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The movie is just a bad idea......

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:53 pm
by frog480
I have to say I can't see the point, in a movie at all.

You can't turn Magnum into a proper hollywood film, it didn't work with Starsky and Hutch, or Miami Vice, same problem with Magnum.

Not enough of the 2007 cinema audience are that familiar with the show, it would be difficult to recreate that in a two hour film and tell a new story.

The original cast were great actors, thats

why Magnum has aged so well, I know in the nineties, Selleck wanted to do a movie, he might have pulled it off, but it would only have been an upgraded episode of the old show.

The only way forward is TV movies, with the old cast. Anything else won't carry the point or the charm into 2007.


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:19 pm
by J.J. Walters
I agree frog. TV movie with the original cast is the best possible outcome. Probably not going to happen though. :(

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:01 am
by frog480
I find my main problem is, I just can't see anybody else in the Magnum role.

Selleck played TM, as a very straight forward character, but now and again showing a little bit of what was behind the happy go lucky, surf skier.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:33 pm
by Jeffrey
Also a bad movie out of a serie is The Dukes of Hazzard movie!.. At least the orginal cast made 2 reunion movies!.. Great films...

So what we need is a orginal-cast tv movie. But like James sad,it's probetly not going to happen.

But, i think there is not coming a movie at all. On wikipedia they are telling, the movie will be out somewhere in 2008.. who is going to believe that :S .. I mean, they didn't cast anything jet...

My opinion: Orginal = Hot, New = Not!

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:30 pm
by Tiger308
In NO way shoud a movie be attempted without the original cast. Period.
There is tremendous potential for a very good film or TV movie, with a lot of references to all the details from the series, but without the original guys it would be a worthless joke.

Miami Vice movie?... well made but just not the real thing.
The Dukes of Hazzard movie?..Garbage.

Ask Steven whos' names were on the audition list for Indy's role in Indiana Jones part 4.

In a nutshell: No Tom, No Larry, No Roger, No John ...NO MOVIE

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:50 pm
by Shermy
I'm surprised Selleck never opted for a series of cable movies back in the 90's. As he's currently learning with the Jesse Stone films, this would've given him a lot more freedom to expand upon different creative ideas/plot threads.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:58 am
by MagnumPI_Cat
If it works, and they make one, I will see it, and then I will undoubtedly abuse it for a week!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:48 pm
by wilko
Ditto but the trend is to take 80's TV shows and old movies and redo them, which has been largely awful.

A movie with all the old cast members would have been the best thing but given the deaths of some of the main supporting cast and other reasons it will not happen. A Magnum PI movie done 10 yrs after the end of the series was the way to go.

Sadly Luther, Agatha, Kiki and Icepick are no longer with us.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:55 pm
by J.J. Walters
Yeah, the mid-90s would have been the perfect time to make a TV movie. Rockford did. Simon & Simon did. Magnum, sadly, did not. :cry:

At this point, I'm not even convinced a movie will EVER be made! This thing has been batted around for over 15 years now, with one casting rumor after another! We hear a rumor, then we wait 6-12 months for another, and another.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:34 am
by Nallop
I personally don't want those idiots in Hollywood a hold of my favorite program of all time. They just couldn't do it justice and no one can play Magnum but Selleck!! NOBODY!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:50 pm
by VM02
I for one think that the character of Thomas Magnum, even played by someone other than Mr. Selleck, could be the centerpiece of an outstanding movie. Consider an action/espionage movie set shortly after TM reups in the early 1990s, perhaps set in Eastern Europe, with a Bourne like feel to it.

I've said elsewhere on these boards that the real missed opportunity was the Tom Clancy thing.

However, I also believe, in accord with many posters on this thread, that even a well done Magnum PI movie trying to recreate a portion of the 8 years on Hawaii as a PI, already covered by the show, will miss the mark. If they try to make it too funny, we would wind up with another Dukes of Hazzard Movie debacle. The show itself was just to complex to lend itself to a single good movie.

That leads to my real fear about the movie. It seems like hollywood doesn't get what made Magnum PI popular. There a high probability that even a serious take on the show will miss. It wasn't a Hunk show, it wasn't really even a detective/crime show. It wasn't about the car. Hollywood didn't get Magnum at the time; (see all the copies- Matt Houston, Knight Rider--that lacked the depth and complezity of the show.) I don't think there much chance they'll figure it out now.

And sadly, I think we are past the point where the original actors reprise their role in any form.

At least We'll always have Paris...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:50 pm
by SelleckLover
I agree with you VM02...I think a present-day setting for a Magnum movie, if it is done right would be great. But it seems as if the "done right" part will be missing and I fear a "Starsky & Hutch" type treatment, and in that case I would prefer it just not be made. Or if it's made, I'd prefer not to go see it. JMHO! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:46 pm
by MPS
There may be one plus side to the movie, regardless of how bad it is, that I don't think anyone has brought up yet. A movie has the potential to introduce younger viewers (or younger than I am) to Magnum and perhaps to discover the show itself. If a movie is released and comparisons to the show are made, people may want to view the real thing. When considering this, perhaps the true spirit of MPI won't be lost on new viewers; only delayed for a while.

This is only a potential upside for the movie, but one can always hope....

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:13 pm
by Tanaka's Hat
Agree with MPS. The trend with remakes has almost been to make a parody of the original, more of less taking the mick, and turing it into a joke. Miami Vice tried to be too serious and essentially got lost up it's own backside (and not a whicker shoe in sight), Starsky and Hutch, was on ok movie in it's own right, but had no real connection to the series and was unbelievably over-acted. Also, there are no actors out there that could provide the right balance and knowing hollywood all they would do is shove a moustache on Ashton Kutcher.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 2:17 pm
by ConchRepublican
I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that if a Magnum movie is made, it will be with a new cast. I agree, the old cast would make a GREAT film, or series of cable TV movies, but I think the "value" of the name is too great, which is why, interestingly enough, it's been in limbo for so long. Magnum is a big name show, not an "All in the Family" icon in that way, but big enough that it's name recognition carries a lot of value, which = cash. At least to the suits in Hollywood. So it gets passed around with all this potential, but nothing gets done while smaller names, like Battlestar, get remade because there's less risk associated.

Considering what's out there, I think Matthew McConaughey is probably the best chance we have of holding the feel of the show. (Please, no Clooney or Cage, that would be a slap in the face to Thomas, the show in general and all of us) He's funny, in a wry kind of way, a fine serious actor as well (A Time to Kill?), and I think could pull off the fine line of comedy/drama that Selleck and the series walked so well.

Granted, I'm settling, trying to make the best of what's out there, but, hopefully, if I focus on Matt and modern remake, I'll be pleasantly surprised by either ~

A - they actually make a faithful adaption
B - they shock the heck out of me and bring back the original cast

As long as it's not a Miami Vice/Dukes of Hazzard/Starsky and Hutch adaption, please, God, don't let them do that to us!