Italian Ice (2.16)

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#46 Post by PhatCat »

My kids and I were watching this yesterday afternoon and my dvd skipped on the last minute or two. Right when they were wrapping things up with Higgins with the crossword. It's not scratched (this is the first time I viewed this dvd) so I think it's a error that happened when they made it.

Bummer. How does it end at the very end? After Magnum says "Try me."


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#47 Post by TheLads »

Italian Ice wrote:If anyone hasn't seen it, check out Ann Dusenberry in a Remington Steele Episode. Judith Chapman is also in this one. It was done in 1983 during the shows 2nd season. Ann plays the part of the 2 sisters who have grown up in 2 different worlds, while I believe Judith plays the part of the wealthy businessman's mistress. Kind of a silly plotline that I doubt would have, or has ever happened in real life, but it's a fun episode to watch.

10. My Fair Steele
A wealthy businessman dies and his heir is kidnapped, so Remington Steele must locate the heir’s long lost twin sister in order to flush out who was behind the crime.
Yes, a good twist on another TV convention. Twin sisters separated from birth turn out to be complete opposites -- one, a spoiled socialite; the other, a redneck diner waitress! :D

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#48 Post by grambax »

Not too much to say from me except to agree that its an excellent episode. Full of the unpredictable elements that make Magnum PI special, from Magnum's "attack" on the villa at the start through a plot that slowly twists and reveals itself, to the unexpected shooting. Plus it has great character moments for Magnum and Higgins, both apart and together.

And I really can't think of another actor who could get away with breaking the fourth wall in a drama quite like that.

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#49 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

As the chairman of the Anglo-Hawai'ian Cultural Awareness Society, I'd like to make a few points:

The Ferrari at the beginning is American spec - it's clearly Magnum's Ferrari with different plates.

Like someone commented before me, those plates are nothing like Italian plates. They just made something that resembled their vague idea of "European plates". They did the same in the episode with the cross-dressing hitman.

I'm afraid Coops is mistaken. The back plate is not American style. It's a square plate. Square is an accepted alternative shape for back plates in many Europena countries, especially in models where a long plate would be hard to fit.

If the Marchese has a French accent is because the actor who played him, Jean Claudio, was French.

Marchese is pronounced "Mar-keh-seh", not "Mar-kay-say"

The cartoon character is called Pepe le Pew, not Peppy.

Marquis is not exlusively a French title. It exists across Europe with different variants: Marquis in France and England, Marchese in italy, Marqués in Spain...

Como is in the Alps, right on the opposite end of Italy from Sicily

The Marchese is supposed to be an aristocrat, yet he lives like a common mafioso, complete with dumb enforcers. Stereotyping much?

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#50 Post by RamblerReb »

I'd like to point out a flub, if I may. When Magnum and the nutbar are speeding away from the villa after the raid, a gate guard fires after them three consecutive times with a double-barreled shotgun. Admittedly, it could have been a drilling (a three-barreled rifle-shotgun combination gun), but these are usually insanely expensive gentlemen's field pieces and unlikely to be in the hands of a gate goon.

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#51 Post by Visiting Stewardess »


That made me laugh.
Also the way Thomas said "I didn't" (try to polish it with spit)... he sounded like a little boy who was just told off by his dad.

What a beautiful (steady) girlfriend he had in this episode. I nearly got a bit jealous. Such a shame they never used her or the character again.

When Higgins was shot by Katrina, it literally made me jump. I jumped up so much that I woke up my dog who was sleeping next to me on the sofa.

But generally that episode was just so-so...

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#52 Post by steveadl »

Just watching this one again now - here'a useless bit of trivia for us. I recognised the old Italian lady that TM grabs and puts in the boot of the car when she walks out of the kitchen to feed the cats.

It's the same woman who played Joey's Grandma in an episode of Friends when he was supposed to be on an episode of Law & Order.

As I said, useless info. - but jeez, she played an old woman in bit parts for almost 20yrs ;)

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#53 Post by Seaver41 »

was that TC breaking the 4th wall in the chopper when Magnum told him to take off? Sure looked like it.

My only real disappointment is not seeing Mimi in a bathing Fun fact....she had breast reduction early in her career because she was constantly being upstaged by her girls when trying to get work. Not that she reduced all of them, but I can only imagine how she looked before.... Always one of my favorite strong women.

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#54 Post by AmandaByNight »

steveadl wrote:Just watching this one again now - here'a useless bit of trivia for us. I recognised the old Italian lady that TM grabs and puts in the boot of the car when she walks out of the kitchen to feed the cats.

