Smaller Than Life (4.3)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the fourth season

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Mad Kudu Buck
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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#46 Post by Mad Kudu Buck »

marlboro wrote:
MagnumILWU wrote: Guest star, Cork Hubbert is from my hometown, Portland Oregon.

Small world, isn't it?
Yes, small world. I'm the one who made the comment on that webpage back in 2010.

I thought this episode was a load of crap. I found Waldo annoying and the story line was unbelievable. I like seeing old computers, but in this case it was obvious they were just trying to push Atari sales and the computer usage was so unrealistic that it was hard to watch.

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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#47 Post by Magnum T. »

Little Garwood wrote: You're a man of taste, Magnum T! I raise a Coops in your honor.

Lenore Kasdorf--a forgotten goddess if their ever was one--will definitely catch your attention in the season four Simon & Simon episode, What Goes Around Comes Around.

Her most famous role is in the Chuck Norris masterpiece, Missing in Action (1984).
Thank you!
Indeed I think I am a man of taste. But who doesn't? :lol:
I used to watch "Simon & Simon" back in those days but it didn't leave many memories behind.
I will search for that episode.
Never been a fan of Chuck Norris, sorry.
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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#48 Post by LZeitgeist »

Mad Kudu Buck wrote: I thought this episode was a load of crap. I found Waldo annoying and the story line was unbelievable. I like seeing old computers, but in this case it was obvious they were just trying to push Atari sales and the computer usage was so unrealistic that it was hard to watch.
I just watched it and I feel the same way.

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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#49 Post by MagnumILWU »

Mad Kudu Buck wrote:
marlboro wrote:
MagnumILWU wrote: Guest star, Cork Hubbert is from my hometown, Portland Oregon.

Small world, isn't it?
Yes, small world. I'm the one who made the comment on that webpage back in 2010.

I thought this episode was a load of crap. I found Waldo annoying and the story line was unbelievable. I like seeing old computers, but in this case it was obvious they were just trying to push Atari sales and the computer usage was so unrealistic that it was hard to watch.
Well good for you! Is he Jewish? Is that why you hate him?
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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#50 Post by ENSHealy »

Famous guest stars:
Hawaiian shirts: 1
Tigers Cap:
Island Hopper shirts:
Shirtless: 1 TM appears "shirtless" in 7 separate scenes, in the shoulder cast. But I'm discounting those heavily, down to just 1 point, since it seems different than the usual, "check out the hairy-chested hunk" shirtless scenes.
OMG/Extraordinarys: 1
Higgins Organizations: 1 Aloha Historical Society
Higgins musings: 1
Body Count:
Bullet wounds:
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI: .5 No mention of the book, just a “one thing I’ve learned as a private investigator….”
Investigator corrections:
4th wall breaks:
Magnumometer: 5.5
Magnumometer Moments:

Potential magnumania usernames: Waldo Norris, Henderson-Aames Insurance

Is the security guard Tom Lupo, making another uncredited cameo?
Episode Guide wrote:At 46:26, Rick is seen putting on a gunbelt to go with the uniform Higgins got him. A few seconds later the gunbelt is seen laying buckled on the coffee table, where Rick picks it up to put it on... again. (Noted by Tami Young)
I think this may not be a flub. There’s a “clunk” at 46:29 (:09 in the video excerpt) which could be Rick putting the gun belt back down on the table. It is definitely different from the clunk when TM puts down his milk glass. You have to listen closely, but it is definitely different from the sound made when TM puts down his milk glass. The next time we see Rick he is readjusting his pants. So my theory is he actually puts the gun belt down to readjust the waist band of his pants.
Carol the Dabbler wrote:
James J. Walters wrote:In the episode guide, I ... said an analog TV couldn't turn itself on by placing a phone onto an acoustic coupler modem.
True, and that very thought occurred to me when I watched the episode tonight. But then it occurred to me that Magnum is in a hospital, which is the first place I ever saw a remote control. I don't recall seeing a remote control in the episode, but hospitals of that era were providing them to anyone who rented a TV -- maybe it was just off-camera. So Magnum could have simultaneously put the handset into the acoustic coupler and turned on the TV set. I know, I know, he was all thumbs due to the body cast, but theoretically, he could have. So maybe it isn't a for-sure flub after all?

The part I was questioning was how the computer he was using got its signal to the TV. Pretty sure that TV didn’t have a wireless adapter, and I don’t see any wires coming out of the computer when it’s on Thomas’ lap.
Last edited by ENSHealy on Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#51 Post by bjs »

There are so many twists which undo previous continuity in this episode that I am reminded of Ebert's review of The Usual Suspects -- "to the degree that I understand, I don't care."

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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#52 Post by Philip Jennings »

Maybe this isn't such a good first post for me on here but regarding this episode I feel it must be said: Nope. No, No, No.

Sorry, not a fan. Magnum's convenient typos on that magical wireless battery operated computer: no. And so on... (mirror contraption adjustments eye-balled and successful on the first try...?)

I promise I'll be nicer in my future posts. :)

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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#53 Post by charybdis1966 »

Philip Jennings wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:31 am Maybe this isn't such a good first post for me on here but regarding this episode I feel it must be said: Nope. No, No, No.

Sorry, not a fan. Magnum's convenient typos on that magical wireless battery operated computer: no. And so on... (mirror contraption adjustments eye-balled and successful on the first try...?)

I promise I'll be nicer in my future posts. :)
I whole heartedly agree with you on this one; it's a story that's trying to be too clever to the extent that it's no longer entertaining.

Don't worry about your first post being negative - my first post (about twelve and a half years ago) was a massive whinge about the episode "The sixth position"; over 250 posts later I haven't looked back ! :lol:

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Re: Smaller Than Life (4.3)

#54 Post by 502-to-right »

Wow, this one was a stinker. I'm willing to suspend disbelief most of the time with Magnum PI but this episode was several bridges too far.

Magnum just happens to mistakenly enter the correct name in the computer system to get info on Waldo? And you can simply call the White House and talk to the president if you give the name of someone he knows? And even if the president knew Waldo it doesn't mean Waldo was on a legitimate mission. But the gang cheerfully joins Waldo in his burglary operation?

And this is coming after one of the best and most emotional MPI episodes ever (Home From the Sea).*

This will be an episode I won't be watching again.

*I realize Luther Gillis #521 was the episode immediately after HFTS.

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