The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#121 Post by ENSHealy »

Hawaiian shirts: 1
Island Hopper shirts:
Body Count: 2 Henry, Makua
Shirtless: 2
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
Magnum injuries:
Higgins musings:
4th wall breaks: 1 TC 1 TM
Famous guest stars:
Magnumometer: 7

Potential magnumania usernames: Mabel Preston

Stray thoughts:

1. When Thomas arrives at the KKC and parks in D.L. Hart's parking space, he gets out of the Ferrari with an open mug of coffee. First, where was the coffee while he was driving, as it takes two hands to drive that thing and there are certainly no cup holders; and second, how did he not splash coffee all over the interior?
2. After walking in to the KKC with his coffee, TM proceeds to have a beer. A beer right after coffee? That sounds nasty! You would definitely need a palate cleanser before that beer.
3. I mentioned this in another thread, but Dollinger says he founded the club. Later we find out the club was founded in 1905. Dollinger is 80. Therefore he founded the club when he was 4 years old, apparently.
4. Dollinger says of the family land "But we didn't just own that land, we worked it. We dug it, planted, harvested, sugarcane, pineapple fields---all of it we did ourselves with good, honest work." They use two locations to represent "the club" in this episode. One is the Elks Club in Waikiki, the other I believe is a beach in Kahala. I'd be curious if someone with a good knowledge of the islands (paging Braddah Kimo...Braddah Kimo) would be able to verify if that land would have been in agricultural use in the first half of the 20th century.
5. Christine says that she'll have Thomas looking like a "frustrated private eye" but he doesn't bother to correct her.
6. The hospital paging fetish is on full display. We hear the following:

Dr. Dan Webb to O.R. One. Dr. Dan Webb.
Miriam Hara, you're wanted in X-ray. Miriam Hara.
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics. Jane Tordstrem
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics
Paging George Glubna. George Glubna
Ensign Healy
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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#122 Post by Stelth »

Don't page kimo a third time....he's like Beetlejuice.

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#123 Post by Shaneram36 »

love the black Hawaiian shirt you won't see it after this episode my guess is because of filming the brush fire scenes probably ruined the shirt.

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#124 Post by terryfromkerry »

Interesting observation. I often wondered if the shirt was perhaps deliberately "retired" following the tragic death of the camera-man Robert Vanderkar during shooting of Skin Deep. TS wore the black jungle bird shirt in Skin Deep. This of course is pure speculation on my part. "The Curse of the KKC " occurs 6 episodes later so I am probably way off. I too love the black shirt and intend to buy it soon. ... -found.php

BTW welcome to Magnum Mania bruddah !
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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#125 Post by Chris109 »

Hawaiian shirts: 1
Island Hopper shirts:
Body Count: 2 Henry, Makua
Shirtless: 2
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
Magnum injuries:
Higgins musings:
4th wall breaks: 1 TC 1 TM
Famous guest stars:
Magnumometer: 7

Potential magnumania usernames: Mabel Preston

Stray thoughts:

1. When Thomas arrives at the KKC and parks in D.L. Hart's parking space, he gets out of the Ferrari with an open mug of coffee. First, where was the coffee while he was driving, as it takes two hands to drive that thing and there are certainly no cup holders; and second, how did he not splash coffee all over the interior?
2. After walking in to the KKC with his coffee, TM proceeds to have a beer. A beer right after coffee? That sounds nasty! You would definitely need a palate cleanser before that beer.
3. I mentioned this in another thread, but Dollinger says he founded the club. Later we find out the club was founded in 1905. Dollinger is 80. Therefore he founded the club when he was 4 years old, apparently.
4. Dollinger says of the family land "But we didn't just own that land, we worked it. We dug it, planted, harvested, sugarcane, pineapple fields---all of it we did ourselves with good, honest work." They use two locations to represent "the club" in this episode. One is the Elks Club in Waikiki, the other I believe is a beach in Kahala. I'd be curious if someone with a good knowledge of the islands (paging Braddah Kimo...Braddah Kimo) would be able to verify if that land would have been in agricultural use in the first half of the 20th century.
5. Christine says that she'll have Thomas looking like a "frustrated private eye" but he doesn't bother to correct her.
6. The hospital paging fetish is on full display. We hear the following:

Dr. Dan Webb to O.R. One. Dr. Dan Webb.
Miriam Hara, you're wanted in X-ray. Miriam Hara.
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics. Jane Tordstrem
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics
Paging George Glubna. George Glubna
You forgot Charlie and his sexual assault against the bikini chick.


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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#126 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Chris109 wrote:
Hawaiian shirts: 1
Island Hopper shirts:
Body Count: 2 Henry, Makua
Shirtless: 2
Little Voice:
I know what you’re thinking:
When I write HTBAWCPI:
Investigator corrections:
Magnum injuries:
Higgins musings:
4th wall breaks: 1 TC 1 TM
Famous guest stars:
Magnumometer: 7

Potential magnumania usernames: Mabel Preston

Stray thoughts:

