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Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:50 pm
Magnum and Higgins must find Kumu when she's kidnapped by an injured man accused of killing his wife.


Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:53 pm
by Laohu
Guest Cast are Janel Parrish (Maleah), Dohn Norwood (Milo Rivers), Johnnie M. Purvis (Jake Iho), Ren Kinoshita (ER Doctor), Lee Anne Kuper (HPD Officer), Michael C. Crawford (Thug #1).

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:01 pm
by Laohu




Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:35 am
ROBIN-8 makes an appearance.....a Toyota Supra. Thomas tries to take off the mileage he put on Robin's new purchase by driving in circles while going in reverse.
ROBIN-6 (Range Rover) will need the interior hosed down from Milo River's blood.
We get a quick glimpse of the tidal pool in Waimanalo and a few shots of Rabbit Island.
Thomas swinging from the rigging of one boat to get to another boat that was speeding away was another one of those eye rolling moments :roll:....come on.
We learn Kumu's late husband cheated on her and had a child (a girl) with another woman. Kumu reaches out to the daughter after learning her mother passed away.
Thomas hitches a ride on the back of Higgin's horse when he runs out of petrol in the Ferrari.

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:40 am
by Luther's nephew Dobie
KENJI wrote:ROBIN-8 makes an appearance.....a Toyota Supra. Thomas tries to take off the mileage he put on Robin's new purchase by driving in circles while going in reverse.
ROBIN-6 (Range Rover) will need the interior hosed down from Milo River's blood.
We get a quick glimpse of the tidal pool in Waimanalo and a few shots of Rabbit Island.
Thomas swinging from the rigging of one boat to get to another boat that was speeding away was another one of those eye rolling moments :roll:....come on.
We learn Kumu's late husband cheated on her and had a child (a girl) with another woman. Kumu reaches out to the daughter after learning her mother passed away.
Thomas hitches a ride on the back of Higgin's horse when he runs out of petrol in the Ferrari.
Try as I might I can't find anything to mock or tear down in this episode, except, as you noted, Jay swinging on to the getaway boat.
Perdita is striking looking as she gallops down a beach in the opening scene. It looks like the producers have decided every episode should have an extended
shot of Higgins in motion, throwing a bone to all the teenage viewers watching and their fathers who are pretending to appreciate the scenery and not her.
The first few moments of the episode I had the volume off as I was on the phone, which allowed me to notice how the director was making interesting choices
in scene compositions. I'm guessing Lenkov wasn't around to gum up the works as he had to focus on the last gasps of Hawaii 5-0.
The series would greatly benefit if only Lenkov would defect to North Korea.
This episode isn't bad at all.

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:45 pm
Hi Dobie,

I agree the episode wasn't over the top like some (minus Tarzan swinging from boat to boat or was that Cheetah).
You had me laughing with the throwing the bone to all the teenage viewers watching and their fathers who are pretending to appreciate the scenery and not her...I'm sure it isn't hurting ratings. What's next........running on a beach like Bo Derek in 10?
I really do enjoy the actual Hawaiian scenery like the Pahonu tidal pool, Rabbit Island, beaches etc. that we see on occasion.....ok Dobie, Juliette too. :wink: The horseback scene where Higgins picks up Thomas has them inching closer to one another and in the next episode they go undercover as a couple holding hands......not sure if it will lead to anything down the road, but they seem to hinting that it could. I think Lenkov dropped the ball with the HFO finale...North Korea might be a good place for him, not sure if he would be accepted there either....joking. I didn't find this episode great, but I do like that they keep bringing in new cars into Robin's stable. The hinting of a possible relationship blossoming between the T&H is probably a good thing for this reboot to keep it going (sorry can throw up now). :wink:

It was funny in one scene near the beginning they had Kumu and Milo parked down around Waimanalo Beach and later on after driving for at least a half hour they didn't get far, as they were in the same location, just shot from a different direction. Makes sense for saving time setting up a scene etc. and it's always fun to spot the flubs.

