The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#91 Post by Doc Ibold »

ConchRepublican wrote:
Doc Ibold wrote:I'd prefer if you didn't (at least for a short while). I may do some re-edits (Nothing major, just some touching up)
OK . . . it's your creation. I think it would be cool to get it in front of one of them though!
Hey Conch, I'm with you. It's just right now there may be some spelling errors and what not. It's a very casual proof that I do before I submit, hence Jack Martin got sh!t by live ammunition.


It's more of a best foot forward than a reluctance to share.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#92 Post by ConchRepublican »

Doc Ibold wrote:
ConchRepublican wrote:
Doc Ibold wrote:I'd prefer if you didn't (at least for a short while). I may do some re-edits (Nothing major, just some touching up)
OK . . . it's your creation. I think it would be cool to get it in front of one of them though!
Hey Conch, I'm with you. It's just right now there may be some spelling errors and what not. It's a very casual proof that I do before I submit, hence Jack Martin got sh!t by live ammunition.


It's more of a best foot forward than a reluctance to share.
Gotcha, understandable.
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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#93 Post by Doc Ibold »

Three Minus Two:

There are days at the estate when you forget the outside world has its own problems and conflict seems to melt away. The past couple of weeks have felt that way. Higgins and Magnum seem to be at peace. I think it's Higgins way of making up to Magnum for the Elmo Ziller ruse. He's also been very forgiving to me, and seems quite interested in how I assisted Higgins in his quick change scheme. Part of me thinks its professional curiosity, but I suspect the real reason is that he's looking for ways around the estate to avoid Higgins when this calm eventually passes.

Business has been slow for Magnum, but he seems to pass the time catching up on his Volleyball league and swimming in the tidal pool. He soon found himself a companion in a Miss Jones, a guest of Mr. Masters who very coquettishly pretends to be afraid of the water as an excuse to get closer to him. He was in the midst of helping her learn how to snorkel (and sneaking a peek at her backside) when Higgins decided Magnum's reprieve was over and summoned him to the phone.

Magnum decided to take advantage of the little time he had left with Miss Jones and then left. He and I ended up at the club at around the same time and we parted ways. Interestingly enough, Jan Kona still arrived. She and Kiki worked together during Kikis brief stint as a secretary there. We had had lunches together a few times, and I found her charming (yet very intelligent with good business sense). She made her way to the bar and struck up a conversation with Rick and Magnum before they took a stroll on the beach.

I didn't see Magnum again until the next morning after I caught up with him at the estate. He was leaving the main house with Mr. Masters new camera. I was hoping he didn't give too much away to Higgins and still had some goodwill left over. When I asked him what the deal was for, he told me that Higgins and Magnum decided to share the use of the Ferrari throughout the week and he gave up the guesthouse for a period of time. He didn't seem to be too concerned, as he was chuckling that he was off to see "Mr. Alex" at Jan Kona's.

He left before I could warn him about "Ox", the over zealous security guard. I had gone to surprise Kiki one day and didn't check in at the front desk. When he saw me in the hallway and drew his gun yelling "Take Root and Hoist 'Em!" I barely had time to explain who I was when he threw me against the wall and started frisking me.

I often wonder what it is about me that makes officers of the law decide that I'm up to no good? Needless to say, Kiki found a better paying job and I never had to venture there again.

TC has become a regular shutterbug. I ran into him at the club taking pictures of Rick, much to his annoyance. I think TC believes in quantity over quality. I watched Rick get into more and more ridiculous poses until I gave up and decided to get the men to work on the front lawn before I went back to the estate to drop off some new seed for the lawn.

I was laying some seed near the guesthouse when Magnum and Jan Kona arrived. Higgins curiosity got the better of him and he went to chat with the two of them. From the look of the bag, it looked like she would be staying for awhile. I'm not sure what she said, but she got on Higgins good side rather quickly and he seemed to welcome her. I wonder if it was because her partner was murdered at her last show.

Magnum left for a little while to do some investigation, I suppose.

I didn't see him again until extremely early the next morning when two police officers arrived at the estate looking for Miss Kona. Higgins was furious and went off to find Magnum. Whatever peace between the two of them that was left was shattered as Higgins berated Magnum for allowing a murderess to stay at the estate. I usually trust Magnums judgement, but he has been known to be wrong about people, like the Olivia Ross incident.

Miss Kona was summoned to the detective and went into a sort of interrogation. After some arguments, Magnum and Miss Kona left in the Ferrari (seeing as it was Magnums day). Higgins took the rest of the questioning as he seemed to have seen all Miss Konas movements the night before. i had seen her as well, so I volunteered to give a statement as well. I will say my observation was nowhere near as detailed as Higgins. He had her movements down to the minute!

TC came to the estate to develop his film. He claimed that he couldn't find a one hour photo, so he decided to go to the estate. Higgins was quite interested in the photos TC took and remarked with a wry grin that the camera he used must have been quite powerful. TC never admitted it, but as he left he told me he was off to look up munitions and take the doors off his chopper as he traded darkroom privileges for a half day of aerial photography free for Higgins. The last I saw of him, he was walking toward the gate muttering that Rick better appreciate the gift.

Higgins had me do some last minute landscaping around the guesthouse, as the Laureate was arriving the next day. Rick and TC made a evening visit. Magnum left immediately. When he did, he went straight to the guesthouse and started throwing Magnums belongings out the door. Rick and TC did their best to collect them, and then threw them in TCs van.

The next morning, Magnum returned with TC and his van and started moving his belongings into the main house. They explained that the deaths weren't caused by Jan, but rather her partner Bart, who was in turn murdered by the wife of her other partner Allen.

TC left, and Magnum went off to see Higgins who was getting in the Ferrari. I wondered how this would go, seeing as it wasn't Higgins assigned day. I also wondered it it might be related to Magnum playing under the hood of the Audi early that morning. Higgins left, and then Magnum asked if I would help him move his things back into the guesthouse. I was quite happy to oblige, as there was a football game on replay and he owed me an Old Dusseldorf.


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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#94 Post by Doc Ibold »


Did You See The Sunrise Parts 1 & 2:

Some days are undeniably better than others -that much is a fact. What's less understood are all of the events that can stem from a good day leading into something much darker and life altering. Little did I know, my friends were about to have that kind of experience.

Higgins had me pick up several cases of matches the other day while I was at the hardware store. He said he was in the process of making a commemorative about an important event of his life that he hoped to include in the memoirs. He impressed upon on me the importance of getting a particular type, and had me reiterate the type I was supposed to buy as we walked to the car. I wasn't exactly sure how matchsticks could translate into a commemorative, and seeing as I was in a hurry and Higgins stories can be long winded and abstract to the topic at hand, I didn't inquire further.

When I returned to the estate, I ran into Magnum who was overjoyed to find a copy of Stalag 17 at the goodwill store. He seemed so giddy, I had to ask him why. He simply responded that it was something that reminded him of his childhood, but also reminded him of a different part of his life. He was curious to see which memories it would bring back for him. I delivered the matchsticks to Higgins who seemed almost as giddy as Magnum. Well, at least as giddy as Higgins ever gets. So, following the theme, I decided to ask Higgins what he was commemorating. He told me he was at a crossroads with his Memoirs and decided to make a scale replica of the Bridge on the River Kwai in order to refresh his memory. Knowing Higgins' meticulous nature, I had no doubt it would be something remarkable.

The next morning was a whir of activity, literally. Higgins was furiously cutting up matchsticks while having scones with strawberry jam. He offered me some and regaled me with tales of the bridge ("I was there, you know") and the fantastic story of one Tanker Moran and his feats in Burma who then went on to sell jam in Devonshire.

It was the best jam I had ever tasted. As I left, Magnum went to visit him in the house. I assume it was because he needed to trade for something. Shortly after, TC landed his chopped on the front lawn... much to Higgins fury. He was practically ballistic with rage and was screaming at TC with what I assume were all sorts of threats. I couldn't hear everything, but Magnum arrived with his surf ski and TC indicated Magnum gave the permission to land. This only served to enrage Higgins further. Magnum and TC soon left after strapping the surf ski to the struts. Higgins stomped about for awhile and then went to the house.

I finished for the day and went home. That was when things turned for the worst. Buck Greene called me and asked me of Magnums whereabouts. My heart sank, but then I remembered what had happened tha last time I assisted Buck Greene and feigned ignorance. He pressed me more to keep an eye on him, or else he would investigate my brother-in-law for activities that would violate national security. I called his bluff, as I knew of nothing my brother in law did and hung up the phone. I sat back and took a deep breath. Whenever Buck Greene was involved, Magnums life seemed to take a turn for the worse. I resolved to get back to the estate and talk with him.

When I arrived, Lt. MacReynolds was at the gate. Even though I was bursting, I didn't ask him why Buck Greene was calling me. Even if I had, I'm not sure he would have told me.. Or potentially he would have no idea what I was talking about. He soon went to the tidal pool and said he had to wait for Magnum. Higgins summoned me to the main house and asked if I would go back to the hardware store and pick up more matchsticks.

I wanted to stop and talk to Magnum, but he and Mac were having a good conversation, and I figured a one on one conversation would be better suited with he and I.

When I returned, Mac was still with Magnum and wouldn't leave his side. I even assumed he was staying the night, as he never had done that before. While Magnum and Mac have a good relationship, it's sometimes adversarial from Macs point of view (or at least it's my understanding in the few times I've spoken with him.)

Magnum and Mac left in the Ferrari. I wished them well and told Magnum that I wanted to speak with him privately when I got back. He agreed and then Mac said something about Luau Louie's as being a great place to take his date tonight.

I wondered what Magnum was going to do on a date, with Mac as a third wheel. Magnum is a nice guy, but sometimes he needs to learn to say no to people (other than Higgins). As I left to see if Higgins needed yet another case of matches, I interrupted him in a call with TC. Apparently forgive and forget isn't a mantra Higgins practices, or at least from his end of the conversation.

The next day, I went to he club early to see Rick to place my annual bet of Kiki Kahuna to beat Magnum. As usual, he laughed at me, but still took my wager anyhow. I ran into TC on my way out who was in a foul mood. This time was a little different than the others. Even when he has an axe to grind with Magnum over gas bills or bullet holes, he is usually cordial and will stop and chat. This time he angrily brushed past me when I told him I didn't know where Magnum was.

I returned to the estate to wait for Magnum at the guest house, who wasn't home. After a few hours, I saw him walking up the beach with his head down, bloodied and with his arm in a sling. I decided to go and find Higgins and tell him immediately. Higgins took him into the house, and I decided to leave the two of them alone. TC arrived at the gate looking for Magnum. I pointed him to the main house and told him of Magnums strange arrival on he beach. He pushed past me and a little while later, he and TC left in his van.

I decided to ask Higgins what the blazes was happening. He told me of the explosion that destroyed the Ferrari and killed Mac. He then related that TC arrived and told the story of Colonel Ivan, who had captured both TC and Magnum as POWs in Vietnam and brutalized them during their internment there. TC was certain that Ivan had come to the islands seeking to kill both of them, as he had met with Nuzo, another prisoner during that time. I now knew what Magnum meant about Stalag 17. I only hoped that it brought back his childhood memories and not the alternative.

Since Magnum didn't return to the estate, I decided to go back to the club to supervise the new coi pond that was to be installed before the surfski race. When I arrived, TC nearly ran me off the road like I didn't even exist. I talked to Rick about it, and he seemed just as worried as I was about his behavior.

Magnum trudged into the estate. I gave him my condolences about Mac and asked where I could send flowers. He told me he wasn't sure about details, but would let me know as soon as he did. He excused himself to go and talk to Higgins. Seeing as I couldn't do anything else for him, I left for the night.

The next day was uneventful, save for there was a large to do over the Valley of the Temples. A bunch of helicopters were circling it from what I heard from people who lived nearby. Soon after, they escorted a smaller helicopter away.

The day after, that, I was getting the Jimmy ready to take it in for its quarterly checkup. Magnum arrived and volunteered to do it instead to take his eyes off things. I let him have the Jimmy, but told him that I wanted to talk with him still. He said he would make time and to meet at the guest house later that evening. When I came to the house that night, Magnum wasn't there. A sound of shattering glass led me to the tidal pool.

