Lest We Forget (1.10)

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Re: Re:

#91 Post by ENSHealy »

ENSHealy wrote:
Danny Lin wrote:And finally: Wanting to know if there is anything behind this post, I certainly took my time to check! :o :o :o And...? Aaaaaand... ? Yah, exactly: There´s just simply nothing to find! At all! That sequence is in fact totally "clean"!!

Here´s the mission to anyone on the forum: If someone finds that bulge, screenshot and share it! I´m pretty sure that we all would survive that, wouldn´t we?

And even if it was there: Times of ridiculous prudery ARE OVER!!

...Give me a break...
Danny, I agree that it was a silly post, but in the spirit of scientific inquiry, I checked it out. I think it is partially an optical illusion created by the shadow of her arm across his shorts. However, if you compare the line of his stomach and the line of his leg, and where his swimming trunks "should be"...well, maybe the laundry put a little too much starch in his trunks...yeah, that's the ticket.

Also, given the frequency with which we are visually assaulted by our hero's heuvos outlined against pants or shorts hiked up far too high for someone not yet in retirement (and the two examples below are some of the less egregious), I consider the dimly lit possible Woodrow on display in this episode to be almost tasteful in contrast.

Ensign Healy
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#92 Post by ENSHealy »

I mean, lest we forget....if the director and/or editor is letting the below get through, then I think just about anything is fair game.

Ensign Healy
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#93 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Hi Guys,
I guess we can all be glad that Milton Berle and Forest "The Anaconda" Tucker didn't guest star on Magnum in their bathing suits.
There is even a hilarious short film on YouTube about the producers quest in determining if the Legend of the Anaconda was true.
They interview the widow Tucker, as well as verify the Golf Club Gambit, wherein Tucker made untold bucks over the years in
betting he could sink a putt from his knees, using Little Tuck to drive the ball.
I trust some of the more innocent newcomers to Magnum Mania don't come across this thread first and flee back to Pat Robertson's
700 Club Board, decrying all the Libertines and ribald types. Hopefully they will start with the Agatha Chumley posts or
something about the Lads.
On the other hand the Lads were unrepentant nudists.

"I have studied Aristotle, Socrates, William Friedrich Hegel, Bertrand Russell. I have toured college campuses
debating the virtues of dialectic versus symbolic syllogism. I have written scholarly articles on the need for a new, more dynamic logic.
But nothing in my life has prepared me for the workings of the Thomas Magnum mind"
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#94 Post by ENSHealy »

EZiller wrote:Also liked the ending, the Judge realizing that finally getting back with the love of his life after 40 years meant much more than the professional accolades of being a Justice of the Supreme Court.
Although it is a nice plot touch that he heads back to the Islands for Diane, it's not because he's choosing her over the Court. He knows he has no chance of being a justice. After all, isn't he technically still a deserter from the Navy? Even if he doesn't press charges for blackmail, I doubt Dutch is going to decide to just keep his mouth shut and it's unlikely that a deserter with a possible pending charge of attempted murder hanging over his head is going to get confirmed by the Senate (insert Brett Kavanaugh joke here).
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#95 Post by ENSHealy »

Hawaiian shirts: 1
Island Hopper shirts:
Body Count:
Shirtless: 1
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
Magnum injuries:
Higgins musings:
4th wall breaks: 1
Famous guest stars: 2 Scatman Crothers, Jose Ferrer
Magnumometer: 5

I enjoyed this episode, but I wouldn't put it at the top of the list of Magnum greats. Although the casting is great, the pace is on the slower side. Also, there are many things that bother me:

1. As has already been asked here, how did Dutch know that Caine and Wicks were one in the same? Since the whole plot is based on it, I would really like to have seen it nailed down.
2. Although Thomas says "she thought he was dead, he thought she was dead..." I think that's actually a flub. She thought he was dead because she thought he went back to the Arizona, and because he was listed MIA after the attack. But when they reunite, Caine says, “Diane, what on earth happened to you…well, you just disappeared” and then says that he shipped out to the mainland on a cargo ship and "when I couldn't find you, I enlisted in the Army under the name of Caine." He never says he thought she was dead, he just couldn't locate her. “and when I join you next month”
3. Speaking of locating her, he doesn't seem to have made a very good effort of it. He can't find her, so he just enlists and heads out for Europe. He's sending her to the mainland to get away from Jessie. Early on in the episode he says “…and when I join you next month” so they must have had a plan to reunite. When he gets to San Diego and she's not there, it never occurs to him to check with the cruise line, see if she actually made the journey? Or check back in Hawaii? She ended up being the governor's wife, it's not like she was in hiding.
4. When did they get married? Sunset on Dec 6, 1941 was 5:19 pm (long live the internet!) and it was already dark when they’re on the beach. At one point on the beach, Bobby says “in two hours were going to be married” but then later Diane says “I have to get back to the club” and Bobby takes her to work. Then sometime later, after her “shift” he picks her up behind the club. It has to be the middle of the night by then, and we know he puts her on the ship the next morning. Diane says she got off the ship and then “a couple hours later the Japanese attacked.” The first attack was just before 8, so she was off the ship by 6. Were there 24-hour wedding chapels in Honolulu in 41?
5. Why didn’t Bobby and Diane just get in the car and drive away before Dutch could get down the stairs? They were both standing by the car when Jessie comes out and Bobby has to go BACK OVER TO THE BUILDING to fight with Dutch. Based upon the amount of time it took him to get the car going AFTER the fight, they had plenty of time to get away BEFORE IT.
6. Why does Dutch head ON TO PEARL when he tries to get away? If he’s a life long resident of Oahu, he has to know that’s a dead end.
7. What’s with all the cargo containers? They’re clearly shooting at a commercial dock, not a military one. Why go to the trouble of faking that they’re at Pearl?
8. The radio announcer says there are 18 days left until Christmas. He says this on December 6. Aren’t there 19 days left?
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#96 Post by T.Q. »

