The Kona Winds (6.4)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the sixth season

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5.0 (Just Awful)
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#16 Post by lutherhgillis »


You may be right about Magnum but I believe his feeling are not hurt from having fallen in love. I believe he is astonished at what a fool he was. This woman marked him out in advance and used him almost all the way to the bank. He was devistated at his own lack of ability to separate his emotions from his logic... or that's how I saw it anyway.

I agree this is a great episode. I love how they use the weather as a metaphor for human emotions... You make some great points in your post.

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#17 Post by billyshakes »

I just watched this ep. last night with my wife because I just got season 6 and it was one of the highest rated of the episodes on the board. I would have to say we were less than impressed.

She was incensed by the fact that he was just jumping in bed with a married woman. I just thought it was overall cheesy, very predictable plotline, and kind of boring. I agree with some of the others that it is neat to see more of Robin's Nest.

My biggest critique is that it was really a Magnum only episode. Sure, there are others like this but really, TC, Rick, and Higgins were thrown in only as an after thought. TC is ferrying supplies to the island and gets philosophical for 30s but then that is it. Rick has about 30 seconds of "Party, party!" Finally, Higgins is running around the estate trying to prep for the storm but then is never seen from again. Oh yeah, and I like how they randomly show Thomas later in the episode fixing the generator. At least they tried to keep that line going. Nice clean denim shirt and pants but a big swipe of grease on his face, though!

I did dig the Naval Academy shirt that he wears though. Agree about the identity theft issue too. Couldn't believe the secretary just gave out all that info. Different times for sure. Overall, not my fave.

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#18 Post by Jay-Firestorm »

It seems I’m against the majority on this one – I don’t care for this ep much. It is by no means a BAD episode, but just doesn’t appeal to me.


With a big storm blowing in, Magnum saves a woman from drowning in the surf, and soon the pair engage in an affair. But the woman saw her wealthy, controlling husband kill his business partner, and she fears she is next. Not one of my favourites…


This episode has it’s fans, but I’m not really amongst them. It’s just one that doesn’t really appeal to me personally.

The story is penned by Producer Chris Abbott-Fish (later credited as just Chris Abbott), and it sums up for me her work on the series and what it started to become – more and more romance-based drama, as opposed to the comedy-drama action-adventures of earlier seasons.

The plot is a very serious one, and (other than Magnum saving Lauren from drowning at the beginning) has no action, nor comedy.

I like the notion that the Kona Winds could make people do strange things, and it pushes Magnum into a dangerous affair from which he would ordinarily stay away.
However, I wonder if the strange effects of the Kona Winds could have somehow led to a comedy b-plot with either Rick or T.C., or would this have spoilt the tone of the episode? I can’t decide.

I enjoyed the first act, with Magnum saving Lauren from drowning, and it seemed to set up great potential from the episode, as he learns that she witnessed her husband murdering his business partner and now fears for her own life. But after that, my interest wanes a bit, and it ends up as one of my lesser favourites of the season.

That said, the climax has a good twist (which I won’t give away here), and the final moments are very well played.

This is by no means a bad episode, but I personally don’t give this one a particularly high rating simply because it is one that does not appeal to me. But I know there are others who love it, and that sums up much of the appeal of ‘Magnum, p.i.’ – there are stories to suit all tastes.


Other notes, bloopers and misc.:

* During the storm, when Magnum returns inside to find Lauren gone, his t-shirt is wet at the top from the rain – however, in the scenes outside, we saw that his rain mack was protecting him from the rain and his t-shirt didn’t get wet!

* A rare instance – Magnum and T.C. both wear their Da Nang caps in the same scene. The only time this has happened previously is in the fifth season’s ‘Blind Justice’.

* T.C. and Rick only appear in one scene each in this episode.

* On the DVD version, the act breaks of this episode are abridged. I think this is partly what jetranger noticed about the bad editing – it was actually an awkwardly abridged commercial break.

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#19 Post by MACattack »

I hope Magnum wasn't on his surf-ski when the tsunami hit today!
I just don't give a damn!

