China Doll (1.3)

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#31 Post by Tom_Magnum »

I really enjoyed watching this episode b/c it was action-packed and intriguing. I love Uncle Ho's expression.

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#32 Post by N1095A »

That poor tourist couple! First they survive the harrowing flight with TC and TM, then somehow make it back to Oahu, and try to get a pedicab ride from Rick who promptly sends them packing. MPI didn't exactly give that couple a great tourist experience in Hawaii :lol: .
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#33 Post by Frodoleader »

Wouldn't it been great if they were brought back in the final MPI episode, Resolutions? That would have been hilarious! :lol:
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#34 Post by lutherhgillis »

Forget it, Frodo.

I don't think those people would ever return to Hawaii. Crazy Haole...


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#35 Post by Agatha »

You're right, luthergillis! To quote the lady after TC asks them if they're sure they won't change their minds about flying back from Kauai with him...

"Not ever!"

Isn't the ocean beautiful at sunset? So romantic!

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#36 Post by J.J. Walters »

Check it out, MPI creator/exec. producer/writer Don Bellisario (circa 1980) appears briefly in the opening credits...


Thanks to Pete W. for pointing this out!
Last edited by J.J. Walters on Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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#37 Post by N1095A »

Nice spot James!!
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#38 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

Here's my next "daily review". :D I really like this episode and never tire of watching it.
Anyway, save posting a link, I'll copy and paste my review here if no-one objects. You can find a full list of my reviews on

(rating=10, Series Classic)

A beautiful Chinese antiques dealer who Magnum is making a play for hires him to protect an ancient vase, but a martial arts assassin who can kill in the blink of an eye is also on the trail. After the shaky Pilot, a top-notch first regular episode...

After the so-so Pilot – which was perfectly watchable but a bit patchy and definitely finding its feet – along comes this excellent first regular episode, which I consider to be one of the classics of the series.

The various differences of the Pilot are changed to their regular appearance here, such as the interior of the Masters Estate, the familiar 'Robin 1' license plate on the Ferrari, and – most notably – Rick now owning the beachside King Kamehameha Club instead of his (rather dated) club in town. No reference to the change of club is given in this story, but it will be mentioned in a couple of later episodes. Although Rick still isn't my favourite character, this new setting (and changes to his personality) suits him – and the series – much better.

Anyway, the story (working title: 'Never Play with a China Doll') is a very good one, and far more engaging than the Pilot.
I really like Susie Elene as Mai Ling, and she and Selleck's Magnum work very well with each other. In fact, there are good performances all round – and George Kee Cheung as (nearly always silent) Tong assassin Choi is a great nemesis, in fact one of my most favourite from the entire show's run.

The main four leads (including the tweaking of Rick) have already settled perfectly into their characters. I particularly like the banter between Magnum and T.C. as they fly to see Mai Ling, with T.C. almost crashing into the cliffs and the poor tourists in the back fearing for their very lives!
The running gag of Magnum breaking into the safe, infuriating Higgins, is also great.

The episode has a perfect blend of drama, comedy and adventure, and is in many respects the perfect template for many future series greats.

Although some aren't keen on the early music for the series, as with the Pilot I really like it. The in-episode music (some recycled from the Pilot, some new) suits the episode very well.

(As a side note, the DVD version of this episode, both Regions 1 and 2, has a sound mixing error, and for much of the story, the musical cues are 12 seconds out, meaning that they come in late and in some cases play over dialogue!)

All-in-all, this is one of my all-time favourite 'Magnum, p.i.' episodes, and definitely one for my Top 10 favourite episode list. A great start to the series proper, and a sign of some of the great things to come.

Additional notes & bloopers:

* The DVD version has 'standardised' opening credits - John Hillerman's credit 'Also Starring' is 'Co-Starring' on the original version. This would continue until 'Skin Deep' in a few episodes time.

* This is the first time that Magnum, when referred to as a "Private Eye", says that he prefers "Private Investigator". This would become a running quirk throughout the series.

* Possible blooper - When Magnum and Mai Ling arrive at Robin's Nest, Magnum's window on the Ferrari seems to be down. When Zeus and Apollo run up, it is closed. A few moments later after he has got out, the window is visibly down again.

* As mentioned previously, Magnum's "Mai Ling" during her initial conversation with Higgins, is out of sync, with the dialogue coming from his previous line, and not matching the visuals.

* After leaving the King Kamehameha Club, as well as Magnum driving along with no Mai Ling in the passenger seat, the person driving is clearly not Tom Selleck. Check it out - it actually looks quite funny!

* Blooper: When Magnum finds Mai Ling lying on the beach, he bends down to her with his cap on. Then there is a close up of him with his cap off, before the next shot where it is back on, and he takes it off!

