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Tom Selleck Joins Dancing With The Stars

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:28 pm
by maggiepoole
Tom Selleck Joins Dancing With The Stars

The man who single-handedly made the mustache hot again is joining Dancing With The Stars. Yes, we're talking about Tom Selleck. He was apparently talked into it Steve Guttenberg, who was a part of last season's cast.

Producers thought Tom would be a major draw to the cougar demographic. And let's be honest…do you know any moms who don't love that show?!

This is shaping up to be an interesting cast! Kim Kardashian is in, as well as her mom Kris Jenner, as well as Toni Braxton and Lance Bass, to name a couple.

Poor Tara Reid, who was reportedly denied several times from the show, for not being "family friendly" enough. We're psyched to see Selleck's dance floor moves! ... _1080.aspx

OMG! :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:54 pm
by Coops
Tara Reid isn't family friendly enough...yet Kim Kardashian is?


Sounds like this should be a fun one to watch.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:46 pm
by Miss Q
I am glad I willbe able to see him on TV, but come on....

What is he thinking!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:03 pm
by J.J. Walters

I guess I'll have to start watching Dancing With the Stars now!

Thanks for the heads up Maggie!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:16 pm
by Miss Q
This is actually funny....

There was a thread last month about us wishing he was on the show....
he must have heard us... lol

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:00 pm
by DarCA
Is this confirmed? I thought Dancing with The Stars had not announced the new line up yet?

But just in case, I'm setting my DRV.

I loved watching Steve G. last season - he was so sweet and did well for a non-dancing kinda guy.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:20 pm
by Miss Q
There are 4 or 5 weblinks stating this as fact, so I guess its true

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:03 pm
by MPS
Wow! If TS is on DWTS, I can now join the post-show "discussions" at work. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:13 pm
by layne
Wow! I'm shocked he's going to do this. Has he seen what these dancers go through to prepare? :shock:

It is funny how this was suggested earlier (by Golf?). Seems it would take months to prepare. Maybe Jillie has been working out with him!

Even at 63 Tom is still a risk taker. Go Tom! This should be a blast to watch.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:09 pm
by tidal pool
I have nothing against DWTS, but I'm a little disappointed to hear that TS is doing this. With his talent and abilities, it just seems there would/should be something better out there for him. I don't why, but I kind of relate this show to attracting celebrities whos careers are slowing down. Don't want TS to have that image or perception. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:45 pm
by MPS
I've never seen DWTS, by it does seem to be wildly popular with the under 40 female crowd. The weekly (?) results are big news in mags like US Weekly.

A stint on a show like that is going to expose TS to loads of people who aren't familiar with him....not a bad thing. He should get lots of press...also, not a bad thing. And, he will end up in great shape...again, not a bad thing. He'll probably have a great time doing it, as well. JMO

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:19 pm
by layne
MPS wrote:I've never seen DWTS, by it does seem to be wildly popular with the under 40 female crowd. The weekly (?) results are big news in mags like US Weekly.

A stint on a show like that is going to expose TS to loads of people who aren't familiar with him....not a bad thing. He should get lots of press...also, not a bad thing. And, he will end up in great shape...again, not a bad thing. He'll probably have a great time doing it, as well. JMO
Myself, I've only watched DWTS a few times but I agree with you. The show is probably one of the most popular and talked about shows. It's always top of the ratings every week if not the #1 show.

It will definitely show a side of TS we've never seen before which will be fun. Plus, he'll will get tons of press. You'll see him everywhere.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:55 pm
by Kahunagirl
My husband -- who's not a dancer by any means -- has become hooked on DWTS. After seeing Emmitt Smith do so well a couple of seasons back, I was even able to convince him to take beginner ballroom dancing lessons with me through our local Adult Ed. Not that either of us remember anything we learned!

I'm kinda conflicted about the prospects of seeing TS on the show. But in addition to Steve G, Jane Seymour also did it, so what the hey!

The official "new cast" announcement is scheduled for August 25th.


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:28 pm
by Doc Ibold
Wow, just get Ted Danson to do it, and the entire cast of "Three Men and a Baby" is on there!

The ladies have gotta be lovin this!

I agree, though, Kim Kardashian?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:37 pm
by Miss Q
she's (Kim K) a pig.... bad choice by the network IMO