Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#31 Post by SignGuyHPW »

This was a great episode. They used the same theme several times (Magnum is shot, but seeks revenge before he's healed), but this one had a different feel to it. Icepick coming to Magnum directly was a bit of a shock since Rick was usually the one to get Magnum and Icepick together. I thought the scene at the guest house between Magnum and TC was one of the better ones they had together. I could tell straight away that TC had the gun and why, but it was still interesting as Magnum searched for it without trying to give away what he was looking for to TC. The only real thing that REALLY bothered me was that when Driscoll grabbed the young kid in the alley to get away there was seemingly no parent around. The kid was screaming for its mother from the second Driscoll grabbed them until after Magnum got there to late to stop the car, but nobody seemed to respond. Was there a child that young just roaming a seedy neighborhood alley? I also didn't quite understand why "Mary Elizabeth" just didn't leave that building when she was so freaked out about it? It's not like she was under some huge obligation and it was pretty dangerous there. Overall, it was really solid.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#32 Post by 308GUY »

Watched this one again.

Came off pretty good, I thought.

I think it kind of gives a glimpse of the idea that Selleck was "outgrowing" the Magnum role.

Of course, ANYBODY is going to get a little more serious when they've been shot, but allot of the "impish" TM disappeared. I think it's great credit to Selleck's acting ability as he developed more depth to his character. I just think this one more than some of the other "serious" episodes, showed that evolution brought on by aging or "maturing" if you prefer.

All in all and some minor details not withstanding, I liked this one, especially being in the sixth season, which is generally thought to be not one of the best.

I think it exemplifies, at least for me, one of the reasons the series ended when it did, and was actually slated to do so a year earlier, though I'm glad it didn't go that way.

I actually think they could still revitalize the series using as many of the original cast as would be interested, just not in the same capacity, i.e., they would still be who they were, but there would be a whole new cast under the guidance/direction of the old. I know it's been discussed endlessly elsewhere on the forum, just can't help feeling it could "go" if done right.

I can see TM retiring (again!) from the Navy and starting the Magnum Investigation Bureau with TM being at the helm, but assigning "agents" (new cast members) to different cases all over the world. TC-owner/operator of Island Hoppers Charter Service with an entire fleet of aircraft, fixed wing included, Rick with a string of fancy eateries/clubs again scattered all over the country in the form of franchises....etc., etc., etc.. :D

Ok, rambling again now. It's just that with the resurgence of H50, there's already a crew working on the island....... ok, done rambling for now......:magnum:
"C'mon TC...nothing can go wrong!"

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#33 Post by J. Rickley Schneider »

This episode contains a pre-"Pleasure Principle" instance of Magnum with an issue of National Review.

In this episode an issue of National Review can be seen on Magnum's tray table during the scene where Magnum is visited by T.C. and Rick in the hospital.

It is the 30th anniversary issue of National Review from 1985.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#34 Post by Turkey »

Another great episode - especially liked the last fight, great scene setting with the escalators.

As other folks have said, interesting to see things begin to change for Thomas and the loss of his mischievous side continuing.
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#35 Post by Sperry »

sophia wrote:What hat is that T. C. is wearing when they are playing baseball?
James, maybe you have it already and I have missed it, but it would be great to have an area with all the differant hats worn on the show,
just a though.
Superbowl 20 cap..only 8 years waiting for a reply!

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#36 Post by Kate Sullivan »

I've been doing a complete re-watch for the last few months and am up to season 6. I watched this one tonight and it's one of my favourites. I do tend to favour the darker, more serious episodes rather than the goofy ones.

Anyway, I noticed something which I see Jay Firestorm mentioned in a previous post (7 years ago!) - when TM leaves hospital and goes back to the guesthouse and is talking to TC in his bedroom, there's a framed photo next to his bed of a man and woman. My TV screen is very small so I can't get a good view of it, but it isn't TM and Michelle - does anyone know who it's meant to be? Also, on the mantelpiece over the fireplace in the main room is another photo of a family group - maybe TM, his mom, stepfather and never-to-be-mentioned-again-Joey?

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#37 Post by marlboro »

Kate Sullivan wrote: Anyway, I noticed something which I see Jay Firestorm mentioned in a previous post (7 years ago!) - when TM leaves hospital and goes back to the guesthouse and is talking to TC in his bedroom, there's a framed photo next to his bed of a man and woman. My TV screen is very small so I can't get a good view of it, but it isn't TM and Michelle - does anyone know who it's meant to be? Also, on the mantelpiece over the fireplace in the main room is another photo of a family group - maybe TM, his mom, stepfather and never-to-be-mentioned-again-Joey?