I found Magnum leaning against the wall with a cooler of Coops and a shattered pile of broken bottles. I knelt down beside him to ask how things were. He told me that TC was taken to the hospital and probably wouldn't be back for a few months. He didn't think it was serious, but after what happens to him, everyone wanted to make sure. I then told him about Buck Greene and his call to me. He hung his head and laughed hollowly. He told me that it was out of our control, and per usual, Buck Greene had his own agenda. An agenda no one else was privy to, but an agenda nonetheless. He then continued that even if I had told him about the call, there would have been no way to piece it together. I then asked him about Ivan, and his laughter abruptly ceased. What he told me next, I will remember for the rest of my life.

"A lot of people think that sunrises should be enjoyed by everyone. Ever since Mac died, I've been counting them, and I'm not sure if I will ever stop counting them. But, I don't believe everyone should be allowed to enjoy sunrises. I think you have to be pure of heart, or at least a person with a shred of decency to truly understand the beauty of sunrises. If you aren't, the beauty and majesty of them are lost."

He paused and cracked open another Coops

"I'm sure Buck Greene wouldnt appreciate me telling you this, but I'm beyond the point of giving a damn about what he thinks so there's no point in keeping it a secret anymore. Ivan took a lot of things from me. He killed two friends of mine for his sick agenda. Two innocent friends - one of them for an agenda and one of who died instead of me. He then used those deaths to manipulate my best friend into doing things he wouldn't normally do to settle a score sown long ago. Most people would let it go and wait for karma to come around. Sometimes karma needs a nudge."

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#95 Post by ConchRepublican »

Doc Ibold wrote:Most people would let it go and wait for karma to come around. Sometimes karma needs a nudge."
Nice ..... Real nice.
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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#96 Post by Doc Ibold »

Ki'i's Don't Lie

The past week has been a little stranger than usual around here. For Robins Nest, that's saying a lot.

It all started innocently enough* when Higgins was gathering items for his charity auction to benefit the orphanage. An attractive woman named Catherine Hailey arrived at the estate in a Rolls Royce with her chauffeur/Incredible Hulk body double, Dennis. Higgins was eagerly awaiting her arrival while Magnum was taking his usual spin on his surf ski. Catherine and Dennis left for the main house while Higgins went to meet Magnum. As usual, it was probably to interrogate Magnum about something he borrowed.
It couldn't have been about the Ferrari, as the new one just came in two days before.

(*Side note, I find myself using that phrase a lot when I refer to my position here at Robins Nest).

Magnum then began protesting about missing his race. Dennis and Catherine emerged from the estate where they chatted with Magnum for awhile. I have to admit, I felt a little bit like Pandora because I was dying to figure out what was in the box. Magnum parted ways with Dennis and left for the guest house. He stopped to chat for a little bit by the windows to the living room, where I was tending the new rosebush from Bulgaria we had planted the last year. It had just bloomed, so I was making sure everything was in order.

He told me he was in charge of security for the estate and was stepping out for a bit to get Rick and TC. He asked if I could keep an eye on things and not to let anyone in without Higgins permission. I told him I was actually headed over to the club after I was done with the roses, but maybe some other time. He got a small glint in his eye and said that he had no problem with it, but said he had a good lead on who nicked the big screen TV in the guest house while Higgins was away during Thanksgiving. He remarked it would be a great place to watch a football game. I immediately went pale, as I thought no one would notice as it had been nearly a year since that happened. I quickly agreed, but asked him if he knew what was in the box. He told me he had no clue, but that Higgins was quite excited at the profit it would receive.

I decided to recommend to Ke'o the housekeeper that we move the indoor plants away from the window and closer to the TV. Out of generosity (read paranoia), I decided to help her. Higgins came into the room as we were moving the plants and he said it was a capital idea. I knew what Magnum felt like when he put something over on Higgins. Maybe because I was full of confidence knowing I was going to actually pull it off, I decided to ask Higgins about the box. He told me it was a Ki'i of the Poison God Kala'ipahoa. My face fell, as I wanted nothing to do with something like that.

I don't place a lot of stock in the supernatural, but I have seen some weird things around here. I know enough about Hawaiian culture to know you should never play around with Ki'i's, especially one called the Poison God. Magnum has his "little voice", I have the Kenji-sense. And it was saying nothing good was going to come of having it around the estate.

My sense was correct when Higgins called after me while I was leaving to ask "If, coincidentally, whether I wanted a month without use of the Jimmy (which I was using in lieu of my truck which had seen better days), or the cost of a new television set docked from my pay to replace the one I marred". I admitted to Higgins that I had Kiki over for the Thanksgiving Day game to watch it on the big screen, and I had bumped it with a chair to get a better view (actually her whole family had come over with her and Maku had damaged it while doing a keg stand). I asked him how he knew it was me said he was waiting for months for someone to come and try and cover up the evidence like the blackguard they were and assumed it was Magnum. I was convinced my end at the estate was near, when Magnum yelled he was taking the Ferrari to meet Catherine and Higgins rushed off after him in protest.

The next morning when I returned to the estate, Rick was at the front gate and TC was helping set up. i ran int Higgins and he told me that strange thing were happening at the estate, as he suspected prowlers were after some of the valuables left at the estate prior to the auction. There was also a strange fire in the living room that night which Magnum was going to fix. He told me that if I wanted to remain my good standing at the estate, I was to help Rick, Magnum and TC in any way possible. I quickly agreed and was saved when Higgins friend Mabel arrived at the estate to start helping with the auction. I like Mabel, but was never so glad to see her before.

I decided to start with the Ki'i and I went to check to see if it was in the box and out of harms way. It was there, and I decided to see what all the fuss was over. It was a fierce looking thing, and I turned it over and over in my hands when I noticed all of the roses outside the window were wilted from the day before. I put it back in the box when Magnum arrived and excused myself to check the roses.

An exterminator came to spray the floorboards, which I found odd because it was out of Higgins firmly entrenched schedule. And it seemed strange he would keep to it when so many guests would be arriving that day. The alarm went off, and it seemed like Higgins' thoughts were correct about intruders. Magnum and TC sprinted to the beach. I decided to follow them when I twisted my ankle in a hollow in the grass. As I lay on the ground in pain, I looked around and saw all of the flowers on that side of the house were either wilted or nearly dead after being in perfect shape yesterday. I turned to the beach, where Magnum and TC were talking to a man with a surfboard, which was also odd because there was no surf.

A rousing cry of "Oh Myyyyyy GOD" told me things were amiss in the house. I limped toward Higgins who was holding the empty box. Magnum and TC sprang into action and left. I started to feel sick and woozy and excused myself to the kitchen for a glass of water and an ice pack for my ankle.

Higgins started the auction without the Ki'i when Magnum and TC arrived back from their pursuit. I was still in the kitchen trying not to lose my breakfast while Rick was letting his fingers do the walking Higgins turned over the auction to Mabel and returned to the house where He and Catherine formed a tag tram to berate Magnum when she fell into a chair. If she was feeling anything like I was feeling, I couldn't say I blamed her.

Magnum left with Rick and TC in pursuit of a lead. Higgins was getting a glass of water when I passed out and hit my head. When I came to, Higgins was waving smelling salts in my face to revive me. When he asked what happened, I blurted out that the Ki'i was killing everything. He looked at me with a strange look, and then at Catherine and walked out the door..

Catherine and Dennis left with the proceeds from the auction. In my weakened state, I was mulling in my head that something about that didn't make sense... But couldn't figure it out amidst the room spinning. She left and right after Magnum came roaring up in the Ferrari. He explained he had found the men who stole the Ki'i, and that Rick and TC were guarding them. He explained that the men were hired by the true owner of the Poison God to retrieve the Ki'i, and return it to break the curse on it. He also mentioned that the man was dead, which didn't bode well for me. He also pointed out that banks are closed at 3 and he and Higgins flew off in the Ferrari.

I was getting quite annoyed with myself for having that Thanksgiving Day party.

Magnum and Higgins ended up capturing Catherine at the airport (after a fight with Dennis.) We all decided that it was best to return the Ki'i to the cave. One we did, everything seemed to bloom again and all was right.

I will say though, in my delirium, I had the most vivid dream that Higgins went to California and then South America for something having to do with emeralds. Also some random guys Higgins met ended up staying at the estate in the guesthouse, and Magnum didn't seem to care!

It's was like some weird alternate ending to the tale of the Poison God, I guess. But at least he's gone now and things can get back to (semi) normal.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#97 Post by Doc Ibold »

The Eighth Part Of The Village

Even though I consider Magnum and I to be cordial enough to be considered friends, and have shared an Old Dusseldorf over a football game or two, there are times when I wonder if that is really the case or if I'm just imagining it.

I came to the estate early one morning to catch up on some work after I had taken a vacation. It was early enough that Higgins was making breakfast for the lads and about 4 hours ahead of when Magnum usually rose. To my surprise, and somewhat annoyance, I found Magnum cutting the grass in a sugegasa hat and a pajama top. I had no idea where he picked those up, nor where he got the hand mower on the estate.

At first I sat back and watched him and figured it to be some sort of penance to Higgins, but as I looked closer, he was very diligent in his maintenance of the yard... Or at least so he thought. Higgins was nowhere to be found, as he is usually underfoot when Magnum is performing a chore. The lawn itself is a blend of Bahia, Kentucky Bluegrass that Higgins and I worked together on to formulate after many unsuccessful tries. If you don't cut it exactly, you run the chance of ruining it. The way Magnum was going at it, we would have scorched earth before too long.

So here was Magnum, doing my job while at the same time destroying my lawn in a ridiculously stereotypical Asian laborer getup. I was convinced he was making fun of me, even though on the job I wear work boots, Levi's or shorts and use a Toro lawnmower stored in the equipment shed.

I bit my tongue and finally approached him. He greeted me enthusiastically and asked how I thought he was doing. I had to be honest with him and tell him he was doing it all wrong. It was all I could do to ask him why he was wearing that, but I simply asked why he was cutting the grass when it was my job. His smile faded for a moment as he reached into his pocket and placed something in my hands.

It was a fortune cookie. I was about ready to explode with all the Asian jokes and place the Unmei no choppu on him... Friend or not. It roughly translates to "Chop of Doom" and is an old blow passed down in my family that can paralyze the opponent instantly. It was said that my great great great great grandfather, who was an Okinawan fisherman, saved the life of another fisherman in the village who repaid him by teaching him this one blow. He couldn't teach my great great great great grandfather anything else as the family's karate was only passed from father to son. It was a shame though, as that family gradually died off and last I heard one of the only living members was living in California. It would be nice to track him down to thank him for this piece of my family's heritage.

Magnum saw the look in my eye and quickly explained that he received this fortune cookie and had an incident on his last case where he had reason to repay his debts. He figured he was doing me a favor, and asked if I had anything else for him to do. I told him that he could stop mowing the lawn (I needed to save what was left ASAP), but he refused. He moved continue onward when I finally asked him why he was dressed like that. He got a confused look and said... "You know Kenji... I'm not really sure!" and began his rows again. I figured the only way I could get him to stop was to go and find Higgins to make him talk some sense into Magnum.

Higgins came out and talked to Magnum and finally led him to the equipment shed. Soon after, Magnum left on an errand to pick up a package of books for Higgins. After that, Higgins and I started to frantically reseed the lawn with what little of the blend we had left.

Magnum returned in TCs van apparently without Higgins package of books from what I could hear from my position on the lawn. They argued and bickered all the way to the van, where Magnum let out a young Japanese woman. I figured his Asian getup of the morning and this young woman had to be related in some way, so I decided to move a little closer. I didn't want to get too close, as Magnum would probably get it in his head that I would have to know something about this woman seeing as we were both Asian. After everything this morning, that would be the straw that broke the camels back.

Higgins at first didn't seem to know the young woman, but then a look of recognition washed over him as she said her name: Asani Osawa. He seemed to somehow know her father. She, Magnum and Higgins left for the study for awhile.

Soon, Magnum left from the main house and he approached me. I was certain he would ask me to help out on this case and talk to my connections, like I was the Asian version of Rick. He merely apologized for causing the extra work and for any misunderstanding and offered to help me out. I quickly sent him away and promised to think of something else he could do for me. He left for the guest house and was mending some pants when Higgins arrived. They chatted for awhile, and then Magnum left in TCs van.

