressing in atmosphere so i didn't watch it, but i remembered it on air. There we Magnum P.I. also, maybe a little bit later, but i haven't watched it too, just was aware of that show. At the similar time there were MacGyver, watched a few episodes of it on TV, but wasn't a big fan.

As a kid i even watched the 50-60s shows I Dream of Jeannie, I Love Lucy and i loved the 90s Baywatch.

So when i grew up, i remembered all of the 80s TV shows that was on air and i tried to watch or watched almost all of them as a grown up person. Knight Rider, Airwolf, A-Team and MacGyver really dated bad, even though i'm still a big Knight Rider fan. I haven't watched more than 5 episodes of The A-Team or MacGyver as an adult, because it's really hard to. I watched Knight Rider multiple times, because, as i said, i am a fan, i also watched Airwolf a few times.

Two shows from the 80s that dated well is Married with Children and Magnum P.I.. I fallen in love with them only when i was adult. I could probably watch them many times and still won't be fed up with them. The first time i started watching Magnum P.I. as an adult it was 2008, when i bought all of the DVD's, i watched 3 or 4 seasons of it and then stopped because i didn't had time to watch anymore. Then last year in spring i started from the beginning, watched thruout the summer and finished whole series in early autumn. This spring i started watching from season 1 again, i'm now on the second part of the season two. I just love all of the TM and Higgins dynamic.

While i'm not even 30 yet, i also like few contemporary shows, especially from Netflix. The one that i love is german series Dark, i also like Mindhunter, Narcos, spanish Money Heist, Ozark, Stranger Things. Other series that i liked to watch in the past was Burn Notice, Banshee. I still watch Hawaii Five-0 (new one), Suits and Game of Thrones from the very start.

As you could see I'm really a TV show junkie. But nothing beats the Magnum P.I. and Married with Children when i'm in the bad mood and i want to escape from reality. Most of the contemporary shows (Dark, Mindhunter, Narcos...) are too real, not in terms of special effects, but on the negative side of life. They're addictive but you tend to feel worse after watching them. It's the other way around after Magnum P.I. episode.

When i watched the trailer of Magnum P.I. reboot yesterday i didn't know how to feel. I was both - excited and disappointed. I liked all the details from the original, but i hated that action is over the top, especially at the end, humour is kinda cheap, the TM voice kinda sounds boring. Either way i have hope. All those effects costs money so they probably will have less of them as the series progresses. I have hope that the storylines will have to improve then.

Oh, by the way. The first time i started watch the trailer and i saw the space, i though i was watching the wrong trailer :D i remember i wondered "what does space has to do with Magnum P.I.?" but once i hear "my name is Thomas..." i kept on watching.

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Re: The Trailer

#26 Post by ConchRepublican »

"It was nothing earth-shattering. One day I woke up age 33, and realized I'd never been 23."

Things are supposed to revolve around that.
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Re: The Trailer

#27 Post by MagnumsLeftShoulder »

Most of the contemporary shows (Dark, Mindhunter, Narcos...) are too real, not in terms of special effects, but on the negative side of life. They're addictive but you tend to feel worse after watching them. It's the other way around after Magnum P.I. episode.
I agree. Too much of modern TV is so dark. There are a few shows I like, but where's the entertainment value in so much gloom and doom? One positive from the trailer is that it does have a lighthearted tone.
I would like to caution some of the folks making the comments saying "kids these days just like flash," as I don't think that's fair.
I agree. I don't like even like the idea of a Magnum reboot, but I don't think we can blame younger people. Most younger people don't know anything about the original show and don't care about it because it ended 30 years ago! They've never seen it, so how could they have an opinion on what the remake should be like? These reboots are made to profit on nostalgia. If they get popular with a younger crowd, that's just more money for the producers.

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Re: The Trailer

#28 Post by ConchRepublican »

RustyPerroP.I. wrote:Its a pile of steaming crap.

Straight and to the point!
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Re: The Trailer

#29 Post by Rembrandt's Girl »

ConchRepublican wrote:"It was nothing earth-shattering. One day I woke up age 33, and realized I'd never been 23."

Things are supposed to revolve around that.
No time for that, Conch. Top priority is shoot 'em ups, car scenes and cutesy conversations between Higgins and Magnum to keep us wondering if she’s a big meanie or if she really has the hots for Magnum... who apparently shaves his chest?!?!?

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Re: The Trailer

#30 Post by eagle »

BWheelz54 wrote:I love Magnum PI because I love the original Higgins, and so I just cannot feel excited.
Totally agree here. IThe dynamic between Higgins and Magnum is gone. Magnum is no longer the son that Higgins never had, and Higgins is no longer the father that Magnum lost. I am guessing that there will be some sort of sexual dynamic, and I certainly hope they never turn it into a "he got the girl" kind of thing.
BWheelz54 wrote:I would like to caution some of the folks making the comments saying "kids these days just like flash," as I don't think that's fair. Sorry. The way I see it, the problem isn't with "kids these days." The problem is with the current crop of executives at the major studios who seem, to me, so adverse to taking any kind of risk with their shows, and so continue to just roll out formula and reboots to "maximize earnings" while limiting "potential loss."
I understand where you are coming from, but TV consumers bear responsibility here too: if viewers didn't consume it, executives wouldn't fund it. Today, viewers do care about the flash and the CGI. In the past, viewers cared more about acting and plot. These are generalities, of course, but you can see it in music too: consider the music of the 1950s-1980s vs the music of today. It's a world of difference in terms of quality and lyrics. In general, the quality of art has fallen over time.

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