Magnum G.I.

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#61 Post by golfmobile »

Okay, all,

I found a car we can blow up today. It was at a junk shop I pass on my way to the grocery store, so I went exploring and found this worn-out RC car for $2. Granted, it is FAR from the correct make or model, but the price was right and it can easily and cheaply be used, and it may look okay if I do it as a night shot, as I think the clip in the intro is.



Now I just have to figure out what "explosives" to use. I think Cherry Bombs and M-80s are illegal now anyway, if even you're in a state where you can buy fireworks, e.g., South Carolina and Alabama. I'm not driving two hours to buy fireworks, but my office has a satellite office in each of those states, so I'm going to email some people I know in those offices and see if they can get me any fireworks. But I'm not sure what to ask for. On this subject, I could use some help. I need to have a boom and blow the roof off and produce some smoke and then maybe have the fire inside the car, per the zip bag of kerosene or the like.

I suppose I could go online and Google how to build a bomb the way teenagers do, but I don't want to get Homeland Security after me . . . .



P.S. What episode(s) were the different explosions in? If I can look at the actual explosion, I can arrange the set better.

P.P.S. Hold it, hold it, hold it! I just found something that has potential.

Quick Little Explosion

This could also set off enough spark to burn some fuel.


P.P.P.S. Ah, yes! Don't we love the internet! I think some flash powder and this flint trick might accomplish what we want. (See for flash powder).

And the search goes on . . . .
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#62 Post by N1095A »

Remember Kerosene won't explode, just burn. Gasoline will explode, but is more dangerous.

How about trying this?
This stuff is legal in all 50 states, and can be detonated by firing a bullet into it. Any calibre.
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#63 Post by Tran Quoc Jones »

Am I the only one seeing the 800 lb gorilla in the room?


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#64 Post by golfmobile »


Oh, now I have to SHOOT it too????


Gorilla? What gorilla?

golf :lol: :D :)
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#65 Post by N1095A »

I just thought I'd add a little more fun to the project :lol:
A .22 would suffice. Of course if ya have something bigger.....
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#66 Post by golfmobile »


Well, we HAVE a .357 Magnum, but that might be a bit of overkill.

Ya think????

In the MEANTIME, however, look what I found today:


Two little Challengers for $5 (at least, I think these are Challengers. Wal-Mart actually had a RC Challenger about ten inches long [is that 1:24 size?] on sale for $11, and I was tempted to get it. But it seems rather wasteful to buy a brand-new RC car just to destroy it. However, if these little Matchbox ones are a bust, I may go back . . . . ). Anyway, here is one to practice on and one to blow. Since these are Matchbox size, as I said, they might actually work with the little exploding flint exercise. I'll be experimenting later today and will provide further entertainment then!

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#67 Post by N1095A »

Cool! With the size, you might be able to get a more controlled explosion, and if you shoot it right, it will look much bigger. I think the .357 would turn one of these to dust :lol:
Ya might want to take video of the whole process, and send it to Chip Foose. I'm sure he'd get a kick outa it.
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#68 Post by golfmobile »

Where are you getting that the car to be blown up needs to be the Dodge Challenger? The car blown up in this French version of the intro looks to me like an old Chrysler Imperial:

French Intro with Exploding Car

That's the one in the intros I can find, not only the French one but several other early ones, not the one used currently for syndicated shows. Was it when Mack was killed that the Challenger was used? But I don't find that that shot was ever used in an intro.

Heck, now I need to look for a Chysler Imperial Matchbox car . . . . .


P.S. I may end up doing my own outtakes video . . . .
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#69 Post by J.J. Walters »

Upon further review, there were two different car explosion shots in the title sequences. In the original run of Season One, in episodes 3-11 only, there was this shot:


Then, in Seasons 2-6, there was this shot:


Ah, exploding vehicles. Magnum P.I. just isn't Magnum P.I. without some automobile carnage! ;)
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#70 Post by golfmobile »


Thanks! I didn't review the original intro, but that looks like a Cadillac. The second picture you posted is the one I've seen the most often and you get a quick look at the car before it blows. It's the one that looks like a Chrysler Imperial. However, in reviewing the explosion where Mack was killed, that car looks like the Dodge Challenger we have been discussing. But Mack was a third wheel on Magnum's date on that occasion. Who owned the Challenger? The date? Mack? They took Mack's car because three won't fit in the Ferrari (ideally not, but there have been some scenes with three in it -- wasn't there one where Rick was in the middle and not happy about it? Can't remember which episode now but I vaguely recall Rick and TC were in some kind of costume again? Anyone?)

Well, I now have lots of little toy trucks and cars to experiment with. I need to order some flash powder over the internet though. I just got this little Chrysler to be the one in the second picture James posted:


I may need to paint it tan first though.

By the way the flint "explosion" didn't work for me AT ALL! It gave no more spark than trying to light a lighter that is out of fluid. (and I was all decked out in gloves and safety glasses . . . . better safe than sorry, but I certainly didn't need the equipment!) So much for that little trick . . . .

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#71 Post by N1095A »

Hey Golf,
The challenger belonged to the bad guys who killed Dan Cook.
Mac, TM and his date all squeezed into the Ferrari. Look carefully when the Ferrari blows, and you will see that the burning car looks a LOT like a Pontiac Fiero.
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#72 Post by golfmobile »

Yes, it doesn't look as though the Ferrari really blew up! Didn't have one of those to spare, did they? I guess not. But, oh, what computer generation could do for them now!

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#73 Post by layne »

Wow. Haven't been on here in awhile. I missed alot! Magnum GI is coming along nicely!

Golf...just wanted to say you're doing an awesome job!

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#74 Post by golfmobile »

I hope to get this in before N1095A disappears down that Great Highway for a while.

Here's my attempt at blowing up a car. This is the Dodge Challenger version:

Blown Up Challenger

A slightly different version (different blow-up):

Same Time New Explosion

Can ya even tell the difference between the two?

Do I need to do more damage to the car?

Or is this sufficient for a 3-second clip in the intro? Remember it will be seen very quickly as the clips go by.

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#75 Post by J.J. Walters »

Awesome, golf! That looks really good. It will make for a nice addition to your "Magnum, G.I." Intro video!

N1095A wrote:the burning car looks a LOT like a Pontiac Fiero.
I believe you are right N. Here is a shot of the "Ferrari" just after it blows up:


It's kind of hard to tell for sure, but it doesn't look like a 308. And I can definitely see a little Fiero in there.

A good friend of mine in High School used to own a Fiero. God, I hated that car! ;)
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