In speaking with Higgins later, It turns out that Asani had stowed away on a freighter to escape her father to meet her husband. Apparently she was placed into murahachibu for marrying an American. She came to Higgins for sanctuary as Higgins was revered in the Osawa family as a man of honor to be trusted. When I asked how he gained that honor, he told me that he and her father, Sato, had met during the war and had an unforgettable bond forged during that time on a place called the Kokona Trail. Hearing that story made me appreciate Higgins in a new light and really shone a light on his character.

Sometimes being a Gardner has its perks. We're lucky that the fruits of our labor are apparent, but the irony is that we're often treated as being invisible. Asani seems like two people. When she was around Magnum or Higgins, she was demure and subservient. When she was alone, her face took on a hardened, determined look. When she eventually noticed me watching her, her hardened face turned demure again. She seemed to be very interested in the estate perimeter in particular. I'm sure she is concerned about her father's men coming for her, but I have a nagging feeling there is more to it than that.

I told Higgins about what I saw, but he dismissed me and sent me to the club to get the extra stock of our seed that I keep for the more exclusive areas. When I got there, Rick was organizing bar bills and was a mood because Magnum hadn't done the bookkeeping he promised because he was chauffeuring TC around. I decided that would be my favor from Magnum. A round of errands in the Ferrari, with him to drive me.

Luckily, I found a batch of the seed so I could get back to the estate. It wasn't enough for our needs but it was a start. Higgins, Asani and Magnum were on the top lanai formulating strategy for awhile. Magnum left to check a lead at the docks and came back soaking wet. He and Higgins went at it until Asani appeared and suggested they have dinner together.

I excused myself for the night and returned the next morning for a short while. I saw Asani leave for the guest house in a kimono. This was all getting a little too much for me. I decided to leave again to order more seed from the greenhouse in town. Magnum left as well to check for Asanis husband again.

I ended up getting the seed, all except for the Bahia as the greenhouse was sold out. The only place I could get it was in a seedy section of town. I wasn't looking forward to going there, but a groundskeepers lawn is his duty. I had just purchased the seed when someone grabbed me from behind and demanded my money and what was in the sack. I was not going to give up my money or the Bahia, so I flipped him and unleashed the Unmei no choppu.

He fell like a sack of bricks, and as I dusted myself off, I could hear him sobbing on the ground. He berated himself by saying 3 guys set him up in a pool hall as a hustler, and he had gotten his hide beaten. His partner had left him, and now he got beat up by a little guy like me. I felt sorry for him and asked his name. He told me professionally he was known as Mr. Harms. I asked him what his real name was and he told me it was Fred. I told him that if he wanted to go around beating people up, he should do it legitimately and join a boxing club or wrestle. He got a gleam in his eye and thanked me profusely.

When I returned to the estate to tell Higgins that I had finally gotten enough seed to finish the lawn, I found he and Magnum in the study and he was nursing a welt on his head. Evidently, two men had broken into the estate and kidnapped Asani. They left a note saying that they would only give her up if Sato himself came to deliver the ransom. Higgins sent Magnum and I around the estate to determine how the men entered. We checked everything, and save for the boathouse being locked and a spot in the system being tripped, everything was normal.

Magnum left to track down the mysterious Roy Chambers, as he had a good lead.

Sato arrived at the estate from Japan. He must have left immediately after Higgins called. He and Higgins exchanged pleasantries. Out of nowhere gunshots rang out and Asani appeared. She turned out to be Satos elder daughter Miyoshi and aimed to kill him, as well as us. Two men stepped out onto the lanai with rifles aimed at all of us. I thought we were dead for sure when TCs chopper appeared. Magnum made quick work of both and Higgins disarmed Miyoshi.

We waited for the police to arrive and exchanged stories of how we got to where we were. Magnum related the story of the pool hall and we put two and two together. He seemed particularly impressed with how I disarmed Fred... Aka Mr. Harms. He asked me to demonstrate, and I did. As he fell to the floor howling in pain, Sato gave me a strange look and asked where I learned the move. I told him the story and his face darkened as he muttered "Cowards".

Magnum left to pick up the real Asani, but unfortunately a father-daughter reunion wasn't in the cards. A glimpse was all they shared, but that seemed enough for Asani. Rick and TC drove up eager for Magnum to repay his debts, but he apparently decided he had enough of repaying karma.

As he fled Rick and TC, Higgins approached me and asked me if I would show him the Unmei no choppu. I decided to oblige, but apparently I'm not as good a teacher as I thought. Every time Higgins tried to land it on me, it bounced off harmlessly. He tried punctuating it with a "Hi-Ya".... But all that did was make it look even more comical. I learned long ago that telling Higgins he isn't good at something is like telling a child they can't have any more cookies. He will persist and persist until he gets his way. Finally, I decided to fake being injured so he would stop pestering me. I did say a prayer though that he would never use that as a means of attack in a fight.
Last edited by Doc Ibold on Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#98 Post by Doc Ibold »

Past Tense:

Very many times I've thought what it would be like to work a normal 9-5 job in an office. Office work has never been a career goal of mine, but I imagine it would be tedious. Some may say being a Gardner is tedious, but its the life I lead and I enjoy it. Working at Robins Nest and the KKC is also a plus, as you never really know what each day will bring.

A few days ago, I cleared it with Higgins to take the day off of the estate and sit down with Rick to go over the plans for the KKC for the year and determine what the budget would support. Higgins was taking a break from his memoirs and was focused on writing an illustrated monograph (as he put it) on the indigenous flora of the Hawaiian Islands. He had asked me if I would deliver an RSVP to Island Hoppers to book some time in TCs chopper. I'm not a fan of being Higgins errand runner, but its a part of my job I've come to accept. Plus, out of the years I've known TC, I had never actually been to Island Hoppers. I figured it would be a good time to visit and potentially discuss some literature with TC.

TC, like myself is an avid reader and he always has some good recommendations to make, as our tastes are similar. Once I got the address, I left immediately.

TC, unfortunately was busy working on the engine and didn't have much time to talk. He told me to go in the office and put it on his "Future Appointments" file and he would find a time to pencil Higgins in.

I walked into the office and found the pile, and found myself gazing at all of the items in there. Of particular interest were some photos of Rick, TC and Magnum from their Vietnam days that caught my eye. They were so interesting that I ended up walking into TCs desk and hit my leg on the edge. The papers scattered about and the throbbing in my thigh told me I gave it a good whack. I left Higgins appointment on the desk, tidied up all of the papers as best I could and hoped I didn't miss any.

As I left, TC waved at me as he was taking off in his chopper for his next fare and yelled at me to lock the office. I didn't have time to tell him about the papers.

The next few days were uneventful, with the KKC outdoor budget being approved (with a minimal amount of bickering between Rick and Higgins), Magnum swimming in the tidal pool, and lads invariably chasing him.

The morning of Higgins trip turned that upside down and all the peace and quiet was shattered. I was heading into work a little later than usual, seeing as Higgins was going to be gone and my tasks for the day were going to be minimal. I wanted to see if Magnum would be up for some fishing, as business had been slow for him lately.

As I approached the estate, traffic was backed up due to an accident. I hoped it wasn't anyone I knew, as Magnum has a tendency to roar out of the gates without looking for oncoming traffic. As I got closer, I saw a truck on the side of the road surrounded by ambulances and a car fire being put out by the fire department. Magnum was on the side of the road, giving a statement to the police. He waved to me and indicated that he was OK. I turned into the estate and said a little prayer for the occupant of the car, as I don't think they made it.

I was working by the gate when Rick roared up in his Mercedes and said that TC was skyjacked and his chopper was involved in a breakout at the prison! Magnum was concerned about TC, but also mused that Higgins went up with TC as well, and seemed equally as worried about that proposition. Magnum rushed to get dressed and told me to stay at the estate to wait for any word from Higgins or TC, or any news about them. If I heard anything I was to call the club and leave a message on Rick's answering service.

I agreed and watch them speed off towards Island Hoppers.

A few hours later, Rick and Magnum returned and headed straight for the study. They learned who was broken out of prison, but couldn't figure out why. They decided the best course of action was to map out where TC could conceivably fly on a tank of gas. They were interrupted when someone named Ice Pick called and gave him some names of the people who skyjacked Higgins and TC. When I asked Rick who Ice Pick was and how he knew, he told me he was a friend who could help Higgins and TC. He also gave me $20 and told me that I should never mention that name again. I'm not sure who Ice Pick is, but I assume he's a bruising hulk who could crush me. I gulped, took the money and made a mental note to forget the name.

Magnum left to talk to Lt. Tanaka to see if he could come up with any more leads on the skyjacking. Rick left as well, and I was left to man the phones again. From the look and growling of the lads, I had some sautéing to do as well.

When Rick and Magnum returned, Magnum was certain of where to find TC and Higgins. Apparently, an old commander of his switched places with the prisoner who supposedly escaped. Magnum was certain they were being held at an island nearby where Magnum had him arrested for running guns. They decided to head out on the King Kamehamea II to run a rescue mission. I wanted to help, but they told me to stay at the estate and not to tell Lt. Tanaka of their plan for fear of TC and Higgins being killed.

I liked Tanaka, and felt guilty about potentially having to lie to him, but he never came to the estate.

When all was said and done, TC and Higgins came home after Lydon was captured. TC was shot and in the hospital a few days, Higgins was exasperated and Rick was irritable. We visited TC in the hospital, and it was a sight to see. TC was holding Magnum liable for the chopper crash and yelling at Higgins for telling him a story about slit eyelids. Higgins was holding Magnum "personally responsible" for the destruction of Robin Masters camera and Rick demanded Magnum pay for his doctors appointments as insurance wouldn't cover falling down the ammo pit. I had no idea what exactly happened on that island, but it would have been unbelievable if it happened to anyone else but those four. One would think that after all those debts, Magnum would be somewhat frantic, but he took it all in stride with a small smile on his face that remained for several days.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#99 Post by Doc Ibold »

Every once in a while, it's always good to try new things. So when Magnum approached me about helping him on a case, I was flattered... But a little wary since I knew how his cases often ended up.

It all began when a man named Edwin Clutterbuck had come to the estate one morning while Higgins was away. He said he knew the Sergeant Major (whom I assumed to be Higgins) since their days in Kenya and he had a message for him. He had a disturbed air about him and carried some luggage and a case one would carry a pool cue in. I wasn't about to let him in the gates when Magnum arrived and decided to listen to the story.

It was one of the more bizarre stories I ever heard, in that a rogue Mau Mau warrior was stalking members of the regiment who were stationed in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising and killing them off one by one during a full moon. He was attacked a month ago and wanted to prevent Higgins from the same fate as several other members of the regiment.

Magnum took the story with a grain of salt, but decided to play along. We told Clutterbuck to find some lodgings and he would devise a plan. That's when he decided to bring me on board. This time, unlike the Elmo Ziller story, I would be running distraction for Magnum as he was fooling Higgins.

He wanted to keep Higgins close so he wouldn't try to track down the Mau Mau and inadvertently get himself killed. He mused that there had to be a way to keep Higgins close by without him suspecting anything. I jokingly said they should be quarantined together. At first he laughed it off, but then got a little glint in his eye that I knew to be trouble. He then left to go see Doc Ibold.

The next day, Higgins was holding a reading of Lord Byron with some society ladies. most prominent of them was Agatha Chumley, adoring Higgins as always. Higgins doesn't seem to reciprocate her adoration, even though they have the same British background and seem to enjoy the same things. I have a feeling I know why: I've seen her a few times, one time she used the name "Nola Barnes", another was when she was going by "Mabel". In the Ziller case, she went by Agatha, so who knows if that's even her real name? Nevertheless, Higgins doesn't seem bothered by her and seeing as she seems to be a sweet woman, I should probably stop over thinking things.

Higgins was reading when African music blasted from the guesthouse. As planned, Higgins became irate and interrupted his reading to storm over to the guest house. Agatha invited herself back to read, which Higgins promptly brushed off.

Once he was near the guest house, I ran to the gate to let Rick and Doc Ibold in as part of the plan. I had taken "vacation days" starting the next day, which allowed for Rick to be in the estate to care for the lads. Higgins entered the house and the plan was underway.

