Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum!

For discussions about the new CBS Magnum P.I. reboot

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#16 Post by Laohu »

T.Q . I could not disagree with you more . You know you try to push are buttons as much as you can . You then act like you did nothing and others are crazy for taken you serious . All I did was post a few pictures to the 80’s part of the forum ( which Bond toys ask me not to do ) . And 308 and Dobie nearly lost it . I pushed there buttons in response to getting back at you and Coach even though I was not trying to . 308 was way out of line with me in a way that Bond toys has never been with you .
I think it’s time to stop for the good of the board , you started all this it’s up to you to stop it . Dude if you have a good one you just have to post just PM it to me .
As far as new people joining it appears to me that is actively discouraged around here .
It seems to me that you guys that say how much you love the 80’s version have no faith in it at all . Do you guys really think putting the new version make the old better ? Seems that way .

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#17 Post by 308GUY »

Laohu wrote:T.Q . I could not disagree with you more . You know you try to push are buttons as much as you can . You then act like you did nothing and others are crazy for taken you serious . All I did was post a few pictures to the 80’s part of the forum ( which Bond toys ask me not to do ) . And 308 and Dobie nearly lost it . I pushed there buttons in response to getting back at you and Coach even though I was not trying to . 308 was way out of line with me in a way that Bond toys has never been with you .
I think it’s time to stop for the good of the board , you started all this it’s up to you to stop it . Dude if you have a good one you just have to post just PM it to me .
As far as new people joining it appears to me that is actively discouraged around here .
It seems to me that you guys that say how much you love the 80’s version have no faith in it at all . Do you guys really think putting the new version make the old better ? Seems that way .
I generally don't do "internet ping pong" especially with anyone that displays their lack of experience and ability to communicate on an equal level....but you targeted me.

I would like you to point out where I was "out of line" with you....or anybody for that matter. I merely stated my opinion based on my observation.

If you are going to come at people and state YOUR opinion, at least learn proper English, so everyone can understand what you actually mean. "Push are,(our), buttons" "Push there,(their), buttons" I had no intentions of pushing anybody's "buttons" I said...I merely stated my opinion. As far as anybody "taken", (taking), anybody else's a little hard when it looks and sounds like they might still be in 7th grade and don't really pay attention in English class.

Believe me...if wanted to actually go head to head with you or and or they would know it in no uncertain terms. Nothing I said was even remotely aimed at you or anybody else specifically....but the fact that you took it that way sure indicates where your head is at.

"Me-Itus" I call it. Maybe if you actually had a better command of the English language and reading comprehension, you might have known that I was not targeting anyone. I guess everthing, at one level, is a matter of interpretation. Yours was wrong of my post. I don't see how I could have misinterpreted yours though when you call people out specifically.

This ends my "back & forth" exchange on this matter.

I prefer the original....but can appreciate the "reboot" for what it is and the fact that it will bring more awareness to the original.
Most "new people", (the younger set...the target audience for the reboot), will prefer "new things".....that's as it should be.
Neither should put the other down for being who/what they are.

"If you have to put somebody else down to lift yourself up...your doing it wrong and are a sorry individual" IN MY OPINION. ... 585773.png

So let's please just get back to appreciating Magnum, PI or Magnum PI, whatever your preference. Opinions are like a$$holes...everybody's got one and they all smell.

Back to the cave. :lol: :geek: :magnum:
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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#18 Post by Laohu »

Thank you for illustrating my point . You get to insult people by calling them things like “ surface dweller “. When I point out that is out of line and that I did nothing to attack you . You just want to attack more . I know this is to cover up your own insecurities and that you think you are superiors to others so I will let it go at that .

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#19 Post by Higgins (aka Bondtoys) »

That gave me a chuckle....

308GUY wrote: least learn proper English..

it's a little hard when it looks and sounds like they might still be in 7th grade and don't really pay attention in English class.

Believe me...if [..] wanted to actually go ....

Maybe if you actually had a better command of the English language and reading comprehension....

I guess everthing , at one level, is a matter of interpretation.

And please let‘s keep in mind that not everybody here has english as her/his first language.

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#20 Post by ConchRepublican »

OK people . . . let's try and keep things above board.

We know people who hate the idea of the new show and those who appreciate it.

Reminder - No need for any name calling or personal attacks.

I can't believe you guys made me post in this, of all threads, since my view and opinion is well known.
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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#21 Post by Laohu »

Hi T.Q. ,
Do you see my point now ? All I had to do was point out that there was a personal attack and the attacks got worse . You think you are being a goof ball but others don’t see it that way This is why I can not agree with you.