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:36 am
by Luther's nephew Dobie
KENJI wrote:Hi Dobie,
I agree the episode wasn't over the top like some (minus Tarzan swinging from boat to boat or was that Cheetah).
You had me laughing with the throwing the bone to all the teenage viewers watching and their fathers who are pretending to appreciate the scenery and not her...I'm sure it isn't hurting ratings. What's next........running on a beach like Bo Derek in 10?
I really do enjoy the actual Hawaiian scenery like the Pahonu tidal pool, Rabbit Island, beaches etc. that we see on occasion.....ok Dobie, Juliette too. :wink: The horseback scene where Higgins picks up Thomas has them inching closer to one another and in the next episode they go undercover as a couple holding hands......not sure if it will lead to anything down the road, but they seem to hinting that it could. I think Lenkov dropped the ball with the HFO finale...North Korea might be a good place for him, not sure if he would be accepted there either....joking. I didn't find this episode great, but I do like that they keep bringing in new cars into Robin's stable. The hinting of a possible relationship blossoming between the T&H is probably a good thing for this reboot to keep it going (sorry can throw up now). :wink:
It was funny in one scene near the beginning they had Kumu and Milo parked down around Waimanalo Beach and later on after driving for at least a half hour they didn't get far, as they were in the same location, just shot from a different direction. Makes sense for saving time setting up a scene etc. and it's always fun to spot the flubs.
I agree with you on the future romance between the leads, plus with the creation of their PI firm(and the possible addition of the H5-0 cast members who appeared
on MPI earlier) it looks more and more like the first season premise is going to be junked. The stupid firefights and clumsy appeals to our patriotism through the
over the top never ending emphasis on their military service - they are trying to put that past behind them! - just wasn't working.
Levkov made a huge tactical error by trying to clone Classic Magnum(he ain't good enough to do so) and thereby annoying we lovers of the original, which caught
lighting in a bottle with it's cast.
It should have been made different enough from the get go so we could appreciate it on it's own questionable merits, without constantly comparing it to what Selleck
and crew would have done.
The little thug Korean dictator has in the past kidnapped actors, writers and producers that he has liked from other nations(Japan). Now I certainly wouldn't endorse
him putting the snatch on Lenkov, but if he disappears and suddenly "AK-47 PI" is a TV hit above the DMZ, I won't shed a tear.
Kenji, going by your knowledge of Waimanalo Beach, are you a Hawaii resident?

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:13 pm
by Higgins (aka Bondtoys)
I‘ve very much enjoyed this episode, particularly the Kumu storyline.

I may put my image as a non- critical Reboot-Fanboy at risk, but Milo(w)‘s monologues have been far too long.
And the plug for the Toyota Supra was too obvious and got annoying after half.

We should name this episode the Supra-show and everybody will know what we are talking about.
That aside, I doubt that Robin with his collection would add a Supra to his stable. Not convincing.

Btw. The Tarzan move did not bother me - much better than if he‘s jumped on that boat the conventional way.

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:11 pm
by Steve
Higgins (aka Bondtoys) wrote:I‘ve very much enjoyed this episode, particularly the Kumu storyline.

I may put my image as a non- critical Reboot-Fanboy at risk, but Milo(w)‘s monologues have been far too long.
And the plug for the Toyota Supra was too obvious and got annoying after half.

We should name this episode the Supra-show and everybody will know what we are talking about.
That aside, I doubt that Robin with his collection would add a Supra to his stable. Not convincing.

Btw. The Tarzan move did not bother me - much better than if he‘s jumped on that boat the conventional way.
I like that, The Supra show........I thought the show was okay and had a good ol' belly laugh when Thomas was hooting and hollering driving in circles in reverse at the end. It as indeed product placement but that is one sweet car that might have the tuner car crowd tuning in plus the original Supra is one of the most sought after cars in the world....

