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Personal update

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:00 pm
by ConchRepublican
Good morning everyone,

As most of you know I have been pretty much a stranger here the last few months.

As some of you know, my mom had a stroke on 8/10. It was a pretty big one, they consider it two actually as she had a secondary bleed, and she has been in a total of 4 hospitals and rehab facilities along the way. She has improved and we are lucky. She has no use of her right arm at this point, but she has feeling so that's good. Her right leg is pretty bad too, but PT has been able to get her up to 80 steps with a cane and about 50-50 assistance. Her mind is all there but she is suffering from aphasia and apraxia so while she knows in her head what she wants to say it comes out all garbled.

For an idea what it's like and to watch an update on a good man with a sad story, check this out: ... truly-Dr-Z

It's been a long struggle, basically a full time job, with her care - finding the right facilities to give her the best opportunities, navigating Medicare and insurance, all the while caring for both her and my dad and making sure they are both "OK" as everything is swirling around them. They are both relatively young, mom just turned 69 and dad 70 this past September, but they are old thinkers. Hard workers frustrated that their hard work hasn't put them in the position they hoped it would.

But finally we are turning a corner. We met with a live-in home aide last night that we think will be a perfect segue to her returning home. Once she's back, Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies will kick back in (don't get me started on managed Medicare). Hopefully being back in her familiar surroundings will give her a boost as well.

Which should give me a break as well and some time to spend on the best message board on the internets. After some RnR in the Keys for New Year's of course. 8)

Re: Personal update

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:08 am
by J.J. Walters
Conch, you're in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you have done everything you can (and then some) for your mom and dad in this tough time. I would do the same. That's what family is all about.

Re: Personal update

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:59 pm
by ConchRepublican
Thank you J.J.!

I look at it as being thankful to be in a position to help.

Re: Personal update

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:47 pm
by BWheelz54
If I might say so, Conch, you do your parents proud. My thoughts with you as I know a little of the hurt involved with caring for a parent who is going through a difficult health time. Peace and health to you and your family this Christmas.

Re: Personal update

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:53 pm
by Doc Ibold

Echoing JJ - Your mom has been in my thoughts the past few months, and I'm glad to see there is at least some light at the end of the tunnel. My family has a history of stroke on both sides and wading through the insurance and coverage and the most applicable rehab centers are a nightmare to say the least.

It's good to see that your mom is progressing and they have her up and moving (even with assistance). You've done everything you possibly could in this type of situation, and I'm glad things are starting to resolve themselves.

I'm sure they're proud of you, as we're proud to have you here.

Keep on keeping on, post when you can and we'll leave the tiki on for ya!

(Or at least have the lads on Patrol)

Re: Personal update

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:05 pm
by ConchRepublican
Thank you Doc and BWheelz!

Your kind words are appreciated.

Re: Personal update

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:51 am
by Steve
So sorry to hear about your news. Your Parents are in great hands what with a very caring, extraordinariy intelligent (but then again that just naturally goes with a Magnum/Jimmy Buffet/dry martini afficionado). Best of luck and by the way, what did your parents think of you COZI TV spots?

Re: Personal update

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:40 pm
by ConchRepublican
That's a lot to live up to Steve! :lol: thanks!

As for the Cozi spots, mom and dad acted just like a mom and dad. Telling everybody, mom posting in her groups online, commenting on the Cozi FB page . . . "That's my boy" never really goes away does it? :)