Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#61 Post by Tesza »

Being a Magnum Maniac inevitably leads to wondering whether Higgins and Robin Masters are one and the same person or not.

I myself might be too deeply stuck into logic, but to me they are and will ever be two different characters. As many people already mentioned, it's too obvious and seeming to be forced that the makers in the late phase of the series let their own logic down and thought, "Hmm, we have to create a new phenomenon no one expects to deal with in the following seasons. Any ideas?" - "Hey, why not make Magnum believe Higgins is Robin Masters?" - "Not bad, but this is against the series's logic, consider we originally created both as two." - "Logic? It's not more logical that all American and Soviet agents ever alive seem to be resident in the same street, and that every other inhabitant of Honolulu seems to be British." - "Good point. Who needs internal logic, let's do it."

Another point I haven't found anyone mentioning. If Higgins is Robin Masters, how does he manage to at the same time not only write two different books in two completely different styles but also always to switch between two variants of English language? If he wants to fool the whole world he has to be careful always to write, for example, "favorite" when being RM and "favourite" when being JQH, as well as taking care of certain grammatical and idiomatic differences between UK and US variant - and not to mix it up at even one point. Even if he is able to switch codes whenever necessary and knows both perfectly (at least those differences in written language, of course, aren't that extraordinarily big, but they exist), I imagine it very hard to concentrate on that, especially if not even the editor is allowed to notice (and I personally wouldn't inform him about me having a secret identity ...).

(At least I don't recall anything said in the series about Masters having another nationality than American ... if there is, forget what I said :D )

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#62 Post by midnightx »

Styles Bitchley wrote: wrote:Watching 'J Digger Doyle' tonight.

Higgins taping his resignation while in the Audi.
Why would he do this if he was Masters?
Was just rereading this thread from the beginning and noticed Kenji noted the Audi scene on page 1.
KENJI wrote:I think Higgins is not R.M. based on a few episodes, one being J. Digger Doyle where he is giving Robin his resignation over the Audi's tape recorder /dictaphone just before the ambush. If you are the real Robin why would you take this step, as there is no real need. Which means you would be leaving your own house and the front you have carefully put together and going where....Robin's chalet or..? Also Magnum has so much access to info. via Maggie, Mack (until Ivan came along) and being a world class private investigator that it should be easy for him to find out something as simple as this. I loved they played this guessing game with us, but at the end of the day my vote is no.
There is no doubt that if one pays attention to the details from the early seasons, there is really no compelling evidence that Higgins could conceivably be Masters. That said, Magnum PI would not be the first show to evolve and change some central and key elements during the show's progression. If one does not hold the show to its original premise of Higgins and Masters being two completely different characters, and allow for the possibility of the characters being the same person based on the evolution of the overall character development and direction of the show, it is certainly an entertaining notion. As with many television series, certain interpretations are left to the viewers and fans.

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#63 Post by Tesza »

midnightx wrote: There is no doubt that if one pays attention to the details from the early seasons, there is really no compelling evidence that Higgins could conceivably be Masters. That said, Magnum PI would not be the first show to evolve and change some central and key elements during the show's progression. If one does not hold the show to its original premise of Higgins and Masters being two completely different characters, and allow for the possibility of the characters being the same person based on the evolution of the overall character development and direction of the show, it is certainly an entertaining notion. As with many television series, certain interpretations are left to the viewers and fans.
I know this is not directly related to what I wrote before, but just to make sure not to be misunderstood. Although I'm stuck into the internal logic of the entire series including the first seasons, which makes a personal union of JQH and RM impossible, I think it was a properly entertaining notion, and I had a lot of fun watching Magnum presenting his theory to his environment, and also the reactions of the others. Just saying, "No, he's not RM" and keeping on is hard as a fan, despite the lack of evidence supporting Magnum's theory, so I just enjoy the running gag they implemented in the last few seasons. I can cope with the contradiction, but I'm also glad they never solved it by just saying, "Okay, yes, he IS Robin Masters."

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#64 Post by No need to know! »

Never really liked this theory since it´s so obviously planted in season seven and onwards. It is entertaining in it´s way yes but it doesn´t stack up.
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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#65 Post by MHTR »

We as viewers know it's impossible for "Higgy baby" to be Robin Masters (although some would argue that). My question is: is there anything in the course of the show that should make it obvious to Magnum that is impossible? If there is, then we'd have to conclude that Magnum was beginning to lose his mind. :wink:

I think I've mentioned this before, but I was never a fan of this idea. The only worse thing I can think of was bringing Jeff MacKay back as the look-alike Jim Bonnick (although I do think the debut episode of Jim Bonnick was a great story). Not because I don't like Jeff MacKay as an actor, but because I can't stand the character of Jim Bonnick. And the whole "look-alike" idea is dumb and "cartoonish" in my opinion.

