If not for Michelle (spoilers)

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If not for Michelle (spoilers)

#1 Post by MagnumFan »

If Michelle hadn't been killed, leaving TM as the sole living parent and guardian of Lily, do you think he would ever have re-upped in the Navy? Do you think his life was ultimately headed there and Michelle's death and fatherhood simply hastened it, or was it simply a quick way to provide a stable (financially and lifewise) environment for Lily?

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Re: If not for Michelle (spoilers)

#2 Post by KingKC »

I think he was clearly headed back to the Navy and Michelle's death and his fatherhood convinced him to do it. Thomas Magnum was looking for something in his life and he did not find it as a private investigator. I think he found more meaning to life in the Navy. I think he saw the Navy as making him responsible, something he had difficulty doing on his own.


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Re: If not for Michelle (spoilers)

#3 Post by Rands »

While I was Army, not Navy, the period of service of the 1980's was quite difficult. President Reagan modernized the US Military, after the disastrous draw down post Vietnam. The Carter Administration was no friend of the military, with most of the military services "Not Mission Capable" for both supply, maintenance, training, or personnel. My first reserve unit was an Armored CAV Troop, with 40% of our vehicles not available. After college, I found out that Active duty forces weren't much better off.

If you haven't seen M-60 tanks on wooden blocks holding them up in lieu of their suspension, you missed something. Much of our equipment was WW2 and Korean War issue, with Vietnam Era equipment being greatly coveted. We certainly did our best to make do without, but they were very difficult times.

As the Reagan Administration reached it's peak, we were a modern, well trained fighting force. We had reached , and exceeded parity with the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact Forces, with the Berlin Wall falling not long after. In terms of my profession, those days were by far the best. They were quite difficult, but there was always the knowledge of a greater purpose, and satisfaction of a free Nation and West. Yeah, I think Magnum would have wanted to see those days through.

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Re: If not for Michelle (spoilers)

#4 Post by ConchRepublican »

Rands wrote:While I was Army, not Navy, the period of service of the 1980's was quite difficult. President Reagan modernized the US Military, after the disastrous draw down post Vietnam. The Carter Administration was no friend of the military, with most of the military services "Not Mission Capable" for both supply, maintenance, training, or personnel. My first reserve unit was an Armored CAV Troop, with 40% of our vehicles not available. After college, I found out that Active duty forces weren't much better off.

If you haven't seen M-60 tanks on wooden blocks holding them up in lieu of their suspension, you missed something. Much of our equipment was WW2 and Korean War issue, with Vietnam Era equipment being greatly coveted. We certainly did our best to make do without, but they were very difficult times.

As the Reagan Administration reached it's peak, we were a modern, well trained fighting force. We had reached , and exceeded parity with the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact Forces, with the Berlin Wall falling not long after. In terms of my profession, those days were by far the best. They were quite difficult, but there was always the knowledge of a greater purpose, and satisfaction of a free Nation and West. Yeah, I think Magnum would have wanted to see those days through.
Thank you for your service and a peek behind the curtain.
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