Do you understand my point now ? Would you agree Bondtoys never disrespected you like this even after you went back and forth with him ? Would you also agree that he does not take things as seriously as others after this demonstration .
I hope you see my point now :roll:

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#22 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

KENJI wrote:Hi Guys,

I think it's time for a ceasefire and we start acting more Magnum-like. This type of negative back and forth that is directed at one another isn't what this site is about, for the most part we try and keep our comments civil, constructive/positive when possible and of course we can agree to disagree on things, but we don't need to go after one another and yes, sometimes it's best to say nothing for the better of others or even this site. We've always been proud of our great bunch on the best site, but unfortunately, we are starting to get a black smudge on our reputation which is a real shame. :oops: I'll always be an original MM fan and still feel it's superior to the reboot -pure magic what Selleck and the gang pulled off and I'm sure some prefer the reboot better, that's there opinion and they're entitled to it. By watching the reboot it doesn't mean anyone is being disloyal to the original either.
I'm all for being silly or goofy which is very Magnum-like, but that comes at your own expense not at someone else's. I would like to see more members come onboard and make comments, but if we are going to attack one another it will scare them off. Lets be honest, the number of members that chime in on a regular basis here are very few. The original show was done a looong time ago and we've talked/covered almost every topic imaginable. The Reboot Section actually gives our site a much needed shot in the arm with new members, different topics, opinions etc., etc.. I'm sure some of the younger viewers of the reboot are now watching the original which also strengthens the original show fan base - a win-win. I agree with some of KK's comments and also agree the Hawaiian scenery and the cars are still worthy of a look on occasion. I enjoy comparing parts of the two shows even though they are not the same and like finding the few Easter eggs/similarities that are hidden in there too. The writers still need to tighten it up as many of the plots are predictable, boring or even way over the top, but some of them or parts of them have been decent enough, still not OMG quality though. Having said that, some of the characters are pulling their weight and delivering a decent to good performance, while others not so much. To be fair, even the original show had a few weak stories, characters etc. that could've been better. :shock: I'm sure some will disagree and that's okay too.
So what do you think?
Any chance we can all try and get along and buff this smudge out of the MM paint job before it turns into a bloody gouge?? :wink:

KENJI for president, he's the one in '21!

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#23 Post by K Hale »

Some of you have never been locked in an elevator together in a building about to be demolished while you flung personal insults back-and-forth over stupid crap until you were forced to realize it really wasn’t worth it, and it shows.
I didn't realize you were so addicted to pool.
It's not pool.

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#24 Post by 308GUY » wrote:That gave me a chuckle....

308GUY wrote: least learn proper English..

it's a little hard when it looks and sounds like they might still be in 7th grade and don't really pay attention in English class.

Believe me...if [..] wanted to actually go ....

Maybe if you actually had a better command of the English language and reading comprehension....

I guess everthing , at one level, is a matter of interpretation.

And please let‘s keep in mind that not everybody here has english as her/his first language.
That's all you got...typo's? :wink: Bait taken....happy to make you smile, even if for the wrong reason. "Gut, mein Kritiker"

Conch: Just want to apologize for trying to play "devil's advocate" a few months WERE right!
But you handled the situation with self control, poise and diplomacy. ... emolished/ ... 429551.jpg

So be it.

As I've said in the past, change is really the only constant in the universe...time to move on.

I have never said, indicated, claimed or suggested I was any better than anybody....just older. Out with the with the new.

This has always been one of my favorite forums....hope it stays that way for most.
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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#25 Post by ConchRepublican »

308GUY wrote: Conch: Just want to apologize for trying to play "devil's advocate" a few months WERE right!
But you handled the situation with self control, poise and diplomacy.


So be it.
Is that MiniMag mooning everyone?

308GUY wrote:As I've said in the past, change is really the only constant in the universe...time to move on.

I have never said, indicated, claimed or suggested I was any better than anybody....just older. Out with the with the new.

This has always been one of my favorite forums....hope it stays that way for most.
You better not be going anywhere.
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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#26 Post by Laohu »

Ok now that everyone has had a chance to cool down please let me say a few things .
First , I saw this coming a long time ago . I ask Conch several times to step in and calm things . I thought I approached him respectfully . “that would be for him to say I guess “ . But he stated that he was “Ok with it he did not have a problem with it as long as it was not a personal attack .”
Did I miss understand you Conch ? Please correct me if I miss quoted you .

T.Q for better or worse I learned from you . Sometimes I got the better of you , sometimes you got the better of me . I did not know what to make of you at first but over my time here I think we have made a strange but nice friendship .

308 I never attacked you personally that I remember ? If I did please show me where and I will delete and apologize to you. You keep saying that you are older then everyone else but your behavior does not show that . Can you please explain to me why you feel justified in talking to anyone the way you talked to me ? I do feel justified in naming you as someone who attacked me personally and as someone who took things much more seriously then Bondtoys .
Would you not agree with this ?

