My take on the movie...

For discussions about the long-rumored MPI movie

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My take on the movie...

#1 Post by Coops »

I've always felt that the series didn't get the ending it deserved but that also allows much room to be explored in a movie or mini-series.

I've heard Tom Selleck mention a few times that he doesn't like to "look back" although he seems to be, quit thankfully, interested in portraying Magnum again. And I think that's the angle that needs to be addresssed; not looking back and having regrets...and repercussions of neglecting one's past.

Regret is probably the hardest of all emotions to deal with and Magnum certainly liked to let water pass under the bridge on many things. I think that's the main reason why he reinstated his commission in the series finale. I sort of picture Magnum moving on with his Navy career and while not completely putting his P.I. past in the past he has most definitely moved on. I'd like to see the movie deal with this dynamic, that of Magnum finally addressing the emotions of what were probably the greatest 8 years of his life. How many friends have we all had that were very close, close as two people can platonically get, and have lost touch with them over the years? I have close friends from my time in the military that I haven't spoken to in over 2 decades. Yet they were, and still are, closer than any friends I currently have now.

I'd like to see like so many other people a Magnum retired in the D.C. area and being called back to Hawaii to deal with a mortally ill Higgins. To say goodbye and to talk about the respect they have for one another. Getting back in touch with T.C. and Rick, as well as others. That more than anything the importance of friends and family is paramount.

I'd like to see him maybe tour Hawaii with Lily and his son in law and grand kids or whatever the situation would be and show them his old haunts and how many things dictated his life and future. That this time period, that we all hold so dear and sacred, was also the best damn time in Magnum's life, and he admits as much.

In the end I'd like to see a real resolution, that of the things that need to be said. Things that need to be resolved. In his last breath, Higgins motions for Magnum to lean in to hear him softly whisper the answer to the question he's always wanted to hear...but is too soft for the audience to hear. Thus Magum knows who the real Robin Masters is and we are all left to it should be.

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#2 Post by Steve »

I sure love all of the movie ideas I have seen come from us fans. The only item I would add would be for Magnum to have lead a Special Naval Op's force back in '98 when we almost captured Osama Bin Laden. He would have lead the team and lost many of his men due to blunders from his superiors as they pondered too long, what to do. Of course, Magnum would have exploded about the Brass's indecision and resigned his commission. Perhaps then he could have gone into a funk for ten years and then reappears at The Estate due to.?????(take it from there)

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#3 Post by N1095A »

Ya' know everyone seems to prefer that TM left Hawaii when he went back to the Navy. While this is highly likely it is not definate. Hawaii of course has a large US Navy presence, and it is possible he may have stayed there. Coops brings up a point. I can remember a handful of friends who at various times in my life were close, and we've drifted apart over the years. Thomas was such a huge part in the lives of Rick, TC, and Higgins. It's simply hard for me to imagine what their lives must have been like in the following years if he weren't in Hawaii. It gives cause to ponder.

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#4 Post by IKnowWhatYoureThinking »

There are enough interesting ideas out there that something could be formulated. I too feel that Resolutions resolved nothing. There was a lot left open, not just for Magnum, but the rest of the cast as well. I also love Coops idea of Magnum finding out the true Robin Masters identity but it remaining a mystery to the rest of us.

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