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It's Official.... He's on Las Vegas

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:01 pm
by Miss Q
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Tom Selleck, who reigned in Hawaii as "Magnum, P.I.," is getting ready to take over "Las Vegas."

Selleck will join the cast of the NBC drama next season, playing a billionaire with a mysterious past who becomes the new owner of the show's centerpiece hotel, the Montecito Resort & Casino, the network said Wednesday.

Selleck is coming to the series at the same time that James Caan, who starred as the casino's chief executive, is departing. Caan, who had previously announced he would leave after the season finale in March, will be back for the premiere next season, NBC said.

Selleck played the brawny but easygoing detective Thomas Magnum on the hit CBS drama from 1980-88. He appeared on NBC's "Friends" as boyfriend to Monica (Courteney Cox) and has starred in a number of TV movies, including "Ike: Countdown to D-Day" and the "Jesse Stone" films.

His films include "3 Men and a Baby," "In & Out" and "Quigley Down Under."


Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:13 pm
by frog480
We don't get this show on regular TV in the UK, is it any good?.

I've noticed the DVD's for sale on Amazon, so I've got the jist of what it's about.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:49 am
by Miss Q
I loved it BEFORE I found out TS will be on it.... Its a fun show with a lot of cleavage

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:51 am
by grapeshot
I tried the show when it first debuted, because I thought it would be interesting to see James Caan on a network TV show, but I didn't think the show was anything special. Not enough James Caan to suit me, and way too much in the silly stories department.

I guess it has a lot of eye candy, depending on your persuasion, however not enough of the kind that would suit me. Perhaps now, with Tom Selleck on board, it might become more interesting for me in the eye candy department. I'm not holding out great hope for interesting plots, though.

Here's a link to an episode on YouTube, so you can see for yourself:
Las Vegas Episode

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:31 pm
by grapeshot
Here's a funny Vegas/Magnum mashup.

It actually seems pretty well made.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:07 am
by SelleckLover
Wow, grapeshot! Nice find. You're right, it is very well done. :D
And after seeing the guy named Josh Duhamel, I think he could play Magnum in the Magnum Movie......just my opinion!(':D')

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:49 pm
by MagnumPI_Cat
That cracked me up and impressed me at exactly the same time!
Fantastic. TC's helicopter at the end was great.
I hope I don't watch the so much I think it's the real Las Vegas theme.


Edit 10 minutes later: Oops, too late. I'm thinking it's the real intro.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:17 pm
by Steve
I posted the following on the Yahoo site yesterday Thursday July 26.....

From "Stella's Column" in today's CHICAGO SUN TIMES(a gossip column)

THE SCOOP: Heard from my good friend, actor and native Chicagoan Larry
Manetti, who told this sista': "For the first time in almost 20 years,
Tom Selleck, Roger Moseley and I will appear together in an episode of
the NBC drama "Las Vegas", with filming to start on Monday"...........

I just hope they let Tom have some input on the character he will be
playing as hed did with Magnum..........


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:31 pm
by Jeffrey
That would be great!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:15 am
by J.J. Walters
Thanks for that inside scoop Steve. Let us all hope that "Stella" (STELLA!!) is reliable. If so, that would be unbelievably awesome to the tenth degree!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:36 am
by golfmobile
I request that someone post here when the first episode of the season with Tom Selleck in it will air. I don't follow network TV very much, so I could very well miss it (though I would hope my "Tom Selleck" search on TiVo would find it and record it for me). But if someone here finds out when TS will debut in it, I would appreciate a reminder.

In the meantime, I have a feeling I'm going to be greatly disappointed. As grapeshot pointed out, "not enough James Caan." So I fear the producers will continue to go with story lines emphasizing the hip, young, "beautiful people," with TS only in a few scenes. I think that will be very unfortunate -- that they will aim for that Gen-X target audience, unlike, for example, "Boston Legal," where the "old timers" -- Shatner, Spader, Bergin, Auberjonois, etc. -- ARE the main characters in most of the story lines. Even the guest stars -- e.g., Tom Selleck as Candice Berger's ex -- again centered around that "age group," such as it is, the now aging "baby boomers." Which is probably a lot of us MPI fans here. I'm just afraid all the "glitz and glam" of Las Vegas will overshadow the characters who are worthy of watching. If you see what I mean . . . .? If TS isn't utilized much, I hope he has the sense to get out, if he realizes he's disappointing his fans. Unless his character becomes more of a focal point for the show, I won't watch it just to see him in, basically, cameos. I'd rather watch MPI repeats. And, by the way, I saw that Hallmark Channel is running Stone Cold next Saturday (Aug. 4) at 9 p.m. If they've "bought" that one, maybe they've bought all the others too and will run them sooner or later? I'd like to see Sea Change again -- after watching it the first time (and falling asleep before it ended because I knew it was TiVo'ed), I accidentally deleted it from TiVo -- AAAGHH!!!


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:45 am
by SelleckLover
As I've said before, I'd watch TS read the phone book, so him being on "Vegas" could never be a disappointment to me, no matter how little he's on it. I've started watching it when I can, so I can sort of follow what's going on when the new season starts. What golfmobile said about them aiming for the Gen-X demographic I think is true and will be done. But I will watch it, just the same because TS is part of the cast. It will be better than not watching him at all! We don't get a lot of the cable channels here that other cable companies offer.

I hope that "scoop" by Stella is true. It would be a hoot to see them together again!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:39 pm
by Steve
According to the official NBC/Las Vegas web site, there will be a two hour
season premier on Friday September 28, at 9:00pm/8:00pm central time....


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:51 pm
by golfmobile