I had no idea how this would work, with Higgins and Magnum co-habitating. Higgins with his regimented, refined military lifestyle and Magnums... Well, lets just say "less so", but it would be fun to watch. I wasn't sure who would have the worse time of it, Higgins or Magnum. Either way, I'm sure they both would be glad when the case was solved.

My job was to patrol the estate with Rick to make sure no one broke in. Magnum had given me a rundown of all the operations of the alarms and how to determine if they were tripped or disturbed, plus some new security measures he instilled. I was to let no one in or out without his say so. Rick was to act as Higgins double and would let the board know that Higgins had taken a sabbatical to deal with a family emergency in England. I was also to provide Rick with any updates and he would communicate them to Magnum.

Everything during the day was ordinary, save for TC buzzing the estate. I assumed Magnum had finally gotten in touch with him, but he left before I could stop him.

The night came, and I could hear the sounds of classical music wafting from the guest house. I assumed Higgins had won a brief, but short victory in the guest house. Edwin had come to the estate to assist. As I let him in, he kept glancing at the moon as if he were afraid of it, but I chalked that up to him being nervous of his mates fate. He seemed furtive, and I was glad to hand him off to Rick to go confer with Magnum.

We decided to move Edwin into the main house to protect him as well. As I made my rounds, I noticed he just stood on the balcony staring at the moon as if in some sort of trance.

Around midnight, the alarm went off on the beach. I went around the estate and I kept catching a glimpse of someone running across the estate with what looked to be a spear, but could never catch them. Around this time, Magnum went into action with Higgins yelling after him.

The next few minutes were a blur. Magnum was in hot pursuit of the Mau Mau. At some point, Rick was hit in the head with a club and was knocked out. I met up with Magnum and he told me to take care of Rick. Shortly after, Magnum caught the Mau Mau, a woman named BiBi Kiamani. I noticed she didn't have a spear and decided to keep patrolling the estate.

Agatha soon rang, and seeing as it was extremely late at night, she must have been extremely concerned for Higgins well being. I escorted her from the gate to the main house where she met with Higgins. Immediately afterward, Clutterbuck appeared on the balcony in a loincloth aiming his spear at Higgins! A spear isn't a match for a bullet though, as Magnum shot him over the balcony and Agatha fainted.

It turns out that Higgins was in charge of the regiment that carried out the Biribi Massacre, a tragic event in which a village was torched and many horrible things happened. Higgins wasn't there, much to my relief, as the massacre was carried out while he was recovering from his wounds. It turns out that Clutterbuck was the murderer all along. Bibi was working with the Kenyan government trying to stop the killing when she traced Higgins connection to the murders. I'm not sure why she decided to break into the estate, when she could have spoken with Magnum, Rick or myself about it.

I was leaving after an eventful night, and things seemed to be settling back to normal after the police left. Although, Higgins seemed to have become addicted to Pac Man during that time and was wandering around the estate staring intently into the screen. TC showed up looking for Magnum and said he needed Magnum to find a woman for him. I took him down to the tidal pool where he eagerly spoke with Magnum. I left and greeted Bibi who was coming down for a swim. She seemed to recognize TC who curiously chased Magnum into the tidal pool.

I had had enough of things, threw my hands up and decided to call it a day and return home.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#100 Post by Doc Ibold »

The Case of the Hungarian Acrobats (Even Kenji can’t make an appearance in Magnum’s dreams!)


Pan into an aerial shot of Magnum running on the beach.

“Perhaps one of the downfalls of being a private investigator is that you never really know where your next paycheck is coming from. Sure, every once in a while a case comes along and can set you up for a couple of months, but I often find that those infrequent windfalls generally go towards paying for gas bills, bar tabs, bullet holes and those instances where Higgins stubbornly insists on my paying for maintenance on the Ferrari (and the occasional bottle of wine). I always hear from at least one of them regarding some debt I haven’t paid, and I have to remind them that always, AL,WAYS pay my debts. Well, MOST of the time. Don’t get me wrong, someone with my income shouldn’t be living on an estate or drive a Ferrari, which is why I usually sign up without complaint for any assignment Robin Masters has for me.”

Magnum runs up to the KKC club where Rick and TC are waiting at the beach bar. Rick is sipping a beer and glancing at the sports page, while TC glances at his watch.

MAGNUM: “Hi Guys!”

RICK: “Don’t you “Hi guys” us. What did you call us here for?”

TC: “Yeah, I’ve got paying fares waiting for me in an hour. Something YOU wouldn’t know much about. Unless, you have some gas MONEY?!!!”

Rick leans over the bar and pulls out a huge wad of receipts.

RICK: “Or perhaps you’d like to settle your bar tab?”

Magnum looks towards the camera and shakes his head.

MAGNUM: “Robin wants me to help out with a project that he and Higgins are working on. I figure you guys would like to help out a worthy cause”

TC: “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why is it that every time Robin volunteers you for a cause, WE have to help out? Sorry man, we’ve got things to do!”

RICK: “Yeah, sorry Thomas. I have a huge meeting of the board to prepare for, and Higgins has been all over me to get the decorations and menu set. What kind of cause is it anyway?”

MAGNUM: “Beats me, I just got the call this morning. Hey! Here comes Higgins, why don’t ask him?”

TC: “Uh, uh. No way. Why don’t YOU ask him? C’mon Orville”

Higgins approaches the bar and looks at Magnums wardrobe with a disapproving eye.

HIGGINS: “Rick, TC. How are you?”

They mutter greetings as Higgins turns to Magnum.

HIGGINS: “Magnum, I see you haven’t read the memorandum I placed on your nightstand about the club dress code being strictly enforced”

MAGNUM: “You went into my room and left a note?!!!! Higgins, that’s invasion of privacy!”

HIGGINS: “Magnum, as you well know, the guesthouse is part of the estate. Part of my duties as majordomo of the estate require me to inspect every inch of the grounds to maintain proper upkeep and decorum, and to check on the well-being of Robin Masters guests.”

He pauses and inflects

HIGGINS: “No matter how long they seem to stay”

Magnum looks flustered and then hangs his head.

HIGGINS: “Well then, now that that is out of the way, let’s discuss Mr. Masters benefit for the Kalani Street orphanage”

TC: “Yeah, that’s great Higgy Baby. Let’s go Orville”

RICK: “Wait a minute TC! Robin Masters is going to throw a benefit for an orphanage?”

HIGGINS: “Quite. He feels that he should do something to give back and benefit the children of the orphanage directly instead of spearheading fund raising efforts.”

He sighs, takes a seat at the bar and orders a drink from Keoki.

HIGGINS: “The only problem is that Mr. Masters has left for a tour of Scandinavia and has placed the execution of the entire affair in my hands and I haven’t the foggiest of where to start.”

Rick drags TC back to the bar and shakes Higgins hand excitedly.

RICK: “Don’t you worry about it Higgins! Leave it all to me. We’re on it, right TC? Right, Thomas? “

TC: “Well, I guess if it’s for the kids, I’m in”

MAGNUM: “Sure, if it’s for the kids, I’m in too.”

Higgins looks forlorn, but resigns himself to the situation. Magnum, Rick and TC lave the bar.

HIGGINS: “God help those children. Keoki? Another scotch.”


TC’s Van and the Audi are parked outside a seedy looking lot. A faded banner reading “The Circus Majestic” spans the entrance near the street. The main tent looms over everything, but is tattered and covered in patches. Weeds and trash litter the lot in between stands of tents and the occasional trailer. Rick is talking excitedly to a tall, powerfully built 50ish man holding a cane. TC and Magnum look skeptically around the lot looking like they would be anyplace other than there. Higgins looks like he is about to be ill.

RICK: “So you see Janos, we want to hire your circus to put on a benefit for the orphans. Robin Masters will finance EVERYTHING! Right, Higgins?”

HIGGINS: “Well, Rick. We have to look into all our options in order to provide the most entertainment for the children and….”

Janos grasps his cane and strides forcefully over to Higgins

JANOS: “Are you saying, little man, that I, Janos Bodor, cannot put on a show that will entertain the children? Are you saying the Circus Majestic is not good enough for your Robin Masters?”

He draws himself up to his full height, which is nearly a foot taller than Higgins, and stands over him with a steely glare.

HIGGINS: “Well, I.. That is to say…”

Magnum comes between the two of them and calms the situation.

MAGNUM: “C’mon guys. Let’s not get angry”

RICK: “Yeah Higgins. I mean, what’s better than the circus? The sights? The sounds? The music? The animals? It’ll be GREAT!!”

TC looks around with a skeptical eye and walks to stand by Magnum.

TC: “Mr. Bodor. Rick. I’m sure this is a nice circus, but it looks like you have run into hard times. Are you sure you could handle a bunch of kids running around? The tent looks like it could catch on fire at any moment. And the place is filthy. There’s no way the board of health would allow it.”

Janos looks around and his demeanor changes to a crestfallen look.

JANOS: “Yes, I suppose you are right, Mr. TC. But the Circus Majestic wasn’t always this way. Once it was the pride of all circuses. We were strong and proud. But the circus isn’t what it once was. The people, they do not come anymore. They are all playing the video games and staying home. So, my once proud circus has come to this.”

He wipes a tear and continues

JANOS: “And worst of all, a thief has come and stolen all of our money! They have broken into our trailer and stole all our money. And now, we have nothing. We cannot leave the island. Our heat doesn’t work and people have left and now we are left to live outside like dogs!”

His eyes burn and he grabs Higgins and Rick by their arms.

JANOS: “You do not believe me how great we once were? Come, I show you!”

He leads Rick and Higgins to the main tent and yells something out in a foreign language. Magnum and TC follow with a shocked look.

HIGGINS: “Ah, Hungarian. I haven’t heard it spoken since the time Nigel Donovan and I rafted down the Danube posing as wine merchants to invade a cloister of nuns who were actually KGB spies. Fascinating”
Last edited by Doc Ibold on Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#101 Post by Doc Ibold »

Flashback II
The Case of the Hungarian Acrobats


Aerial shot of the circus grounds, which fades into the interior of the tent

Janos claps his hands and lights flood the big top. He points to the top and crisscrossed across all of the beams are 3 sets of trapezes. He claps his hands and 4 shadows descend from the ceiling. Soon, they begin pumping on the trapezes and execute the most exciting sets of flips, catches, and releases any of them had ever seen. Two women surround a young, powerfully built dark haired man on either side, then fly through the air towards him, and he catches each with one arm. The 3rd woman climbs to the rafters, wraps herself in a piece of fabric and lowers herself upside down to hang below the three of them. The two women then released and grabbed hold of the fabric above the third woman and slid down into the net below upside down. When all 4 were on the ground, Janos gestured proudly:

JANOS: “May I present, the Flying Bodors!”

The four were still trying to figure out what just happened while introductions took place.

JANOS: “Maria, my wife!”

An attractive middle aged blonde woman stepped forward, eyed them with a steely gaze and shook each of their hands.

JANOS: “Margit and Katalin, my daughters!”

Two lithe, athletic young women step forward and bow politely. One was blonde and pale like Maria and the other was dark haired with olive skin and wore a brightly colored sash. The blonde eyed Rick hungrily, while the dark haired girl stared shyly at the ground.

JANOS: “Csapo, my protégé and the man who will lead the Flying Bodors when I am gone”

The massive young man didn’t step forward, but eyed the newcomers suspiciously. He makes no motion to greet the visitors, even though Magnum tries to shake his hand.

MAGNUM: “Hi, guy!”

RICK: “WOW! Wow Wow Wow! Didya see that Higgins? Didya see that? Where in the world can ya see THAT? You tell me the kids won’t love that?!!!”

HIGGINS (Impressed): “Well, Mr. Bodor. It looks like we may have something to talk about after all.”

He moves to take Janos’ hand, but Janos powerfully limps past him towards Rick.

JANOS (beaming proudly): “You see, Mr. Rick? You see? There are no better flyers in the world than the Bodors. I challenge you to find them!”

He looks defiantly at the foursome for someone to contradict him.

JANOS: “Come, my new friends. We must talk business. Katalin, clean this up and make us some coffee. We men must talk.”

Katalin looks sadly at the ground and starts to walk towards the ladder. Magnum steps forward as if to help, but Csapo clutches his shoulder in a death grip and an ice cold gaze.

