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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:29 am
by grapeshot
My DVR tells me that Tom Selleck is scheduled for the following appearances:

The Tonight Show, Wednesday night, 10/3, at 11:35 Eastern

Ellen Degeneres, Thursday, 10/4 (this show is syndicated, so you'll have to check your local listings for when it airs in your area)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:07 am
by SelleckLover
Thanks grapeshot, I really appreciate the heads up, since I'm so not in the electronic age yet...LOL :D

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:25 am
by grapeshot
heh, wouldn't want to see you get deprived! (depraved? maybe. deprived? no.)

I just saw a preview tonight for Vegas this coming Friday, and TS was very definitely in the show! I'm starting to get excited about it.

I have to say that every time I tried to watch Vegas in the past, I found it a bit of a snore -- this despite very obvious attempts by the producers to liven things up with some over-the-top plots -- and of course, the requisite sexy women. But this time seeing the previews made the show look sexy in a way that it never looked before. I guess that's what the charisma of star power brings to the table.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:45 pm
by SelleckLover
LOL grapeshot...I think the word 'depraved' is the right word to use!

I agree with you about the show 'Las Vegas'....couldn't really get into it before, and I found it a bit boring, as I do most television shows now-a-days. But now that our Tom Terrific is in it, it won't be boring any longer! I notice that he's getting billed now as a "legend" now, so maybe he will get some creative input into the show. I can't wait! :D