Innocents Lost

The novels & the movies

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#16 Post by golfmobile »

Robert B. Parker (RBP) used a lot of short sentences for Spenser and Jesse in his books, but he used it when appropriate and not for everyone (though it seemed to be that way a little more in his later books. the ones with the larger print and wider margins . . . .). It seemed that TS was trying to copy RBP's writing style but just carried it a little too far -- like straining at it, instead of letting it come into play freely. It helps in understanding these made-for-TV movies to have read all of his books so you can see how the characters and their manner of speaking/communicating was developed. But I confess in the later years when RBP just had to produce a book a year under contract, he seemed to take shortcuts to get them done, so such touches became a little rote. The early Spenser and Jesse characters were articulate; now they seem to be just overly taciturn for effect. Which fails (IMO) because it is so strained.

I agree that the person actually jogging in the intro was probably not TS. But he did look slimmer and Magnum-esque in the hooded sweatshirt with gimme cap underneath the hood. I didn't catch the Rolex in the hug with the teenager in rehab, but I remember thinking I would probably look as short/small compared to him as she did, as I'm 5' 3" and he's 6' 4"!! Wouldn't I just LOVE to get that hug to compare sizing!! But his tummy better not keep me at a distance! :wink:

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#17 Post by MagnumsLeftShoulder »

That's too funny about the hug Golf! I would like to experience it, as well. I am 5'1" and anytime I see him hug a woman I think about the size difference, too!

I could be wrong about the watch, but I think it was the Pepsi Rolex. The hug and stroking the hair just looked very Magnum-like. Anybody got a freeze frame of the hug scene?

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#18 Post by Shermy »

Between The Bridge on the River Kwai and the villain, it definitely felt like TS was drawing inspiration from "Did You See The Sunrise?".

My main criticism was the pacing. All of these movies tend to be slow starters, but this one seemed to take forever to kick in. I mean, there's only so many times Jesse and his dog can stare at each other. :lol:

It didn't help that CBS waited more than a year to air it after No Remorse. I found myself trying to remember if Cindy Van Alden had been in one of the previous installments, and even how all the characters fit together. (I did recall that a similar- or perhaps the same- character as Cindy appeared in one of Parker's books, but it's been a while since I read those as well.)

Another problem is that Unemployed Jesse just isn't as interesting as one that has to deal with the various pressures of Paradise. He ends up doing less police work and having fewer scenes with the main cast. The end result makes Innocents Lost feel more like a middle chapter than an installment which can stand on its own.

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#19 Post by zebra3 »

I thought that the rain added atmosphere to the movie. I just wish the sun came out at the end.
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#20 Post by wwmd »

Anyone know when this one comes out on DVD? There was severe weather near my area on Sunday night, and I didn’t get to watch it because of all the weather reports. In the long run, I’m glad that they were providing regular updates (I live less than 100 miles south of Joplin, MO); however, I was bummed out to have missed Jesse Stone.

Amazon doesn’t seem to have a timetable.


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#21 Post by eeyore »

Hi Sammy,
Sorry you missed it! You can preorder at

Looks like it comes out in August! :)

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#22 Post by J.J. Walters »

Steve wrote:I read that it won the ratings Sunday night which is incredible considering he was going against Trump, a music awards show and THE BULLS. TS did state on Regis and Kelly last week that he was on his way up to Halifax to film number 8 during his B.Bloods hiatus................
Indeed, incredible! 14 Million viewers. Top 10 for the week. Up 21% from the last Jesse Stone movie! Clearly Selleck's Blue Bloods momentum is taking hold. Selleck is still drawing them in in huge numbers!

Come on Tom, think of how huge the ratings will be with a two-part made-for-tv Magnum movie!! :)
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#23 Post by Agatha »

Well, I LOVED it!! Surprise! Surprise!! :)

I agree with Shermy that the unemployed Jesse is different than before...I've been thinking and believe that both No Remorse and Innocents Lost feel a bit disjointed because we don't have a "center" in the Paradise Police station. He bounces back and forth between Paradise and Boston without a "base" and it can feel a bit hard to follow.

Also, zebra3, when you get a chance to see the other Jesse Stones you'll understand more about the bad guy in this one. Jesse doesn't murder people...but he sometimes sets them up to be killed. And you'll also see that, while these movies do stand alone, they also weave together much like Magnum did with re-occurring things that loyal fans recognize from past stories. So the endings do make me feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And NO, Golf!! I like to think that there is at least ONE woman in this world that Jesse could just be friends with and not end up in bed with!! This one had me a bit scared...flipping from dinner with the nun to the bedroom like they did! Whew...different lady in the bed, thank goodness!!