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#66 Post by Styles Bitchley »

Tesza wrote:Another point I haven't found anyone mentioning. If Higgins is Robin Masters, how does he manage to at the same time not only write two different books in two completely different styles but also always to switch between two variants of English language? If he wants to fool the whole world he has to be careful always to write, for example, "favorite" when being RM and "favourite" when being JQH, as well as taking care of certain grammatical and idiomatic differences between UK and US variant - and not to mix it up at even one point. Even if he is able to switch codes whenever necessary and knows both perfectly (at least those differences in written language, of course, aren't that extraordinarily big, but they exist), I imagine it very hard to concentrate on that, especially if not even the editor is allowed to notice (and I personally wouldn't inform him about me having a secret identity ...).
This isn't as inconceivable as you may think. As a Canadian writer myself living in Europe I regularly switch between American and British styles and spellings, depending on the audience. It just takes some long-term exposure to both cultures, which Higgy has in spades. ;-)
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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#67 Post by Styles Bitchley »

MHTR wrote:We as viewers know it's impossible for "Higgy baby" to be Robin Masters (although some would argue that). My question is: is there anything in the course of the show that should make it obvious to Magnum that is impossible?
I think this is a good point. As we think about the legal system, can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Higgins is not Robin? least based on what we've seen in the show. There seems to be a decent enough explanation for most "proof" otherwise.
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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#68 Post by Tesza »

Styles Bitchley wrote:
Tesza wrote:Another point I haven't found anyone mentioning. If Higgins is Robin Masters, how does he manage to at the same time not only write two different books in two completely different styles but also always to switch between two variants of English language? If he wants to fool the whole world he has to be careful always to write, for example, "favorite" when being RM and "favourite" when being JQH, as well as taking care of certain grammatical and idiomatic differences between UK and US variant - and not to mix it up at even one point. Even if he is able to switch codes whenever necessary and knows both perfectly (at least those differences in written language, of course, aren't that extraordinarily big, but they exist), I imagine it very hard to concentrate on that, especially if not even the editor is allowed to notice (and I personally wouldn't inform him about me having a secret identity ...).
This isn't as inconceivable as you may think. As a Canadian writer myself living in Europe I regularly switch between American and British styles and spellings, depending on the audience. It just takes some long-term exposure to both cultures, which Higgy has in spades. ;-)
Okay, this point goes to you ;-) Maybe I just overrate the differences between those national varieties, I'm neither a writer, nor a native English speaker :)
Styles Bitchley wrote:
MHTR wrote:We as viewers know it's impossible for "Higgy baby" to be Robin Masters (although some would argue that). My question is: is there anything in the course of the show that should make it obvious to Magnum that is impossible?
I think this is a good point. As we think about the legal system, can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Higgins is not Robin? least based on what we've seen in the show. There seems to be a decent enough explanation for most "proof" otherwise.
I think this is a good point, too. Considering this issue from Magnum's point of view, I think it's far less obvious that it's impossible. Above all that JQH in the last episode even starts to make fun of Magnum's theory and stating he is RM and later denying it again. Magnum must have gone mad by that, he only can rely on what JQH himself says, and that varies "depending on his mood", so to say, he mostly denies unless he enjoys leaving one last complete mystery to Magnum. But outward evidence shown to Magnum that his theory can't be true by any means ... hm ... difficult.

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#69 Post by Orrymain »

I always think it's a funny part of the show for the past couple of seasons, but as has been pointed out, it was a late series addition. Too many episodes contradict the Higgens is Robin stuff. The closest I come to believing it is in Limbo when Higgens tells the comatose Magnum that if he dies he'll never find out the truth. That would be an odd statement for Higgens to make if he weren't Robin. Still, too many shows have them as distinct beings, like the ones where Higgens resigns or Robin loses the bet. Robin's life is too boisterous and involved to have that planned. Plus, I don't care how rich of a lifestyle is portrayed, I don't see this other person totally giving up whatever life he had to play Robin Masters. After all those years, he'd slip or something would happen.

