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Forum shock!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:31 pm
by ConchRepublican
I click my Magnum-Mania bookmark for my lunchtime perusal and ACK! I feel like Bill the Cat sounds!

Scared the crap out of me, I thought our favorite forums bit the dust . . . thankfully, rational investigative thought took over. I went to the main MM page then clicked through to forums again . . . same new view then the "I got him" moment to the lads . . . this migration was made due to the Chrome issues . . . :magnum:


Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:52 pm
by Steve
Is that what is going on.........I was seeing posts in different language script for a while and had to re-register............

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:04 pm
by Doc Ibold
I'm assuming so, I think we had a few spammers on here for a little bit.. Some of which was in a different script.

Looks like James got it cleared up!

I like the new layout. Sometimes change is good!

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:00 am
by 308GUY
I thought my puter got "hacked"! Different layout/presentation alltogether. The coloful logo at the top of the page is gone and there is "phpbb" up in the left corner?

Is this a planned change, or did something happen to force it? Had to relog in when never had to in the past. Can't click at the middle top of the page anymore to go to the website, but I have the forum accessed from my desktop, so I guess that's my doing just on my machine.

At any rate, just curious as to what's up and why/how/when the change happened?

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:24 am
by Styles Bitchley
James must be too busy working on the upgrade to respond. I like the new layout though. The buttons are all appearing and I find it it noticeably faster...maybe it's just my internet connection today.

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:16 pm
by J.J. Walters
I finally got around to upgrading the forum software. We went from 2.something to 3.0.11. A big change. Long overdue.

I'm having some issues with the banner. Should have them resolved soon.

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:41 pm
by Styles Bitchley
Awesome James. Thanks so much for your hard and benevolent work on this great site. Might be worth noting that the search function doesn't seem to be working since the upgrade.

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:43 pm
by 308GUY
Glad to hear it's planned drill! I have NO doubt it will be even better when things are buttoned up and the dust settles.

Great work J.J.! :magnum:

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:04 am
by ConchRepublican
Thanks for all your hard work in front and behind the curtain JJ!

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:31 am
by Danno
JJ, if you need the banner resized or formatted or anything like that, I've still got the original files around somewhere.

Also- I note there are Google and Bing bots on the forum now? What the...?

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:21 am
by 308GUY
Great! The banner's back! :D

I noticed the "bots" too, not sure what to make of it?

Also noticed the member count is lower than it was before the facelift, wondered about that too.

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:26 am
by J.J. Walters
Ok, I've fixed the banner and re-indexed the search. Now I just need to reimplement a second authorization code so these damn spambots will stop registering and posting their spam*! Right now I have to manually authorize every new user (ugh). The way I did it before doesn't work in this newer version of phpBB (and the authorization codes that comes with the forum code -- the spambot countermeasures as they call them -- are apparently breakable by every damn spambot out there! Seriously, as soon as the forum software updated there were dozens of spambots registering and logging in. I guess they just sit there in the ether of the internet, waiting for a new forum (or upgraded one) to come online and then - wham! - they pounce! It's pathetic! I'm so sick of spam! Spambots! Email spam! Mailbox spam! Enough!

* Google and Bing are friendly search bots. They're ok. They can stay. The rest can go to.... ;)

I need a beer now. Where's my beer! :magnum:

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:49 am
by 308GUY
J.J. if you ever get near exit 1 on I77 in Ohio, I'll gladly buy you a beer, an Old Dueseldorf in a long neck, if we can find one! :lol:

You'd think that the folks who are skilled enough to write stuff like the "bot" programs, would find something more usefull to hone their talents on. I think those who write stuff like that and viruses (sp?) should be slow roasted on an open pit :!:

But then ole' Al Gore didn't consult me before he invented the internet! :lol:

Forum is looking great to me...take a break...have that earned it!

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:41 am
by Styles Bitchley
Yep. Looking awesome. Something else I noticed is that I have to log in every time I visit - didn't have to do that in the last version once I had logged in and revisited using the same browser. [EDIT: I hadn't ticked the little box to keep me logged in, which I guess I had to do again. Working fine now.]

Re: Forum shock!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:13 am
by Styles Bitchley
A couple more bugs I noticed
- links do not open in new tabs like before (i.e., they take you away from the forum.
- posting a "reply" in the episode threads gives you (at least me) a text only box to type in (i.e., none of the formatting buttons are there and it doesn't recognize any html codes for links, etc.)

BTW, I'm not complaining - just trying to be helpful!