I agree, though, that Stephen McHattie looked a bit worn. Of course, that could be the result of being so critically injured in No Remorse...:) Actually, it seemed like Tom looked kind of tired, too. I chalked it up to my friend's 42 inch screen...TOO MUCH detail. ???

And I didn't see the credits like I do on a DVD...was that the same Reggie?

SO glad to hear that Mr Selleck is committed to at least one Jesse each year. Have heard mixed reviews about Blue Bloods and since I don't have a TV, I haven't had the opportunity to see for myself. I hope it's worth a Jesse Stone movie...I heard that they had planned two a year before Blue Bloods came along.

August for the DVD? Fantastic!! In the meantime I have a friend who recorded Innocents Lost. Hoping to sneak in another viewing before the DVD!

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#24 Post by Miss Q »

I hated it.

The plot was bad, the writing was bad, the acting was bad....

Ok, the acting was bad because they has nothing to work with.

Come on TS get back in the game....
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#25 Post by golfmobile »

Don't soft-soap it like that, Miss Q. Tell us what you really think.

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#26 Post by eeyore »

Did he talk to Jen at all? I think this may
Have been the first time he didn't. I agree
This wasn't the best. I am very familiar with
the books and Parker's writing style and agree
with a former post here that he mentioned
he overdid trying to capture his style. One thing
that bugs me is the repeatlng of the first
Name back and forth several times when two
characters begin a conversation. Strange. Am
I missing something?
I wish they would revert back to basing the
movies on the books. Then maybe go back
and fill in on the time in-between the stories
in the books somehow. I think it would be
interesting to see a movie based on the book
where Jen moved in and they took in the young

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#27 Post by golfmobile »

I think "they" can't base much on the book storylines because the book Jesse Stone is so much younger than TS. The actions/activities, etc., in the books just don't work for TS' current physical capabilities/condition (he ain't Magnum any more . . . . .) The Jesse Stone in the book had personality--you understood why he had friends -- he WAS one; TV's just . . . . doesn't/isn't, at least not that you can see in these movies. IMO

This is the only movie that has actually shown Jesse's problem with alcohol (talked about previously but we never saw him "the morning after" before), and this whole series doesn't begin to touch on why Jen is really so evil (a slut who sleeps around for jobs/job promotion) nor why it is so unreasonable for Jesse to be still so hung up on someone who is so really unlikeable, not to mention unlovable, and who truly I would consider a sociopath with no conscience or thought for anyone else but herself. But that's another story . . . obviously.

Sorry to be so harsh but I never liked TS as Jesse Stone. I never thought it was a good match of character to actor -- he's just too old for this part. This character should be about the age of the later Magnum (1988), not Magnum 20 years later (2008). I'll watch TS in anything, but this never was a good role match. TS can certainly "play" laconic (QED Quigley), but this Jesse isn't just laconic, he's dull, boring, lifeless, unentertaining, and I end just not caring about him.

Can't TS ever have FUN any more?

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#28 Post by Shermy »

They did a fairly good job of adapting the books up until "Sea Change", which is when things began veering towards the Unemployed Jesse arc. Ironically, the first book they skipped ("High Profile") would've been a decent fit for the TS version, since it revolved around Jesse dealing with a high level of politics and media scrutiny. (Unfortunately, it also featured a ridiculous subplot about Jenn and a rapist.)

My feeling is that TS wanted to start approaching the films more like a tv series- with one large, continuing story arc- but that kind've backfired when CBS didn't follow through with the "two-per-year" idea. If you have to wait an entire year in-between installments, such an approach just isn't a lot of fun. (And to anyone who missed the previous installment, probably not very satisfying, either.) Perhaps that mentality will change- and possibly force a return to the books- now that TS has less time to spend on these sequels.

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#29 Post by eeyore »

Yes. I agree about High Profile! I would
Love to see the Sunny character in the movies

I was so disappointed when Parker fizzled with
his Sunny series. The last book left some
great things unresolved. I think I read an interview
that Parker said he didn't have the same
connect with his sunny randall character.

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#30 Post by zebra3 »

I really would like to see some more action. I mean, even just Selleck running and tackling a guy.
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