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Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:45 pm
by N1095A
So my wife was watching the Dog marathon yesterday, and while I consider those guys only slightly above the criminals they catch, I watched because they're in Hawaii. As I said before, It is a way to see what Oahu looks like today as compared to the 80s. Anyway, two things stood out from an episode. First, they drove past the MPI courthouse building which I believe is actually City Hall. and secondly, They were in Waimanalo , so when they said their "fugetive " was hiding out there I thought they might drive past the estate. I was shocked to see the section of Waimanalo they were in looked much like the area I live in in Florida. not a nice neighborhood at all. I guess it really does matter what side of the road you live on.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:06 pm
by Frodoleader
Wasn't he thrown in jail in Mexico recently?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:24 pm
by N1095A
Frodoleader wrote:Wasn't he thrown in jail in Mexico recently?
Just goes to show he isn't much better than the people he catches. I guess charges were dropped on the Mexico case, or they worked something out. I know it made news when U.S. Marshals came to his house and arrested him and some of his sons. I guess the whole thing was that in Mexico bounty hunters are illegal, and he went into Mexico to catch some serial rapist.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:02 am
by Frodoleader
Now lets consider this: If MPI were still in production, or if Dog was doing his bounty hunting stuff back in the mid-80's when MPI was actually in production, could you just see some sort of cameo appearance by Dog on an episode with TM and the gang? Maybe TM could show him how capturing felons is really done!
Or maybe it would be a little too low-brow for MPI? :shock:

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:48 am
by N1095A
Frodoleader wrote:Now lets consider this: If MPI were still in production, or if Dog was doing his bounty hunting stuff back in the mid-80's when MPI was actually in production, could you just see some sort of cameo appearance by Dog on an episode with TM and the gang? Maybe TM could show him how capturing felons is really done!
Or maybe it would be a little too low-brow for MPI? :shock:
Nah, I think they'd have done it. At least with a look-alike. Maybe have TM see him leaving the police station as he was entering, then [TM] look into the camera with a suprised expression.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 12:48 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
I think they could've made a decent script out of a story line with a bounty hunter involved.