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What episode? Magnum hurt his leg playing "Over the Line"?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:14 am
by e5j

A friend told me he saw an episode (original series, not reboot) where Magnum stated he hurt his leg playing "Over the Line". Does anyone know what episode this occurred in?

Over the Line is a beach sport, basically 3-on-3 beach softball without base running, invented in San Diego in the late 1950s.

It's stunning to think that reference occurred in the show. If anyone knows which episode, I'd appreciate it.


Re: What episode? Magnum hurt his leg playing "Over the Line

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:35 am
by MikeS
Hi e5j

Welcome :D

Your post sparked a bit of interest for me, being a SD native... it looks like the ep you're referring to is 6.19, probably the longest title of MPI, maybe of any show ever!

Who is Don Luis Higgins, and Why is He Doing These Terrible Things to Me?

You can read the forum thread for the episode if you like -> -- The last page IIRC mentions OTL.

Re: What episode? Magnum hurt his leg playing "Over the Line

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:32 am
by MagnumILWU
We played "Over the Line" growing up, at the park with a hardball! Two on each team. Your own teammate would pitch to you. You had a line. marked my two objects. The two guys in the field, one would play the infield, and the other the outfield. If you hit the ball on the ground through the line, it was a single. Anything over the infielders head, that landed before the outfielder could catch it was a double. If the oufielder missed the ball, it was a triple, and over his head was a homerun! Anything caught of course was an out. Threee outs and nine innings, like a regular game. I grew up in Portland OR in the 60's/70's, and thousands of kids played it this way! Great fun when you only have a few guys to play ball! You might play shorter innings, if you had a team that was going to play the winner!