Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

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Lindsay Writer
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Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#1 Post by Lindsay Writer »

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we are now able to publish the actual emails, and although there was no email for our guys to use circa 1980 to 1988 we still have them here. :wink:

Subject: Your Estate Privileges

Magnum! I have told you for the last time and this time you've gone too far! Effective immediately all of your estate privileges are hereby revoked! No more use of the Ferrari. No more use of the wine cellar. No more use of the tennis court. You can remain in the guest house but only because Mr. Masters believes you to be essential to the security of this estate. I strenuously disagree but I've no desire to argue with Mr. Masters. However your use of all the other fringe benefits you've so flagrantly taken for granted here and grown accustomed to is now at an end. You can use the jimmy van if you need to go into Honolulu but no more Ferrari and no more Audi. As for the lads they have been given remedial training to attack you without warning should you dare to set foot in the main house or go anywhere near the tennis court. That is all.

Subject: Re: My Estate Privileges

Gee whiz Higgins lighten up will you. I told you I was sorry and I'll make it up to you. Gotta run I'm in the middle of a "tawdry and sordid divorce case" and I have to get down to Hotel Street to meet Rick he said he found that information I needed and I promise to drive careful. Oh and I have Robin's very expensive new camera I need the telephoto lens but don't worry I won't break it or lose it. See you later Higgins and please relax.

sent from my iPhone

Subject: Gas Money $$$$

Thomas I've had it man I have really had it! You promised me $250 yesterday so where the hell is it and where the hell are you!? I need my money man no more excuses you be here by 7 pm tonight or our deal is off and our friendship is over! You take advantage of me all the time telling me to fly you here and fly you there and you never pay me what you owe me. No more man, no more!

Subject: New Rules at King K Club

Sorry Thomas, sorry TC, but Higgins and the Board of Directors are really pissed off this time. Both of you are banned from the Club subject to being arrested for trespassing if you so much as set foot on Club property. And by the way Thomas you still owe me $75 for running that license plate. I won't be able to make it to Hotel Street tonight so you're on your own I have work to do.

Subject: That's Not Fair Damn It!

Hi guys. What the heck is going on? First Higgins yells at me in his email then TC yells at me now you Rick are mad at me. What did I ever do to you guys to make you so mad at me? It's like the whole world is mad at me today for no reason I can think of. Tell you what how about both of you come over to Robin's Nest on Sunday afternoon for an old fashioned barbecue, bring your own beer and I'll sneak down to the wine cellar and take the really good stuff. Higgins is going away this weekend he has his Royal Association of Coin Collectors Conference on the Big Island so I'll have the whole estate to myself we can have a really great party like the old days. I'll provide the women we have four gorgeous French stewardesses staying here this weekend. 8)

sent from my iPhone

Subject: Oh! My! God! Magnum!

I asked Mr. Masters for the password to your iPhone email account and I am shocked beyond belief to read that you would be planning a party on the estate grounds for this Sunday when you know I won't be here and after I previously told you how angry I am at you. I am copying Mr. Masters on this email so he can see for himself what a shameful worthless gadabout you are. Mr. Masters either Magnum leaves or I leave. Either he gets fired or I shall once again submit my resignation.

Subject: Invasion of Privacy

That's really low Higgins even for you. How dare you spy on my personal emails! You have no right to spy on me like that. Robin can you please tell Higgins to leave me alone? He's constantly interfering with my security protocols and he's a major pain in my ass all the time. I have kept Robin's Nest 100% secure since I started living there and no thanks to Higgins he's a relic from days gone by he's no longer the soldier he once was now he's just a royal pain and he does absolutely nothing to help me keep the grounds secure. To tell you the truth Robin the estate would be a lot better if Higgins moved out. Let him manage one of your other estates preferably in a British colony like Hong Kong or maybe New Zealand. I can't take him anymore.

sent from my iPhone

Subject: Stop it both of you!

Gentlemen please learn to get along. I need both of you to remain at Robin's Nest for the next five years or longer and I expect the two of you to act like grown men instead of petulant little boys. I hope to be able to spend more time at my estate on Oahu but given my travel schedule and my publishing deadlines it's difficult for me to get out there as much as I'd like to. But I expect both of you to act as the disciplined soldiers you once were and to work together to ensure the security of my estate and the safety of my guests. Aloha Magnum, Aloha Higgins

Subject: Estate Security Test

Hello Robin. I managed to penetrate your woeful estate security once again and I'm here in Higgins office all by myself. You should fire both Higgins and Magnum and let me run this place. And Tom how come you never invited me back on the show after our first and only episode? I was very upset about that I should have been a regular on Magnum P.I. everybody loved me and both Universal and CBS cheated me out of my spin-off series. The least you could have done was make me a regular part of the cast. I was the best female character ever a million times better than dopey Carol Baldwin she was terrible everyone hated her. You guys blew it I would have made the show much more fun but lucky for me I got to do Silver Spoons also for Universal TV. But Hawaii is where I really wanted to live and work you should have told Bellisario to make me a regular cast member. As for security here at Robin's Nest it's still terrible. Zeus and Apollo both love me they are terrible guard dogs but very friendly to me. I will feed them and wait for Tom to return to the guest house I've decided to spend the weekend with him. :wink:
Last edited by Lindsay Writer on Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#2 Post by 308GUY » that you? :lol:

Very well done Lindsay!

Made me laugh out loud.

Sounds exactly like it easily could have been lifted straight off the guys "Iphones" of the day.

If the series had extended into the 90's, it probably would've had at least emails coming and going on Robin Master's basement computer, after all, they did install computer games.....emails would just be a natural progression! :magnum:

Very entertaining.
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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#3 Post by KENJI »

Great job Lindsay!!
I can't want to hear some more.

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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#4 Post by Doc Ibold »

Nice work! It had me grinning.

(308GUY - On Summer hiatus for now.... But starting to get the itch to come back in full force!)

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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#5 Post by BWheelz54 »

Fantastic fun! Thanks for sharing this. What a cool choice to use emails as the story format! Wonderful!

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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#6 Post by ConchRepublican »

Funny stuff!
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Re: Magnum's Private Emails Exposed

#7 Post by St Max Kolbe »

Thanks Lindsay I very much enjoyed. I am going to print for my brother who is also a Magnum PI fan.
St Damien of Molokai - Ora pro nobis!

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