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:16 am
by Laohu

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 6:26 pm
Luther's nephew Dobie wrote:
KENJI wrote:Hi Dobie,
I agree the episode wasn't over the top like some (minus Tarzan swinging from boat to boat or was that Cheetah).
You had me laughing with the throwing the bone to all the teenage viewers watching and their fathers who are pretending to appreciate the scenery and not her...I'm sure it isn't hurting ratings. What's next........running on a beach like Bo Derek in 10?
I really do enjoy the actual Hawaiian scenery like the Pahonu tidal pool, Rabbit Island, beaches etc. that we see on occasion.....ok Dobie, Juliette too. :wink: The horseback scene where Higgins picks up Thomas has them inching closer to one another and in the next episode they go undercover as a couple holding hands......not sure if it will lead to anything down the road, but they seem to hinting that it could. I think Lenkov dropped the ball with the HFO finale...North Korea might be a good place for him, not sure if he would be accepted there either....joking. I didn't find this episode great, but I do like that they keep bringing in new cars into Robin's stable. The hinting of a possible relationship blossoming between the T&H is probably a good thing for this reboot to keep it going (sorry can throw up now). :wink:
It was funny in one scene near the beginning they had Kumu and Milo parked down around Waimanalo Beach and later on after driving for at least a half hour they didn't get far, as they were in the same location, just shot from a different direction. Makes sense for saving time setting up a scene etc. and it's always fun to spot the flubs.
I agree with you on the future romance between the leads, plus with the creation of their PI firm(and the possible addition of the H5-0 cast members who appeared
on MPI earlier) it looks more and more like the first season premise is going to be junked. The stupid firefights and clumsy appeals to our patriotism through the
over the top never ending emphasis on their military service - they are trying to put that past behind them! - just wasn't working.
Levkov made a huge tactical error by trying to clone Classic Magnum(he ain't good enough to do so) and thereby annoying we lovers of the original, which caught
lighting in a bottle with it's cast.
It should have been made different enough from the get go so we could appreciate it on it's own questionable merits, without constantly comparing it to what Selleck
and crew would have done.
The little thug Korean dictator has in the past kidnapped actors, writers and producers that he has liked from other nations(Japan). Now I certainly wouldn't endorse
him putting the snatch on Lenkov, but if he disappears and suddenly "AK-47 PI" is a TV hit above the DMZ, I won't shed a tear.
Kenji, going by your knowledge of Waimanalo Beach, are you a Hawaii resident?
Hi Dobie,

I'm not a Hawaiian day. :wink:
I've just been fortunate to travel to Hawaii enough that certain locations etc. like W.B. become easy to spot.

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:25 pm
Here is our first look at the ROBIN-8 Supra.

I'm guessing it will be the only episode with it in the show.

Any suggestions for the next car they should add to Robin's other stable?

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:29 pm
Luther's nephew Dobie wrote:
KENJI wrote:ROBIN-8 makes an appearance.....a Toyota Supra. Thomas tries to take off the mileage he put on Robin's new purchase by driving in circles while going in reverse.
ROBIN-6 (Range Rover) will need the interior hosed down from Milo River's blood.
We get a quick glimpse of the tidal pool in Waimanalo and a few shots of Rabbit Island.
Thomas swinging from the rigging of one boat to get to another boat that was speeding away was another one of those eye rolling moments :roll:....come on.
We learn Kumu's late husband cheated on her and had a child (a girl) with another woman. Kumu reaches out to the daughter after learning her mother passed away.
Thomas hitches a ride on the back of Higgin's horse when he runs out of petrol in the Ferrari.
Try as I might I can't find anything to mock or tear down in this episode, except, as you noted, Jay swinging on to the getaway boat.
Perdita is striking looking as she gallops down a beach in the opening scene. It looks like the producers have decided every episode should have an extended
shot of Higgins in motion, throwing a bone to all the teenage viewers watching and their fathers who are pretending to appreciate the scenery and not her.
The first few moments of the episode I had the volume off as I was on the phone, which allowed me to notice how the director was making interesting choices
in scene compositions. I'm guessing Lenkov wasn't around to gum up the works as he had to focus on the last gasps of Hawaii 5-0.
The series would greatly benefit if only Lenkov would defect to North Korea.
This episode isn't bad at all.
Here you go Dobie.......the Juliette / galloping horse opening scene. :wink:

Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:38 pm
by T.Q.
This show still on? :shock:


Re: Season 2 Episode 15: Say Hello to Your Past (2.15)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:27 am
by Luther's nephew Dobie
KENJI wrote:[quote

Here you go Dobie.......the Juliette / galloping horse opening scene. :wink:
Thank you Kenji.