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Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:01 pm
by Icepick
You are right, Matthew McConacooky really is not the greatest actor but what bothers me about him is his arrogant swagger. I think we would see his portrayal of TM(ooo...I think I just threw up in my mouth) with this predictable personality. I never liked him as an actor, especially after the sub movie, but having him in a MPI project is rubbing salt in the wounds.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:59 am
by Doc Ibold
Icepick wrote:You are right, Matthew McConacooky really is not the greatest actor but what bothers me about him is his arrogant swagger. I think we would see his portrayal of TM(ooo...I think I just threw up in my mouth) with this predictable personality. I never liked him as an actor, especially after the sub movie, but having him in a MPI project is rubbing salt in the wounds.
I'm reserving judgement on this one....

MM has a nice, casual charm which is what is necessary for the role. Is he perfect for the role? Probably not, but I don't think it'll be him who is the bad part of the movie.

He might surprise us. I'll wait until I see the movie. The movie might be terrible, but he might surprise you.

Could be worse, we could have some Nicholas Cage overacting.

Now, while I'm stoned by the forumites, let me defend my position.

Picture a legit candidate for the role (George Clooney). Can you REALLY see him being Magnum? I can't Magnum is quintessentially broke. scams off his friends and dresses really casually. Can you see Clooney pull that off? I can't. Its going to look like some Oceans Eleven smug, perfect character ripoff. If you want to get it right, you have Magnum wiping out while jumping over the lanai fence. You have him hurt after being hit. You make him fallable. I've never seen a Clooney movie where he was fallible. The secret to the Magnum character (in my opinion) is his shortcomings. MM has frequently played roles in which his shortcomings are evident, and he plays those of the character up. (See "How To Lose a Guy in 10 days" for a perfect example - girlfriend dragged me to it and I surprisingly ended up liking it, be cause the guy was REAL)

Now, MM, you can SEE as bumming off his friends, p!ssing off Higgins and having the c'est la vie lifestyle. Seriously, dye his hair, give a nice prosthetic stache and ditch the Texan accent, and you have a pretty decent Magnum.


1) I wholly admit to being skeptical about the whole thing in previous threads, but I've thought that it might not be totally terrible.
2) Yes, the original cast idea would be preferable, but we know it ain't gonna happen
3) While MM as Magnum is growing on me, the characters of Higgins and Rick worry me, esp the former. (Marky Mark could pull Rick off (but I doubt he'd take the role) and LL Cool J would make a great TC. Higgins, how do you pull off without JH? He's going to look like a prissy jerk throughout 3/4 of the movie because they aren't going to write the part correctly.

Stones away!


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:04 am
by Carmen
*loading my marshmallow gun - 3...2...1.... better run for cover Doc......*

but I have to admit you made some good points here
can`t believe I said that...
still there is just one and only Magnum...

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:21 pm
by golfmobile
Well, Matthew McC. could certainly do the Thomas Magnum annoying personality quirks -- I agree I can see that.

Clooney looked pretty rough/ragged in O, Brother, Where Art Thou? So I think he could pull off the scrubby, less than debonair. He certainly has the charming smile . . . .

If they do the movie, I think they will need a real Brit to be Higgins. William H. Macy is just NOT RIGHT! I still like someone's previous suggestion of Michael Caine, or Alan Rickman could be a great snippy, somewhat condescending Higgins.

But, again, we get the good ideas: the spikey-headed wieners make the movie.


P.S. Not that I'm ever likely to, but if I ever meet Brian Grazer, I hope I can refrain from saying, "Oh, yes, hello, nice to meet you, spikey-headed wiener." But that's just the sobriquet I associate with him now!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:08 pm
by tidal pool
Doc Ibold wrote:MM has a nice, casual charm. He might surprise us.
Hold on, TS! :mrgreen:


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:12 pm
by SelleckLover
I hate to say this, but I saw an interview with Ben Affleck this morning where he was in some foreign country, talking about a charitable cause, and he looked like he hadn't shaved in a while and he really looked like he could pull off the "Magnum look" quite easily. Now whether he has the acting chops or not I don't know...I'm not really a big Affleck fan, although I did enjoy him in that movie where he played a superhero (can't remember the name of that movie, dang it!). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is...that I think if they HAD to go with someone other than TS, I think Affleck could pull it off in the looks department! That's my story and I'm sticking to it LOL :D

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:14 pm
by MPS
Ben Affleck is the right physical type to play Magnum. He is 6'4" and has that dark wavy hair. He isn't a bad actor, although he has been in some really bad films. First saw him in Good Will Hunting where he was pretty good. Enjoyed seeing him in Dogma, where he played a bad angel, which was interesting. He was most Magnum-like in The Sum of All Fears. Not in the laid back way we all see TSM, but as a take-charge kinda guy. He was more the Magnum we see in the Viet Nam flashback scenes.

As for Matthew M....... He probably wouldn't have to act to play the laid-back Magnum. For years, the only stories about him or pictures that were shown had MM on the beach in Malibu, without a shirt, hanging out with Lance Armstrong and working out. This is our beloved TSM in between cases. As long as no one asks MM to do any acting at all, he could work :roll: :roll:

Trying to look at the positives, if Tom Selleck and the guys have truly been written off for the movie. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:24 pm
by Steve
Uuugh!!! Maybe it was the whole "Ben-iffer" thing a couple of years ago, but the guys acting has always been like nails on a chalkboard to me. Everytime I see him I have the scene from "Pearl Harbor" in my mind when he is shouting, "Danny get me to a damn Plane!".....Terrible!!!!! I say if not our beloved Tom Selleck, and since Colin Farrell already portrayed (IMHO) a great Sonny Crocket, my pick is still George Clooney. He seems to have that certain something that Tom had back in the eighties where he is loved by womwn and liked by men as well........

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:51 pm
by SelleckLover
Steve wrote:
Terrible!!!!! I say if not our beloved Tom Selleck, and since Colin Farrell already portrayed (IMHO) a great Sonny Crocket, my pick is still George Clooney.
Even though I don't really care for Clooney, I'd have to say I agree with you. He has the looks and the acting chops to pull it off. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:46 am
by SelleckLover
Here's a picture of my son with his grandmother. I'd say my son would make a pretty decent Thomas Magnum...OK, probably not, but a mother can dream can't she????? LOL


Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:17 pm
by tidal pool
For the record, I strongly oppose any movie that does not feature the original cast. BUT, if Hollywood insists on making a Magnum film, I think Clooney, Affleck, and McConaughey are all wrong. They are too well known and would not be believable as Magnum.

My choice would be Gerard Butler. He's handsome, well built, athletic, dark hair, tough, charming, correct age 38, and a darn good actor. Having said that, I am officially back to TS or NO MOVIE mode. :mrgreen:




Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:48 am
by Lily
There is only one Magnum, and if TS cant do the film, then it should be left.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:14 pm
by Coops
Lily wrote:There is only one Magnum, and if TS cant do the film, then it should be left.
Yep. There is only one Thomas Magnum, and his name is Tom Selleck.

Anything else is sacrilege.