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Ron Wood

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:37 am
by J.J. Walters
Ok, this is just weird. Several years ago a friend of mine informed me that Ron Wood (long time guitarist for the Rolling Stones) had made several brief appearances on our beloved show. Mystified, I looked him up on the IMDB and sure enough, he's there, credited with four appearances on the show (link). I can recall reading an online article or two (somewhere) mentioning "Ronnie" in MPI, as well. also credits him with appearing on the show.

One small problem, Ron Wood (aka The Stones Ron Wood, aka Ronnie Wood) never appeared on the show! At least as far as my eyes can tell.

Visual evidence #1: from Ki'i's Don't Lie

Visual evidence #2: from The Treasure of Kalaniopu'u

Both episodes credit a 'Ron Wood' as appearing. I'm a huge Stones fan, and I'm here to tell ya, that is NOT Ronnie Wood! It's a different 'Ron Wood', one who does not have a listing on the IMDB. I ran through both episodes with a fine tooth comb and those pics are definitely the person credited as 'Ron Wood' in the episodes. And nobody else in the episode comes remotely close to looking like 'The Stones Ron Wood'.

So, unless I'm missing something or Ronnie's nose suddenly got much smaller, this business of Ron Wood from The Stones appearing on Magnum P.I. is nothing more than an Urban Legend. ;)

All these years I thought Ronnie Wood had made small cameos on the show, and now it turns out to be not true - and the IMDB still credits him with appearing on the show!



Can anyone else shed some light on this perplexing issue?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:33 pm
by Waltstasz


Yes, I know my photoshops skills suck. :oops: :D

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:51 pm
by J.J. Walters
Bwahh!! LOL!!


Waltstasz that is too funny man. What a riot!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:26 pm
by Waltstasz
:D Thanks.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:32 am
by KC
Good one Walt! Maybe Keith Richards should have done a cameo, we all know his affinity for climbing trees in tropical locations..

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:15 am
by Shermy
I encountered this same mixup several months ago, when someone pointed out that filmography to me. The funny thing is, I could easily see Ronnie appearing on the show in a Hawaiian shirt- possibly working at a hotel or something.

However, the most immediate problem was that the Stones were in the middle of a massive tour in late 1981- when Double Jeopardy would've likely been produced. Ronnie also (reportedly) had a pretty bad cocaine habit around that time, so juggling two careers was probably out of the question. Of course, one look at Double Jeopardy revealed that it was just someone else named Ron Wood.

Ronnie has made cameo appearances in a few films, though. In addition to "The Wild Life", he can be glimpsed in "9 1/2 Weeks" and (if memory serves) "Hard To Hold". His role in the latter 2 were little more than an extra, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:47 pm
by J.J. Walters
Thanks Shermy. Glad to know it's not just me seeing it. ;)

The whole thing is just so bizarre to me. How does something like this get started? I guess way back when, someone saw the name 'Ron Wood' attached to these episodes, noticed a very, very slight resemblance to Ronnie and reported it to the IMDB, which was then picked up by other sources.

It's just hard to imagine that this hasn't been corrected in all these years. One would have thought SOMEONE would have noticed the error on Ronnie's filmography and reported it.

In any event, I HAVE reported the error to the IMDB. We'll see if it gets corrected.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:41 pm
by J.J. Walters
Well, it's been over six weeks since I sent my 'update' request to the IMDB. I havn't heard from them and the MPI references are still there. Maybe they don't believe me, I dunno.

It looks like Ronnie is going to be forever credited (erroneously) with four phantom appearances on MPI! As much as I love Ronnie and MPI, and as much as I would have loved to have seen the two associated together, this TV credit needs to be corrected.

If anyone has the time, go to Ronnie's IMDB page, scroll to the bottom, click 'Update', fill in the info, and send. Include a link-back to this thread.

Just doing my part to rid the world of erroneous data. ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:12 pm
by Shermy
Yeah, that's always been a problem with the IMDB. Any kid can contribute information, but it takes forever for them to correct inaccurate entries. I'm sure there's probably more focus paid to current films/tv shows as well.

The funny thing is, if anyone ever shows that to Ronnie...he'll probably believe it himself! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:44 am
by J.J. Walters
Shermy wrote:The funny thing is, if anyone ever shows that to Ronnie...he'll probably believe it himself! :lol:

It's too bad he wasn't actually in the show. They could have made some great scenes with him -- as a surly hotel desk clerk, or something:

(Magnum enters a run-down Honolulu hotel in the shady part of town)
Magnum: Hi, I'm Thomas Magnum and I'm looking for a .... friend of mine. Can you help me out pal?
Ronnie: Now why would I want to do that, mate?
(Magnum pulls out a bill from his wallet)
Magnum: Because Mr. Lincoln is asking nicely?!
Ronnie: (laughs) You gotta be joe-king! Unless Mr. Jackson joins Mr. Lincoln, I'm not interested ....... pal.
Magnum: That's all I have! Cmon, help a guy out. It's for a good cause.
Ronnie: (leans closer to Magnum) Heh, then why don't you just sod off, you jungle-bird-shirt-wearing fruitcake!
(Magnum looks at the camera and sighs)

Or something like that, anyway. :shock:

Better yet, since Mick acts, they could have brought both of them over, and had them strut around Robin's Nest. Maybe belt out a song or two, with Magnum on the sax. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:19 am
by Shermy

Oh yeah, Mick could've done that scene easily. Ronnie...maybe one line of it. :lol:

And Keith? Forget it. He'd have stayed up all night and then failed to report to the set. :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:08 pm
by J.J. Walters
Well, I'm happy to report that longtime Rolling Stones guitarist Ron Wood is no longer credited with appearing in four MPI episodes on the IMDB!

I feel better knowing that has been cleared up. :)