No Need to Know (1.5)

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#91 Post by Danny Lin »

On unmentioned flubs:

1. When Magnum runs away from the dogs at the beginning of the episode, he arrives at his porch, puts his bag on the table and finally succeeds to unlock the door. The plant on the right of the door is a monstera deliciosa. The next sequences are: the dogs approaching, Magnum looking from the inside of the guesthouse through the peep hole in the door (holding his bag in one hand), the dogs jumping at the door, Magnum calling "Hi guys!" (still holding his bag in one hand) at the dogs through the peep hole.
When the dogs are shown jumping at the door a) the plant at the right of the door is suddenly a Dieffenbachia b) the furniture on the porch is in a different position c) the peep hole is suddenly totally closed.

2. When Magnum is held by the soldiers, the upper part of his body resting on the handrail, at the upper edge of the screen you can see some furniture. This furniture will disappear after this sequence and reappear at the very end of the episode, when Rick cooks for Magnum.

3. Together with the reappeared furniture (see Nr. 2, above) you will find a large plant standing to the right of the bedroom door and next to the large plant there is a large piece of decoration on the wall. Plant and decoration haven´t been there through any sequence in the episode. Certainly Rick cooking for Magnum could take place some time after the attempt on the Brigadier and in the mean time the plant and the decoration could have been installed by Magnum.
But together with the reappeared furniture it is more likely that the sequences showing the furniture were shot at another time than the sequences without the furniture.

4. When Magnum arrives back at the estate from the KKC he takes Mandy with him to the guesthouse. Before they enter the guesthouse you can see the foliage decorating the porch. The sequence of them entering is shown from inside the guesthouse. Through the door you can see that the foliage outside looks notably different from some seconds before.

5. When the stews are taking a dip in the tidal pool at the beginning the camera switches between them and Jerry Sampson, taking pictures of the estate. When the girls are shown, the sky is all cloudy. Next second, when Sampson is shown, the sky is close to clear blue.

6. When Magnum leaves the KKC Rick rends Magnums bill to pieces and makes a movement with his arm, indicating that he throws it into a bin behind the bar. A cut is made and taking up the picture of Rick throwing the pieces of the bill, it is shown how something that was thrown (probably a sponge) lands in a bucket full of water standing in front of Robin Masters Audi on the estate. Higgins washes the car. But who threw the sponge into the bucket. It can´t be Higgins: First of all the angle in witch it was thrown doesn´t match Higgins´ position over the car and second of all he is polishing the car with his right hand. His left hand is totally dry and rests on the newly polished car. Mandy and the two soldiers on duty can be seen behind Higgins. Kenji is working on the lawn, far away. The Brigadier isn´t part of the sequence at all. So, who threw the sponge??
Additionally: Higgins has been polishing the whole car, which is totally dry and shining. So if Higgins has been polishing for quite a while and the car is totally dry, why is his apron wet all over??
... Then I'm history... Walking history... I'll be just another chapter in one of those dumb books Louise Peardon makes me read: "Prince Danny Lin, assassinated July." ...

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#92 Post by Danny Lin »

On different aspects of the episode:

Magnums phone number:
When Rick dials the number to reach Magnum who is sleeping in the guest house, the last digits he dials are ...664 320. This number doesn´t really go together with Robin Masters 555-Number (555-7777), but whatever...

Magnums dick move:
Didn´t you find it quite a weird idea that Magnum would try and give back a shrunk jacket to one of his best friends without telling him the truth about what happened to the jacket? To a friend who he has been lying in the dens in Vietnam together with and all? Hmmmhh...

Establishing shot to the KKC:
Before the sequences at the KKC are shown, the following picture is used as establishing shot:
To me this doesn´t look like the Elks Lodge and surroundings. Does anybody know, where this actually was shot?
... Then I'm history... Walking history... I'll be just another chapter in one of those dumb books Louise Peardon makes me read: "Prince Danny Lin, assassinated July." ...

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#93 Post by Danny Lin »

Danny Lin wrote:On different aspects of the episode:

Magnums phone number:
When Rick dials the number to reach Magnum who is sleeping in the guest house, the last digits he dials are ...664 320. This number doesn´t really go together with Robin Masters 555-Number (555-7777), but whatever...

Magnums dick move:
Didn´t you find it quite a weird idea that Magnum would try and give back a shrunk jacket to one of his best friends without telling him the truth about what happened to the jacket? To a friend who he has been lying in the dens in Vietnam together with and all? Hmmmhh...