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#20 Post by J.J. Walters »

Our friend Pahonu (the guy working on the 3D model of Robin's Nest) has figured out that the scene with Magnum working on the generator actually takes place at the garage of the gatehouse, not the "maintenance wing" of the main house.

The window in the back, lack of base molding on one of the columns, and the scenery behind Higgins as he walks towards Magnum and the generator all point to it being the gatehouse, not the main house. I believe this would make this the only scene filmed at the backside of the gatehouse!


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#21 Post by Pahonu »

J.J. Walters wrote:A fun episode with a great climax. Two new indoor sets for Robin's Nest are seen - an upstairs room with a fireplace, and the laundry room. I love how the show sometimes surprises you with these new, or rarely seen, indoor sets for Robin's Nest. It feeds into the idea that the estate is really almost a character in and of itself.
Having finally had the time to look over Rick Romer's blog in depth, I found it interesting he remembered having to buy a washer and dryer for one episode, but couldn't remember which one. It must be this episode as it is the only one to show the laundry room of the estate, probably in the shed at the end of the garage wing of the main house. It is also an episode frome his seasons on the show.

Two things stand out. One, having to purchase a washer and dryer for a few second scene seems strange, unless Ms Anderson wouldn't allow access to the actual laundry room of the estate. This seems to fit her M.O. of restricting access to all but service areas, porches, etc... Second, given that information, the laundry room must be in the main house itself, perhaps the basement under the kitchen wing or on a service porch of the same wing. This would have been typical of a large home of that era.

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#22 Post by J.J. Walters »

It seems odd that they would have to buy a washer and dryer. They couldn't have just borrowed a set from a crew member, or a friend? I gladly would have offered up mine, forever immortalized on film. ;)
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#23 Post by Styles Bitchley »

J.J. Walters wrote:It seems odd that they would have to buy a washer and dryer. They couldn't have just borrowed a set from a crew member, or a friend? I gladly would have offered up mine, forever immortalized on film. ;)
From what I've heard from friends who work in the biz, there's a ton of this sort of illogical spending happens on tv/movie sets. The cost is really insignificant when you compare it to paying all that crew to be there and all the equipment. Probably some liability issues as well. The best part about it for the crew is that they apparently get rid of stuff like that for nothing or next to nothing when you're done. Nice job perk!

I love this episode, by the way. The tone is much different from other Magnum episodes - almost feels like a tv movie. Something about Higgins in his rain gear prepping for the storm is really engaging. We've never really seen him dressed or behaving like this. When they reveal more sides to the man, he become more three-dimensional.

Although it lacks the lighthearted element that I love in most MPI episodes, Kona Winds is one of my faves.
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#24 Post by AmandaByNight »

OK, I love Frank Converse who plays the husband. LOVE him. He's sexy and it was great to see him on Magnum.

But this is probably my least favorite episode.

I think for me, the big problem is that Magnum's love interest isn't interesting at all. I'm not sure it's the actress or just the way she's written, but she's so serious and boring and a snooze. I can't ever figure out what it is about her that is so compelling. Magnum does not fall in love all that often... I mean *really* fall in love, but when he does the chemistry is usually really good, like with Dana Delany and even Sharon Stone (and of course, Marta Dubois rules), but this lady... WFT?

I guess that's all I can say about the episode. I don't remember much about it although I did recently see it within the last year. But even as a least favorite episodes, it's still completely watchable, which is a reminder of how truly strong the show was!

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#25 Post by firefly »

i just watched this episode last night and all in all my impression is, well, meh.

as was alredy mentioned in this thread, magnum falling in love so quickly is a far from uncommon event within the world of tv. i do however feel that mpi is a show that overall meets a higher standard. rick falling in love so fast in woman on the beach or computer date i have less of a problem with since i always felt that it fit ricks persona as a somewhat gullible guy. magnum however is a far from naiive person, so him falling so fast (esp. for a married woman) strikes me as a bit out of character.

oh well, just my "feel" for the episode.

one possible flub, or at least poor camera angle. during the scene when magnum and higgins are in the rain walking to the generator the winds are blowing the tree branches in the foreground but the branches in the far backgound (the trees against the wall) are staying completely still.