You have great eyesight!

Pic on mantle:


I went back to "Going Home" and I think you may have nailed the origin of the picture. Magnum's mom is wearing a red and white ensemble in that episode:


The pic on the night stand:



A pic of Magnum TC and Rick in their navy dress uniforms?


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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#38 Post by brianw »

Really good ep! I like the darker episodes when TM goes badass. Seems to me like the hitman could have just disappeared after the hit, instead of holing up in the motel. Everyone (Icepick) already knew who he was anyway. I liked Icepick's scene with TM. And it was odd that the girl just kinda disappeared at the end, what ever happened to her?

I remember Marta Kober from Friday the 13th Part 2, great death scene. Funny that she takes the name "Mary Elizabeth", as that is my daughter's name! She doesn't use the Elizabeth part, but that is her middle name.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#39 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Hi Guys,
I have to agree with JJ on this one, just brilliant. It shows what a great director can do
to elevate material as well, you have to really pay attention to all the visuals and think about them.
This episode is largely about the series premise, that of a haunted Magnum trying to put behind him his wartime past, he wants a new life and forget/erase the
efficient killing machine he had to become in the service.
JJ noted the cross shots of Driscoll and Magnum both healing from their wounds, part of the many uncomfortable parallels between the two opposites.
Both are tall with mustaches, one dark and one blonde. Magnum has taken over Driscoll's old room at the hotel to recover in, as Driscoll had.
Both received vital help from Mary Elizabeth when they needed it most.
Both have pain in their left arms from a gunshot. Driscoll is a pro, totally focused on getting his kill, he is the first hit man in 10 years to get to Theo Wolfe,
so focused he violates the "rules" as Ice Pick terms them.
In a previous episode Tyler McKinney(Robert Forrester) once lauded the same focus in the also (continuously) rules breaking Magnum, he tells a stone faced - haunted - Magnum that "he had no equal in bringing back the scalps."
While Driscoll and Magnum both possess the intangibles that make for good assassins, at least with Magnum there was/is a moral dimension to his killing,
though that is a fine point.
When Magnum goes back to the estate guesthouse to get his gun, he finds TC had already beaten him there, TC being always more hip to Magnum's demons
than anyone else. And Magnum knows it, "what are you doing here" he coldly barks at TC.
There is no need really for TC to explain, so as Magnum tosses his extra ammo clips in a bag, TC says "Your going to open that wound again, aren't you", referring
both to his present gunshot wound and the wound to his psyche from his wartime "scalp hunting."
Again, the whole series is about Magnum and pals recovering from their painful past, so I think this scene is one of the best in the series, plus both actors doing
so much with so few words.
But I digress.
Magnum opens the drawer next to his bed and finds his pistol missing. He chillingly gives TC a "if looks could kill" glare that speaks volumes. His wounded arm
dangles at his side, symbolic of his moral, physical and spiritual regression.
TC fights for the better angels of Magnum's nature,
"You simply cannot go after him."
Magnum has for years lightheartedly BS ed his pals for his own ends, but this time
he turns his back to TC. Because this time he is going to betray their friendship with an outright whopper of a lie and can't look TC in the eye -
"I never said I was, I'm just looking for a change of scenery. A change of location till I can recuperate. That's all."
TC knowingly sighs, tosses Magnum's gun on to the bed.
Quick cut to sleazy streets with hookers leaving the hotel Magnum is staying in, a visual comment on how low he has sunk, as Magnum's voice over comments,
"There are some things you'd think you never get used to in life. Like being lied to.
Or being shot. But I noticed over the years that left to it's own devices the mind has
an amazing capacity to accept the unacceptable. And I never wanted to let that happen to me. At least not without putting up a good fight."
But you just did that - accept being lied to - with the lie you told TC, because you wanted to go hunt your mirror image who had not only lied to you(to get at Wolfe)
but shot you as well.
As for Mary Elizabeth, she minsters to both Driscoll and Magnum's needs, sustained them both at their lowest in a hot sheets hotel, like a gutter
guardian angel helping two sinners.
I wonder if she was there to help save/redeem them, she saves Magnums life at least and then at the end leads him out of the dark underground nether world
he had sunk in to. In a old 1940's flick she would have been an angel, she'd be the kind of angel TM would get.
On the other hand I may have over thought a lot of this.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#40 Post by T.Q. »

One of the best episodes of the series IMHO.