* As already touched upon, Magnum's final 'look back' at Higgins is reversed from the one used earlier in the scene.

* Quest for the perfect version:
I have five copies of this episode, and none are perfect. I have:
* A Meridian copy (ITV Southern region in United Kingdom) with the opening trailer cut off (as was common with most of their broadcasts of the series), as well as the scene with Magnum and T.C. flying with the tourists edited down, to have the first half missing (quite unusual, other than the opening credits, Meridian didn't often edit much)

* Carlton (ITV London weekday): Okay but has the opening trailer cut off (as was common with most of their broadcasts of the series).

* Channel 5 (2002): No opening trailer, as with all of their broadcasts, but several other edits: As Magnum is walking along after Choi telephones him, the star (if that's what you'd call it) that zips by Magnum and embeds itself in a tree, is edited out. Also, during the scene in the graveyard, shots of the star that Choi throws at Magnum, embedding itself in his hand, are also cut out. (I'll have to check if Higgins's "bloody"s are edited out of this broadcast - sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't, depending how generous they were that day!)

* UK video release: complete, but with the gaps for commercial breaks abridged (I'm a geek for things like that!)

Which leads us on to...
* DVD release (both Region 1 and 2)... the music cues are off for much of the story. The first notable instance is when Magnum and Mai Ling kiss in the Chinese garden - the music comes in 12 seconds late. When Magnum leaves and realises he's been followed, the score kicks in notably late, as does the music when Magnum is running along the beach looking for Mai Ling. The scene with the tourists talking to Rick is way off, with the music playing over the dialogue. The "Six Million Dollar" man effects in the graveyard, while still odd, actually make a little more sense on the correct version, as they tie in with Magnum's movements. By the final scene though, the music is back on cue.

...Anyone still awake? :lol:

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#39 Post by J.J. Walters »

Great review and info Jay!

It's funny, I never really noticed the mis-synced musical score on the DVD, but you are right, it's definitely off!
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#40 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

Glad you liked it - not sure if I'll have SO much to say about most episodes, but I'll bring up whatever notes/bloopers/etc. that I find.

I was really annoyed with the music error on the DVD - I was hoping I'd finally have a 'perfect' version of one of my favourite episodes. :!:

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#41 Post by gmt16750 »

Agatha wrote: I see that I've already commented on China Doll. My additional thoughts are that the conversation between Mi Ling, Higgins and Thomas at the estate is wonderful...conversations, really, since there are two of them going on at once...seamlessly, flawlessly and apparently effortlessly. I think it's easy to get caught up in how bright and fun and action-packed this series is and forget about how really GOOD it is because it's so subtle. A "given"...that we just take for granted, I think.

I love "Hi, Ho!"
exactly the way i feel, and i couldn't have said it better (or even that good, because i just jabber english, but french and italian are good ;)
great episode, and the Higgins-Magnum scenes are among the unforgettable one! (When Thomas in answer to Mi LIng and Higgins chinese chatting, orders -like he'd be in a chinese restaurant- to Higgins still in 'jammies :lol:
Agatha: Why does he always do that, Jonathan?
Higgins: I don't know, Agatha. I think sometimes our creator is testing me. Indeed it could be for no other reason. If i thought otherwise i believe i truly would go irrevocably irretrievably mad!

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#42 Post by timm525 »

I thought this was a really great ep. I gave it a 9.5.

First I just have to say it. "Hi Ho" :lol:

I remember him saying that the first time I watched this ep. and I died laughing. The look on his face and expression was just too much.

I thought it had a good story line that was interesting and kept your attention throughout the ep.

The sailor from the beginning was in one or two more eps. if I recall correctly.

I too thought Lee Majors was about to leap out at the end with the "bionic" sound effects. BTW, what the heck is Universal's problem with putting that show out on region 1 on DVD???????? That is one of my favorite shows too and I am totally disgusted that they have not put it out on DVD! :x

TM shooting him in the face at the end was pretty cool and cold at the same time. I liked how the Tong "went for it" and TM didn't hesitate.

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#43 Post by No need to know! »

This one is truly great. "Still in the Jammies?" :lol:
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#44 Post by Styles Bitchley »

This could very well be my favourite episode.

Love it.
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#45 Post by Pahonu »

I've always loved this one too! Perhaps my favorite also. It has quite a few "artsy" camera techniques like the cut from the Chinese enforcer in the shop at the beginning to Higgins practicing his martial arts. These interesting shots seem more common in the earlier seasons.

By the way, the flub mentioned in the episode guide about the Ferrari leaving the KKC with only the driver might be wrong. Look closely, the Ferrari is driving on the left side of the (divided) road and it looks like Magnum's head sticking up a little above the roof but on the right. I think they flipped the negative so we are looking at a mirror image. The head on the left would be the girl. It's at about 27:08.

What do you think?

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