Enjoyable episode.

Always had a crush on Sheba growing up.


I like the music before Magnum met the judge in the beginning.

Higgins sucking up to TM is always funny.

I enjoyed the Pearl Harbor scene. I went for the first time a few years ago. Appreciate it now in a different light.

SIDENOTE: I didn't see a Fourth Wall in this episode. Anyone know if I missed it? THX
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#97 Post by K Hale »

There are 18 days between Dec. 6 and Dec. 25. The 25th is the 19th day.
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#98 Post by KingKC »

K Hale wrote:There are 18 days between Dec. 6 and Dec. 25. The 25th is the 19th day.
If you count the 6th as a day then there are 19 days from (not between) the 6th and the 25th. I guess it depends on what time of day it is. If it is 12:01 AM the 6th is a full day...but if it is 11:59 PM...not so. Just thought I would be persnickety. I am in one of those moods today. :P

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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#99 Post by K Hale »

KingKC wrote:
K Hale wrote:There are 18 days between Dec. 6 and Dec. 25. The 25th is the 19th day.
If you count the 6th as a day then there are 19 days from (not between) the 6th and the 25th. I guess it depends on what time of day it is. If it is 12:01 AM the 6th is a full day...but if it is 11:59 PM...not so. Just thought I would be persnickety. I am in one of those moods today. :P
If it was on the 6th then he didn’t count the current day.

He also didn’t count the 25th since then it would BE Christmas. He counted the days UNTIL Christmas.
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#100 Post by ENSHealy »

T.Q. wrote:SIDENOTE: I didn't see a Fourth Wall in this episode. Anyone know if I missed it? THX
Here it is (click pic for video):

Ensign Healy
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#101 Post by T.Q. »

ENSHealy wrote:
T.Q. wrote:SIDENOTE: I didn't see a Fourth Wall in this episode. Anyone know if I missed it? THX
Here it is (click pic for video):

Knocking my rubber chicken or my sloppy habits is within the rules, but you're attacking my character. I would like to think you don't mean that.

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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#102 Post by Gorilla Mask »

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this great forum, Therefore, please be indulgent ... :wink:

Well, before you ask for it, yes i am french ! :roll: Thus, you might know that Magnum PI had a dazzling success in my country... back to the 80's !

Today the show is still remembered within the 40 and 50 old aged people.

However, 'Lest we forget' (in french "On n'oublie jamais") was one the few episodes i kept cristal clear from my little child memories. Maybe this was because my father told me a lot about Pearl Harbor attack just some time before i saw that perticular episode.

This opus could be rate among the top 15, from my point of view. Nevertheless, the plot around décember 7th tragedy surely did help a lot. Yes, the pace is quite slow, yes, i found (personally) Jose Ferrer not very convincing (and active...) in his search of his life's love. He seemed more annoyed about the bad fame he could harvest with the revealing of old stories... Of course this strange feeling for the audience just vanished (oddly) above USS Arizona...

By the way the previous message of #1 Buzzettes Fan confirms what i concluded: the scene of the meeting between Magnum and Judge caine was filmed in Bellows airfield Beachfront, just in the prolongation of the old WW2 airstrip.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#103 Post by Gorilla Mask »

Not a flub, but a potential intended camouflage.

At the end onf the episode, the 'Limousine chase' sequence begins. I was supposed to take place at Pearl Harbor Memorial Theater, within Pearl Harbor Navy site itself.

Here is a little view from that place (from appromatively the same point of view of the episode - South-SouthWest to North-NorthWest) before the major overhaul of 2010:


and here are some takes from the episode.


As you can notice, the fact that the scene was entirely filmed on location is very unlikely. The immediate vicinity surounding the parking lot just does'nt match. You can see hills, electrical/phone poles and lines, residential/commercial area and backyards... Not an open space and horizon with Ford Island at the background or Port apparatus/surroundings !

