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#151 Post by grapeshot »

But I'm already getting tired of the pregnancy part of the plot. The puking is certainly played for laughs, but it's not leaving much else for those two characters to do. I like the hyper former owner and the black dude's competence more.
It was very nice to see TS back on the small screen, and I'll be tuning in regularly to this show, but I agree with the statement above. For all the busty babes and hot young men on this show, to me it always seemed to be a non-sexy show -- that is, until TS walked in! But good grief, what's next on the show? An infant being toted around in a CASINO?? And watching the recap from last season made my head spin. There was more silly melodrama there than in any three or four soap operas that you could name. As much as I enjoyed seeing TS in his scenes, I hope the show's Powers That Be start writing better stuff.

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#152 Post by Sparkle & Fizz »

I, too, enjoyed watching the show once TS was on the screen. I agree with the assessments made here so far, and I hope that future plots will call on more of TS's range as an actor!


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#153 Post by golfmobile »

I concur with all of our assessments. I just wish the Powers That Be would read our posts to see how to enhance TS' character more and gain even more viewership (if that's a word). Frankly, I think all of us right now are watching just to see TS back on TV but if he is not properly "used" and advanced, I think I, at least, may defect and stop watching.

They have a VERY STRONG drawing card here, but it can easily be mis-played, not to make too dreadful a pun on gamesmanship in Las Vegas.

I guess I need to watch the premiere again, as I missed the Magnum smiles and head-tilts mentioned above. I thought he was more the morose Jesse Stone. But with the bowling scenes shown in the preview, SURELY there would HAVE to be a delighted Magnum laugh there!

In sum, they've "got" us with the hook -- they just need to do right by TS to keep us on the line.


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#154 Post by N1095A »

Shermy wrote:
N1095A wrote:I'd LOVE to see Cooper walking through the casino, accidently bump into Hillerman, spilling his drink, prompting an "Oh My God!"
I'd also love to see him as an old friend who visits the casino, but is a compulsive gambler. Naturally, Cooper barters with him...but with limits. (ie. "Blackjack for one hour, the slot machines for two. But no roulette.") :lol:
That would be great as well. Maybe a "rancher" ala Elmo.
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#155 Post by eeyore »

I think the character of Cooper is VERY SERIOUS and forboding! Since I've never seen Selleck play such a distant character it is a little discerning to me. Kind of like the type of boss you are afraid of!

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#156 Post by N1095A »

eeyore wrote:I think the character of Cooper is VERY SERIOUS and forboding! Since I've never seen Selleck play such a distant character it is a little discerning to me. Kind of like the type of boss you are afraid of!
As an employee of many bosses, I see Cooper as someone who is difficult to gauge. On one hand he has an eccentric side that allows (as his motto states) anything can happen. On the other hand, he knows what he wants, and he makes his decisions on gut instincts.
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#157 Post by SelleckLover »

Found this on the website: (Interview with TS) Unfortunately you gotta watch the commercial first.


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#158 Post by golfmobile »


Thanks for the link. It's always a delight to hear TS talk.

But I have to confess, and I hope I don't get slaughtered here, but I really don't like this show. Please! That is just purely my opinion, and I suppose I will keep watching it to see what happens with TS. But I've gotten where I'm just about at the point of watching it after recording it and I just want to fast-forward through the scenes with anyone else. I don't even remember the other characters' names! I think the writing in any scene but with TS is silly, boring, and trying too hard.

Without a history of the characters' past lives in the casino/hotel, I don't see that the Duhamel character, Danny, whom Cooper picked to run the show is better than Lesure's Mike (I looked up the names on The females are just Valley-girl airheads. I liked the scene where Cooper kept Mike on board by persuasion, but the rest of the stuff is pretty lame. I don't see anybody ever really doing a job except Cooper.


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#159 Post by golfmobile »

On another note, has anyone found a link or a youtube video of TS on The Ellen Degeneres Show? I thought I TiVo'ed it, but it didn't "take." I hope it was better than his Tonight Show with Leno. That one didn't impart much new -- talked about the avocado ranch most of the time -- and Leno kept talking over him and I don't know if the chair was uncomfortable or tilted too far forward or what, but TS kept moving around and trying to get comfortable or had hemorrhoids or something. It was painful to watch his constant adjusting of his sitting position. Did anyone else notice this?

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#160 Post by layne »

golfmobile wrote:On another note, has anyone found a link or a youtube video of TS on The Ellen Degeneres Show? I thought I TiVo'ed it, but it didn't "take." I hope it was better than his Tonight Show with Leno. That one didn't impart much new -- talked about the avocado ranch most of the time -- and Leno kept talking over him and I don't know if the chair was uncomfortable or tilted too far forward or what, but TS kept moving around and trying to get comfortable or had hemorrhoids or something. It was painful to watch his constant adjusting of his sitting position. Did anyone else notice this?