TC: “Come on TM. You heard the man. The men must talk”

MAGNUM: “Yeesh!”


The interior of a dimly lit trailer. Rick and Janos are seated at a desk. TC and Magnum sit on a couch drinking coffee. Higgins walks in.

HIGGINS: “I’ve contacted Kenji and his crew. They should be here shortly. I have a feeling they will be of invaluable assistance.”

TC and Magnum nod knowingly, while Rick and Janos ignore him.

JANOS: “So, you see when I hurt my leg, I can no longer fly with my family. So, Csapo must carry on without me. It is shame because the Flying Bodors can no longer perform the Quintuplet. It is the most spectacular move you have ever seen.”

RICK: “No way, nothing can top what I just saw”

JANOS (dismissively): “Pfft. That was shiny glass compared to a diamond. If we get a fifth flyer, the Bodors will TRULY fly again”

He takes a sip of coffee and leans back in his chair and fixes Higgins and Rick with a steely eye.

JANOS: “So this Robin Masters… what does he do? Why would he want to help the Bodors?”

RICK (excitedly): “Oh, Robin Masters is this big time novelist. He’s sold a zillion novels and has houses all over the world. He’s even got one here with all this fancy art and safes all over the place. But not everyone can get in there. It’s got all these dogs and alarms. Heck, they even chase Thomas all the time and he lives there. OH! Lemme tell ya about…”

HIGGINS (putting a hand to lower Rick’s arms): “Yes, Mr. Masters is a man of means. He also believes in giving back and helping the less fortunate. Based upon what I just saw, I believe…”

Janos cuts Higgins off….

JANOS: “Yes yes, he has a big fancy house. How can he help the Bodors?”

He is interrupted by a knock on the door. Kenji has arrived with his crew of 10.

KENJI: “Hi Higgins, I got the men together as soon as you called. What do you need us to do?”

Higgins beams triumphantly.

HIGGINS: “As I was saying, Mr. Masters is a man of means. I have summoned these men under his and the King Kamehameha Clubs employ to help clean these grounds. I have also contacted an events company to help you replace your big top, as you put it. They actually do work for Ringling Brothers and can have one ready for us tomorrow.”

Maria enters the trailer. As Higgins speaks, Maria’s gaze softens and she sits down next to Higgins, almost too close, seeing as her husband is sitting less than an arm’s length away. Janos seems to ignore this.

HIGGINS: “Kenji, can you and your men begin?”

With this command, Maria edges even closer to Higgins, who shifts slightly but doesn’t lose his composure.

MAGNUM: “Hey Kenji, stick around for a little bit. Let’s see if you have any ideas.”

Kenji obliges and sends the men on their way with a few quick instructions.

RICK: “See, Janos.. If you let the kids in for free, give them the run of the place with free food.. Maybe you can charge full price for everyone else and get the money to get out of here! Heck, Thomas, maybe you can look into seeing who stole their money in the first place. I can make some calls and get you on your way. Higgins, what do you think?”

HIGGINS: “For once Rick, I think you have a sound idea. We can help the children of the orphanage AND Janos and his family.”

MAGNUM: “Janos, Higgins, Rick.. Everyone stop for a minute. We seem to be neglecting one major fact. Where are all the people? It takes more than 5 people to run a circus. I can obviously hear the animals, but who else is here besides the Bodors?”

Janos looks at Magnum with a look of anger, but softens his gaze.

JANOS: “You are truly observant, Mr. Magnum. It is true. The only members of the Circus Majestic left are the Bodors.
Everyone else left like dogs. They fled the circus, but we do not need them. They are cowards!!”

He punctuates this thought by spitting on the ground.

TC (musing): “There’s gotta be a way we can help them”

Janos’s eyes light up, and break into a broad smile.

JANOS: “But of course my friends. We have more than 5 people. We have 20 people!”

Everyone looks at him blankly.

JANOS: “Outside, we have 5 clowns and 5 people to run the stands!!!!! And here, and here, we have:”

He studies all of them one by one.

JANOS: “You, Mr.TC.”

TC (looking around): “Who, me?!!!”

JANOS: “Yes, you. Your van, it says Island helicopter service, no?”

TC: “Um, yeah?”

Janos studies him.

JANOS: “You are strong, no?”

TC grins and flexes for show.

TC: “Why yes, I do try to stay in shape”

RICK: “Yeah TC, you’re the strongest guy I know. I’ve seen you take out 6 guys in a fight!”

TC blushes. Janos looks triumphant.

JANOS: “See, you like to be up high, you are strong. You will fly with the Bodors! The Quintuplet will live again!!!!”


Magnum grins and tries to stifle a laugh. Janos turns to him.

JANOS: “You, Mr. Magnum. You are charismatic. You too are in shape. And you know how to handle animals like Mr. Rick says. You will be our lion tamer.”

Magnum spits out his coffee with a panicked look on his face. TC comes out of his shock enough to guffaw at Magnum.
Janos is on a roll, but then looks troubled.

JANOS: “If only we had a juggler. If only there was a juggler”

KENJI: “I can juggle”

Janos sizes him up and quickly throws two oranges at Kenji. Kenji catches them with each hand and then begins to juggle. He throws two more and without breaking rhythm, he begins to juggle all 4. A fifth orange added without a drop seems to satisfy Janos.

JANOS: “And now, we have our juggler!!!! But I save the most important role for last. This is for the man who made this all possible, without who the Circus Majestic would be rags.”

Higgins puffs out his chest and looks pleased.

JANOS: “I must watch from the wings and make sure everything runs smoothly. So for you, Mr.Rick.. I make you the Ringmaster for all you’ve done”

Rick looks like he is about to burst from excitement, his face red with joy and grinning from ear to ear. Higgins looks like he’s going to be sick.

RICK (punching Higgins in the arm): Didya hear that Higgins? Didya hear that?!!!! I get to be Ringmaster. Oh boy! I never ever thought I would get to be a Ringmaster”

Higgins is trying to retain his composure and act in the most dignified manner possible. Margit enters and puts her arms around Rick.

HIGGINS: “Mr. Bodor, what role do you see for me?”

JANOS: “Oh yes, you. Hmm. You can be head clown. That’s an important job. Come. We must all train”

Higgins looks dejected as they all fall out of the trailer. Magnum walks up next to him.

MAGNUM (in a whisper): “Higgins, wanna trade?”
Last edited by Doc Ibold on Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#102 Post by Doc Ibold »

Flashback III
The Case of the Hungarian Acrobats


Rising shot from the ground up, ending on TC hanging upside down from a trapeze.

TC: “This is nuts man, this is completely nuts! I’m not doing this!!!”

JANOS: “Mr. TC. In order to do Quintuplet, you do not need to fly. You just need to catch Maria, Margit or Katalin and swing. They will do all the work.”

TC (under his breath): “Easy for you to say. You’re down there”

MARGIT: “Do not worry Mr. TC. I will go slow for you. You are strong and can catch me! Besides, there is the net!”

Margit and TC begin to sway in unison, and at the apex of the swing, Margit leaps towards TC. He catches her easily.

TC: “Hey. Hey! I did it!”

Margit grins widely and drops into the net below.

JANOS: “Of course you did! Now, try Maria!”

Maria ascends the ladder and begins her swing. She swings towards TC and he catches her easily again. His face is brimming with confidence. Rick is busy coordinating Kenji’s men near the games and concession stands. They are busily beginning to paint and repair everything else. Unlike everyone else, he is already in full costume, although it is apparent it is several sizes too big.

RICK (almost manic): “C’mon guys! Let’s get the lead out”

Magnum and Kenji are off in a corner. Magnum is staring uneasily at a lion in a cage with a chair nearby and a whip in his hand. The lion seems to be unfazed by Magnums presence and munches contentedly on a steak. Kenji is focused on keeping six juggling pins in the air while walking backwards.

Maria springs off the net and approaches Higgins who is morosely observing the surroundings. It’s obvious he is not enjoying himself.

MARIA: “Mr. Higgins. I know this may sound strange. But I have a favor to ask. We have been in Hawaii so many months, and I have never swum in the ocean. I hear Mr. Masters has a beach. May I use it? Plus, I can help you design your costume”

HIGGINS: “Well, seeing as there are some matters I need to attend to at the estate, I’m sure you can come.”

Maria beams with joy, and excuses herself to change and get her things. TC lands in the net and springs up.

TC: “Yeah, I need to go too. I got to lock up the shop and do that last appointment that I got to postpone till this evening for a discount. Then I’ll put up my “Gone Fishing” sign for the next few days.

RICK: “Speaking of that, I’d better get to the club and put all the affairs in order for the board meeting.”

Margit and Janos step forward:

JANOS: “Mr. TC, may we hitch a ride, as you say? I would like to go to town and do some shopping. We will need cloth for new costumes.”

MARGIT: “And may I see this club, Mr. Rick? I have never known someone who owns a club”

Rick beams with pride. Higgins looks like he is about to say something when Maria appears and takes his arm.

JANOS: “Mr. Rick, we will need to take your costume in to be tailored.


JANOS: “Mr. Magnum. Kenji. Katalin will stay with you to get you started on your lion taming. KATALIN!!!! KATALIN!!! Where has that blasted girl gone?”

He mutters something in Hungarian as the six leave the grounds, leaving Kenji’s men, Magnum and Kenji alone in the tent. Csapo and Katalin are nowhere to be found.

KENJI: “Hey Magnum, you have any lighter fluid?”

MAGNUM (staring directly at the lion): “No. No Kenji, I don’t. What do you need it for?”

KENJI: “Well, my act seems a little tame. I figure we can light the pins on fire and I can juggle those”

MAGNUM: “You seem to be getting a kick out of this.”

KENJI: “Yeah, it’s great! I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

Katalin enters the tent with Csapo. She has changed into a pair of jeans and a tank top, and brightens visibly upon seeing only Kenji and Magnum. Csapo scowls and leaves. Soon after, a motorcycle revs up and roars off, fading in the distance. Katalin opens the cage and the lion ambles out. Kenji stops juggling and watches.

KATALIN (grinning): “Are you ready to learn how to tame lions, Mr. Magnum?”

The lion paces and looks at Magnum. Magnum holds the chair out in front of him and cracks the whip. The lion growls and paces toward Magnum.

MAGNUM (stammering): “Nice Kitty, good kitty. Sit down. Please?”

The lion walks toward Magnum as he backs away, still cracking the whip.

MAGNUM: “Look at the lion. Don’t think of running. Look at the lion. Don’t think of running. I SAID SIT!”

The lion advances. Kenji starts to look alarmed. Katalin is giggling softly.

MAGNUM: “Katalin, I don’t think this is working. Can you come get him or something?”

Katalin takes the lion by the collar and leads him away from Magnum.

KATALIN: “Oh, Mr. Magnum, don’t be afraid, Laslo is just a big pussycat. You’re just scaring him with the whip. Besides, he doesn’t understand you. He only understands Hungarian! Laslo, leul!”

On command, Laslo sits.

KATALIN: “Laslo, felborulasa!”

Laslo rolls over, his tail twitching. Magnum eases up.

KATALIN (positioning Magnums posture): “Now, always make sure to stand at least ten feet away, keep the chair in between you. Only use the whip for show and crack it away from you, so you don’t hit him. Once you crack it, immediately command him so he turns his attention back to you. Always keep your eyes locked with his, so he knows who is in charge. He won’t hurt you now that he knows we are friends. But always remember, he IS a wild animal!”

Magnum, with confidence starts to talk with Laslo again. He repeats a few commands in Hungarian and Laslo obeys.

MAGNUM (Magnum giggle): “Hey, this is really great! Does this work on dogs?”

Katalin looks at him with a strange look. Kenji tries to stifle a smile.

KATALIN: “Now, it is time to feed Laslo, so he knows we are truly friends!”


Interior of Robins Nest. Higgins is taking Maria on a tour of the house. She is clearly impressed .

HIGGINS: “This piece here is a Gauguin. Mr. Masters picked it up some time ago.”

He continues on, pointing out several other pieces.

HIGGINS: “These are several works in a series of a young and up and coming artist who Mr. Masters is sponsoring in the Sorbonne.”

MARIA: “You are so very knowledgeable. Mr. Higgins. It is a pity my husband doesn’t see it.”