It's the same woman who played Joey's Grandma in an episode of Friends when he was supposed to be on an episode of Law & Order.

As I said, useless info. - but jeez, she played an old woman in bit parts for almost 20yrs ;)
That actress also played Mother Superior in the horror film Silent Night, Deadly Night. She was a very well respected acting teacher in Los Angeles and when she died the Directors Guild hosted her memorial. I think she tutored a lot of soap actors. For some reason, the name Kin Shriner pops in my head, maybe Jackie Zeman. The General Hospital bunch! I can't remember her name, but I see her on stuff like The Bob Newhart Show and Magnum and I smile because I will always remember her as the world's meanest nun!

I just rewatched this episode and really enjoyed it. I'm a big Ann Dusenberry fan (and I'm on her Facebook). She is so lovely. I also liked the bit at the end where everyone thought they were watching a play... Pretty wild play!

Also, not sure anyone's commented, but Dusenberry's character talks about watching Robin, her father and Higgins play chess. We were talking about RM and whether or not he was Higgins and this complicates it. Not that I thought he was Higgins, but it makes for a good argument against Higgy baby as RM.

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#55 Post by snp389 »

Katrina truly was a 'froot-loop'.
Great scene where JQH, after being shot by Katrina, asks Zeus to answer the phone.
I love the 'Lads'. After reading Larry Manetti's book 'Aloha Magnum' and in particular the section where he talks about the fact that at one stage, the show's producers were thinking of getting rid of the dogs. Apparently Tom Selleck wouldn't have any of it. He knew how important the 'lads' were to the fans. Speaks volumes to the character of Selleck.

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#56 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

robspace54 wrote:The struggle between Selleck and Montana looked pretty darn real to me...
I'm sure he had plenty of real-life experience.

Changing the ssubject there's a tiny detail that irks me. On some episodes, including this one, MAgnum says "Ta" to Higgins, meaning "Bye". But "Ta" means "Thanks", not "Bye". Bye would be "Ta-ta".

Perhaps I'm alon in this one, but I find Mimi Rogers pretty annoying here.

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#57 Post by Croix de Lorraine »

robspace54 wrote:The struggle between Selleck and Montana looked pretty darn real to me...
I'm sure he had plenty of real-life experience.

Changing the subject there's a tiny detail that irks me. On some episodes, including this one, Magnum says "Ta" to Higgins, meaning "Bye". But "Ta" means "Thanks", not "Bye". Bye would be "Ta-ta".

Perhaps I'm alone in this one, but I find Mimi Rogers pretty annoying here.
Last edited by Croix de Lorraine on Sun May 12, 2013 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#58 Post by Doc Ibold »

Croix de Lorraine wrote:
robspace54 wrote:The struggle between Selleck and Montana looked pretty darn real to me...
I'm sure he had plenty of real-life experience.

Changing the ssubject there's a tiny detail that irks me. On some episodes, including this one, MAgnum says "Ta" to Higgins, meaning "Bye". But "Ta" means "Thanks", not "Bye". Bye would be "Ta-ta".

Perhaps I'm alone in this one, but I find Mimi Rogers pretty annoying here.
I think I read somewhere that Montana actually damaged his throat for awhile in the struggle. Could be wrong. I didn't mind Mimi. I think she did a good job playing the straight, yet skeptical but understanding part. I thnk there's something to be said for someone questioning the whole Sicily adventure, but then saying, I trust my instincts on you.

The PLace Kicks at the end is the perfect way to end the episode

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Re: Italian Ice (2.16)

#59 Post by 308GUY »

Seaver41 wrote:was that TC breaking the 4th wall in the chopper when Magnum told him to take off? Sure looked like it.
Sure looked like it to me, I thought it was great! Don't recall seeing TC doing it anywhere else, though not saying it's impossible, only that I don't recall seeing it.:)

Cracked me up when TM got in the chopper on the roof, and TC was expecting his paying fare, that would be a good vid clip to find and post, TC's reaction that is.. :lol:
"C'mon TC...nothing can go wrong!"

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Re: Italian Ice (2.16)

#60 Post by Doc Ibold »

308GUY wrote:
Seaver41 wrote:was that TC breaking the 4th wall in the chopper when Magnum told him to take off? Sure looked like it.
Sure looked like it to me, I thought it was great! Don't recall seeing TC doing it anywhere else, though not saying it's impossible, only that I don't recall seeing it.:)

Cracked me up when TM got in the chopper on the roof, and TC was expecting his paying fare, that would be a good vid clip to find and post, TC's reaction that is.. :lol:
TC does it once in season one about magnum owing him something. Something along the lines of "Does it ever occur to you..."

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