So, as much fun as that back and forth was, I don't believe Higgens was Robin. They just didn't write for that for too many seasons, so it doesn't come across as possible.

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#70 Post by ConchRepublican »

MHTR wrote:We as viewers know it's impossible for "Higgy baby" to be Robin Masters (although some would argue that). My question is: is there anything in the course of the show that should make it obvious to Magnum that is impossible? If there is, then we'd have to conclude that Magnum was beginning to lose his mind. :wink:
Actually, that's something I threw out there a few years ago.

I don't believe Robin and Higgins are the same and do believe the writers were just trying something in season 7, but there is a darker possibility. With all Thomas has experienced, and while the show, through a long lens, can be seen as a vet working through a version of PTSD, perhaps there was a kernal of a twist put in there where maybe he wasn't doing as good as we thought.
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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#71 Post by Orrymain »

Well, I don't really believe that. The rest of the series really doesn't support it fully in those terms. That said, we know he had issues. Things popped up all the time. Plus, let's not forget, Magnum committed murder. It shocked me when it happened as it was a bold move for an otherwise 'good guy' at the head of a series, especially one that was heap full of comedic aspects. While I don't buy how PTSD, it's clear Nam stayed with Magnum deeply over the years.

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#72 Post by ConchRepublican »

Orrymain wrote:Well, I don't really believe that. The rest of the series really doesn't support it fully in those terms. That said, we know he had issues. Things popped up all the time. Plus, let's not forget, Magnum committed murder. It shocked me when it happened as it was a bold move for an otherwise 'good guy' at the head of a series, especially one that was heap full of comedic aspects. While I don't buy how PTSD, it's clear Nam stayed with Magnum deeply over the years.
I don't either, but I wonder if it's a nugget they placed in there to possibly play with later.

I like to view the series as watching a vet recover from his service time and the things he's seen and done and then come out the other side healed. I think the changing of his dress over the course of the series, from the iconic aloha shirts to more often conventional jeans and polo shirts represent the slow process of things being worked out internally, to the point where he's finally at peace with who he is and what he's done and he can move forward, even if forward is back to the Navy.
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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#73 Post by Orrymain »

Yes, I like that perspective. It fits the canon and spirit of the show. The one good thing about the last season is that it allowed Magnum to complete his circle, to resolve his history. That was cool (but I still think Limbo was the better ending).

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#74 Post by bobrobertsxxx »

I always had a problem with Higgins being Robin because there were several episodes where Robin would be addressed by others in third person as not being Higgins. Unless Higgins hired people to make-up such stories.

On the other hand, it would also be a good idea for Higgins to pretend he wasn't Robin to keep himself grounded (relatively-speaking) so he could associate with Magnum on a more personal level. If I won the lotto it would be best to not show off your wealth as everyone would treat you differently not based on your character but what you could do for them (future favours).

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Re: Is Jonathan Higgins Robin Masters?

#75 Post by bobrobertsxxx »

I've always pondered the "Robin Masters Theory". There were many inconsistencies that would lead you to believe he is not Robin Masters for the duration of the show. However, few reasons I believe that Higgins IS Robin Masters...

1. Robin is a writer and Higgins is a writer - weak evidence but why would a caretaker of the estate be so involved in writing? Of course I have to acknowledge that this was pre-internet and why exactly am I writing right now? As a means of expression that probably is innate in every person.

2. Higgins took extreme interest in Robin's stuff - odd. A less personally-involved caretaker would just add it to the bill unless it was irreplaceable. Even the Ferrari is replaceable (as it must have been after accidents in the show...high-end cars are basically unfixable past a point).

3. Magnum's little voice - greatest indicator to me. How often was his little voice correct? What about the cases that led to dead-ends (yes I understand it would make for a boring show).

4. Higgins education/life experience - as another poster mentioned he was of lower rank on the British royalty system. So he had to work to support himself. However creating an alias that made him a lot of money + allowed him to not ruffle the royalty ranking system that he took pride in would be strongly supportive that he and Robin are one.

And lastly...

5. It fits - There really is no reason to even mention Robin Masters name unless it was integral to the core characters of the show. For example, what if the estate was owned by a limited liability corporation? There would never be a reason to mention it other than for accounting purposes. Robin Masters may as well have been an LLC but his constant mention would lead me to believe that "his presence" was for a reason. In this case to bind the themes of the show and make a convenient showending dovetail.

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