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Discuss Riptide here!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:00 am
by lutherhgillis
What's to discuss? :lol: :lol: :lol:

To quote Father Patty McGuiness, "Forgive me, sometimes I cannot help meself."

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:15 am
by J.J. Walters
"Boz" and "The Roboz" were really the only things the show had going for it. Perry King and Joe Penny were ok, I guess, but nothing special. Would love to catch a few episodes today to see what kind of computer hacking techniques Boz used.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:38 pm
by lutherhgillis
I would bet you they used a 2400 baud modem to connect to the mainframe!

I worked for one of the cellular telephone pioneering companies way back in the early 90s. We had dialup lines that would connect at 2400 and give you $prompt access to the company's mainframe with NO security whatsoever!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it to this day. With $ access, you could do anything you wanted to do to the mainframe.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:04 am
by Frodoleader
Saw Joe Penny on an episode of Cold Case recently.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:10 am
by N1095A
James J. Walters wrote:"Boz" and "The Roboz" were really the only things the show had going for it...
You forgot the Screaming Mimi.
Believe it or not she is still flying for Summit Helicopters Inc. in Los Angeles.
Looks like she got a new paint job, and N-number.

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:56 pm
by lutherhgillis
Cool info N.

On another subject, I wonder if there will be a Riptide movie.... :lol:
I'm sorry, sometimes I cannot help meself...

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:24 pm
by Jay-Firestorm
I actually liked 'Riptide'. Okay, so it had elements of an MPI-ripoff in places, but it actually had it's good moments. I wish shows like that were around nowadays. The third season wasn't much to write home about, but I actually like the first two.

Here in the UK, Channel 5 broadcast the series in a graveyard slot of 3:50 am on Saturday nights / Sunday morning (although curiously they never showed the pilot). The first couple I set my VCR for, but most of them I stayed up to watch (and record) live.
Also as it was a graveyard slot, the episodes were seldom edited for time, and often played right through without a single commerical break.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:32 pm
by ConchRepublican
Jay-Firestorm wrote:I actually liked 'Riptide'. Okay, so it had elements of an MPI-ripoff in places, but it actually had it's good moments. I wish shows like that were around nowadays. The third season wasn't much to write home about, but I actually like the first two.

Here in the UK, Channel 5 broadcast the series in a graveyard slot of 3:50 am on Saturday nights / Sunday morning (although curiously they never showed the pilot). The first couple I set my VCR for, but most of them I stayed up to watch (and record) live.
Also as it was a graveyard slot, the episodes were seldom edited for time, and often played right through without a single commerical break.
I agree. I kinda liked it too, althought I don't know what I'd think of it now.

I thought it was quirky and fun. Not Magnum, but what is?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:06 pm
by Styles Bitchley
I still remember a scene where Boz injected some sort of liquid into a lock and pulled out a proper key once it had hardened. As a kid, I thought that was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen!

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:51 pm
by ConchRepublican
After having run through the Magnum series I'm a bit nostalgic for the 80's "simple" PI shows where not everything revolved around the CSI science teams to find the fiber that will nail the bad guy.

I took a look at the Riptide pilot on youtube and you know? It's pretty decent escapist fun. It's not trying to be Shakespeare and seems to be having fun with itself while paying attention to the little things.

For example - the guys are flying the Mimi it to get Boz out of a surrounded office building and Cody (Perry King) grabs some black duct tape to change the numbers on the helicopters tail. Now the fact there aren't many pink Sikorsky helicopters with a face on the nose flying around Southern Cali is one thing, but it was a little thing that made me chuckle.

I think I'll be investing in the 1st season DVD set . . . there are worse things than $15.00 that Amazon is charging I can waste money on.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:04 am
by AmandaByNight
I'm a huge fan of Riptide. While I enjoyed it in the 80s, it wasn't until I picked up the DVDs about 2 or 3 years ago that I really fell in love with it.

It's definitely a riff on Magnum (but double the machismo!) and it lacks a bit in that department, in the respect that it doesn't have the same depth or consistency to the characters. However, the chemistry between the three lead men (who I believe remained good friends) is apparent and the humor is spectacular. I love all of the actors and the way they work together. It really sets the show apart from so many others.

That said, I'm a Boz girl. Ever since I 1st saw Riptide, I thought Thom Bray was adorable. I love machismo, but nerds are great too! :)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:29 pm
by Seaver41
correct me if wrong, but I believe this was an NBC production back in the day? I watched some, but it never was a regular for me. What night was it on? Always thought Perry King was a pretty good actor.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:18 am
by StarchedUndershirts
Seaver41 wrote:correct me if wrong, but I believe this was an NBC production back in the day? I watched some, but it never was a regular for me. What night was it on? Always thought Perry King was a pretty good actor.
I believe it was an NBC show. I never watched it on NBC, but USA used to show re-runs after it was cancelled (Just like Miami Vice which was also an NBC show).

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:33 am
by J.J. Walters
It was indeed on NBC. I would really love to see Riptide again. It's been so long!

I was just looking through some episodes on the IMDB and noticed that the great Anne Francis played "Mama Jo" on several early Riptide episodes. Anybody remember who "Mama Jo" was? I don't remember seeing Anne Francis in any episodes, so I must have missed some from the first season. Or maybe I did and just forgot! But I think I would have remembered seeing Anne Francis!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:20 am
by Styles Bitchley
AmandaByNight wrote:That said, I'm a Boz girl. Ever since I 1st saw Riptide, I thought Thom Bray was adorable.

What ever happened to the nerdy nerd we all knew in the 80s? All the geeks these days are cool!