Las Vegas, Poker game scenes.

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Las Vegas, Poker game scenes.

#1 Post by N1095A »

Has anyone noticed that Larry is wearing the MPI team ring?
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#2 Post by Kahunagirl »

No, but now I'll definitely have to go back and watch the replay on tomorrow! Loved the subtle Magnum reference made by Cooper at the very end, when Mike Cannon was making his girlfriend "disappear" ...


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#3 Post by crazy haole »

It's my first post here and I think the timing could not be better. I saw the Las Vegas reunion show and was looking specifically for the team ring. Rick was wearing his on his right hand, but T.C. & Magnum were not from what I could see. BTW, that show sucks asss. I was considering to change the channel more than once after 20 min. but I remembered why I was watching it. I now have a new found appreciation for my magnum DVD library. Worth their weight in gold literally.

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#4 Post by N1095A »

The Rick and TC scenes were loaded with Magnum references. Did you notice that "Roger" statred his business with one helicopter, and had a Hawaii drivers' license?

Unfortunately, I agree with CH, I really couldn't give a rat's you know what about the non TS storyline, or the other characters.
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#5 Post by J.J. Walters »

I'm still trying to get over the shock of seeing Tom, Roger & Larry together again after a twenty-year layoff! :shock: Pretty cool, I must say! Too bad their scenes together were disappointingly short on time, dialog and substance. :?

The subtle MPI references were a nice touch, though. I about fell out of my seat when I saw Larry with the "Team Ring"!

I'm still not too keen on this show, even with Tom Selleck. I like Josh, James and Camille Guaty (her dimples are out of this world!), but that's about it. Too much time in indoor sets. Too many fancy camera shots. Too many annoying characters! But then again, I'm not too keen on ANY modern TV shows. ;)

Still, I hope the rumors are true, and Roger and Larry come back for more episodes. I'll be watching!

BTW, welcome to the site crazy haole!
Last edited by J.J. Walters on Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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#6 Post by rubber chicken »

I didn't notice the ring the first time around but I have the show recorded on my computer so I'm able to go back and get a screenshot.

Here's the best view of the ring.

My personal opinion about the show - I've been watching since Mr. Selleck started appearing and I usually only watch the parts where he appears (easy to do with computer recordings). This is the first show that I watched all the way through because I didn't want to miss anything about the former Magnum characters. I don't want to rag on the show but I don't really care for it, then again I don't watch any prime-time network tv and my two favorite shows are South Park and This Old House (an odd pair I know) so I'm not surprised.

I was disappointed in this episode in particular though, it was supposed to be a reunion of three characters from a much loved old show, but Mr. Manetti and Mr. Mosley were only seen twice! What we did see was a wife and her wife-beating insane husband with the other main story line being about insane pregnant pastry cook. (!?)

Really it seemed like they had a script already written and then shoehorned in a few scenes with Manetti and Mosley which didn't have much to do with the show. Even the poker scene was mainly about the girl losing to Cooper, and not the guest stars. Seems lazy of the makers of the show, and a missed opportunity.

I did like where they were talking about Manetti and Mosley and then said "there's supposed to be a third guy too, some British billionaire." Glad they mentioned John Hillerman, I wonder if he was watching at home.

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#7 Post by Miss Q »

Did anyone else pick up on the 4th and missing friends name from England..... It was Ashford....

As in the Lady Ashford... Higgins old flame
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#8 Post by Steve »

I caught the mention of the third person, a British Billionaire, but didn't hear any names mentioned. Of course, I had to go back and watch my recording to see the team ring on Larry (what a classy act). Perhaps this was a foreshadowing of Mr. Hillerman appearing in a future episode. One can only hope, anyway.


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#9 Post by N1095A »

Miss Q wrote:Did anyone else pick up on the 4th and missing friends name from England..... It was Ashford....

As in the Lady Ashford... Higgins old flame
That was "the Lady Ashley" who Higgins mistakenly referred to as The lady Agetha" in Echoes Of The Mind.
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#10 Post by golfmobile »

Well, I've spent all day trying to figure out why my Dazzle 80 DVC isn't picking up sound and for now I've given up, so I thought I would check the boards here. I was reluctant to state how much I DON'T like "Las Vegas" and how I think poor Mr. Selleck is really selling himself short here. But I see I'm not the only one, thank goodness. I hope he decides, in spite of however much he's being paid, NOT to be on the show again for another season. If he stays with it, then I think he's just doing it for the money only, because the show sucks the Big One. I think it is dreadful! If it was like this for the last five years, I don't see how it stayed on the air. Granted, I don't watch much network TV (House and Boston Legal are the only ones I'm fanatic about) and only certain shows on satellite (Monk, The Closer, Saving Grace, Burn Notice) regularly enough that I record them. So personally I think network TV has gone down the tubes. Las Vegas should go with it.

