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Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:24 am
by MagnumILWU
Watching "All Roads Lead to Floyd". Magnum tells the girl, "call me Tom"!At least up to this episode, he calls himself, "Tom Magnum"! What episode did Magnum start referring to himself as "Thomas", and Thomas only?

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:16 am
by Doc Ibold
To be honest, he sort of flips between the two throughout the series (when introducing himself)

Season One, he's primarily "Tom", around Season 2-6 he goes by Thomas for the majority. Season 7, he uses the two interchangeably from what I recall. Season 8, I think he goes back to Thomas. The only thing I do know is that he doesn't like "Tommy"... See S4 "Limited Engagment"*

It's kind of hard to gauge because Rick and TC call him Tom up front in Season One, but then go to Thomas exclusively for the remainder of the series. Higgins never calls him anything but Magnum.

I don't know that he HAS a preference (like Private Investigator), because his Tidewater friends and family all call him "Tom", including his mom. I doubt his mom would run around calling him something he didn't like.

*Magnum's dad does refer to him as "Tommy" in S4 "Home From The Sea"

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:51 pm
by MagnumILWU
There is still a point, an episode, where he stops saying, "Hi, I'm Tom Magnum". And he introduces himself as "Thomas Magnum", which really lasts for the rest of the series!

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:36 pm
by Doc Ibold
Very well then, if you need a drop off point......Memories are Forever, part 1.

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:07 pm
by MagnumILWU
First, you don't even answer the question I asked! Then you get mad, and petty! If you don't like the question, or don't know the answer, then don't answer the post!

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:16 am
by Doc Ibold

I don't mean to get into semantics with you, but I did answer the question when you asked:

"What episode did Magnum start referring to himself as "Thomas" and Thomas only"

I agreed with you that he went by Tom for the better part of Season One, and then slipped into Thomas for Season Two and beyond. He then reverted back to Tom in some episodes in Season 7, probably because of the writers scripting it that way.

The short answer is that he doesn't actually stick to Thomas for the remainder of the series, but DOES seem to use "Thomas" as the preferred name for a majority of it.

I used the Tidewater reference to show that at some point he did go by "Tom"... And doesn't seem to correct them like he does when people use "PI"

I clarified (probably quickly and apologetically perhaps sounding short, as i was at work) that if you did want a jumping off point, it would probably be around Memories Are Forever, give or take an episode up until some point in Season 7.

I'm sorry it's not the answer you're looking for, but its the best one I have as he never truly goes exclusively "Thomas" for the rest of the series.


Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:40 am
by MagnumILWU
My question doesn't ask what his mother or other people call him. It's what HE calls himself. How he introduces himself. I was just trying to see if someone could come up with the episode, where it changes from Tom to Thomas, that simple. My first name is Thomas. I'e been called Tommy, Tom, and Thomas, even T by other people and family. But I have always referred to myself as Tom. He calls himself Tom at first, then it becomes Thomas for the rest of the series run. No matter what anyone else called him.

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:08 am
by terryfromkerry
MagnumILWU wrote:My question doesn't ask what his mother or other people call him. It's what HE calls himself. How he introduces himself. I was just trying to see if someone could come up with the episode, where it changes from Tom to Thomas, that simple. My first name is Thomas. I'e been called Tommy, Tom, and Thomas, even T by other people and family. But I have always referred to myself as Tom. He calls himself Tom at first, then it becomes Thomas for the rest of the series run. No matter what anyone else called him.
Hi MagnumILWU,

LOL .......... You're melting my head ! Is there a doctor in the house?

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:29 pm
by Seaver41
TC also would call him TM

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:40 am
by ConchRepublican
To me he's always "Thomas" and it sounds odd when "Tom" is used.

But . . . I think it also helps with the flow of the show. I'm Peter, usually introduce my self as Peter but at times, usually informally, I sometime do the quick Pete. Yet most people call me Pete. What I think I'm getting at is if it's always "Thomas" it starts sounding forced and cardboard, the back and forth is a little more real.

As for when, on the show, the "change" happened? I have no idea. What I have learned watching this series with a long view is that a lot of things happen for a reason.

Re: Tom or Thomas?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:27 am
by SignGuyHPW
I got the sense that he didn't really have a preference and it depended on the situation which he used. If it was more casual he might use "Tom" where if it was more of a professional or formal situation then he may use "Thomas."