Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

Rate, review & discuss the episodes from the eighth season

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#76 Post by eagle »

I'm watching this episode today too -- almost at the end of my first cycle through my DVDs -- and I really enjoyed this ep. I laughed at many places throughout.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#77 Post by K Hale »

DarCA wrote:I watched this episode again last night and had a smile on my face the entire time. I just love the way they did the spoof of Raiders of the Lost Ark - especially when Magnum kept naming the movie that Ridley-Smyth was acting out - and he never got the movie right. It's a 10 in my book.
I was a huge Indy fan as a kid (OK, and adult). I used to dislike this one a lot, but recently I've done a 180 and come to love it. Everyone is having such a great time, the dialogue is hilarious, the situations everyone gets into are so over the top, and finding all the little homages/spoofs is a lot of fun. So many small delights here. Rick in the Bogey outfit. Higgins in the trenchcoat and hat. Magnum's missing shoe. Magnum refusing to wear the hat and coat, then finally wearing them. All the fights. Rick on the rack. TC trying to catch up to the truck. Magnum and Connie walking into the frame after the big battle, then Higgins walking into the frame still holding his shoes. Just all of it. The whole thing is a lot of fun... it's now in my top 10 episodes. Seems like people either love this or hate it!
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#78 Post by Nifty911 »

dick butkus wrote:I am sorry, but I really didn't enjoy this episode very much. Maybe I had expected it to be more like the real Indiana Jones and Selleck would be more like Harrison Ford. I havenät seen this episode for years though, but I recall I didn't particularly liked it.
Wasn't it to much humour, too funny? Or am I wrong? I my memory deceived me?
But I do beleive though that Tom Selleck would have been an excellent Indiana Jones if he was to play that role like Spielberg wanted at first.
It's watchable but a little too outlandish. First time I saw this I was waiting for Magnum to wake up from a dream. Some of the lines from many characters seems intentionally "overly-dramatic".

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Re: Re:

#79 Post by Kevster »

Nifty911 wrote:
dick butkus wrote:I am sorry, but I really didn't enjoy this episode very much. Maybe I had expected it to be more like the real Indiana Jones and Selleck would be more like Harrison Ford. I havenät seen this episode for years though, but I recall I didn't particularly liked it.
Wasn't it to much humour, too funny? Or am I wrong? I my memory deceived me?
But I do beleive though that Tom Selleck would have been an excellent Indiana Jones if he was to play that role like Spielberg wanted at first.
It's watchable but a little too outlandish. First time I saw this I was waiting for Magnum to wake up from a dream. Some of the lines from many characters seems intentionally "overly-dramatic".
Have to agree a bit. It was supposed to be outlandish fantasy and fun, but it got a little too close to trite...

I think that Selleck may have been "less famous" and there would have been fewer sequels if he'd played Indiana Jones. I think the movie would have been successful, though maybe less so, but HF had the synergy of IJ and Star Wars that helped propel Raiders forward. That helped the movie. I doubt that MPI would have gone on all that long with TS having been in a hit movie like ROTLA. I also think that Spielberg's vision evolved with HF in the role, which likely helped the movie. I know I still have trouble watching the second one, which tells me that if Spielberg moved back a little towarrd the original vision with IJ&TOD, then the change of actor helped refine ROTLA...
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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#80 Post by brianw »

I remember hating this episode when I watched it originally. Watched some of it again this morning and still don't like it. They were really reaching by the time the show ended a few episodes later. I get the whole Raiders parody thing, but its just not funny to me. Also, there is only one Indiana Jones, and it isn't Tom Selleck. Sorry.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#81 Post by brianw »

Oh, also, I kept trying to remember where I had seen Margret Colin before, she was a hottie... I had to look it up though. She was in Independence Day!

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#82 Post by terryfromkerry »

Short video re TS & the Indiana Jones role that was almost his. We know the story of course but interesting comments from Stephen Spielberg & George Lucas, among others.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#83 Post by T.Q. »

An absurd episode.

I find it so cringeworthy.

Not even Magnum/Higgins interactions could save this episode.

Margaret Colin comes close though. :lol:


What would have been great was have Thomas deliver Connie to the airport in his Indy clothes and have Harrison Ford make a cameo walking through HNL airport and say nice outfit... Then a little 4th Wall action.
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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#84 Post by LZeitgeist »

Finally got to this episode in my rewatch of the series.

Absolutely horrid. And Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of my favorite films ever.

So very glad that TS was not cast as Indiana Jones - the films would have been comedies and would not have worked at all. Yes, TS can do serious acting, but Harrison Ford was so much better.

I'm glad they had fun, but I wish they had made a Magnum PI episode instead of some fanboy recreation that falls flat at every turn.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#85 Post by Bes »

I wouldn't blame Tom Selleck for the silliness of this episode (which I wasn't a fan of either on my lone watch so far). His Indy screentest is actually dead serious (arguably more so than Ford's take) and he is equally adept at drama as he is at comedy, as he had already proven countless times in Magnum PI itself.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#86 Post by usc1 »

I just re-watched this episode.

Man was it bad. I get that he was offered the part and it is an ode to Indiana Jones but everything was too contrived.

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#87 Post by 502-to-right »

This episode would only make sense if it was someone's dream (similar to Magnum's murder mystery dream in Murder by Night). I kept waiting for the punch line but it never came. As a dream this episode could have been celebrated as campy fun. Trying to play this off as a "real" episode was just stupid.

I liked Connie a lot though...

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Re: Legend of the Lost Art (8.10)

#88 Post by charybdis1966 »

Ugh - I thought after The love that lies it couldn’t get any worse but this one stunk to high heaven.
Perhaps I’m getting increasingly curmudgeonly in my old age as I didn’t enjoy any of this one.
Maybe a twenty something me would have liked this when it originally aired, but today ?
Just, no, no, no!

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