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Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:27 pm
by Seaver41
last I heard they were negotiating her return with allowances for her medical condition. Execs were scsred she was on drugs and wanted to remove the problem, but turns out she has legit condition.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:15 am
by Agatha
Hi, guys!! :)

I haven't posted in a hundred years but decided to weigh in on Blue Bloods tonight.

As some of you know, I don't have a TV so had to wait until Season 1 came out on DVD and I could NetFlix it. Fun to read through the thread and hear you trying to decide about the series as it unfolded. I, on the other hand, got to "fast forward" through the season so my uncertainty about the first few episodes was short lived and now...I LOVE IT!! Although I have to admit that Tom Selleck has never done ANYTHING that I didn't love...well, maybe Terminal Island...:)

The last disc in Season 2 had some extra interviews with producers, cast, crew, etc. Over and over they all talked about how the series will focus on developing the characters with the police procedural angle taking less of the spot light as time goes along...and they're certainly expecting that time will go along. As several of you noted, they're cleaning up in the Friday night ratings, which is usually "the place elephants go to die." They also feel...and I agree...that they have the quality of cast to do just about anything they want! So I'm ready for Season 3!!



Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:03 am
by Jake
I have been a periodic watcher of Blue Bloods and I dont seem to recall ever hearing the backstory on how Franks wife died and I am curious. If it has been brought up on the show I guess it was one of the episodes I missed. If anyone can shed some light I would appreciate it.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:48 pm
by Agatha
'Morning, Jake!

You didn't miss anything. There hasn't been a back story about Mary's death. They started with a back story about Joe's death...the son who was a police officer...but nothing about Mary except that she's gone. Maybe that back story is on the back burner for a futrue episode...???

They've involved Frank with a couple of different women (Including "Connie" from Raiders of the Lost Art, a Magnum episode!)...but nothing serious yet. If he would get serious about someone, it would be a perfect time to go back and deal with Mary's death as he moves forward.

We'll see...

Hope you're having a great day, Jake!!


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:09 pm
by sophia
Hi, guys.
Frank did mention Mary died of cancer, when speaking to the young man who won the contest to spend a day with him.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:22 am
by Jake
Thanks Agatha & Sophia. I wondered if they were leaving it open for a future storyline, but I guess not.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:09 am
by MagnumsLeftShoulder
There was a Magnum reference on tonight's episode. Frank's secretary (or whatever she is) brought him a "cheeseburger-plain."

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:02 am
by Seaver41
it would appear Esposito is done.........they are trying out new partners, but Jennifer keeps running her mouth about how she was treated unfairly. Can't see that ending least not for now and if they partner Danny with someone the audience likes, buh bye.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:47 am
by Steve
Seaver41 wrote:it would appear Esposito is done.........they are trying out new partners, but Jennifer keeps running her mouth about how she was treated unfairly. Can't see that ending least not for now and if they partner Danny with someone the audience likes, buh bye.
That's too bad, I loved the dynamic of the partnership between Espositio and Wahlberg. She oozed Brooklyn/New York attitude and there always seemed to be an incredible chemistry between the two that both held in bay. There could have been some intersting story lines (like when Jennifer went undercover as an escort and Danny saved her at the last minute).

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:20 pm
by ConchRepublican
I really like Jennifer Esposito's character on the show. She fit really well with Donnie Wahlberg and their chemistry was excellent. She added a . . . smoldering if you will . . . to the show. She wasn't set up overly sexy, but it came through.

I was concerned initially about her departure and perhaps it had to do with Jennifer herself (she seemed to be in and out of a lot of shows in the past starting with Spin City). Then I heard about the Celiac's and felt bad for her and hoped they could work things out.

Now I read about her comments about the Megan Boone addition/audition ... "CBS got rid of the only minority cast member so they can have an ALL WHITE CAST like CSI.". and I'm back to concerned.

She's of Italian descent According to her Wikipedia page, unless she's talking about the character?

Since I know Wikipedia isn't always the best research resource I went to
Personal Quote: [on her ethnic background] Well, I'm Italian, but my family isn't stereotypical. I mean, I only have one sister and we don't yell or throw pasta at each other. My mother doesn't even have a secret spaghetti sauce recipe

There's something amiss at the Circle K . . .

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:30 pm
by Steve
Since the departure of Esposito I have lost some interest and occasionally miss an episode, however, I highly recommend watching the last twenty seconds of last nights episode (2-8-13). I will not spoil anything other than to say that it shows exactly what I love about Selleck and have said since the Magnum,pi days, he can tear your heart apart without uttering a single word. With the slightest of facial expressions he can do more than many actors would need a page of dialogue to convey.......

Re: Blue Bloods on CBS

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:32 am
by MagnumILWU
New season starts tonight! I remember when Blue Bloods premiered. All the hype was on Hawaii Five-O! Now they have moved it to Friday nights, a led-in for Blue Bloods! Not because Blue Bloods needs help, I believe they did this to try and help Hawaii Five-O!

Re: Blue Bloods on CBS

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:06 pm
by Steve
I DVR'd it to watch later but did catch the first 15 minutes last night. I still think Donnie Wahlberg is one of the best actors on a series right now. It's a shame there are so many good shows on with many great actors causing many performances to get lost in the woods at awards time.............

Re: Blue Bloods on CBS -- Selleck on "Letterman"

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:54 pm
by golfmobile
Anyone see this one? There may be a mention of it elsewhere on the Forums, but I tried here first because he was on the show due to the BB connection. Interesting talk re his new dog, MPI story re Sinatra, a couple of goofy MPI laughs (well, I guess they're really Selleck laughs). But he sure looks physically uncomfortable sitting there, constantly adjusting position, tugging on his clothes -- something sure seemed to be chafing . . . . .


Re: Blue Bloods on CBS -- Selleck on "Letterman"

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:30 am
by Doc Ibold
golfmobile wrote:Anyone see this one? There may be a mention of it elsewhere on the Forums, but I tried here first because he was on the show due to the BB connection. Interesting talk re his new dog, MPI story re Sinatra, a couple of goofy MPI laughs (well, I guess they're really Selleck laughs). But he sure looks physically uncomfortable sitting there, constantly adjusting position, tugging on his clothes -- something sure seemed to be chafing . . . . .