Higgins grins slightly, you can tell he is proud and flattered.

MARIA (continuing): “My husband says you have been to Hungary. Please tell me of your visit”

HIGGINS (smiling broadly): “Well, it was the summer of ’43 and Nigel Donovan and I were commissioned to raft down the Danube as a pair of…….”

Suddenly, the buzzer goes off, indicating someone is at the gate.

HIGGINS: “Excuse me, this will only take a second”

MARIA: “Oh, that is all right, I need to change into my bathing suit. Do you have a room I could use?”

Higgins indicates a room to the right and goes to the intercom. Maria enters the room and closes the door.

HIGGINS (pressing the intercom): “Yes? Who is it?”

AGATHA (voice): “Oh Jonathan. I was wondering where you have been. I’ve called and called and no one would answer. I simply had to come and find you. I wondered if we could speak about the readings of Lord Byron that you will be holding here at the estate next month”

HIGGINS: “Why yes, Agatha. Come right in”

He buzzes her in and opens the door to wait for her on the porch. Agatha drives up to the front door and exits the car, her face beaming at the sight of him.

AGATHA: “Oh Jonathan, it is so good to see you. Millie has just given me a wonderful new twist on a watercress sandwich that we simply must have at the reading. It’s quite simple really, you just… Oh my!”

As Agatha speaks, Maria appears at the doorstep wearing a bikini that she wears extremely well for her age. She presses her body against Higgins and drops her head on his shoulder.

MARIA: “Mr. Higgins, who is this?”

HIGGINS (taken aback): “Umm, well, umm, this is Agatha Chumley a friend of mine and close associate. Agatha Chumley, Maria Bodor of the Circus Majestic”

AGATHA (extending hand): “How do you do?”

MARIA (ignores her): “Jonathan was telling me the most fascinating story of his time in my home country”

HIGGINS: “Ah yes. Maria, you see, is a performer at the circus. We will be holding Mr. Masters benefit for the orphans of the Kalani Street orphanage there. We are also helping the Bodors raise money in order to allow them passage back to the mainland”

AGATHA: “Oh Jonathan, how splendid. How the children will enjoy the circus. And, how generous of you to help out, Marta!”

MARIA: “It’s Maria”

AGATHA (ignoring her): The sights, the sounds the excitement. I can almost hear the calliope playing over the midway.

MARIA: “The Circus Majestic has no calliope”

AGATHA: “Oh it must, Magda!”

Maria tries to correct her again, but realizes this is a calculated ploy on Agatha’s part and starts to nuzzle Higgins. Agatha, not to be outdone continued.

AGATHA: “Jonathan, I know of a calliope in an antique shop that is in perfect working order. If you wish, I could play it if we could transport it there!”

Higgins eyes light up and he breaks away from Maria and walks towards Agatha.

HIGGINS: “A capital idea, Agatha! I’ll arrange for it immediately. Now, tell me about these watercress sandwiches.”

Higgins and Agatha walk back in the house, leaving Maria behind. Agatha took Higgins’ hand and excitedly began on the recipe. As she passed into the house, she turned and flashes Maria a look of triumph. Maria is less than amused.


Fade into the King Kamehameha Club - Ricks Office. Rick is excitedly relating his plans to Margit, who is lounging suggestively on the couch.

RICK: “I’ll tell you, that Kenji is a great juggler. He even wants to light those suckers on fire! And TC, he’s really good up there, isn’t he?”

MARGIT: “Yes, all your friends are very good. I think the benefit will be a good success. But, I still do not understand, how come Robin Masters wants to help us?”

RICK: “Oh, Robin does this stuff all the time. He usually gets Higgins to run these types of things, who then blackmails Thomas to help out. Thomas usually cons TC and me to help out too. Kenji though, he’s the Gardner. He sort of takes care of everything around the estate.”

MARGIT: “Does Robin ever come to his house?”

RICK: “Nah, I’ve only seen him a few times and then, only briefly. He usually does all his business here in the islands through Higgins. Robin usually jets around collecting art and stewardesses”.

MARGIT: “That’s interesting. Can you show me more of the club? I want to hear your plans for the circus in two days. Perhaps I can help!”

They exit arm in arm, with Rick chatting away.


Island Hoppers HQ in the early evening. TC is locking up the door for the night.

TC: “I hope you enjoyed your flight Janos. How’d you like me passing you off as a safety inspector so you could ride with that couple?”

JANOS: “Very very smart, Mr. TC. I hope you won’t get in trouble”

TC: “Nah, it’s standard practice for a safety inspector to fly with all of the helicopter charter services a couple times a year. Besides, you’ve been in rough times lately…. it’s the least I could do”

JANOS: “No, no, you have already done too much for my family already. I must admit, I do miss flying.”

TC: ”Yeah, with your leg and all, it must be hard watching the rest of your family up there. I hope you think I’m doing a good job”

JANOS: “No, No, I miss FLYING. Before my family and I defected, I used to pilot helicopters in Hungary. I would fly cargo to farms, things like that. When my father passed, I rejoined the circus and took it over. Times got too hard, and we defected soon after during a trip to France. We have been on the road ever since”

TC: “Wow, man. That’s a rough story. Well, that’s about it for here. We’d better get you to the store to get that fabric.”

JANOS: “Thank you, Mr. TC, but I am thinking I will walk and perhaps take a cab back. It is such a nice evening.

TC: "Suit yourself, Janos! See you tomorrow!

Cut to Csapo watching Island Hoppers intently from across the road.


The next day, mid-afternoon. A group of men are taking off the old tattered canvas from the old big top and are almost done putting on a fresh canvas. The place looks completely different with a fresh coat of paint on everything.

Magnum is practicing with Laslo and has seemingly conquered his fear. Kenji is arranging colored balls and carefully applying a liquid to the juggling pins near the entrance.

Margit, Katalin, Maria, Csapo and TC are going over a routine and doing a dry run on the floor.

Higgins is supervising the placement of the calliope with Agatha, who is not letting Higgins out of her sight. Janos appears from the trailer, with several costumes.

JANOS: “Come, everyone. My wife and daughters have finished your new costumes this morning! Some of your men have already gotten theirs”

He gestures to Kenji’s men, half of who are dressed as clowns and half who are dressed as workers matching the colors of the circus.

HIGGINS: “If you don’t mind Janos, I have brought my own costume”

JANOS: “Humph, as you wish”

Cut to the interior of the trailer. TC is dressed up in a form fitting singlet with spangles. It fits extremely close to his chiseled physique. Rick’s ringmaster outfit fits much better now.

RICK: ”Wow TC, that doesn’t leave much to the imagination”

TC: “Yeah, know.. But at least I know I won’t be getting caught on anything”

The bedroom door opens and Higgins appears. He is dressed in a black and white clown costume. His face is painted in black and white with a black teardrop under his eye.

TC: “Oh man, I knew I shouldn’t have had that sandwich before bed”

RICK: “Why’s that?”

TC: “Cause I think I’m seeing things”

RICK: “Higgins, what are you trying to do? We’re supposed to be making the kids laugh, not cry!”

HIGGINS: “Apparently, you two are unfamiliar with the storied history of the tragic clowns of literature and the stage. Those such as Pagliacchi, Pierrot and Gwynplaine - to name a few. Not all clowns are comical like your American Bozo. I plan to bring some dignity to my role, such as it is”

TC: “Yeah, but you still look like you walked out of my nightmares, Higgy Baby”

Maria opens the door and sees Higgins

MARIA: “Oh no, Mr. Higgins. That will not do. We have to think of the children. Come, I will help you into something more appropriate.”

She leads Higgins back into the back room. Rick and TC leave the trailer. When they come out, they see that Lt. Tanaka is there.

LT. TANAKA: “Hello Magnum, Rick,TC, Kenji. Why am I not surprised to see you here?”

MAGNUM: “ Hi Lieutenant. What’s up?”

LT. TANAKA: “I’m afraid I have some questions for your friends here. There have been two robberies near here at some jewelry stores over the past few days.”

MAGNUM: “Right, but you’re a homicide detective.”

LT. TANAKA: “I know that, but one of them hit the owner over the head pretty bad. He’s in the hospital and we think he may not make it. Our guys did the examination and whomever it was had to have been a pretty big guy. Witnesses saw a large man sprinting out of the back door with a bag in his hand, dressed all in black. He then took a flying leap to a fire escape and vanished.”

He looks directly over at Csapo, then continues.

LT. TANAKA: “The other robbery was committed by a woman. One of witnesses saw a woman in a mask with long black hair leap over a fence without touching it. She left this behind.”

He presents the sash that Katalin was wearing the day before, housed in a plastic evidence baggie.


Katalin shrieks and runs out of the tent. Tanaka makes no move to chase her. Kenji puts down his pins and follows her.

Maria opens the trailer door and Higgins emerges in a more traditional clown outfit with a red wig and nose. He seems depressed, then suddenly curious at the scene around him.

Csapo paces nervously, then lets a roar and dashes out of the tent. The sound of a motorcycle erupts and soon fades into the distance.

LT. TANAKA: “Interesting. All the evidence I had was circumstantial. I was just here for questioning. I’ll have some guys out on patrol looking for him. I’ll still need to question the girl, though.”

JANOS: “I will not stand for this. The Circus Majestic is not full of thieves. We are Magyar, not Gypsy! We will not be persecuted!”

Cut to outside of the tent. Kenji approaches Katalin who is sobbing on the ground.

KATALIN: “It is happening all over again. Why does this always happen to us? Is it because I am Romani? Does everyone think I am a thief?”

KENJI: “I’m sorry Katalin, but what are you talking about? I’m sure between Magnum, Higgins, your parents and the rest of us, we can sort it all out”

KATALIN (sobbing through tears): “They aren’t actually my birth parents. They adopted me when I was very young . They may not be Romani, but I am”

KENJI: “How do you know that?”

KATALIN: “Janos and Maria told me years ago. They said when I was a small child, a band of Romani left me at the circus. They looked for my parents before they defected”

KENJI: “That’s odd, I have never heard of gypsies leaving their children before. I always understood they had a very close knit family group”

KATALIN (eyes blazing): “Aren’t Japs supposed to have close family ties as well?”

KENJI (stunned): “I, um…. I”

KATALIN (looking remorseful): “I’m sorry Kenji, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I used that term for you to illustrate how insulting the word “gypsy” is to me.

KENJI: “Point taken”

KATALIN: “Neither Janos, nor Maria or Margit seem to have any trouble throwing it around. We get chased out of town after town and it usually gets taken out on me. I have never caused any trouble, yet a string of robberies always occurs everywhere we have gone recently. Look at us, we were living like animals before you came! How can we be thieves?”

KENJI: “I notice for having raised you, you don’t call them mother or father”

KATALIN (eyes blazing again): “And why should I? I have never been treated as a daughter. I have to cook and clean and respond to Janos’ every whim. And I am the best flyer in this family, bar none… yet I am treated like a dog”

Kenji looks thoughtful.

KENJI: “What about Csapo?”

KATALIN: “Csapo? He is about as out of place in this family as I am. You heard Janos, he refers to Csapo as his “protégé. He isn’t a Bodor either. He joined up with us only a month ago. Janos held a tryout and signed him up, seeing as he couldn’t fly anymore”

She dries her tears and stands up

KATALIN: “Besides, Csapo is misunderstood. He may look like a raging giant, but he is the only one who can get near Laslo besides me… and that takes some tenderness. Frankly, he’s the only one around here, besides me, who’s looking out for me. He can be a bit overprotective, though, as Mr. Magnum can relate to”

She chuckles and continues

KATALIN: “Janos doesn’t notice. He’s convinced Margit will marry Csapo and build another generation of Flying Bodors after he hurt his leg 5 years ago. If he bothered to watch his daughter, she drapes herself all over the first man who smells of money. Unfortunately, for Rick, he is that man. Money?”

She snorts

KATALIN: “That’s obviously not Csapo. I’m convinced Csapo is Romani as well, although I have never heard him admit it. He claims he has Romanian blood in him.”

KENJI: “Pardon me for mentioning it, but I notice you have the best English out of the 5 of you”

KATALIN: “No need to apologize. I read whatever I can and actually talk to the customers. Besides, having to do the cooking and cleaning gets you out of the tent every once in a while with real people. I was actually shocked when Janos volunteered to get the cloth, as he usually gives me those types of things”

KENJI: “Why don’t you leave?”