I thought last night's show was pitiful, rather sad. I enjoyed very much seeing Larry and Roger, but I thought the script was dumb and their scenes just "fill" stuff (as mentioned a couple of posts ahead of this one). I couldn't care less about any of the other characters -- I find them highly annoying for the most part. I would rather have seen Larry or Roger have the plotline of the suspicious girlfriend and had the three of them solve the problem together and then the happy couple could ride off into the sunset, or whatever. Using them the way they did was a rip-off -- just to try to get viewers hooked and then let them down. I get the feeling the writers are trying to give everyone equal screen time, and consequently everything gets diluted to the point of senselessness (if that's a word). The pregnancy storyline is entirely unappealing, to me -- what a bunch of empty-headed people! I find the characters immature, self-centered, self-absorbed, and unlikeable (except Cooper, who is simply under-utilized in favor of the silly Gen-Xers).

I appreciated the MPI allusions and did notice Larry's ring. I also noticed that Larry seemed always to be putting himself forward ahead of Roger, which I found slightly annoying.

I know, I shouldn't soft-soap it like this -- I should tell you what I REALLY think. But LV, even with TS, is what I will watch only when there is nothing else to see.

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#11 Post by SelleckLover »

Wow! I can't tell you how disappointed I was with last nite's episode. This was the reunion we've long been waiting for and we hardly got to see Moseley and Manetti at all! What we did see of them was awesome, but this script left much to be desired. One would think that they would have developed their characters more, but maybe they're saving that for future episodes. I will have to say that this is probably the worst show on television, but I will still watch it because TS is on it. I guess we're just spoiled for great stories, and the richness of character development that we saw continually on Magnum PI. I guess it just comes down to the fact that there are no new story lines left to write about since the inception of television because they've all been done in one form or another, and then some. Although I've only been watching this show since TS has been on it, I'm sure this show "jumped the shark" a long time ago! JMHO!

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#12 Post by Icepick »

I'm just reading this now...I had no idea about last night's episode. Does anyone know where I can view it besides the NBC site as non-US residents can't view shows on their site? Of course I just would like to see the scenes with Roger and Larry.

edit - no worries I'm getting the ep from a torrent.

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#13 Post by Kahunagirl »

I agree that we could have used some more Magnum in this episode, but I do recall reading that the original script called for two of Cooper's rancher friends to come into town to play poker, and that TS suggested that these characters be the Magnum guys instead. So, I'm guessing that they were not originally intended to be big parts. But, I did like all the tie-ins to Magnum -- their occupations, the ring, the reference at the the end to seeing a loved one go into a protection program, etc. And, as Roger and Larry were leaving, I believe Larry said somthing like "This was a great time, we'd both like to come back to Vegas again" -- so I'm thinking that this may be setting them up to be recurring, and more major, characters.

Meanwhile, I'll be tuning in to the Magnum Season 7 DVD set when it hits the stores on Tuesday!


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#14 Post by lutherhgillis »

Thanks for all the dialog and the screenshot of Larry wearing the ring! How cool was that?!!! Friday was the first time that I watched Vegas and will probably be the last unless Roger and Larry reappear. What a lousy script... That show was weaker than any MPI episode! The ONLY thing good was Tom, Roger, Larry and the MPI references! That's it! I can't believe that show made it this long. Maybe Tom's influence will help but I wouldn't count on this show lasting.

Maybe this regrouping of the MPI characters will ignite a thought in someones mind that a TV Movie about MPI should be made.

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#15 Post by Steve »

I took a chance and sent Larry an e-mail thru his web site. I wrote him what a great gesture it was for him to wear the team ring and that it was the talk of the Magnum message boards. I also asked him if John Hillerman might be appearing in some upcoming episodes.... I actually got a response back, see below......

" Hey Steve,

What a great e-mail!!

How could I not wear the ring. It was part of us!!!
As far as Hillerman goes he's not in the best of health that's why he wasn't in the show.
Again thanks for the great compliments. It really makes me want to work more!!!-
Take care. Your pal,

Larry "


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