Thank you for letting me have my say . I hope this does not offend anyone that is not my intent.Maybe we can all learn from this life as they say is a learning experience.

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#27 Post by ConchRepublican »

I have been watching, and I have been giving this thread, and section, a lot of rope because I don't want to be overly strict on the rules and want ideas and beliefs to be shared.

Yes, things have gotten uncomfortable at times and I threw a yellow flag a couple of days ago, after Kenji had brought things to my attention, when I thought things were getting a little too far along.

I do think that by and large people have been respectful. Yes, T.Q. has been ribbing the reboot, I also think the reboot supporters have gotten a little thin skinned at times BUT, I can see how the constant harping can get old/annoying.

As I have stated, I have stopped commenting in this section by and large because:

A - my feelings are well known
B - since I am not watching I have nothing to offer

Again, I add a BUT . . . just because this is the reboot section, it isn't all peaches and cream. This isn't the Lenkov/MiniMag/Shiggins Mutual Admiration "You're All Winners" Support Thread.

Some people are truly enjoying the show. Good for you.
Some people are watching to needle the O.G. and/or reboot fans. If that gives you a chuckle, fine.
Some are watching it purely for trainwreck purposes. That seems like a waste of time we only get so much of, but I get it.

To shut down negative views just because they are getting old or tired, well that's not going to happen. There are a lot of things out there I don't like but people have the right to that opinion, especially when it comes to something in the creative fields. In that same vein, if people see something redeeming, or nostalgic in the reboot, they have every right to enjoy it and share it with others.

One thing I think we all need to remember is this is a global board and not everyone here speaks English as a first or possibly even second language. There is a very good chance nuance, subtlety and inference can get lost in translation. The overwhelming majority of members of this board are here because of one reason - the Tom Selleck/John Hillerman Magnum, P.I.

I like to think we are all on the same team so let's try and act like it
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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#28 Post by Turkey »

Jumping in to pretend I've noticed none of the tension to say - if the show ever comes to Australia in any form, I'm still willing to try the reboot but with low hopes.
Make it two weeks.

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#29 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Turkey wrote:Jumping in to pretend I've noticed none of the tension to say - if the show ever comes to Australia in any form, I'm still willing to try the reboot but with low hopes.
Great idea you have there Turkey.
How about a episode featuring the return of Ivan? He has brainwashed TC into kidnapping national icon Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.
Magnum and Higgins fly to Australia to foil Ivan and stop a potential international incident.
At one point Higgins goes undercover in a go go bar in Kings Cross in Sydney. She winds up mud wrestling Kylie Minogue, pins her and makes Kylie confess to where
she and Ivan are holding Skippy. Magnum and Higgy raid Ivan's lair, grab Skippy and a still spaced out TC, jump in Ivan's chopper and escape.
With Skippy piloting the helicopter over Sydney Harbour like she did in her own TV series.
I maintain this plot is the equal of any in the reboot to date, plus with Skippy being the greatest star in Australian history it will draw numbers of viewers down under.
With the added bonus of Skippy being able to give acting lessons to the Americans in the cast.
Plus the producers could save money on a hotel room for Jay by letting him sleep in Skippy's pouch.

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Re: Change of heart - Magnum Reboot is better than no Magnum

#30 Post by Turkey »

Luther's nephew Dobie wrote:
Turkey wrote:Jumping in to pretend I've noticed none of the tension to say - if the show ever comes to Australia in any form, I'm still willing to try the reboot but with low hopes.
Great idea you have there Turkey.
How about a episode featuring the return of Ivan? He has brainwashed TC into kidnapping national icon Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.
Magnum and Higgins fly to Australia to foil Ivan and stop a potential international incident.
At one point Higgins goes undercover in a go go bar in Kings Cross in Sydney. She winds up mud wrestling Kylie Minogue, pins her and makes Kylie confess to where
she and Ivan are holding Skippy. Magnum and Higgy raid Ivan's lair, grab Skippy and a still spaced out TC, jump in Ivan's chopper and escape.
With Skippy piloting the helicopter over Sydney Harbour like she did in her own TV series.
I maintain this plot is the equal of any in the reboot to date, plus with Skippy being the greatest star in Australian history it will draw numbers of viewers down under.
With the added bonus of Skippy being able to give acting lessons to the Americans in the cast.
Plus the producers could save money on a hotel room for Jay by letting him sleep in Skippy's pouch.
I would watch that in a heart beat :D

(I think I could stream it somewhere - but it turns out I'd have to sign up to a third streaming service and I dunno if the reboot is worth the money. Maybe I'll rent the DVD/Blu-Ray one day instead)
Make it two weeks.

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