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Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:29 pm
by Milton Collins
Maybe I'm missing a thread that already exists about this book but I just received it as a birthday gift and can't wait to read! It was written by Larry in 1999 and is currently out of print. It can be purchased on his website with his autograph (I'm very happy as mine is one of the autographed copies!!). Anyway, have only gotten a couple pages in but glanced through it and it looks to be a fantastic read with lots of behind the scenes scoop on the show, the guys real lives in Hawaii, some awesome pictures, and even some recipes by Larry Mannetti. I can't wait to read more!

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:47 pm
by SignGuyHPW
I got it about a month or so ago and really enjoyed it. There's probably a few different threads on here about it, but one more can't hurt anything.

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:41 am
by Styles Bitchley
I've never bought a copy, despite thinking about it for the past fifteen years. I should just do it. Anyone know if the photos in the book posted somewhere on the site here?

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:01 am
by eltonsean
I loved reading Larry's "ALOHA MAGNUM". Fun book with lots of great insight into the show's run and life in Honolulu :)

I actually created the facebook page for the book so I could "Like" it on Facebook. My Aloha Magnum Facebook page even was acknowledged on Larry's radio show and they thanked me for creating it 8)

here's the link:

I liked the book so much I have it on permanent display in my living room.

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:35 pm
by Milton Collins
eltonsean wrote:I loved reading Larry's "ALOHA MAGNUM". Fun book with lots of great insight into the show's run and life in Honolulu :)

I actually created the facebook page for the book so I could "Like" it on Facebook. My Aloha Magnum Facebook page even was acknowledged on Larry's radio show and they thanked me for creating it 8)

here's the link:

I liked the book so much I have it on permanent display in my living room.

How cool eltonsean! I am about a quarter way through and love it so far. So cool to get inside insight (and to discover what a wild troublemaker Larry was lol!) on the show and the behind the scenes scoop!

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:26 am
by eltonsean
Milton Collins wrote:How cool eltonsean! I am about a quarter way through and love it so far. So cool to get inside insight (and to discover what a wild troublemaker Larry was lol!) on the show and the behind the scenes scoop!
Ya, Larry was always up to some kind of mischief it seems, lol :) I ordered one online and for some reason i received an extra copy a few weeks after the first copy. The second book's box looked like it had been through a war. Weird. Not that I'm complaining, now i have two copies for the price of one :magnum:

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:51 pm
by Milton Collins
The further I get into the book (reading slowly as life is busy right now) the more I am dying laughing at what a character Larry Mannetti was. So cool to get all this inside scoop on the whole cast. I find it a little odd that Roger Mosely doesn't get as much mention as the other three? For some reason I was under the impression that he and Larry shared a trailer and were very close but it seems like Mannetti and Selleck were the close ones. Just something I observed, love the book and am excited to email Larry to let him know when I'm finished.

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:39 pm
by Little Garwood
I acquired a copy of this book through rather unfortunate circumstances (a close friend died in December 2014) but did read it pretty quickly late last year. Enjoyable stuff and a really fun read but I felt it was a missed opportunity. I would have liked more stories about LM's interactions with his co-stars.

I also wish he had gone into more detail about the MPI-Simon & Simon crossover. Manetti says that he was up for the role of A.J. Simon yet he fails to provide any anecdotes about "K'i's Don't Lie" and its filming. He also had no idea that S&S ran more than just "a couple years" thanks to its exposure on MPI!

However, the book is, as I said, a fun read and it was interesting to learn of LM's various youthful and middle-aged escapades.

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:16 pm
by KingKC
Little Garwood wrote:I acquired a copy of this book through rather unfortunate circumstances (a close friend died in December 2014) but did read it pretty quickly late last year. Enjoyable stuff and a really fun read but I felt it was a missed opportunity. I would have liked more stories about LM's interactions with his co-stars.

I also wish he had gone into more detail about the MPI-Simon & Simon crossover. Manetti says that he was up for the role of A.J. Simon yet he fails to provide any anecdotes about "K'i's Don't Lie" and its filming. He also had no idea that S&S ran more than just "a couple years" thanks to its exposure on MPI!

However, the book is, as I said, a fun read and it was interesting to learn of LM's various youthful and middle-aged escapades.
I have the book on my birthday and Christmas wish list so I hope my wife realizes how big of a MPI fan I was.

In addition to the exposure S&S got on MPI CBS slotted Simon and Simon right after MPI and that helped it tremendously since back in the old days not all TV's had remotes and we were averse to getting up out of our chairs to change stations...or at least I Remotes became popular with VCRs in the mid to late 80s. But I thoroughly enjoyed S&S as it think it had the best opening theme song/instrumental of all time...even better than MPI.


Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 3:49 pm
by TSM308
Just ordered!

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:29 pm
by TSM308
Received mine a few days ago - autographed copies still available!

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:22 am
by Magnum's moustache
Image Image

Received mine yesterday, can't wait to read it :D

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:47 pm
by Big Kahuna
Milton Collins wrote:Maybe I'm missing a thread that already exists about this book but I just received it as a birthday gift and can't wait to read! It was written by Larry in 1999 and is currently out of print. It can be purchased on his website with his autograph (I'm very happy as mine is one of the autographed copies!!). Anyway, have only gotten a couple pages in but glanced through it and it looks to be a fantastic read with lots of behind the scenes scoop on the show, the guys real lives in Hawaii, some awesome pictures, and even some recipes by Larry Mannetti. I can't wait to read more!
I looked on his website to see how much it was compared to say Amazon and it made no specific reference to the fact that it was signed. Is this still the case? When you got yours, did it specifically say that it was signed..?

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:23 pm
by Little Garwood
Reading Aloha Magnum again after three years. I'd forgotten lots of the funny stories which fill this fun book, like when Selleck left the note in the French Cross gift box stating, "Stolen by Larry Manetti, 1989."

Manetti's affection and admiration for Tom Selleck is evident throughout this book. I'm so glad he wrote it.

In the Television Chronicles article I submitted to Magnum Mania, the piece mentions that the article's author was working on a Magnum, P.I. book; guess it never got published.

Re: Aloha Magnuma- Larry Mannetti's tell all book

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:06 pm
by terryfromkerry
Wow! LG,

That's some coincidence. I started reading the book again also and read the very same anecdote before you posted. I feel we are so fortunate Larry wrote the book when he did. His MPI experiences were still fresh at the time. Plus it is a nostalgic time machine visit to the '80's for us MPI maniacs. I also totally agree you can tell how much affection and respect he has for TS. I do hope when TS does his auto biog that he has total recall anecdotes of his MPI era and devotes a big part of the biog to that era.

PS. I am also searching for that elusive Aloha shirt you mentioned in a recent post.