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#26 Post by Little Garwood »

I wanted to NOT like this episode, as I initially felt that it would be one of those "mysterious ESP" stories we sometimes got in seasons 5-6 but I ended up enjoying this one! I was in ninth grade when it first aired in October, 1985.

Thoughts on "The Kona Winds":

Lauren Henderson- I couldn't decide whether actress Cynthia Sikes was homely or a goddess! I finally settled on "attractive", despite the typically ugly 1980s hair and clothes that could make even the loveliest of ladies look like one of The Golden Girls, so Miss Sikes managed to overcome the sheer '80s ugliness of her wardrobe. :lol: Also, in seeing other photos of her, she looks great. I never watched St. Elsewhere, but I see that she was a regular on there.

The Approaching Storm- I liked how Higgins was prepping Robin's Nest from the tropical storm, as that's something we often face here in Florida. The long-held belief of mine that the Estate is a "comfort zone" is reinforced by Higgins' efforts to protect the place.

Magnum & the Secretary: Great scene, with one of TM's better "impersonations." A light touch in an otherwise serious episode.

The Finale: I liked the plot twist, even if I knew it was coming. It was well handled and made for a satisfying finish.

I voted it as "Pretty Good."
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#27 Post by steveadl »

Not really one of my favourite episodes, but I did enjoy the last scene between TM and the husband and wife. Can see real raw emotion and hurt in TM's eyes. Also liked the begrudging respect and thanks shown by the husband to TM despite the circumstances.

Oh, and one more thing - as another Aussie, I also absolutely cringed at that horrible accent used by the hotel receptionist. We don't sound anything like that I promise! Only in US TV shows apparently, like this episode, the Simpsons Australian special etc. *sigh* :roll:

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Excellent episode

#28 Post by nha trang »

I figure this episode probably makes the top 20 or 30. I rated it a 9.0 having come off of a series of somewhat bland season 5 episodes. Although I also liked Deja Vu a bit. The cast of MPI is so talented and the writing early on solid enough that I could watch an episode of them all sitting in the guest house watching a Tiger's game.

Anyway, I like these themed episodes, I think they carry well on Magnum PI since we know who the characters are, their quirks, and wonder what to expect from them given a new "theme."

Perhaps the insta-relationship with the woman could have been a tad more convincing, or passionate, but I still don't think I could have bought in with the female protagonist dressed in the 80s garb with the "poofy" silk dress and useless That type of get up usually only reminds me of certain video selections, but that's neither here nor there :lol:

Kona winds, solid episode indeed, SO much better than dolphins doing backflips in "Old Acquaintance" immediately preceding it!

I have to say between Kona Winds and Deja Vu, (we'll forget the flipper episode) Season 6 isn't so bad. I may miss the "original" Magnum flavor, just how someone may long for another formative classic by a celebrated author, you know, the first one they wrote that "got it?" I leave the lecturing on that for Higgin's recollections of Hemingway hehehe

But we still get to keep the mental image of Thomas Sullivan breaking into the gate off the beach, distracting the lads, breaking into the ferrari, and chit-chatting with a couple of the hottest blondes the show has had on....

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Re: Excellent episode

#29 Post by J.J. Walters »

nha trang wrote:Perhaps the instant-relationship with the woman could have been a tad more convincing, or passionate, but I still don't think I could have bought in with the female protagonist dressed in the 80s garb with the "poofy" silk dress and useless That type of get up usually only reminds me of certain video selections, but that's neither here nor there :lol:

Kona winds, solid episode indeed, SO much better than dolphins doing backflips in "Old Acquaintance" immediately preceding it!
LOL! :)

Love your episode reviews Trang.
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#30 Post by nha trang »

Hey, thanks JJ, it's fun to write them, but I find myself squeezed for time, after watching the 1-hour (thankfully) MPI episodes...

Thank you for having this wonderful website where all of us manic Magnum fans can's really amazing...

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