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Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:10 pm
by golfmobile
Right, James, DOS.

I'll try to get a clip of it tonight and post it. Maybe it won't be as off-putting to everyone else as it was to me -- I guess I just expect better of TS. So I guess we can convince ourselves it was scripted and they cut some dialogue afterward.

But it still sure doesn't look like it to me. . . . .

Now I got you all waiting on eggshells for this evening . . . . . :lol:


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:20 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
Two theories here:

1) Scripted
2) TS and said actress also had something going on behind the screen.

TS strikes me as too upstanding just to cop a feel for no reason.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:28 pm
by J.J. Walters
Ah, DoS. Thanks.
Miss Q wrote:James,

Where did you find Superdome.... Its one of the two missing items in my collection...
Sorry for the late reply on this Miss Q!

You can watch Superdome (if you must) on YouTube. It's in 10 parts, with Part 1 starting here. The version on YouTube is from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode that featured this movie, so you will see a silhouette of a man and two robots at the bottom of the screen doing running commentary throughout the movie. The opening segment in Part 1 is from MST3K, not Superdome. MST3K (1988-1999) is one of my all-time favorite shows. The running commentary is the only reason this movie is watchable, otherwise it would be truly painful to endure! A prime example of this is at the end of the movie. After seeing no football action for the entire movie, after seeing a plot that completely revolves around the football teams and the New Orleans Superdome, we finally see the teams enter the field and get ready to square off for the big Super Bowl game at the Superdome.... only to have the end credits roll, movie over! Servo (one of the robots) promptly stands up and starts shouting, "Who won? Who won the game?? Who won the game???" as they leave the theater. :)

Superdome doesn't appear to have ever been released on VHS or DVD and I don't think it's ever been re-aired after the original broadcast. And for good reason! If it wasn't for the MST3K episode (an early one from 1988*) this trainwreck would never have been seen again, by anyone! So, thank you MST3K! :)

* the first season of MST3K, when it was a small, local production at KTMA TV in the twin cities.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:04 am
by golfmobile
Okay, boys and girls, time to start a poll on this one. VOTE:

CAF (copping a feel)
NCAF (not copping a feel)


and here the movement is in action in the movie (it IS very quick! So the still above should give you a hint of where to look for it) (I'm sorry it's not better quality -- I've tried uploading this clip three different places and they are all rather fuzzy -- I think this comes from converting a DVD video to analog, which really deteriorates quality. If you want the links to view it on photobucket or webshots, I can provide those, but the clip is not any better on those sites and webshots is even worse.):


Or if anyone can tell me how to rip a clip from a DVD while it plays in a freeware program, I'll be happy to try it again. But the only programs I can find that will do that are payware programs, and I don't want to pay $30-40 to get a good video of this one little clip.

So what are the votes? I vote CAF.

Oh, yes, in this pitiful excuse for a movie, there is gratuitous female nudity (NOW all the guys will PM me for a DVD!!! :lol: :lol: But relax, guys, there's not THAT much nudity, and the circumstances of it are so poorly acted -- well, never mind that thought . . . . trust me, it's not that alluring.)


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:57 am
by layne
Ok. I'm laughing at just where this thread has gone! You're too funny golf!

From that short clip and pic, I'm voting CAF. I got no excuses for Mr. Selleck either! He's grabbing her bum but she's really not returning the "favor" is she? What is she, crazy??? lol

Yep. I vote CAF. But as Carmen would he a guy?? lol

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:46 am
by SelleckLover
Maybe he thought she was shorter, and was grabbing for her shoulder? I dunno...I'm gonna have to vote CAF here!
If you want to talk embarrasing things on caught in a movie, in 12 Mile Road, there's a scene where the character TS is playing is supposed to be having back problems, so he lays down on the living room floor on his back, and brings his knees to his chest. It is at that moment that he rips a really big one!!! (I can't believe they left that in!) He's saying dialogue at that moment, but it can clearly be heard! I really didn't want to post this, but since we're talking about copping a feel, etc. -- well, I just had to. Sorry, Mr. Selleck, if you're reading this -- I didn't want to do it! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:25 am
by golfmobile

Now THAT is too funny!!! Gotta go check that scene in Twelve Mile Road again!



Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:31 am
by layne
Stop!!!!! Just stop it! You guys are KILLING me!!!!

Now I have to go watch 12 Mile Road again! I really don't have the time to be watching all these movies right now! :lol:

I'm laughing. Golf and SL get awards for most interesting topics! Anyone got anything else to add? Definitely some priceless movie moments going on here!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:21 am
by SelleckLover
When you go to that scene, just before, crank up the volume. That's how I first discovered it. Our kitchen is open to our livingroom but our TV is approx. 40 feet from the kitchen. I turned up the volume because I had something to do in the kitchen and didn't want to miss any of the movie.
Wow...does this put me in the same class as a "master flub spotter" or something? Or maybe I'm a "master fart spotter"??? ROFLMAO!!!!


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:36 am
by J.J. Walters
Looks more like a CAP (copping a pat) to me. ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:56 pm
by IKnowWhatYoureThinking
I vote NCAF. He barely touches her, and as quick as the video is it almost looks as if no touch is made.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:23 pm
by rubber chicken
Perhaps this is a case of the age old WGTCAFBATLSTBOI (Was Going To Cop A Feel But At The Last Second Thought Better Of It).

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:57 pm
by golfmobile

:lol: :lol:

I still think he did it and maybe that's why the shot was cut so abruptly right there -- tried to cut it out and "missed it by that much . . . . "

Or for IKWYT's sake, we can put it as the WGTCAFBORHWBFFB (Was Going to Cop a Feel But -- Oops! Remembered He Was Being Filmed from Behind) movement.


Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:26 pm
by Steve
SelleckLover wrote:I have a VHS tape of Twelve Mile Road that I bought on eBay. I thought it was a good story and you really get to see TS's dramatic acting chops.
I actually got around to watching this yesterday on LMN or whatever that chick network is called now. Since it is now offered in HD, I was able to thwart my "Man-Theater" and trick it into thinking it was womens hockey game and secretly lock in on that channel. Of course, I had to watch the Blachawks last night and will have to watch Football today to get my man status back. Very good movie indeed and, like I had posted before, Wendy Crewson and Anna Gunn are two of my favorite actresses. Oh, and TS was truly good in this as well, I love to see him in roles like this.......

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:59 am
by Carmen
Bought the Tom Selleck Western Collection on amazon. Love them all.
But, to quote a German comedian
She says: "All western are the same" He answers: "That`s not true and it doesn`t matter"

Oh, it is Crossfire trail, Last Stand at Saber river and Monte Walsh.
I like Crossfire trail best.