1. When Thomas arrives at the KKC and parks in D.L. Hart's parking space, he gets out of the Ferrari with an open mug of coffee. First, where was the coffee while he was driving, as it takes two hands to drive that thing and there are certainly no cup holders; and second, how did he not splash coffee all over the interior?
2. After walking in to the KKC with his coffee, TM proceeds to have a beer. A beer right after coffee? That sounds nasty! You would definitely need a palate cleanser before that beer.
3. I mentioned this in another thread, but Dollinger says he founded the club. Later we find out the club was founded in 1905. Dollinger is 80. Therefore he founded the club when he was 4 years old, apparently.
4. Dollinger says of the family land "But we didn't just own that land, we worked it. We dug it, planted, harvested, sugarcane, pineapple fields---all of it we did ourselves with good, honest work." They use two locations to represent "the club" in this episode. One is the Elks Club in Waikiki, the other I believe is a beach in Kahala. I'd be curious if someone with a good knowledge of the islands (paging Braddah Kimo...Braddah Kimo) would be able to verify if that land would have been in agricultural use in the first half of the 20th century.
5. Christine says that she'll have Thomas looking like a "frustrated private eye" but he doesn't bother to correct her.
6. The hospital paging fetish is on full display. We hear the following:

Dr. Dan Webb to O.R. One. Dr. Dan Webb.
Miriam Hara, you're wanted in X-ray. Miriam Hara.
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics. Jane Tordstrem
Jane Tordstrem to Obstetrics
Paging George Glubna. George Glubna
You forgot Charlie and his sexual assault against the bikini chick.

Chris 109,
I just went through every page on this thread to see if anyone else caught "Charlie"(actor Manu Tupou) groping the woman on the beach,
before I posted about it, as COZI just ran this episode.
So I get to the last post after a half hour of reading, read of your noticing too this slob's antics, and called you a very dirty name, LOL!
There is a infamous episode of Sea Hunt, "The Female". The stunt double for Lloyd Bridges throughout the
episode is constantly grabbing - when they are under water - the actress with him, pinching her nipple, cheap feels etc. Jay Leno, when
he was actually still funny early on as Tonite host, did a whole bit with out takes from this episode.
As we are more enlightened these days I don't think such doings would be mined for humor now.
And on Highway Patrol a very young Barbara Eden appears in the episode "Hostage Copter". As she is being dragged away
by two bad guys, low life slob actor Ray Quinn as 'Ted Ellis' grabs hold of Eden's breast and she knocks his hand away.
The crap women used to have to put up with back when is amazing.

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#127 Post by KingKC »

The crap women used to have to put up with back when is amazing.

Luther: From what I gather the crap women still have to put up with is amazing!

Beatnik Sheldon Epps (Alan Reed jr.): "May the Saxophone of Life blow you nothing but cool notes."
...The Beverly Hillbillies[/quote]

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#128 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

KingKC wrote:The crap women used to have to put up with back when is amazing.

Luther: From what I gather the crap women still have to put up with is amazing!
Beatnik Sheldon Epps (Alan Reed jr.): "May the Saxophone of Life blow you nothing but cool notes."
...The Beverly Hillbillies


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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#129 Post by Chris109 »

Luther's nephew Dobie wrote: So I get to the last post after a half hour of reading, read of your noticing too this slob's antics, and called you a very dirty name, LOL!
Just to clarify about your possible name-calling:

1. My mother was not a dog.
2. My parents were married when I was conceived.
3. It was always against my principles to have sex with a woman with kids.
4. My cranium is not made out of poop.
5. As for being a rectum opening? Depends on whom you ask.

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#130 Post by Luther's nephew Dobie »

Chris109 wrote:
Luther's nephew Dobie wrote: So I get to the last post after a half hour of reading, read of your noticing too this slob's antics, and called you a very dirty name, LOL!
Just to clarify about your possible name-calling:
1. My mother was not a dog.
2. My parents were married when I was conceived.
3. It was always against my principles to have sex with a woman with kids.
4. My cranium is not made out of poop.
5. As for being a rectum opening? Depends on whom you ask.
Perish the thought, I would never apply those terms to a fellow Magnum Maniac. However a insult inferring intimate knowledge of poultry did cross my mind, not in
the Pickwickian Sense but in the sense of the cult movie  "The Devil's Rejects." 
A friend made me watch that flick, I was repulsed at first. Then I caught on to what writer/producer Rob Zombie was up to, he is a serious student of the movies,
the movie reviewer character in it is brilliant, the winks to the Marx Brothers a treat for their fans.
Anyway there is the now infamous "Chicken Efer Scene" in the movie that for my money is one of the funniest (2 minutes of dialogue on buying a chicken) bits of
business I have seen in a long time.
  The bit can be seen on You Tube. After viewing it you will stick to Colonel Sanders, not roadside stands.
Clevon: We ain't never buyin' chickens from him again, boss!
Charlie Altamont: I know. I know.
Clevon: [to  Farmer Darrell] You inbred! Inbred!
...The Devils Rejects(2005)

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#131 Post by T.Q. »

Love this episode.

A lot of Hawaiian (old and new) to the the story.

Love the Hawaiian pidgin accents too.

Charlie, keep your hands to yourself Brah.

Rick was such a whiner. :P

And I love how little confidence Magnum had in his abilities. That changed over the course of the series a bit.
Knocking my rubber chicken or my sloppy habits is within the rules, but you're attacking my character. I would like to think you don't mean that.

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#132 Post by CMA107 »

Later, when they show TM braking the car, he's wearing Converse sneakers.
I noticed those on the CoziTV broadcast this afternoon. They aren't sneakers, they're turf shoes, similar to these.

I remember a few guys wearing them around like everyday shoes but most of us wore them for softball back then.

The Nike Field Generals were the most popular, pretty much based on this poster.

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Re: The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club (1.11)

#133 Post by Blackmamba »

I was very happy to catch MPI back on Hallmark Drama this weekend! I guess enough people complaining brought it over from Movies & Mysteries. Not that I can’t watch it elsewhere, but it became a routine after the lockdown 2 years ago, and I’m getting set in my ways in my advancing age!

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