Has every element I love about the show.

Comedy, friendship, relationship development, twist, shock, suspense, revenge, justice.

This was one of the most memorable of my childhood.

Only complaint, it ends a bit too abruptly.
Knocking my rubber chicken or my sloppy habits is within the rules, but you're attacking my character. I would like to think you don't mean that.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#41 Post by Rembrandt's Girl »

I always like to look up the actors from the smaller roles ie non-stars, and it looks like Mary Elizabeth/Marta Kober has had multiple arrests and drug problems :(

https://www.google.com/search?q=marta+k ... 64&bih=556

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#42 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Rembrandt's Girl wrote:I always like to look up the actors from the smaller roles ie non-stars, and it looks like Mary Elizabeth/Marta Kober has had multiple arrests and drug problems :(
https://www.google.com/search?q=marta+k ... 64&bih=556
Hi RG,
I'm sorry to hear that about her. I too get a kick out of looking up info on the supporting players, and many times you wish you hadn't.
Ann Prentiss, look alike sister of Paula, was a beguiling, talented supporting actress with a comedic flair who must have appeared on every other TV series
in the 1960's/70's. She was great on 2 memorable episodes of Bonanza.
She later assaulted her father with a flashlight and took a shot at him and went to prison. While there she tried to hire a hit man to kill her Dad plus sister Paula's
young son (Ross) and husband, actor/director Richard Benjamin. She died in prison.
The NNDB site has info on actors. Maurice Evans(Samantha's Dad on Bewitched), considered one of the great Shakespearean actors, would have been thrown
in jail today and rightly so. He made Michael Jackson look normal.
While he lay dying there was naked young 'rent boys' in bed with him.
On the other hand, by doing a little research you can find out some of your favorite actors were, surprisingly, war heroes. Dan "Hoss" Blocker and a few men bravely
held off a large North Korean force for a night that by all rights should have wiped them out. James Garner was also a wounded Korean War combat vet.
Neville Brand - "Laredo" - was highly decorated, Stirling Hayden too, Rod Serling was a paratrooper in the Philippines who even incorporated a true life combat
incident against the Japanese into a Twilight Zone episode.
James "Scotty" Doohan served in the Canadian army during WW 2 and lost several fingers, in a few episodes of Star Trek he neglects to "hide" that hand
and you can see the damage.
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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#43 Post by Gearhard »

I like this episode because it cuts to the core of the Magnum character. It begins with the baseball hitting scene of the man-child Magnum who reached 32 years old and never got to be 22. His goofy, child-like, fig newton eating, rubber chicken and gorilla mask owning character on the exterior, is a thin veneer over his Navy Seal warrior core. The dark moody recovery from being shot (again) brings out his core character. Excellent episode.

One interchange that has not been mentioned yet is with Lt Tanaka at the hospital
LT: What do you know about the shooting Magnum?
TM: Doc Ibold says I'm going to be fine. Thanks for asking Lieutenant.

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#44 Post by nha trang »

Rewatching the series, A great episode, I do believe this one makes it through as one of my top favorites! :magnum:

It has some unpolished edges but comes off even grittier for them. Rough edges, yet I wouldn't want this one changed...

Lots of high points, loved the baseball opener, the plot twist, TC's scene in the bedroom was top notch, the great flashback, loved the shootout and its pacing, the macabre shadow the episode cast across Magnum added to the drama...LOVED the Magnum kubler ross stages of gunshot victim grief.

Magnum trying to race against destiny...TC, ever the loyal friend urging caution

I even appreciate the pacing in the sequence of episodes lately.

This episode to me announced "Magnum is back!"

Nha Trang

Ps so is the shootout filmed inside the Brewery?

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Re: Way of the Stalking Horse (6.17)

#45 Post by SeamanWolfe »

I liked this episode a lot. Watched it for the first time in probably 30 years last weekend. The one thing that surprised me is giving away the twist in the opening preview. Granted it happened 20 minutes in, but would have been a great twist to encounter.

Seems like this was pretty common in 80s shows - guess they wanted to make sure you knew there would be a lot of shooting in the episode.

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