Solo Flight (7.16)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the seventh season

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#31 Post by N1095A »

Anyone notice the HUGE, major, glaring, Smack you in the face flub in this shot?
Last edited by N1095A on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#32 Post by rubber chicken »

I like the real one better James. :oops:

Here's a gallery of WWII nose art from Hawaii Aviation. This is my favorite, and I also really like this and this. I love WWII nose art, even when girls aren't involved. :)
Last edited by rubber chicken on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#33 Post by IKnowWhatYoureThinking »

Those are great RC. I love the old planes, and the nose art they used to sport. I've always liked the sharks teeth that the P40's had.

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#34 Post by J.J. Walters »

Wow, I had no idea that Nose Art could be so risque! "Bottom's Up"? LOL! :)
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#35 Post by Doc Ibold »

N1095A wrote:Anyone notice the HUGE, major, glaring, Smack you in the face flub in this shot?
Um... no.

Is the nametag on the wrong side of the uniform?

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#36 Post by N1095A »

Doc Ibold wrote:
Um... no.

Is the nametag on the wrong side of the uniform?

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#37 Post by Danno »

This episode, as others have stated has resonance over time.

The first time I watched it, I thought it was slow and fairly dull but with repeated viewings, it only gets better and better.

The emotional weight of the episode allows for some of the biggest laughs in the series too- I love Higgins comments as he rambles on by Magnum's coffin as well as the accidental slap at the end.
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#38 Post by Carol the Dabbler »

Doc Ibold wrote:... it does seem a bit weird that once he saw the hunters he didn't have them get help and walked ALL the way back to the estate.
Assuming that the DVD has the entire original footage -- We see the hunters gawking at Magnum, then we cut to Magnum sitting on his couch. How do you know the hunters didn't help him down the mountain and give him a lift back to the estate?

What DOES seem odd to me is that Magnum, after suffering a life-threatening injury, had not sought medical help. Maybe he was still a bit delirious from the centipede bite, but good golly, just having a tourniquet on his leg for that long could have caused some damage. Not to mention that the original wound probably called for several stitches and a shot of penicillin!

AJL wrote:Wow I'm speechless, having watched almost 7 seasons so far, this was the worst so far, just awful in so many ways... And you guys loved it????
Hubby and I didn't enjoy this one all that much either. For one thing, it seems to be one of those budget-conscious episodes, where they do a lot of surreal scenes where they don't need much of a set, plus they use a whole lot of footage from previous episodes.

Add that to the fact that this is one of those mortal-peril episodes (as were several of the flashback episodes), and it's just not our cup of tea, even though it may be a good episode for them as likes this sort of thing. I'll admit there were some nice touches (like the fly-slap at the end), but we generally prefer the episodes where the challenge is more cerebral and the danger is more potential, so that the whimsy/humor can be enjoyed in its own right, rather than being desperately needed just to offset the darker scenes.

Query: Was Magnum's hair shorter here because Selleck needed shorter hair for a role in some other show or movie? I assume there was some sort of real-life reason, so they worked the haircut into the episode as a gag, even though it served no plot purpose.

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#39 Post by timm525 »

I had a question on his ranks for you military buffs.

If he resigned as a LT and then was reinstated as a Commander, is it normal procedure to skip an entire rank?

I always thought that as a perk to getting you to re-up, you were normally promoted to the next higher rank assuming there was an opening for you to do so. I'm not military but have never heard of a person skipping a whole rank. I'm sure it has been done before, but with him being out for 8 to maybe 9-10 years, he would have a lot of catching up to do. Technology had changed a lot in the time he was out so I don't see how he could have skipped a whole rank.

Even if there were no LT Cmdr spots available I find it hard to believe that he could just skip over all the other LT Cmdrs that have been in that position for a few years waiting for their promotion to Cmdr?

Can any of you military folks elaborate on this procedure of skipping ranks?



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#40 Post by Coops »

As with anything else military, anything can and will happen. When I got off of active duty I did as an E-4, of which I spent a total of 6 months at that pay-grade. When I went in the active reserves 11 years later I went in as an E-5.

Officers are a totaly different dynamic though. If there was someone that wanted Magnum back in bad enough, and probably knew that O-5 would be just the thing to entice Magnum to come back in, then they would have found a way to get it done.

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#41 Post by AmandaByNight »

I love Solo Flight, but not as much as Home From the Sea.

Still, this episode is a showcase of what a wonderful actor Tom Selleck is. Just the way his voice gets all crazy gravelly (sp?) as the situation progresses... it's really interesting to just watch him through the episode.

I really like these dark surreal episodes. My fiance watched it with me a couple of weeks ago and I think he didn't like it as much. He thought it was weird, but it sticks with me and the stuff about his dad is always compelling.

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First viewing struck me as average at best

#42 Post by nha trang »

Just caught this on TV, not in the episode-by-episode DVD viewing.

Seemed a bit forced and actually made me just a bit sad in contemplating the mortality of the Magnum PI...television series...

I hope the later episodes don't have this tone to them...I mean the episode probably has redeeming qualities, but it seems rushed and a rehash of the (sorry I forget the name) shark episode...come to think of it, this episode may be the "jump the shark" episode...just kidding it's still Magnum PI!

They could have put a bit more effort into the episode and the idea, rather than having Magnum get home on his own, a bit implausible, as well as getting completely trapped under the plane and getting out. With the plane rolled over on him with his pry bar, he would have 0 leverage.

Anyway, still my favorite TV show and even this episode is better than anything else on now.

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#43 Post by snp389 »

Great Ep. One of my favourites. I love the stories where TM is the 'only' story.
I especially like the referance to TM's past, and his love and respect for his dad.

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#44 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

MPS wrote:Liked the episode, but it was a bit intense at times. It's one of a few that has stayed in my memory since viewing 20 years ago. Among all of the flubs found so far, it seems that no one has mentioned that the postion of the plane before Magnum is trapped and after he is trapped is exactly the same!



TSM couldn't have gotten into that postion unless a crane picked up the plane and put it on him.

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#45 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

Carol the Dabbler wrote: Query: Was Magnum's hair shorter here because Selleck needed shorter hair for a role in some other show or movie? I assume there was some sort of real-life reason, so they worked the haircut into the episode as a gag, even though it served no plot purpose.
Maybe Three Men And A Baby?

In any case in this episode it's used as a metaphore for growing up. They actually overdo it a bit - It's just some minot trim but the other characters reacts as if he had had a sex change operation.

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