KATALIN: “I don’t have a green card. If I leave here, people will find out I am here illegally and they will send me back to Hungary. My people aren’t treated any better there. Plus, I have no family that I know of. The Bodors are all I know”

She laughs:

KATARIN: “How ironic is it that the Romani are forced to leave everywhere they go in order to stay together, and I, as a Romani, must leave everywhere I go, yet cannot stay with my people? Come Kenji, let me talk to your Lieutenant. I am not afraid”

She and Kenji walk back to the tent.


Lt. Tanaka is in discussion with Higgins, Rick and TC. Agatha has left the calliope and joined the group. Janos, Maria and Margit glower at Katalin and Kenji as they enter.

LT. TANAKA: ”Hello again, young lady. Are you ready to answer some questions?”

KATALIN: “I have nothing to be afraid of. Ask me what you will”

LT. TANAKA: “What is your name?”

KATALIN: “Katalin Bodor”

LT. TANAKA: “Very well then, where were you yesterday from 10am to 1pm?”

KATALIN: “I made some coffee, and for the rest of the time I was in the tent, securing the trapeze, cleaning up and tending to Laslo”

LT.TANAKA: “Who’s Laslo? Is that the man who ran?”

MAGNUM: “Laslo’s the lion. Csapo is the man”

LT. TANAKA: “Did anyone see you during that time?”

KATALIN: “No, perhaps Csapo, maybe Margit, but everyone else was in the trailer”

MARGIT: “I did not see Katalin, but I may not have noticed her”

Lt. Tanaka notes this in his book and resumes questioning Katalin.

LT. TANAKA: “Since he is not here, do you know Csapo’s whereabouts from around 3pm to midnight?”

KATALIN: “I saw Csapo when I was training Mr. Magnum with Laslo. I think he got angry I was paying so much attention to him, he left. I do not know where he went.”

LT. TANAKA: “Can you account for the whereabouts of this sash during that time?”

He holds up her sash

KATALIN: “After I got the coffee, I changed in my tent and left it with my things. It is very precious to me, as I have had it ever since I came to the Bodors”

Lt. Tanaka raises an eyebrow

JANOS: “Katalin is adopted. Gypsies left her at the circus back in Hungary when she was around two years old. She had the sash with her when we found her”

LT. TANAKA: “Can you provide records of this adoption?”

MARIA: “No, all the paperwork was left in Hungary when we defected”

LT. TANAKA: “And why was it that you defected?”

JANOS: “We were tired of living under military rule, paying bribes to travel the country. When we received paperwork to take our circus to tour France, we escaped our minders and never returned”

LT. TANAKA: “And when would you say this was?”

JANOS: “About 18 years ago.”

Lt. Tanaka looks at Katalin, sizing her up

LT. TANAKA: “So, you would have been around 3 years old at that time? And Margit as well?”

KATALIN: “I suppose, I really don’t remember Hungary well”

MARIA: “Margit is one year older than Katalin, approximately”

LT. TANAKA: “So, you can’t account for your whereabouts and no one saw you. I’ve seen stranger things, especially with this group, but I have to say, it doesn’t look promising for you or your friend Csapo, Katalin”

Lt. Tanaka folds up his notebook and looks satisfied.

LT. TANAKA: “I’ve got to get back to the station to check up on some things. You don’t have to come down YET, but don’t leave town. And, I’m afraid I will have to keep this for now.”

He pockets the baggie containing Katalins sash.

LT.TANAKA: “Ta-ta! Hey Magnum, you like what the Tigers are doing this year? Morris is going to turn out to be special, mark my words”

MAGNUM: “Eh, I say they’re about a year or two off from making it all the way.”

Lt. Tanaka gets in his car and drives off. The group stands around each other uncomfortably.

HIGGINS: “Well, then.. These are strange circumstances”

JANOS: “We are not thieves”

MAGNUM: “We understand that, Janos. I think we should all take a break for a little while. It’s getting late.

RICK: “Yeah, I’m beat. Higgins… I’m going to pick up some of the plans for the board meeting. You want me to drop them off at the estate?”

HIGGINS: “That would be fine, Rick”

Kenji motions to TC

KENJI: “TC: do you mind dropping me off at the rental place? I think we can get these tools back there before they close tonight”

TC: “No problem. Let me get out of these tights. Hey! You want to come with me back to Island Hoppers? I just finished a Michener and I think you might like it. I can drop you off at the estate and you can have the guys go home”

KENJI: “That sounds great!”

The group disperses and Higgins and Agatha leave in the Audi with Magnum and Rick following in the Ferrari headed towards the estate. TC and Kenji load up the van and take off in the direction of town. TC checks his rearview mirror and looks back to see Bodors gazing after them as they pull away.

Cut to Island Hoppers, just before dark.

TC: “Man, that traffic jam killed us.”

KENJI: “No kidding, a minute later and we would have missed the rental shop guy”

TC: “Wait a minute and I’ll get the book from the office.”

TC goes to the front door and finds it unlocked. He examines the lock.

TC: ”Hey, man someone has messed with my lock.”

He opens the door and walks inside. Kenji is waiting by the van when a muffled thump is heard.


Kenji goes to the front door when a muscular pair of arms grabs him and pulls him in. Fade to black.
Last edited by Doc Ibold on Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:28 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#103 Post by Doc Ibold »

Flashback IV

The Case of the Hungarian Acrobats


Unlit shot of the Island Hoppers office, a small sliver of light shines in from the outdoor lamp.

TC (voice): “Kenji! KENJI! You all right, man?”

You hear a muffled groan

KENJI (voice): “Yea.. yyeah. My head is killing me…. What happened?. Hey! I can’t move!”

Sounds of shuffling as TC struggles

TC: “Me neither, I’m tied up!”

KENJI: “Me too!”

TC: ”Listen, maybe if we move together, we can stand ourselves up and use the filing cabinet to cut the ropes”

Sounds of grunting and straining.

TC: “Come on, man! I can’t do this myself!”

KENJI: “I am, can’t you feel me moving?”

TC: “No, you’re just lying there. You got to lay off the beers, man”

A third, deep groan pierces the darkness.

KENJI: “I don’t think we’re alone, TC”

More struggling and then some muttering in Hungarian

CSAPO (voice): Who is there? Come out, Janos, you coward!”

TC: “Hey man, its TC and Kenji. What are you doing in my office?!!”

CSAPO: “I followed Janos, Maria and Margit here. They plan to fly your helicopter to the estate and steal Robin Master’s treasures and escape on a freighter!”

TC/KENJI (in unison): “WHAT?!!!”

CSAPO: “Where is Eva?!!!!”

TC: “Who’s Eva?!!!”

CSAPO: “We must find Eva!!!! Stay still”

Csapo groans and strains, and with a mighty roar, he snaps the ropes. He springs to his feet and turns on the light. He starts to untie TC and Kenji.

TC: “Wait a minute, just Wait. A. Minute”

CSAPO: “I will not wait, we must find Eva, I mean Katalin. Where is she?!!”

KENJI: “We left her at the circus lot with the Bodors. What is going on around here?!!!!!”

CSAPO: “There is no time to lose, we must go back to the circus”

He runs out the door, with Kenji and TC on his heels. TC sees his chopper is gone and throws his hat down in frustration.

TC: “DANG IT!!!”

He rushes back into the office and the sound of rustling is heard. He runs back outside.

TC: “DANG IT, They got both sets of keys!!”

KENJI: “But how did they take the chopper?”

TC: “Man, Janos told me when I took him up in the air that he knows how to fly choppers. He must have been watching me to see how it worked!”

He holds his head in his hand and kicks pavement. Csapo turns TC around.

CSAPO: “We are wasting time. Take me to the circus, or I will take your van myself”

TC: “I’ve had enough of Hungarians stealing my property for the day. Get in.”

KENJI: “And while we’re on our way, you can fill us in on what is going on”

Switch to the study in Robin’s Nest. Magnum, Higgins, Rick and Agatha are seated around the table.

HIGGINS: “Of course, this new development means that I will have to reconsider working with the Bodors in this venture with the orphanage. I must postpone it”

RICK: “Oh Higgins, you can’t! Katalin and Csapo put one over on us.. That’s all there is to it. They are on the run. We can still make it work with TC, Maria and Margit. Margit is really excited to put this on.”

AGATHA: “I’m not so sure that Katalin and Csapo are behind this. They just don’t seem the type”

MAGNUM: “I’d like to believe you Agatha, but the evidence is pretty well stacked against them. Remember, Tanaka said that the woman had dark hair and was carrying the sash.”

RICK: “And the guy was huge, and sprinted down the street and leaped onto a fire escape. Are you telling me that Janos could do that with his bum leg? No way!”

MAGNUM: “Plus, no one saw either Katalin or Csapo during the times of the robberies. They certainly weren’t at the circus that we could see.”

RICK: “And Janos, Maria and Margit were with us the entire time in the trailer.”

MAGNUM (staring thoughtfully at his beer): “Wait a minute….”

The whirring of a helicopter stirs Higgins from his chair. He strides to the window and slits the blinds.

HIGGINS: ”When TC was to bring Kenji back, I most certainly did not authorize the use of his helicopter to do so! Rules are rules, even if he has been of invaluable assistance with the orphans”

Switch to the interior of TCs van. TC is driving with Csapo in the passenger seat, looking grim. Kenji is in the back seat leaning forward between them.

CSAPO: “My name is Csapo Kovacs. I am Romani from Hungary. Many years ago, my family arranged for me to be married to a Romani princess at birth. Her name was Eva Gulyas. When she was 2 years old, a circus came to our part of the country. The Circus Majestic. Eva went missing, and the circus left. We had our suspicions, but we found the truth when a cur of a man named Martin told Eva’s father, Stefan, the circus had Eva, and they could have her back for a price.”
He hangs his head and pauses.

CSAPO: “He was not worthy to be Romani. And Stefan dealt with him in our own way”

Csapo clenches his fists and makes a breaking motion with his hands and a sickening sound in his throat. TC and Kenji gulp.

CSAPO: “Unfortunately, Martin did not reveal where the circus was headed. We had to learn ourselves where they were going, but by the time we caught up with them, they had left for France and we could not follow. Years passed, and everyone gave up hope of finding Eva. Stefan and his wife died of sorrow. Everyone had given up hope, except for me. I trained and trained until I became one of Hungary’s greatest acrobats. I swore on my family’s honor that I would find Eva and the Circus Majestic even if it took me to the ends of the world. I thanked my stars when I tracked the Circus Majestic to Hawaii. I wept when I saw their younger daughter. She has her father’s nose and her mother’s eyes, and more importantly, her grandmothers scarf. Katalin Bodor is actually Eva Gulyas!!!!”

TC: “So wait a minute, you’re telling me Katalin is a gy…”

Csapos nostrils flare and he tenses up. Kenji covers TCs mouth before he can finish.

KENJI: ”Trust me, TC… you do NOT want to finish”

TC: “What I was GOING to say is, “You mean to tell me that Katalin is a genuine Romani Princess??!”

CSAPO: “Yes. I was trying to figure out a way to get her to go with me. I thought it would be easy, but Eva is very very smart.”

TC: “Why didn’t you tell her who she really was?”

CSAPO: “Would you believe it if someone told you that you were really a princess?”

KENJI: “He DOES have a point”

CSAPO: “I began to suspect that the robberies were being committed by Janos, Maria and Margit, but I had no proof. I followed them whenever I could, and that is when I saw them at Island Hoppers. I knew Janos knew how to fly helicopters, so it had to be a part of his scheme. I picked your lock and took your keys and lay in wait until they arrived. I heard them discuss the plan before they entered. I attacked them, but Maria has some sort of gun, and all I remember is her pointing it at me and everything going black”

TC: “I can’t believe this, here I am with a Gardner and a gy…”

(Csapo turns red)

TC: “great husband chasing after a princess!”

CSAPO: “We are here”


Back at the study. Margit is tying up Agatha and Rick, who are fast asleep. Magnum is already tied up on the couch. He is also asleep. Maria is reloading a tranquilizer gun and begins to point it at Higgins

HIGGINS: “You will never get away with this”

JANOS: “I already have. Soon, we will have all of your treasures and we will make the Circus Majestic strong again. But first, you must tell me the location of this safe. And then you will open it for me”

HIGGINS: “I will never tell you!”