Establishing shot to the KKC:
Before the sequences at the KKC are shown, the following picture is used as establishing shot:
To me this doesn´t look like the Elks Lodge and surroundings. Does anybody know, where this actually was shot?
Got it. The building behind the palm trees certainly is the Sheraton.
... Then I'm history... Walking history... I'll be just another chapter in one of those dumb books Louise Peardon makes me read: "Prince Danny Lin, assassinated July." ...

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#94 Post by Danny Lin »

On another flub (fuel cap):

When Mandy takes away the fuel cap of the Audi she does not turn it to loosen it but just picks it away!, then when she inserts the other fuel cap to which the bomb is attached (seen from inside the tank) she winds it to fix it.
... Then I'm history... Walking history... I'll be just another chapter in one of those dumb books Louise Peardon makes me read: "Prince Danny Lin, assassinated July." ...

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#95 Post by K Hale »

IslandHopper wrote:This is one of my favorite episodes of Season 1, and includes one of those classic scenes illustrating the bonding between Magnum and Higgins. After the Sampson character was killed in the tidal pool, Magnum, Higgins, Agent Hooker and Agent Dobey are in the guest house discussing what took place. Agent Hooker doesn't want to talk in front of Higgins, because he has 'no need to know.' Magnum gets upset and tells Higgins he can stay if he wants to. Higgins says he has to look in on the Brigadier, but then Higgins says, "Magnum, I'm glad you're alright." Magnum is speechless.
When the gunfire breaks out at the tidal pool, Higgins and the Brigadier come running and Higgins is yelling Magnum's name. Not the girl's name, although she was there too. This is the first indication that they have begun to thaw towards each other.
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#96 Post by K Hale »

Okay, this scene is everything. This is what it's all about as far as I'm concerned.

Not one word is exchanged, yet an entire conversation full of banter and insults takes place. Not just the cigar part. You have to watch them during the cognac part too. :magnum: :higgins:

(Anyone know how to embed YouTube videos?)

I fixed it for you. To embed a video delete the = and everything prior from the the copied URL and add youtube in brackets [ ] before and /youtube also in brackets [ ] after what remains. - Conch

Edited to add: Thank you!

Edited again: YouTube blocked it due to "copyright violation" so I replaced it with a Vimeo link. Conch, can you embed that one? I fiddled with it but can't get it to work.
Last edited by K Hale on Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#97 Post by Mad Kudu Buck »

Yes, I love that scene - and this episode.

The scene with T.C. at the end is funny too... but does salt water actually shrink dinner jackets?

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#98 Post by ☨magnum.t »

Magnum probably put it in the dryer thats why it shrunk lol
That reminds me of the time....

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#99 Post by Mad Kudu Buck »

Yes, that sounds like something Magnum would do.

Well now I don't have to put on a dinner jacket and jump in the ocean to test the salt water theory. :D

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#100 Post by K Hale »

Something tells me Rick got a hand-me-down dinner jacket out of this!
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#101 Post by ConchRepublican »

K Hale wrote:Okay, this scene is everything. This is what it's all about as far as I'm concerned.

Not one word is exchanged, yet an entire conversation full of banter and insults takes place. Not just the cigar part. You have to watch them during the cognac part too. :magnum: :higgins:
LOVE this scene! This whole episode in fact is a top 10 for me, really captures what the show is about and gives us a bit more insight into who Thomas Magnum is.

This is also the episode where we see that mutual respect connection between Higgins & Magnum begin to strengthen.
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#102 Post by 308GUY »

K Hale wrote:Something tells me Rick got a hand-me-down dinner jacket out of this!

HA! That's funny rite thar...... :lol: But I'd guess you're probably right, if the Magnuverse were "reality".

This is also one of my favorite episodes for all the reasons mentioned thus far, plus a couple....gave it a 9.5. :magnum:
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#103 Post by K Hale »

I just got a notice that my 60-second clip has been blocked because of copyright.
I didn't realize you were so addicted to pool.
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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#104 Post by Sam »

Hi K Hale... that's pretty common with YouTube.Have you tried Vimeo? I've seen a lot of videos from there but I don't know what the procedure is from that site.

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Re: No Need to Know (1.5)

#105 Post by thechickinthemiddle »

My clips from "Distant Relative" and "Luther Gillis: File #521" are on Vimeo and haven't been flagged, thankfully. :)

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