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Golf at Ko'olau

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:10 am
by golfmobile
I just tonight found this picture on Larry's camera. Since I am such a bad golfer, I thought this was a pretty good picture of my form on this ONE shot. I do make them occasionally . . . . just not often enough!



Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:48 am
by IslandHopper
Looks like a great swing Golf. Nice finish. I have about 4 rolls of film from Ko'olau GC. Beautiful course.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:50 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
I feel very confident in saying I am the worst golfer on this board! I don't think I have ever hit a tee shot without slicing it!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:47 pm
by MPS
IKWYT, I'm not sure itf I beat you as the worst golfer on the board, but I may. I have never even held a regulation golf club. I have been on a golf course twwo or three times in my life, if that counts. :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:01 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
I'm sure you could still beat me. I am really bad! I never keep score. I just go out and hit it around every now and them for a little entertainment.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:18 am
by golfmobile
I can't remember the exact quote, but it's something to the effect that golf is one of the two things in life you don't have to be good at to enjoy.

Larry taught me golf about 13 years ago, and I still rarely break 100 -- I consider it a good day when I do -- and once I actually, really and truly broke 90! Well, in fact, I broke it one day when not playing with Larry and he didn't believe me, so when I took him back to that course, I managed to do it again. Must have been a good week -- my only one -- I haven't done it since.

I don't know why I enjoy playing so much when I'm so lousy at it. I guess I just always think I'm going to do well because I can get a good shot every now and then (that's when Larry says, "Where the H*** did THAT come from?"). I usually have a very good drive (Larry has finally conceded that my drive is consistently good -- and more reliable than his, so let's give him credit for that. But then what other husband who plays golf has a wife who wants to play MORE than he does?), and then it goes downhill from there. And if I get par on the first hole, well, that becomes the Hole of Doom which will destroy the rest of my game. I'd rather start with a double bogey so I at least have some hope of doing better.

Well, it's good exercise (Larry always drives the cart to HIS ball, which isn't anywhere near the fairway, because MINE is in the middle of the fairway and his is off in the woods somewhere . . . . .) so I have to go hiking to mine, and I enjoy being out in the fresh air. And it keeps my strength up to have to lug that golf bag full of golf balls and Diet Cokes (and little airplane bottles of rum!) from the car to the cart. Of course, the bag is always a lot lighter coming OFF the course (lost half the balls and drank all the liquids!).

Regardless of skill, I still hope I'm out playing golf when I'm as old as Bob Hope was for his last efforts (I think he was over 90 when he last played -- oh, lordy, I've got 30 more years of bad golf to play????)

Sorry! I could talk about golf almost as much as I can talk about MPI!


Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:37 am
by SelleckLover
Nope...I've got everyone beat all hollow as the worst at golf. I generally really SUCK at ANY kind of sports because I detest them so much! I really don't see the point of sports, and no amount of explaining it to me helps. Don't tell anyone, but last weekend I did play some sports at someone's house on their Wii game thingy. I actually did quite well at bowling (I guess that's a sport), having never bowled in my life! I bowled a 174 my first game!!!! Go figure! I actually enjoyed myself, but I think it must have been beginners luck! :shock: :D

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:47 am
by J.J. Walters
Nice follow through!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:55 am
by Carmen
Is this a competition? I`ve never been on a golf course, because it`s not very popular here and very, very expensive. :?
SL, playing WII sports does count I think, it can be a pretty good workout.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:08 pm
by golfmobile
Okay, there's going to be a golf tournament at First Annual Magnum Mania Convention!


Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:10 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
If the loser buys the first round you guys will be drinking on me!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:33 pm
by MPS
I'm still thinking that I'll be the one buying those drinks. Maybe those of us who never get past the first hole, can split the tab. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:48 pm
by Steve
golfmobile wrote:Okay, there's going to be a golf tournament at First Annual Magnum Mania Convention!

Count me in as I have a beezer of a time breaking 100 as well. The sad thing is when I was in College, I would play with my friends almost everyday in the Summer and got pretty good. Unfortunately when I decided to take the sport back up about 7 years ago, I just didn't carry over any of that skill, and that is with the new oversized drivers and better irons! Oh well, at least we will all be the best dressed golfers on the course.....LOL........

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:58 pm
by golfmobile

I'm not sure "best dressed" would be accurate -- maybe more like "most colorfully dressed." (And, of course, that can become pretty competitive if you think of all the jokes about golf attire!! -- all those red or green or plaid slacks!) If we can ever get together in Hawaii, at least we'll be wearing the correct attire. However, in Vegas, we might look at little strange. But, oh, what fun it would be to see all of us out on a golf course, all wearing our parrot shirts. Can you imagine the looks we would get in the Pro Shop? Just picturing that cracks me up!

But wouldn't we have fun at the Nineteenth Hole after the round????!!!!!

However, Larry found that wearing his black and purple parrot shirt didn't help his game. Note his cheerful expression after THIS tee shot:


(And, no, I think that is NOT his ball in the background [or he would have been walking in that direction], just a flower petal or something. If I recall correctly, this tee shot disappeared into the trees somewhere -- as most of our golf balls at Ko'olau did . . . .)