I did notice Tom was not himself on Leno. He was really reserved and didn't show much of his usual sense of humor. You are right, he couldn't sit still. He seemed almost like he didn't want to be there. I don't think Tom thought the whole short-shorts thing was too funny-I get the feeling he hears that way too much. I don't know about you, but I get tired of hearing about the avocado ranch-why don't they ever ask him about anything else? Geeze... I guess part of the problem is I don't really care much for Leno.

On the other hand, TS was completely different on the Ellen show. He seemed totally at ease with her and was funny. Yes, he talked about the advocado ranch AGAIN but at least he had that TS sense of humor. He read a poem from Ellen's book at the end of the show and that part was cute. I bet the interview will show up on YouTube.

Of course on both shows, MPI came up in some way. Do you think TS ever gets tired of interviewers bringing up MPI?

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#161 Post by Shermy »

golfmobile wrote:I really don't like this show.
I always thought Vegas was a serious drama, and was surprised to see how offbeat it is. Even so, it doesn't surprise me that the ratings were slipping. I'm really not interested in any of the non-TS characters at this point.
layne wrote:I get tired of hearing about the avocado ranch-why don't they ever ask him about anything else?
The guest and host usually agree on the topics beforehand, so TS obviously doesn't mind talking about the ranch. I'm not sure why his Tonight Show appearance was so dull, though. :?

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#162 Post by golfmobile »

Well, if they agreed on the subjects beforehand, it sure looked like Leno blind-sided TM with all the pictures of TSM in his short-shorts/trunks. I don't know why so much grief is given to him about that because EVERYONE was wearing shorts that short during that time frame (unless the people giving him grief NOW didn't have the legs or the body to wear shorts that short 25 years ago!). I don't have the pictures here on my computer at home, but tomorrow I'll post some pictures showing some of the attorneys I work with at a softball game 25 years ago, when they had on shorts like that.

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#163 Post by layne »

golfmobile wrote:Well, if they agreed on the subjects beforehand, it sure looked like Leno blind-sided TM with all the pictures of TSM in his short-shorts/trunks. I don't know why so much grief is given to him about that because EVERYONE was wearing shorts that short during that time frame (unless the people giving him grief NOW didn't have the legs or the body to wear shorts that short 25 years ago!). I don't have the pictures here on my computer at home, but tomorrow I'll post some pictures showing some of the attorneys I work with at a softball game 25 years ago, when they had on shorts like that.

I agree with you Golf. I kind of thought TS was blind-sided. He did not look happy to me about the short-shorts jokes and pics. He looked uncomfortable. Even the audience seemed to sense his discomfort -at one point some woman in the audience even yelled out "We love you Tom". I don't know, I'll have to watch it again. Maybe I'm not thinking clearly and was just irritated by Leno.

Anyway, on a lighter note--Tom's legs were awesome. So glad short-shorts were in style back then! :wink:

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#164 Post by grapeshot »

golfmobile, I totally agree with you. Like others have mentioned, I tend to ignore, or even fast forward, through the parts of the show that he's not in. I'm even thinking that I'll only stick around until the MPI reunion episode.

Outside of TS's character, and the manicurist character, the rest seem not only blandly good looking in a cheerleader sort of way, but pointless, too. (And yes, one does wonder what all of their jobs are. Recently I started watching a show on BBC America called "Hotel Babylon", which is set in a luxury hotel, and is presented as a milieu similar to Las Vegas, but without the gambling. I have to say that all the characters on this show are distinctive, and all of them actually do their jobs, and yet this show is as racy and over-the-top as Las Vegas wants to be. It has both interesting guests, ranging from large and small crooks, con men, gangsters, cheating wives and husbands, to billionaires and divas who drive the plot of an episode, and an overall on-going story arc involving the regular cast of characters. "Hotel Babylon" is proof that it is possible to do a show about the hospitality industry properly.)

I also thought that Leno took a very cheap shot at TS about those shorts. In fact, I was rather shocked at it. One can't do anything about the style of clothing that was fashionable in past decades that one used to wear. I wonder if there are any photos of Leno wearing a polyester leisure suit that we could all use to poke fun at him. Yet the right person can make those dated shorts or a polyester leisure suit look good. Speaking as the female of my species, TS and his wardrobe in MPI is absolutely enchanting to watch. Even the occasional cheesy scene is made much more enjoyable by being able to appraise the clothes and the man in them. (And I think Rick was a pretty dapper dresser, too.)

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#165 Post by Shermy »

Leno does usually try to surprise a guest with something goofy from their past, so the shorts may have been a topic that his writers suggested. But to be honest, I didn't really think TS seem too uncomfortable with it. (Or that he should've had any real reason to be, for that matter.)

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