Janos pulls out a wicked looking knife and tosses it to Margit. She holds the blade to Agatha’s neck with a glint in her

JANOS: “Are you sure?”

Higgins looks around and realizes the odds are stacked against him. He walks to the fireplace and turns the decorative bird. The panel to the safe slides open. Higgins twirls the combination several times and the safe pops open. Margit removes the knife from Agatha’s throat.

Higgins turns around and does a shoulder tackle on Janos’ injured leg. Janos doesn’t move and laughs it off.

JANOS: “Surprise Mr. Higgins. I am as healthy as a horse. But you, unfortunately will not sleep as peacefully as your friends.”

He raises his cane and brings it down on the back of Higgins’ head.

Switch scenes to the circus trailer. Katalin, or Eva is sprawled across the bed. A steel box and several bags of jewelry surround her still frame. A vial of pills lies by her hand. A typewritten note lies beside her:

“Lt. Tanaka,
I cannot live with my shame. I have brought dishonor to the Bodor family by stealing like the gypsy I am. They have left me, as has Csapo, my accomplice. In order to make things right, I have decided to take my own life and return the jewels and the money I stole from the Circus Majestic.
Katalin Bodor”


He wrings his hands and tears his hair. He begins to demolish the trailer. TC kneels down by Eva and checks her pulse. He then looks at her neck.

TC: “There’s some sort of needle mark here.”

Kenji examines the letter closely, and throws it down.

KENJI: “Katalin, or Eva.. didn’t write this. I know it for a fact”

CSAPO: “She is dead, she is dead she is DEAAAAD!”

He weeps and starts speaking in Hungarian, almost like a prayer. TC checks Eva’s pulse. He cranes his neck back and checks again.

TC: “HEY! Big Guy. She’s still alive. Someone must’ve shot her with a tranquillizer dart”

Csapo looks up, hopeful.

CSAPO: “Eva lives?!!!!!”

TC props Eva up while Kenji splashes water in her face. She sputters and her eyelids fly open.

CSAPO: “Eva! You live!”

He begins to weep with joy and showers her faces with clumsy kisses

EVA (weakly): “Csapo, it is good to see you too. Why are you calling me Eva?”

Sirens start to wail far off in the distance.

KENJI: “TC, I think I’ve neglected my duties at the estate long enough. Can you get us out of here?”

TC: “Way ahead of you buddy. Something tells me I don’t want to have to explain why I’m here when THOSE arrive”

Switch scene to interior of TCs van. Csapo is speaking excitedly to Eva in Hungarian. It appears he is telling her the true story of events.

EVA (confused): “A Romani princess? I don’t believe it.”

TC and Kenji stare grimly ahead.

Switch scene to the exterior gate of Robins Nest. Kenji is frantically typing in the code. It doesn’t open. He tries again, and still the gate remains locked

KENJI: “The code isn’t working! How are we going to get in?!!!”

CSAPO: “Enough, we are wasting time!”

He and Eva hop high upon the gate and vault over. TC looks at Kenji

TC: “Now you get to see how the other half does it whenever we want to see TM”

He climbs over the wall and Kenji follows.

Switch scene to the driveway. TC sees his chopper and his eyes light up.

TC (whispering gleefully!): MY BIRD!

He runs ahead of them. Kenji follows Eva and Csapo to the study window. He motions them to stay quiet.

KENJI: “We need to see what the situation is, first. Eva and Csapo nod in agreement.

TC runs up behind them.

TC: “They ain’t stealing my bird again. At least, not without THESE!”

He holds up some sparkplug wires with a broad grin. The four of them peer into the window. Rick and Agatha are tied up, unconscious. Magnum is also tied up on the couch. Higgins is untied, but prostrate on the floor. Piles of paintings lie on the floor. Janos strides across the floor without a cane and tosses the Gauguin on top.

MARGIT: “Papa, to think a black wig and a sash fooled them?!!! We are rich! Rich!”

JANOS (beaming): “Who would think to suspect a cripple of running and leaping?”
He twirls the cane for effect.

JANOS: “The best part is that the police will be too busy with Katalin now that they have found her with the measly jewels and money. Plus, everyone else will be searching for Csapo. By the time they figure it out, we will be long gone”

MARIA: “But darling, what should we do with these four?”

MARGIT: “I say we take them in the chopper and drop them in the ocean”

JANOS: “Yes, but let us continue searching. There must be more!”

MARIA: “I had my doubts when we took that little gypsy girl all those years ago back in Hungary and didn’t get the ransom.. But it worked. It really worked!!!!”

Eva hears this, springs to her feet and runs towards the door. She kicks it down!

EVA: “Ez igaz?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Te kurva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Before Janos, Maria or Margit can react, Eva is on Maria like a tigress. She grasps her hair and beats her head into the floor repeatedly until Maria is unconscious. Csapo, TC and Kenji burst into the room. Eva redirects her fury at Margit who picks up the knife and slashes at her. TC creeps around and knocks it away. He holds her in a bear hug, trying to keep Eva from clawing her eyes out.

Csapo charges at Janos, who beats Csapo with his cane, but Csapo is blind with fury. Kenji steals across the room and unties Magnum, Rick and Agatha. TC has finally dragged Margit to the rope sitting on the desk and begins to tie her up.
Eva charges Janos, and Csapo must now fight two battles of protecting Eva from Janos and absorbing the considerable punishment he has already sustained. Kenji comes up behind Janos, sizes up the situation and chops Janos in the neck. He drops like a sack of bricks.


Lt. Tanaka and some officers are leading Janos, Maria and Margit out of the study door in handcuffs. Higgins is sitting at his desk with an ice pack on his head. Agatha and Rick are on the couch with blankets looking woozy, but listening intently to Csapo and Eva. Magnum is inspecting the cigar box and picks out one to his satisfaction. Higgins moves to stop him, but sits back down clutching his head. TC leans against the bookshelf holding his ribs and breathing shallowly. Kenji watches the Bodors being led out, with his arms crossed proudly.

LT. TANAKA: “I’ll never understand how you guys always seem to find yourselves in these situations. Turns out Mr. Bodor used to be a thief back in Hungary. He pulled off some nifty little capers there until he decided to pack up the family and leave. I’m not sure if we have an extradition treaty with Hungary, but even if we don’t.. We have enough on these three to lock them up for a long time. Grand Theft, Home Invasion, skyjacking, kidnapping, attempted murder, assault and battery. Some of my guys found a hidden compartment in the trailer with a large cache of gems and cash. They're running the numbers as we speak. I’m going to be busy with paperwork tonight, but I think I’ll enjoy it. Magnum, do you think you can tape the game for me?

MAGNUM: “You bet!”

Tanaka tips his Tigers cap and leaves with the officers. Magnum lights the cigar and puffs contentedly.

RICK (ruefully): ”I guess I’ll never get to be ringmaster now”

AGATHA: “Oh Jonathan, isn’t it romantic? Eva turns out to be a princess who had been kidnapped. Her prince searches the world over for her, only to find her here in Hawaii!”

TC: “Yeah, but what are they gonna do now? Eva doesn’t have her green card.”

MAGNUM: “Yeah, Higgins.. What are we going to do about that?”

RICK: “And what about the orphans?”

Higgins furrows his brow and sinks into thought.

AGATHA: “Jonathan, I have an idea! Why don’t you talk to Robin Masters about purchasing the Circus Majestic? And let Eva and Csapo run it?”

RICK (brightening up): “Yeah! Will you Higgins?”

MAGNUM: “Owning a circus WOULD appeal to Robin’s “sartorial” tastes”

HIGGINS: “A splendid plan, Agatha. I shall phone him in the morning. I think he will take a shine to the idea, since he has already put so much money into it. Eva. Csapo, would you do us the honor of having your inaugural performance be for the orphans of the Kalani Street orphanage?”

KENJI (interrupting): “But Higgins, what if Eva and Csapo want to go home?”

EVA: “Kenji, Csapo and I have talked about that. I am not sure I want to return home. Besides, the Circus has been my life for 18 years. I’m not sure I can walk away now”

CSAPO: “And I have grown to enjoy America”

EVA: “To answer your question, yes, Mr. Higgins.. We will be glad to put on a performance, but only if you will join us like you were before. And if we change the name to Circus Masters”

HIGGINS (grinning broadly): “It is a deal!”

RICK (glumly): “I guess you’ll want to be the ringmaster, right Higgins?”

HIGGINS: “On the contrary Rick, the deal Eva and Csapo made was for us to join them as we were before. I believe YOU were the ringmaster.”

RICK (jumping for joy): “You mean it Higgins, you really really mean it?! Oh boy!!!!”

MAGNUM: “All’s well that ends well!”

HIGGINS: “I don’t believe so Magnum. You still have some explaining to do”

MAGNUM: ME?! Why?!!!!”

RICK: “If you hadn’t said… hey Rick… let’s check out this circus!”

MAGNUM: “But you thought it was a great idea!!!”

RICK: “I never would have thought of it if you didn’t bring it up!”

MAGNUM: “Before I knew it, you and Higgins were wheeling and dealing. Then, I’m taming lions, TC is flying 50feet in the air, Kenji is juggling flaming pins, Higgins is moping because he wasn't the ringmaster, and you were running around like a little kid because you WERE the ringmaster. What's the big deal? Everything turned out OK!”

TC: “Tell that to my ribs. That Hungarian chick landed about 20 elbows before I could calm her down”

HIGGINS: ”Speak to my skull regarding that sentiment and to Mr. Masters paintings strewn about"

RICK: “And I don’t appreciate being shot by some crazy broad”

AGATHA: “I AM feeling rather peaked, Mr. Magnum”

KENJI: “You know, a lot of this could have been avoided if you investigated the circus theft up front like Rick suggested”

HIGGINS: “Yes Magnum, if you had listened to Rick, this whole sordid affair could have ended without so much bruising and destruction. It is All. Your. Fault!!!”

Magnum looks wildly about like he has just stepped into an insane asylum. Eva and Csapo are laughing. He finally leaves the study with his shoulders slumped.


And that, my friends is the fantastic story of the Case of the Hungarian Acrobats!

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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#104 Post by ConchRepublican »

Doc Ibold wrote:Past Tense:

As I approached the estate, traffic was backed up due to an accident. I hoped it wasn't anyone I knew, as Magnum has a tendency to roar out of the gates without looking for oncoming traffic.
Almost every time I'm like "look out dummy"!!!
CoziTV Superfan spot

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J.J. Walters
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Re: The Files of Kenji, Staff Gardner - Robins Nest

#105 Post by J.J. Walters »

Wow, Doc! Again, really great stuff! I'm just now getting caught up on most of it. Every episode is extremely well done, and very creative. And "The Case of the Hungarian Acrobats" was a wonderful addition! What a great episode that would have been! LOL!
Doc Ibold wrote:MAGNUM: “Before I knew it, you and Higgins were wheeling and dealing. Then, I’m taming lions, TC is flying 50feet in the air, Kenji is juggling flaming pins, Higgins is moping because he wasn't the ringmaster, and you were running around like a little kid because you WERE the ringmaster. What's the big deal? Everything turned out OK!”
Doc Ibold wrote:TC: “Why didn’t you tell her who she really was?”
CSAPO: “Would you believe it if someone told you that you were really a princess?”
KENJI: “He DOES have a point”
LOL! :)

And I gotta say, I especially liked the way you ended "Sunrise"...
Doc Ibold wrote:"I'm sure Buck Greene wouldnt appreciate me telling you this, but I'm beyond the point of giving a damn about what he thinks so there's no point in keeping it a secret anymore. Ivan took a lot of things from me. He killed two friends of mine for his sick agenda. Two innocent friends - one of them for an agenda and one of who died instead of me. He then used those deaths to manipulate my best friend into doing things he wouldn't normally do to settle a score sown long ago. Most people would let it go and wait for karma to come around. Sometimes karma needs a nudge."
Ever think about switching careers and becoming a scriptwriter? Lots of money (and fun) to be had there. ;)
Higgins: It's not a scratch! It's a bloody gouge!

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