My best guess is that - for administrative or security reason, the Executive Producer was not granted acess to the military port (still under US NAVY jurisdiction) to settle the Limousine chase scene. So the Filming Team needed to make some takes somewhere in Honolulu suburbs. During film editing , they just split up the sequence between both group of takes. That is why there is no traveling or global sequence shot of it.

Any other idea ? :higgins:
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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#104 Post by K Hale »

It is indeed shot on location at the Pearl Harbor visitor center. And you do in fact see both Ford Island and the port apparatus!

I've been there twice and the area has changed GREATLY since this was filmed. Here are some comparison shots. Sorry these are a little large...

First, here is a shot of Rick and his limo in the parking lot. Behind Rick you can see some bushes that are at the end of a hill leading off to camera left.


Below is the modern Google street view from the parking lot. I can't get the camera to be in the same exact spot but this is close. The same hill is still there, but the bushes have been removed. That white building in the center of the photo and its small parking area are new.


Rick talking to the other limo driver. Behind the limo driver's back is the entrance to the parking area.


Same parking area entrance, between the white van and the red and white striped pole.


The two shots below are also real. That is the dock the tour boats leave from to visit the Arizona Memorial, visible in the distance to the left of the tour boat, and the land on the other side of it is Ford Island. The Navy ships are out of camera view to the left, so you don't see those. The concrete structure Magnum is running into in the second photo is the theater and museum.


Google view of the dock.


This area is NOT, however, visible from the parking area where Rick is! Magnum shouts to Rick, "Stop him!" and Rick is apparently able to see Magnum jumping off the tour boat, but this is impossible! Below, the red X in the parking lot is Rick. The green X at lower left is Magnum! But he's acting like Rick is right on the other side of the building!


Here the limo driver is about to get into his car. In upper right you can see two buildings. These buildings are still there.


The camera lens used in the show made the shot look very compressed, making the buildings look much closer than they are in real life. This Google street view is taken from across the highway in another parking area, not the one in the show. The two buildings can be seen in the center.


Cropped image of the two buildings as they look in the show:


Now here is where they might have gone off site. I cannot find that building nor remember seeing it there. Perhaps the whole thing was torn down and renovated some time after 1980? It seems weird that they would go off site for just this one brief shot.


EDITED TO ADD: I just saw your other post in the Rubber Chicken thread. That is definitely the same design as the Tree of Life sculpture, but that is a freestanding slab, not part of an elongated thing like we see in the show. It's standing by itself inside the complex, not next to a parking lot. And it's white, not beige. Could the modern Tree of Life be trimmed down (so to speak) from the original one that was by the parking lot? And this still doesn't explain the building in the show to the right of the old Tree of Life. Below is a photo of the TOL as it now stands. The theater is on the right, on the far side of those benches.


Here is a map showing the modern day Tree of Life location. Nowhere near a parking area. It's circled in green, not exactly where the red pointer is.


OK, back to the parking lot! Here the limo guy drives away...


...and here Rick is chasing after him. The parking lot has changed so greatly since then that at first I thought the actual car chase WAS filmed off site -- but it wasn't.


Magnum and Rick are about to get into their car. The car has not been moved, it shows the same background as before when it was verified as in the Pearl Harbor visitor center parking lot.


There is a fast cut to a closeup of the guys getting in the car. I thought this was the part where they switched to the "other" parking lot, but it isn't -- all elements/details of the ground are the same. Same manhole cover by the left front tire, same bits of trash/etc on the ground.


Magnum gives chase through the same parking lot as the limo guy.


Looking in the same direction Magnum went, this is the view today.

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Re: Lest We Forget (1.10)

#105 Post by Gorilla Mask »

Impressive investigation K. Hale ! :D Thanks for having dissipated this 'shadow zone' once for all :wink:

Since i never been (unfortunately :cry: ) there, it was really difficult to figure out if the sequence was filmed at the genuine place or not.

Again you made a very relevant point here and substantiate one of Napoléon Bonaparte's principles: " Every General battle plan is beaten by battlefield trial". There is nothing to replace knowledge on the field ! :wink:

However, regarding the last part of your post, if you consider the following image taken before 2010 (sorry for the mere quality):


then, this one, from 2004 (well before the major overhaul):


finally, this from 2019:


You may notice that the old parking lot seemed to have been scrapped (somewhat reduced in size ?)and moved westward in 2009/2010 at the benefit of the actual extended visitors complex. Futhermore, the previous Theater Pavilion was scrapped too, so the 1980 scene was probably filmed where Aloha Court is currently standing.

Also, as you noticed it: the Tree of Life seemed to have been moved and placed in a lone vertical slab. Its orientation has been altered too.

However Google Earth is not precise enough to certify it... :?
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